Pre-Match Notes:
Have not done a Curcuit for a while. I need a team and a backpack to send.
Circuit Arena breaks down into the Following effects:
- No Switching Phases
- Normal Post Order is King
- Pokémon can only switch out via Switching or Phazing statuses
- If a Pokemon has the Switching status but NOT the Phazing status, they switch immediately.
- The round does not end when the above activates
Ideally I would want a team that has all switching moves, but I don’t think I have enough quality Pokémon that fit the bill. Hazards may or may not be less useful here.
Team wise, I noticed Lou mentioning wanting a speedy Pokemon and a bulky Pokemon to solve an unspecified problem, so bringing one of each seems good. I also want a dependable lead or two. The rest should be beaters.
Lead: Almost certainly Swampert. Hazards, Flip Turn, oddly dependable.
Iron Valiant: Fantasutic coverage and stats, but no method of switching.
Cobalion: Has switching and utility, but stats are sorely lacking. I’m not very confident in this one.
Caribolt: Good moves and pivoting, but rather slow for a speedster.
Tornadus: Has U-Turn and some neat moves.
Bulky Pokemon:
Zygarde: Best defenses, but no pivoting. Trapping is also rather ineffective here.
Iron Hands: Bulky attacker with Pivoting, but would basically require lagging tail to avoid being evasive food. I don’t have a lagging tail.
Zapdos: Not extremely bulky, but current pressure helps with that and it has pivoting. Also rolls very well into Yveltal.
Reshiram: Ultra Strong, but no switching
Mega Blastoise: Has Flip Turn and I’m excited to try how it works with 11 Defense. In it goes.
Machamp: No switching so it’s a bit dicey. But I think it does pretty well in a low switching environment due to Dynamic Punch.
Incineroar: Alternative to Reshiram that is much weaker, but has pivoting.
Miasmaw: Only level 3, but has pivoting and lots of strong moves.
Gardevoir: I’m a little dubious as to the offensive prowess here but does have Teleport.
On second thought, if I went with Tornadus, Zapdos, Incineroar, Swampert, Miasmaw, and Mega Blastoise, that’s a team with full pivoting. Honestly, that seems best.
Just leaves items. Blastoisinite and Rockium Z seem mandatory here. Charcoal would be nice to give Incineroar a boost or give a random something Wisp. Wise Glasses would be a helpful item for specifically Tornadus to make Bleakwind Storm more useful.
Hmm, let’s look at other players backpacks from the last Circuit for ideas. Sticky Barb for item removal. Leftovers for healing. Boots would be nice if I have to bring in Zapdos or Tornadus on Rocks. Focus Sash seems very popular so maybe I should bring that just in case. Weakness Policy also might be good.
I've been trying to steer away from damaging items with a downside, but I did notice that I was missing damage during my recent Academy Safari. So maybe Life Orb just in case.
So that makes the setup:
Rockium Z
Heavy Duty Boots
Wise Glasses
Life Orb
Sticky Barb
Focus Sash
Weakness Policy
Oct 29 Edit:
Talking with Keriel and others on Discord the other day made me realize that this team is actually rather weak to Ice types, such as Weavile or Alola Ninetales. Weavile in particular seems to give me loads of trouble if I can't get Incineroar into it. Given there's a good chance my opponent might be Keriel, I feel like I should have a bit more here. Sadly none of my good steel types are ready for prime time (my only level 4 Steel type is Cobalion? Man.), so I'll need to think outside the box here.
Perhaps Gardevoir would be better in place of Miasmaw. Not really a dedicated Ice counter but it works well against Weavile and can Skill Swap Alolan Ninetales. It does mean that all of my big attackers are special focused but I have a few ways around Blissey shaped Pokemon (Blastoise Body Press, Gardevoir Psyshock, Tornadus having an ok attack stat.), so let's see. With my ability manipulation gone though, I'll need to rethink some items so I can fit Cleanse Tag and/or Safety Goggles here. Can probably trade Weakness Policy for one. I'm actually not sure I like Focus Sash here, it feels like it would be better if I had more options for manual switching.
Miasmaw -> Gardevoir
Weakness Policy -> Safety Goggles
Focus Sash -> Cleanse Tag
Round 1 Sendout:
Okay, so we are against Novax. While it is not a lose at team select, it is a very dicey matchup. First thing's first, let's log the items.
Item | Description |
Leftovers | "A portion of food with a long shelf life that a holder can easily snack on.
At the end of each step: The holder heals six (6) HP the first time this effect triggers each round; or two (2) HP otherwise." |
Life Orb | "A devilish orb that absorbs the life energy of its holder in exchange for power.
When the holder attacks: Give that attack a Power Bonus of three (3).
When the holder hits an opponent with an attack, no more than once per attack: The holder takes two (2) damage." |
Grassy Seed | "A plant seed with a metabolism stimulated by fertile soil.
When Grassy Terrain is created, or at the start of the round while Grassy Terrain is in play: The holder consumes this item.
If an effect of the holder's ability, or a command granted to the holder by their ability, would create a Weather or a Terrain; instead, that effect creates Grassy Terrain.
On consume: Raise the consumer's Defense stage by one (1) for their next six (6) turns." |
Choice Specs | "A sentimental pair of glasses that reminds its holder to believe in themselves.
The holder's Special Attack rank is increased by 50% (x1.5), rounded up.
The holder's substitution count is reduced by 50% (x0.5), rounded up.
Substitutions issued to the holder can't have more than one Clause per component.
(The components are Timing, Trigger, and Result.)" |
Weakness Policy | "A densely worded document spelling out terms for recompense, should the holder be struck harshly.
When the holder is hit by a super-effective attack: The holder consumes this item.
On consume: Raise the consumer's Attack and Special Attack stages by two (2) each for the consumer's next four (4) turns." |
Sticky Barb | "A menacing metal sphere covered in hooked barbs. It can cause injuries that make it difficult to hold items.
When the holder completes an attack, if the holder made contact with any defenders: Destroy this item. Then, if this item was destroyed, create a unique status named ""Barbs"" on the first defender the holder made contact with until they leave play, with the following effects:
● The subject can't hold items, except immutable items." |
Red Card | "A red card that can be held high to punish a foul and force the culprit into the bench as penance.
When the holder is hit by an opponent's attack, unless ordered otherwise this round: The holder consumes this item.
(To ""order otherwise,"" specify that this item should not be consumed by the holder in one of your order posts for the holder that round.)
On consume: Inflict Phazing on the attacker." |
Choice Band | "A sentimental elastic band that reminds its holder to believe in themselves.
The holder's Attack rank is increased by 50% (x1.5), rounded up.
The holder's substitution count is reduced by 50% (x0.5), rounded up.
Substitutions issued to the holder can't have more than one Clause per component.
(The components are Timing, Trigger, and Result.)" |
Safety Goggles | "A pair of protective goggles that protects the wearer from adverse environmental conditions.
The holder can't take damage, or have Conditions inflicted on them, by the effects of Weather.
The holder is unaffected by moves tagged #Powder.
While the holder is the defender of another Pokemon's action: The abilities of other Pokemon are ignored." |
Heavy Duty Boots | "A pair of thick, sturdy work boots that protect the wearer from environmental hazards.
The holder can't take damage, except from hits and from Confusion status." |
And then the matchup chart.
My Pokemon | Checks | Checked By |
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Looking at this, I'm in a bit of a pickle. For one thing, Gardevoir is absolutely useless here, so I'm basically down to 5 Pokemon from the get go. Normally, I would lead with Swampert to get duo Stealth Rock, but then I just get shredded by Bulu. Furthermore, I"m pretty sure Clefable is immune via Magic Guard, and Heavy Duty Boots protects the third, so I don't even think Hazards help me here.
I don't particularly want to use Blastoise this early, especially since that would also result in Tapu Bulu. Incineroar gets hard locked by Volkraken without doing much.
So that leaves Zapdos vs. Tornadus. Both end up luring Melmetal and Glastrier which is not ideal. However, I can equip a Charcoal to threaten Will-o-Wisp. Sadly, Melmetal can just clear it with Iron Defense (curse you ASB). I feel like Zapdos is the best choice, because it is faster than Novax's entire team anyway, it can take hits way better, and can also check Volkraken now and later. Meme Beam from Clefable is a problem, but Zapdos can use Dual Wingbeat to beat it.
So Zapdos with Charcoal? I guess we can always put Life Orb on Incineroar if we need it for almost the same effect.
Round 1 Orders
All right let’s go he forgot to sub for Dual Wingbeat so I can just…
What do you mean Dual Wingbeat lacks the charge disruption!? Stop being inconsistent game!
It’s not all bad news though. I kind of want to trigger the first sub, as it has the same effect of me using Volt Switch. Which just leaves the second move. I could use Volt Switch or Protect, but then I don’t make any progress on the first round. Rain Dance is a consideration…but let’s see if I can hit Zap Cannon. Try to get some damage and a later full paralysis in.
Round 2 Orders:
Oh dear...the Zap Cannon missed. I knew I should've used Rain Dance.
Nothing for it, gotta send in Blastoise and deal as much damage as possible. I don't think these orders are particularly watertight but I'm running a bit short on time. Besides, it's Clefable, it's going to find a way around my orders.
Round 3 Orders:
Well, this is going much worse than I’d hoped. I need to do enough damage to KO Clefable to have any hope of surviving. But I can’t find the way to do it this round.
Well, Grass Knot does 18 damage by my calculations, meaning 54 damage in total. If I summon rain, I heal 10 hp via Rain Dish. Then assuming no critical hits I can survive with just a little bit of hp. My best moves then would be Hydro Cannon and Water Pulse, which do 25 and 22 damage respectively.
An Aqua Jet at that point does 13 damage, which finishes Clefable off. Just sub to use Refresh to rid myself of para if they protect. Very simple.
Round 4 Orders:
Rats, I forgot about light screen. Luckily Fake Out with an Aqua Jet + Liquidation combo does exactly 21 damage here, and Clefable can’t do anything about it due to having 10 energy. A KO sub here in case it decides to ENKO itself during the combo.
Round 5 Orders:
Bother, Skull Bash just happened to ruin everything. Sending out Zapdos so I dont have to commit to anything. Moves wise uh, I’d like to build some advantage here so Charge Beam I guess.
Round 6 Orders:
Volkraken? Why would he send him in versus an obvious type disadvantage? Oh…Choice Specs + Power Gem, that would do it.
Only thing Zapdos has that remotely trades with that is Rising Voltage in Electric Terrain. So I guess I’m using my last tech here.
Reflect type is a problem here but Zapdos has nothing to deal with it. I may have to demote Zapdos in my rankings in general because man it has no options here.
Round 7 Sendout and Orders:
I have four Pokemon left at this point, and unfortunately Novax can choose his last Pokemon while seeing mine. Gardevoir gets easily bodied by Melmetal, while Swampert gets mulched by Tapu Bulu. That just leaves Tornadus and Incineroar. Tornadus is an interesting choice since it outspeeds Volkraken for the KO, but I don't think it fares very well against either Glastrier or Melmetal. Incineroar can take out Volkraken if it holds Life Orb, and has some game against all of the other Pokemon. So I think I'll send out Incineroar with Life Orb.
Fake Out knocks out Volkraken, either through a flinch and then the KO or from KOing after a Protect. So Fake Out x3 will work here.
Round 8 Orders:
Miasmaw is going to be rough. I'm gonna break down and use the matchup viewer.
Matchup tool says itemless Acrobatics is my strongest move. I think Fling is an answer here, but I lose if I don't remove that Choice Band, so I'll need to get a little silly with my substitutions. I'd like to burn as well, but with Rest and Aromatherapy I don't think I can Wisp reliably until I second order, if at all.
[Nothing to say on the last round]