ORAS LC LC ORAS Team (peaked 1500 +/-)

LC ORAS may not look like a highly competitive Tier, but if you analyse it in-depth, you can see that it needs as much skill as you play any other tier since you have to know what move sets work good on what pokemon and what are the main threats on the ladder. I'm going to post one of the best teams I could've built in this tier, it has certain weak points but if you manage to know how to play with this team as well as I did, you'll be fine mainly because the weak points are just bad predicting or pokemon with other abilities.

Alabama (Vullaby) @ Eviolite
Ability: Overcoat
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 40 Atk / 236 Def / 156 SpD / 36 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Foul Play
- Roost
Vullaby is a great Physical wall, being able to counter Pawniard quite well and with access to Defog, She will have a great part in the team. besides from having Defog to get rid of Stealth Rocks, She gains access to Overcoat, which means if you happen to run into a foongus with spore (they usually carry it) you can switch out to her and it would negate the effect and not only that, it doesn't receive Hail or Sandstorm damage, so basically Overcoat is just like Safety Goggles. She Carries Eviolite to make her defensive stats even greater and resisting more in the field. With Foul Play it doesn't really matter if she doesn't have EVs in attack since Foul Play uses the target's Attack stat in damage calculation and since she's mainly in front of a physical attacker, chances are she'll deal fair damage. Brave Bird is a great move putting the recoil damage aside, it covers the fighting physical attackers and only EV she has on attack is there to deal slightly more damage when using Brave Bird. If she gets to low on HP, Roost can get her half of her total HP back and repeat doing what she does well, being a great LC wall.

LightItUp! (Chinchou) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Volt Absorb
Level: 5
EVs: 232 SpA / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt/Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Hydro Pump/Scald
Chinchou is one of my favorite pokemon, and not just because it's cute. with a unique Water/Electric typing she looks like she can pull some tricks. first of all, one of the best scarfers in the LC Metagame since it can deal heavy with Thunder(bolt) or with Hydro Pump/Scald. if things don't look too well for her while on the field, she can Volt switch out and give some momentum when needed. Hidden Power Ground is there only because of other Scarfed Chinchou who are timid as well, but if you still have Vullaby, you're okay with that but that is the moment when you play the predection game, if your opponent risks giving you more HP thanks to Volt Absorb thinking that Vullaby is coming in or use Hidden Power Ground and not hitting the Vullaby at all. as you can see, Thunderbolt is along side with Thunder, only because Thunder hits much harder but the accuracy doesn't help, but if you like to take the risk and use both Thunder and Hydro Pump, go ahead. I recommend just Thunderbolt since Hydro pump already has a chance to miss and I prefer Hydro pump (Scald isn't really needed since there is a flame body + W-o-W pokemon on the team.)

Houdini (Abra) (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Magic Guard
Level: 5
EVs: 236 SpA / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Thunder Wave
- Energy Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
Abra is really used in LC for a reason, with great Special Attack and Speed to match it, it can hit hard and it can hit first most of the times if we exclude priority moves. Magic Guard is great thanks to it not receiving damage from anything but direct attacks, which means Stealth Rock, Sandstrom, hail, poison, etc doesn't matter for him. STAB Psychic hits anything that isn't dark type for heavy damage and if it's super effective, it well mostly guarantee a KO thanks to his Expert Belt which helps him do even more damage than usual. Dazzling Gleam is a great move due to him being weak to Dark types and for more coverage overall. as you can see, He has Thunder Wave. At first you might be surprised but he really works well with it, paralyzing other mons and helping out slower team members like Ponyta and Vullaby. Energy ball is for coverage as well, mainly for non Scarfed Chinchou and rock/ground types.

ProportionPls (Gastly) (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
EVs: 76 Atk / 200 SpA / 200 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Shadow Ball/Hex
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Sucker Punch/Destiny Bond
Gastly is another common pokemon in the metagame due to it being similar to Abra, but with other STAB moves that are crucial in the metagame. Shadow Ball does enough damage to at least 2HKO almost any pokemon without Eviolite (and that isn't a Normal Type, of course) though Hex can work as well since Sludge Bomb can Poison the opponent 30% of the times, Ponyta can burn some pokemon and Abra can Paralyze other pokemon, so it's a good move to keep in mind as well. Sludge Bomb is a great move to deal with Fairy Types and another strong STAB move to have. Hidden Power Fighting is so good for Pawniards (OHKOs) and other Steel or Normal Types. Yes, he Has sucker punch. Why? for other Sashed Gastly that think they are safe from being knocked out it's so underrated in my own opinion since it can be used to guarantee damage or garantee knocking out a Sash-using pokemon, but if you think it wont bring the results, Destiny Bond is another way to go as well, doing almost the same thing, but you have to make sure that He's faster and that the pokemon you want to take with you doesn't have a priority move.
P.S if you happen to run Destiny Bond, you can take that one EV to HP, since it was considered to be left over since you cant add it to Speed nor Special Attack.

Xiao Dre (Mienfoo) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Fake Out
- U-turn
- Drain Punch/ High Jump Kick
Mienfoo... such a great Fighting Type in the LC Tier. with great stats and dividing it's EVs to be able to live a couple hits, it can work magic for the team. He has life orb because he knows how to use it so well plus it allows you to hit harder. Fake Out Lead is one way to go, since it has priority and can break Sturdy leads. Knock Off is too good, being able to hit harder if the opponent has an item and it gets rid of it, good to get rid of Eviolite users. U-Turn pivot/momentum is great to have plus the fact that Regenerator allows it to gain HP once it returns to you lets Mienfoo just go back out and Fake Out again. Drain Punch is first only because I have bad Experiences with HJK; Drain punch can also restore HP which is never bad and still hits hard thanks to it being STAB plus the Life Orb, HJK can OHKO a lot of pokemon with the Life Orb, but with my pass Experiences (it landed -no lie- 40-50% of the time) I prefer drain punch knowing that I can still be in the game sucking HP and dealing heavy damage.

Whips&NaeNaes (Ponyta) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Flame Body
Level: 5
EVs: 116 HP / 76 Atk / 76 Def / 156 SpD / 36 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Morning Sun
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Will-O-Wisp
Ponyta is the other wall on the team. The Only Reason it's more defensive than offensive is because of it's move set and it's ability, which is great to have on this particular team. It's jolly to make sure it can outspeed certain threats (at 17 Speed, it outspeeds 45-60% of the metagame pokemon, not including scarf users and if I recall this correctly, I could be wrong, but it does outspeed a lot of pokemon at that speed) and burn Physical attackers and make the rest of the team more comfortable to switch in and win the match. Morning sun gives it longevity and recover from it's attacking moves since both of them do recoil damage. Flare Blitz is it's STAB move and deals a lot of damage on anything that doesn't resist it and it a water type decides to come in, you can predict it and use Wild Charge (still have to watch out for Volt Absorb Chinchou, so be careful). W-o-W is a great move to insure burn status on Special Attackers (Flame Body can burn Physical Attackers, but if you wish to burn it ASAP, then you can use W-o-W the moment you can) and cripple them slowly and try to stall with Morning Sun can work from time to time.

Anyways, this is one of the best teams I made so far and I'm really proud of it. it took me to 1521 +/- (can't really remember, but the team took me to Top 400 at that time) and I hope it can help someone out there.
shout out to Fiend Hound for leading me here. [:
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you can't just insult the little cup community by saying the tier doesn't look competitive and then say this is the best you could come up with

teambuilding differences aside, there are multiple instances of this rmt that just scream you don't know what you're doing

1) foul play on vullaby? doesn't do anything. use knock off
2) vullaby is your pawniard counter when it only has foul play to hit it? silly me, i've been using pawniard as a vullaby check this entire time!
3) expert belt on abra? pretty sure it has magic guard and access to life orb!!
4) psychic / grass / fairy coverage on abra...mmmm love it when every steel ever comes in and makes me cry

obviously, if your team has issues and you want it rated, you can post it in this sub forum and we'll help you. we have no qualms helping you correct the problems with your team so you can improve as a player and get integrated into the community. but if you're asking for help, don't start the rmt off insulting the tier you're asking for help in, especially when you yourself haven't figured out "what move sets work good on what pokemon and what are the main threats on the ladder."

otherwise, your team is standard and is probably fine when you correct the downright bad problems i outlined above and just overall optimize your sets better. standard mons for a standard team

this response may come across as harsh, but your first sentence rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, myself included. we'd love for you to contribute more and get involved with little cup but in order for you to do so, you can't attempt to alienate the entire community first
you can't just insult the little cup community by saying the tier doesn't look competitive and then say this is the best you could come up with

teambuilding differences aside, there are multiple instances of this rmt that just scream you don't know what you're doing

1) foul play on vullaby? doesn't do anything. use knock off
2) vullaby is your pawniard counter when it only has foul play to hit it? silly me, i've been using pawniard as a vullaby check this entire time!
3) expert belt on abra? pretty sure it has magic guard and access to life orb!!
4) psychic / grass / fairy coverage on abra...mmmm love it when every steel ever comes in and makes me cry

obviously, if your team has issues and you want it rated, you can post it in this sub forum and we'll help you. we have no qualms helping you correct the problems with your team so you can improve as a player and get integrated into the community. but if you're asking for help, don't start the rmt off insulting the tier you're asking for help in, especially when you yourself haven't figured out "what move sets work good on what pokemon and what are the main threats on the ladder."

otherwise, your team is standard and is probably fine when you correct the downright bad problems i outlined above and just overall optimize your sets better. standard mons for a standard team

this response may come across as harsh, but your first sentence rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, myself included. we'd love for you to contribute more and get involved with little cup but in order for you to do so, you can't attempt to alienate the entire community first
as you can see, it is my first post of this sort, so I'm not someone who knows how to post stuff like that, and it's not harsh at all, just let me know directly what can be modified if needed. also, this team was in with other 35 teams I've made (and it's not as new).
in other words, I'm sorry if it mislead someone but when it was made and tested, it managed to pull through very well so I decided to post it here, but I can always move it to another forum/thread or w/e it's called lol
Hi! Cool team, but there are a few instances where you can improve. First of all, your Vullaby only has three attacks ;). As previously mentioned, Knock Off beats Foul Play (it's pathetic in LC as all mons have sucky attack stats). Your Abra isn't amazing, as the item and coverage need improvement. Honestly, copy the Life Orb set off of the Strategy Dex is my recommendation, unless you'd prefer sash as it can function as a cool backbone to your team.

Next up, can I please ask you not to slash your moves like the analysises? It makes it a lot easier to find out what kind of Pokemon I'm rating and what threats they deal with-for example, Gastly's Destiny Bond is completely different to a Gastly with Sucker Punch, and may beat things the other does not.

Nice names, nice 35th try, stop making me jealous that you're better at laddering than me, welcome to the RMT forum and so on. I'll have a look at some more points, hopefully, in a bit. Bye for now ;).

Also, don't worry about the first sentence. I've been on Smogon for ages, and you're probably better at putting things across than me ;).

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