Prismaticism actually since our ref is on holiday anyway I am going to call it. Not worth stressing for sub ref, I need to get value this round and your orders are comfortably good enough to deny this.
GGWP! (and noo, my undefeated year)
Thoughts on the general flow of the game:
Thoughts on the general flow of the game:
- Well I thought heatran would counter shuckle and it absoltely does not. In future I think to counter shuckle you want high defences, stat blind attacks like trapping, statuses or seismic toss, answers to stat stages and answers to heavy duty boots.
so basically the counter to shuckle is shuckleI think maybe magic guard people with oblivious or a way to steal shuckles defences might be very hard for shuckle to interact with. - I like that I managed to get rocks advantage, I need to stop ignoring encore now that it has buffs. There is a general point here that when it is otherwise Identical I should type moves I am happy to type in all situations instead of more situational answers to things.
- I felt pretty comfortable when you swapped in exeggutor, I thought it would be spinda. It takes no damage from eq but in general it let me trade, and I was pretty much just prepping to have butterfree slam it with dyna
- I was sort of expecting shuckle into butterfree, but unsure if that or blacphalon was better. I think as of your order on round 6 I "should" have won, but ofc as I aptly demonstrated, just because you put yourself in a winning position does not mean you will win. Fwiw my line should have been something like sleep powder+stun spore in combo ~ shadow ball x 2. Butterfree survies on 5 life or so, but puts blacephalon in 1 shot range to a faster choice band groudon. That puts us both on effective 1 pokemon but I have second order choice band, you are hit by stealth rocks, and I still have butterfree if I need to leave play and drop status, or skip a first order round.
- Order bide into ghosts is probably something I should have learnt not to do by now. Nature of bbp I suppose, but this isn't even "why is the game unintuitive or hard to read", pure user error.
Send In:
I just got a dynamax butterfree so I want to send that.
I want to send a tech spender because butterfree is close to tech neutral so in goes groudon.
Groudon gets a lot at 3 and butterfree needs 4 to actually dynamax.
5 levels left, I think I want to split that into 2 mon because having 4 options is significantly more flexible than having 3.
1/3 chance I fight prismat. I need something that can actually kill a shuckle. Heatran? I don't think either Prismat or Keriel can really punish 2x ground weak.
Heatran gets dig and other nice stuff at 3.
for 2 points meowscarada seems like a good round out. Fast revenge killer, gets most things by lvl 2 (misses knock and worry seed mostly)
sending lvl 0 pokemon is free, so dragonite comes along for moral support and colossoil comes along because rebound is actually a relevant thing they can threaten to do at level 0
Opponent known:
Hmm. Actually seeing teams in practice I really didn't bring good main answers to rocks, especially when butterfree is so weak to them. Maybe the colossoil will actually come out instead of just being a meme?
I guess actually butterfree can also defog them, though they have very low defences and double rock weak so it could be expensive to do so.
the pokemon that scares me most here is the shuckle. free tech on top of rediculous defences and lvl 4 shell smash contrary is terifying.
I am running butterfree for sure, I didn't get g-max befuddle to not try them out, but I need to be careful on mu's. Blacepholon and shuckle are both tricky types for butterfree
Round 1
shuckle + pomeg send out.
by my understanding, shuckle is going to go to 70 life after this round, so I should not attack into the 35 hp that is going away for free.
I want to send heatran here, that was the whole purpose of bringing them. That soft locks my team as heatran/butterfree/groudon unless I want to not test the dynamax butterfree, or try to spend 3 technique on comboes.
things shuckle can do that I care about
stealth rock/sticky web, shell smash, power split, meteor beam, knock off, encore?, covet.
why does this pokemon need free tech QQ
I might just take focus sash, it would be awful if something happened like they steal my shell bell after it is charged, and it lets me get shell bell later on heatran.
it is definitely tempting to focus sash and hard taunt them, but maybe we can do better. it is definitely plausible that my own stealth rock and toxic are more impactful than many things shuckle can do.
I think I probably filter out the shell smash and hazards, and then allow things like encore and power split to resolve.
small notes. I have an "if protect then aim" in there because after stealth rock has resolved my best options were pretty bad (aim/double team) and aim discourages him letting stealth rock resolve and then immediately bringing in spinda to rapid spin it. Also it makes magma storm auto hit, which might be relevant since it is fixed damage vs shuckle
Round 2
I got a bit wrecked by eq here. I guess that is my fault for not using heavy slam as my decoy destroyer. It is a good general point that it is much safer to use a move that is good against your current target when possible vs decoy.
Anyway this whole situation sucks but I can't play against shell smash so I have to either taunt or roar. Roar seems better since it somewhere neutralizes the infestation as well and it plays with my rocks.
I think if I was prismat I would send spinda in here with boots and just rapid spin the rocks away.
Round 3
Well I am glad it isn't spinda, but the eq does about 0 damage into the double resist.
With safeguard in play Heatran doesn't have much fun it can do here. I think I just trade damage and say this is mostly fine?
The big decision is if I want to try and stall things out or not. Do I want second order when playing into executor with my next pokemon?
I think I would rather stall and try to get rid of the safeguard since the answer I want to use into exeggutor is butterfree.
So time to try "if ground attack then protect" style subs.
Round 4
Ok I expect this to play out dragon pulse my opponent into exeggcutor, heatran faints, I play butterfree and execute exeggcutor with g moves.
I feel like at that point I should be really ahead, but I still don't have an answer to shuckle. If prismat sends in shuckle with heavy duty boots it is very hard for me to actually damage the damn thing.
Lesson for the future. Heatran was not the answer.
Maybe someone with powder snow is? Would need them to not be weak to rock though.
I was assuming my last pokemon is groudon, but is there any chance it is meowscarada? Maybe max geyser or similar can break through.
I think that might have worked, but all my moves that can super a shuckle have ended up on spA somehow. Oh, also I can't dyana with a lvl 2 meow
I think in practice groudon ends up good into the rest of what I fight, and butterfree is bad vs it. So the question should end up being, can a second order butterfree gain sufficient value for groudon to clean up.
I do have access to bide and confusion so it isn't impossible.
Round 5
ok so I want to screen out protect + lightscreen here by threatening to buff up in response, and vs anything else I just 1 shot with g-max befuddle. tinted lens sure is an ability, I'm a baby braviary.
Round 6
ok the goal is to survive and get blacephalon below 36 life and para so that groudon can execute with choice band eq.
This is probably where I use my combo since time is running out.
I think I am taking 40 damage a hit, so unless I get crit and burned I should survive.
I can also freely spend en since my hp is going to 15 or so anyway.
Wait a minute, I should consider just spamming bide instead.
Ok I think I win or lose the match here depending on if I did calcs right. Surely I don't actually get 2 shot from full life with a defensive item right?
if I get the bide kill here then it is a half life shuckle vs butterfree remainder and groudon. While I am not thrilled with my shuckle answers I don't actually think it can beat groudon from full while on no en.
Round 7
Well, that is one way to do the calcs wrong.
So the game is pretty doomed here and I roped quite a while on my orders out of lethargy more than difficulty. the actual writing was pretty fast and a bit phoned in.
So to be clear why I think it is doomed because I think that is interesting.
My butterfree almost dies, but suddenly blacephalon is slower than groudon AND he is low enough to be in 1 shot range to choice band.
Suddenly the whole situation is reversed, where I get the free choice item entry into the battlefield where I skip first order either by 1 shotting my opponent or by forcing the swap.
Then I get choice band second order groudon into shuckle, which honestly is less free than it should be, but I do believe I should take it from there.
I just got a dynamax butterfree so I want to send that.
I want to send a tech spender because butterfree is close to tech neutral so in goes groudon.
Groudon gets a lot at 3 and butterfree needs 4 to actually dynamax.
5 levels left, I think I want to split that into 2 mon because having 4 options is significantly more flexible than having 3.
1/3 chance I fight prismat. I need something that can actually kill a shuckle. Heatran? I don't think either Prismat or Keriel can really punish 2x ground weak.
Heatran gets dig and other nice stuff at 3.
for 2 points meowscarada seems like a good round out. Fast revenge killer, gets most things by lvl 2 (misses knock and worry seed mostly)
sending lvl 0 pokemon is free, so dragonite comes along for moral support and colossoil comes along because rebound is actually a relevant thing they can threaten to do at level 0
Opponent known:
Hmm. Actually seeing teams in practice I really didn't bring good main answers to rocks, especially when butterfree is so weak to them. Maybe the colossoil will actually come out instead of just being a meme?
I guess actually butterfree can also defog them, though they have very low defences and double rock weak so it could be expensive to do so.
the pokemon that scares me most here is the shuckle. free tech on top of rediculous defences and lvl 4 shell smash contrary is terifying.
I am running butterfree for sure, I didn't get g-max befuddle to not try them out, but I need to be careful on mu's. Blacepholon and shuckle are both tricky types for butterfree
Round 1
shuckle + pomeg send out.
by my understanding, shuckle is going to go to 70 life after this round, so I should not attack into the 35 hp that is going away for free.
I want to send heatran here, that was the whole purpose of bringing them. That soft locks my team as heatran/butterfree/groudon unless I want to not test the dynamax butterfree, or try to spend 3 technique on comboes.
things shuckle can do that I care about
stealth rock/sticky web, shell smash, power split, meteor beam, knock off, encore?, covet.
why does this pokemon need free tech QQ
I might just take focus sash, it would be awful if something happened like they steal my shell bell after it is charged, and it lets me get shell bell later on heatran.
it is definitely tempting to focus sash and hard taunt them, but maybe we can do better. it is definitely plausible that my own stealth rock and toxic are more impactful than many things shuckle can do.
I think I probably filter out the shell smash and hazards, and then allow things like encore and power split to resolve.
small notes. I have an "if protect then aim" in there because after stealth rock has resolved my best options were pretty bad (aim/double team) and aim discourages him letting stealth rock resolve and then immediately bringing in spinda to rapid spin it. Also it makes magma storm auto hit, which might be relevant since it is fixed damage vs shuckle
Round 2
I got a bit wrecked by eq here. I guess that is my fault for not using heavy slam as my decoy destroyer. It is a good general point that it is much safer to use a move that is good against your current target when possible vs decoy.
Anyway this whole situation sucks but I can't play against shell smash so I have to either taunt or roar. Roar seems better since it somewhere neutralizes the infestation as well and it plays with my rocks.
I think if I was prismat I would send spinda in here with boots and just rapid spin the rocks away.
Round 3
Well I am glad it isn't spinda, but the eq does about 0 damage into the double resist.
With safeguard in play Heatran doesn't have much fun it can do here. I think I just trade damage and say this is mostly fine?
The big decision is if I want to try and stall things out or not. Do I want second order when playing into executor with my next pokemon?
I think I would rather stall and try to get rid of the safeguard since the answer I want to use into exeggutor is butterfree.
So time to try "if ground attack then protect" style subs.
Round 4
Ok I expect this to play out dragon pulse my opponent into exeggcutor, heatran faints, I play butterfree and execute exeggcutor with g moves.
I feel like at that point I should be really ahead, but I still don't have an answer to shuckle. If prismat sends in shuckle with heavy duty boots it is very hard for me to actually damage the damn thing.
Lesson for the future. Heatran was not the answer.
Maybe someone with powder snow is? Would need them to not be weak to rock though.
I was assuming my last pokemon is groudon, but is there any chance it is meowscarada? Maybe max geyser or similar can break through.
I think that might have worked, but all my moves that can super a shuckle have ended up on spA somehow. Oh, also I can't dyana with a lvl 2 meow
I think in practice groudon ends up good into the rest of what I fight, and butterfree is bad vs it. So the question should end up being, can a second order butterfree gain sufficient value for groudon to clean up.
I do have access to bide and confusion so it isn't impossible.
Round 5
ok so I want to screen out protect + lightscreen here by threatening to buff up in response, and vs anything else I just 1 shot with g-max befuddle. tinted lens sure is an ability, I'm a baby braviary.
Round 6
ok the goal is to survive and get blacephalon below 36 life and para so that groudon can execute with choice band eq.
This is probably where I use my combo since time is running out.
I think I am taking 40 damage a hit, so unless I get crit and burned I should survive.
I can also freely spend en since my hp is going to 15 or so anyway.
Wait a minute, I should consider just spamming bide instead.
Ok I think I win or lose the match here depending on if I did calcs right. Surely I don't actually get 2 shot from full life with a defensive item right?
if I get the bide kill here then it is a half life shuckle vs butterfree remainder and groudon. While I am not thrilled with my shuckle answers I don't actually think it can beat groudon from full while on no en.
Round 7
Well, that is one way to do the calcs wrong.
So the game is pretty doomed here and I roped quite a while on my orders out of lethargy more than difficulty. the actual writing was pretty fast and a bit phoned in.
So to be clear why I think it is doomed because I think that is interesting.
- I got smashed on my butterfee last round, groudon needs to make it out on at least half life to go from here, since butterfee also has a bad mu into shuckle.
- I was blown out as my second order not my first order. This means prismat gets to second order here which means it is very hard for him to get blown out (despite me managing to). I need a blow out here to come back, and even a really good mechanical first order is unlikely to get the swing I require.
- I am first ordering into a choice specs. Messing up my order and giving "free entry" into a choice specs was really bad.
- This is a glass cannon mirror where I am out sped and first ordering, I never really want to be in that situation.
- He has not used any tech so has full access to comboes.
My butterfree almost dies, but suddenly blacephalon is slower than groudon AND he is low enough to be in 1 shot range to choice band.
Suddenly the whole situation is reversed, where I get the free choice item entry into the battlefield where I skip first order either by 1 shotting my opponent or by forcing the swap.
Then I get choice band second order groudon into shuckle, which honestly is less free than it should be, but I do believe I should take it from there.