
approved by Eevee General and The Immortal

Long, long ago. A time before Mew. A time before anything was in existence, besides one Pokemon. Arceus. Arceus, in His final days of life before sacrificing Himself to create all life, planted an Orb. This one Orb, the Orb of Legend, was sent into an eternal slumber for all eternity. However, millions of years later, scientists have discovered the Orb. Hundreds of scientists, confused. After years of research and many advancements, one scientist has figured out the key to unlocking the Orb's power. In order to activate the Orb, a Pokemon must be able to absorb the energy of the Orb, and become a legend themselves. Only fully evolved Pokemon have been found to be able to control and wield the power. They are able to become a Legend once they have unlocked the energy. It appears that once a day, a Legend is released. It appears that the Orb of Legend has unlocked new abilities and new moves in the Pokemon. It also appears that their stats show a notable difference, being vastly improved, and they even exhibit behavior of new moves... And even new Typings... Maybe one day they will be released sooner...

Welcome to Legends, a Pet Mod by yours truly. The basic idea behind this Pet Mod is to alter each Pokemon to become what some would call... a Legend. Legendaries typically follow formulas of the same quality. High stats, a solid movepool, and an interesting typing. Each fully evolved Pokemon will be rewritten to become a Legendary Pokemon. Once those have been completed, all other Pokemon, NFEs included and LC Pokemon as well, will receive them but will be redefined as "Mini-Legends" and "Baby-Legends". Every day, I will post a new Legend and a new story of lore. One can activate a Legend in battle by having their Pokemon harness the Power Within. Without further ado, the list!

New Abilities:
  • Bursting Bulb [Boosts power of Grass-type moves by 2x when the Pokemon reaches below 25% HP.]
  • Light Flare [When an opponent makes contact with the Pokemon, they receive a Burn status.]
  • Draconic Wave [Dragon-type moves from both sides are 1.5x more power, but in return their weaknesses are also doubled.]
  • Intellectual Decipher [Able to read the opponent's mind and determine what their first two moves are.]
  • Sapling Drop [Every time this Pokemon is hit with a contact attack, the opponent gets Leech Seed'ed.]
  • Masquerade [Lowers the wielder of this ability's Attack and Special Attack by two stages, and its Speed by one stage, every time it comes in. In return, it gets one turn disguised as the last Pokemon in the party which can only be broken with Infiltrator.]
New Moves:
  • Explosive Pollen [Grass-type; 100% accuracy; 90 Base Power; Special; Covers Pokemon in a Powder-like effect for the remainder of the turn.]
  • Jet Propulsion [Water-type; 100% accuracy; 70 Base Power; Special; A Water-type Volt Switch.]
  • Syntheblast [Grass-type; 80% Accuracy; 130 Base Power; Physical; Harnesses sun energy and blasts opponent with a Grass-type attack.]
  • Pebble Hurricane [Rock-type; 100% Accuracy; 110 Base Power; Physical; Summons an ancient technique of controlling the pebbles around to create a fast hurricane that catches the opponent.]
  • Flowing Strike [Electric-type; 100% Accuracy; 100 Base Power; Physical; Makes contact; Summons an electrical flow through the user's claw.]

100 | 92 | 113 | 140 | 120 | 90 [655]
Bursting Bulb | Grass / Poison
+Earth Power, +Explosive Pollen

98 | 118 | 100 | 124 | 105 | 110 [655]
Light Flare | Fire / Dragon
+Stone Edge, +Dragon Rush, +Agility

99 | 93 | 140 | 120 | 105 | 98 [655]
Ancient Plate | Water / Rock
+Rock Slide, +Ancient Power, +Jet Propulsion


100 | 120 | 135 | 50 | 95 | 50 [650]
Illusion | Rock / Grass
+Synthesis, +Horn Leech, +Leaf Storm

95 | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 | 110 [685]
Draconic Wave | Water / Dragon
+Origin Pulse, +Moonblast, +Syntheblast

120 | 150 | 130 | 70 | 100 | 80 [650]
Filter | Ground / Steel
+Iron Head

100 | 80 | 105 | 135 | 140 | 100 [660]
Magic Guard | Psychic / Ghost
+Stealth Rock, +Shadow Sneak, +Nasty Plot

108 | 108 | 108 | 108 | 108 | 108 [648]
Contrary | Normal / Fire
+Baton Pass [legal], +Overheat


140 | 130 | 170 | 65 | 95 | 95 [695]
Drizzle | Water / Rock
+U-turn, +Pebble Hurricane

135 | 145 | 135 | 95 | 95 | 95 [700]
Current | Ghost / Electric
+Thunder, +Thunder Wave, +Volt Switch, +Flowing Strike, +Shadow Claw

120 | 102 | 152 | 92 | 152 | 40 [658]
Intellectual Decipher | Ghost

90 | 150 | 75 | 115 | 115 | 155 [700]
Tough Claws | Dark / Ice

97 | 85 | 90 | 139 | 120 | 194 [725]
Delta Stream | Psychic / Flying
+Thunderbolt, +Final Gambit


90 | 125 | 110 | 135 | 110 | 95 [665]
Tough Claws | Bug / Rock
+Bug Buzz, +Ancient Power


100 | 110 | 120 | 110 | 130 | 150 [720]
Magic Bounce | Dark / Fairy
+Moonblast, +Cotton Guard, +Dark Void

213 | 140 | 100 | 120 | 130 | 47 [750]
Sapling Drop | Grass / Rock
+Extreme Speed

150 | 90 | 200 | 90 | 200 | 5 [735]
Stance Change | Steel / Ghost
-Shadow Sneak, -Rest, +Stone Edge

251 | 42 | 152 | 59 | 112 | 40 [656]
Masquerade | Fairy / Poison
+Sludge Bomb, +Acid, +Venom Drench

Hope you enjoy! New Pokemon to be added daily.​
145 | 190 | 150 | 95 | 85 | 25 (690)
Iron Fist | Fighting / Dark
-Mach Punch, +Meteor Mash

Introducing the Legend known as Conkeldurr! Conkeldurr-Legend was discovered in a secretive forrest where Conkeldurr had been practicing his fighting techniques. Upon his reaction with the Orb of Legend, Conkeldurr grew even larger, forming more bumps along his back and his pillars becoming much much larger as Conkeldurr finally stands up completely straight. Without an arch, Conkeldurr finally looks menacing. His darkness lingering inside has also been awaken. However, upon the switch, he lost his ability to effectively use the move Mach Punch. His Special Attack was also taken from out of the dark to shine, though who needs that with such excellent attack?
Poor aegislash always gets nerfed in oms this time it has a base 5 speed and no shadow sneak did aegislash piss you off?
Actually, the only nerf it would receive because of this is Shadow Sneak's removal. Base 5 Speed is pretty much the best speed feasible for it.
Where do Megas fit into this?

Also, at one a day this is going to take more than a year to get through. (Ignoring the NFEs) Yikes.

Draconic Wave [Dragon-type moves from both sides are 1.5x more power, but in return their weaknesses are also doubled.]

So... Dragon type Pokemon hit harder with Dragon moves, but are effectively x4 weak to Fairy, Ice, and Dragon?

Sounds kind of awful, honestly, but I'm mostly asking for clarification on the mechanics.

Masquerade [Lowers the wielder of this ability's Attack and Special Attack by two stages, and its Speed by one stage, every time it comes in. In return, it gets one turn disguised as the last Pokemon in the party which can only be broken with Infiltrator.]

In what way is "Illusion that announces itself with self-statdowns" A: effective as an Illusion and B: non-awful more generally?

Explosive Pollen [Grass-type; 100% accuracy; 90 Base Power; Special; Covers Pokemon in a Powder-like effect for the remainder of the turn.]

Assuming you mean the move Powder, in terms of punishing Fire type moves... this sounds flatly inferior to Energy Ball. You can slowly chip a cooperative Fire type to death with an ineffective move... or they can just use some other move to kill you. Also, you don't have PP listed on your new moves.

Syntheblast [Grass-type; 80% Accuracy; 130 Base Power; Physical; Harnesses sun energy and blasts opponent with a Grass-type attack.]

Grass already has multiple hilariously high BP moves. This is basically Power Whip with lower Accuracy but higher BP. Unless the description is intended to suggest it gets some kind of benefit out of Sunny Day, such as skipping an Accuracy check?

Flowing Strike [Electric-type; 100% Accuracy; 100 Base Power; Physical; Makes contact; Summons an electrical flow through the user's claw.]

Is the description just flavor? I'm also puzzled as to why you made a Fusion Bolt that makes contact but (presumably) drops the gimmick.

100 | 92 | 113 | 140 | 120 | 90 [655]
Bursting Bulb | Grass / Poison
+Earth Power, +Explosive Pollen​

:( Thick Fat was better. And so was Chlorophyll. Also, hard to argue for Explosive Pollen when your Ability so strongly rewards using Giga Drain. Earth Power letting it beat Heatran is neat, I guess, but it could already run Earthquake if it really cared.

98 | 118 | 100 | 124 | 105 | 110 [655]
Light Flare | Fire / Dragon
+Stone Edge, +Dragon Rush, +Agility

Already has Dragon Rush. Not sure why you'd use Agility when you still have Dragon Dance and are 110 base Speed. Ignoring Scarves, a base 110 Jolly at +1 is only starting to fear being outsped somewhere around base 190~ Speed. (No, Swoobat-Legend is not some kind of big threat to Charizard-Legend) Light Flare also seems a curious choice. I suppose Charizard-Legend does have the stats (And even an OK typing) to take a stab at being a wall, but mostly it seems redundant.

99 | 93 | 140 | 120 | 105 | 98 [655]
Ancient Plate | Water / Rock
+Rock Slide, +Ancient Power, +Jet Propulsion

Already has Rock Slide. Ancient Plate isn't in your list of new Abilities, so I can't make a full commentary. Why is it so fast, though? I'd think the obvious thing to do with Blastoise-Legend would be to run it as a slow Jet Propulsion pivot.


100 | 120 | 135 | 50 | 95 | 50 [650]
Illusion | Rock / Grass
+Synthesis, +Horn Leech, +Leaf Storm


You have no idea how much I dislike people wanting to turn Sudowoodo into a Grass type. The whole point of it is that it's pretending to be a tree and actually hates water.

Regardless, Illusion is not only questionable flavor-wise -the ability to pretend to be a tree =/= the ability to pretend to be literally any other Pokemon- but seems competitively dubious for what's functionally a wall-ish thing with decent Attack. (I'd say great, except 100 is basically the new baseline in Legends) And no Leech Seed for the now-a-plant-wall?

95 | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 | 110 [685]
Draconic Wave | Water / Dragon
+Origin Pulse, +Moonblast, +Syntheblast

Dragon-and-Water-supremacy Water/Dragon. Cute. I suspect it will be outclassed, and in particular it's going to struggle to switch in on and kill enemy Dragons, since they'll often be Dragon Dancing and there's always the risk that they'll lob a Dragon move at you on the way in, instagibbing you, even if they don't have Dragon Dance.

252+ Atk Dragonite Dragon Claw vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kingdra: 508-600 (153.4 - 181.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

(Baseline Dragonite employing a STAB ultra-effective move against Kingdra-Legend, simulated by turning Dragonite and Dragon Claw Fighting type while Kingdra is Normal/Steel with appropriate stats. Also? I'm not even counting in the +50% boost to damage Draconic Wave grants Dragon type moves in specific. In actual fact the above calc should be more than 200% damage in one hit. You could halve Dragonite's Attack and this would still be an easy OHKO, so Kingdra-Legend isn't safe to switch in on some kind of really weak Dragon)

So like I said: Cute.

Arguably it's not even as good as the Standard Focus Energy Sniper set, which gets to fearlessly spam Draco Meteors all day while also having hugely powerful Scalds etc. (Sniper providing an equivalent boost to Draconic Wave: I don't care that Kingdra-Legend can also run the Focus Energy set, Sniper is better) Kingdra-Legend's main advantage over that is the better Speed tier, and while 110 looks to be a decent Speed tier in Legends it doesn't seem to be a particularly amazing one. Syntheblast is also just puzzling. Does Standard Kingdra run Dragon Dance sets that cry when they meet Water Absorb Quagsire or something? I have difficulty imagining that Kingdra got the Power Of The Sun for flavor reasons...


120 | 150 | 130 | 70 | 100 | 80 [650]
Filter | Ground / Steel
+Iron Head

Difficult to say how it will fit into the meta. It has a better typing than Mega Aggron, anyway, though worse Defense and not enough extra HP to make the difference. Too bad it has no recovery, but it might be possible to get by on Wish support. Its access to Ice Shard is a bit less useful now, though, since it no longer cares all that much about faster Grass types, laughs at many Dragons, many Flying types... I guess it does help it cope with its newfound Ground weakness, a little bit. Overall a better Rapid Spinner than ever, but how useful that is in Legends remains to be seen.

100 | 80 | 105 | 135 | 140 | 100 [660]
Magic Guard | Psychic / Ghost
+Stealth Rock, +Shadow Sneak, +Nasty Plot

This looks like a cool Scarf revenger and completely awful otherwise. It's hilarious weak to Pursuit-trapping and random Knock Offs (Assuming the blah blah orbs thing in the beginning is pure flavor and doesn't mean something like "Primal Orbs convert Pokemon to their Legend forme"), not to mention Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak, making it extremely questionable as the setup sweeper it so desperately wants to be, especially since base 100 Speed is looking to be mediocre in Legends.

Best case scenario it might make an OK stallbreaker, between the boosting and immunity to hazards, Toxic, etc. I'm unconvinced though, especially since A: the 'mons thus far are terribad at stall and B: Grumpig-Legend is too sensitive to the potential existence of amazing stallmons.

I will give it that it's a giant FU to Aromatisse-Legend and can potentially break Blissey too. (Assuming you're not running Unaware Blissey or something)

108 | 108 | 108 | 108 | 108 | 108 [648]
Contrary | Normal / Fire
+Baton Pass [legal], +Overheat

This thing is silly and obnoxious. At least it doesn't have any Speed boosting. Overall I like it. A bit gimmicky, but with a lot of potential, given proper support.


140 | 130 | 170 | 65 | 95 | 95 [695]
Drizzle | Water / Rock
+U-turn, +Pebble Hurricane

Well, say hello to your new, godawful Rain setter. It can U-Turn out. That's something. (Pebble Hurricane is dubious when Head Smash still hits nearly 50% harder) I think I'd still rather have regular Politoed, not even getting into whatever the heck Politoed-Legend looks like.


135 | 145 | 135 | 95 | 95 | 95 [700]
Current | Ghost / Electric
+Thunder, +Thunder Wave, +Volt Switch, +Flowing Strike, +Shadow Claw

... you stole some of its Speed and turned it Physical? It doesn't even have any limbs! How is it hitting things with claws?? I get that there's a dearth of Physical Ghosts, but Mismagius -the witch that evolved from a banshee and has no limbs- is like literally the last Ghost I could imagine for this.

Current is also currently undefined in the OP and so I can't comment on it. Competitively, this still looks like a Trick Scarfer to me... and an inferior one to Rotom-Wash, at that. Unless Current is a game-changer, I'm dubious of this having a place.


120 | 102 | 152 | 92 | 152 | 40 [658]
Intellectual Decipher | Ghost

... so now it's a pure Ghost wall. OK. I'm not even sure what the point of it having Intellectual Decipher is. It can scout by just being a wall, and would probably prefer its normal Pressure. Though, really, it's going to struggle at that job between Pursuit-trapping, Knock Off, etc. And it doesn't even get any moves?


90 | 150 | 75 | 115 | 115 | 155 [700]
Tough Claws | Dark / Ice

One word: terrifying. Also, exaggerates my concerns about Spiritomb-Legend.


97 | 85 | 90 | 139 | 120 | 194 [725]
Delta Stream | Psychic / Flying
+Thunderbolt, +Final Gambit

... that's a hilarious amount of Speed. Though frankly this seems schizophrenic, and weirdly enough probably less useful than its classic Simple set. Thunderbolt as coverage helps it a little, but Swoobat just pushes past stuff like Heatran with sufficient Stored Power shenanigans. Final Gambit is also a really random addition: Swoobat seems to be intended to suddenly be a lightning fast wall, or maybe still trying to be a setup sweeper but minus Simple, it's hard to say, and neither of these wants to run Final Gambit. It doesn't have the HP for Final Gambit to be useful on something like a bulky supporter set, either.

Also, Weavile-Legend exists and therefore Swoobat-Legend is automatically way worse.


90 | 125 | 110 | 135 | 110 | 95 [665]
Tough Claws | Bug / Rock
+Bug Buzz, +Ancient Power

Can now go mixed or Specially oriented, but has replaced ol' reliable Sturdy with "I murder you Physically". Also, it's silly-fast for a Shell Smasher: you don't need base 95 at +2 to outrun base 194. Base 80 Jolly outspeeds Jolly 194 base with Speed to spare! Crustle-Legend can easily afford to shift some EVs from Speed to Special Attack or HP, is what I'm saying.

It's hope of going mixed or Special-oriented is held back by the ongoing truth that amazing Physical walls are often Steel-typed and therefore resist its Special options. It doesn't even have Earth Power -Hidden Power is as good as it's going to get. Also, its Specially movepool is awful, period.


100 | 110 | 120 | 110 | 130 | 150 [720]
Magic Bounce | Dark / Fairy
+Moonblast, +Cotton Guard, +Dark Void

A ridiculous lead and a silly revenger, with some potential as a stallbreaking setup sweeper. It's very veratile, and its insane Speed gives it a lot of potential. Weavile-Legend is even faster, but it doesn't have a largely-reliable Sleep inducing move, equally strong Physical/Special potential, or Magic Bounce to protect it from Prankster Will O Wisp etc. Looks pretty cool.


213 | 140 | 100 | 120 | 130 | 47 [750]
Sapling Drop | Grass / Rock
+Extreme Speed

not sure why extreme speed

Sapling Drop is a bit disappointing on a Pokemon with more than 200 base HP. I guess it would be funny to switch into Blissey-Legend's Seismic Toss...

The typing is good, it has decent potential as a wall, the fact that it's immune to Leech Seed itself gives it a crucial advantage over whatever Blissey-Legend ends up being, and as a Physical switch-in it has decent potential to absorb a hit and shrug off most of the damage because of Sapling Drop. It still has to struggle with Gogoat's limited movepool, and Extreme Speed is absolutely useless, but it can probably find a place on some teams.


150 | 90 | 200 | 90 | 200 | 5 [735]
Stance Change | Steel / Ghost
-Shadow Sneak, -Rest, +Stone Edge

I'm assuming Blade has mirrored stats. If so... well, it can't Swords Dance Shadow Sneak sweep anymore, so that's something. In practice it wouldn't surprise me if Aegislash-Legend is Legends' first ban. It's relevant in Ubers and now you've doubled its HP while raising its defenses and presumably raising Blade Form's offenses. Sure, everything else has risen up, but is it by enough?


251 | 42 | 152 | 59 | 112 | 40 [656]
Masquerade | Fairy / Poison
+Sludge Bomb, +Acid, +Venom Drench

I've already covered how Masquerade is a bad Ability that is bad. Aromatisse-Legend appears to be trying to compete with Blissey as a Wish passer, only it lacks good on-demand healing to keep itself in good condition, demanding Wishtect. In exchange it's a frankly ridiculous mixed wall, able to tank... well...

252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Aromatisse: 176-210 (24.9 - 29.7%) -- 0% chance to 4HKO after Black Sludge recovery

... yeah, Standard Garchomp needs Swords Dance to be able to Earthquake it away. It's also obviously a hilarious partner with Blissey, as Blissey is better at tanking Special hits (By a little bit) and it's only weakness -Fighting- is double-resisted by Aromatisse-Legend.

Its offensive capacity is more of a joke. Its offensive stats are far too low to make even a Calm Mind set anything other than an end-game win condition -and there's probably better choices in Legends- making it Taunt bait, as it lacks a fixed damage move to bypass Taunt like Blissey does. It might find itself forced to run Sludge Bomb entirely so it can have a shot at Poisoning Taunters.

Its immunity to Toxic is also good, albeit slightly redundant with its high likelihood of running a cleric set -it gets Aromatherapy, in addition to Wish- making it impossible to force it out with Toxic. Venom Drench is worthless (Barring some Poison Healer being made who hates it and Aromatisse-Legend is capable of switching in on), but Acid might let it cause trouble for Unaware, assuming Toxic-immune Unaware ends up being a thing in Legends.​
Can we make requests? I'd like to see an Unfezant-Legend.

Also I'm agreeing with GK about Aromatisse. It's just too fat and weak. I think its Special Attack should be higher at the cost of one of its defenses.
The fact that everything has their stats go all over their places miffs me :U Things like Gogoat and Swoobat having higher BST than Arceus is pretty silly. That, and some of the stat spreads don't even resemble their regular counterparts. But then again it's your petmod, so I suppose I shouldn't complain about that ._.

Draconic Wave seems more of an hindrance than buff right now, the 4x weaknesses hurts a lot, and the 1.5x damage isn't enough to counteract the disadvantages it brings. Plus, the opponent's dragon moves are also buffed; That means their Dragon moves would deal 3x the normal damage on your mon (assuming it's a Dragon type), even before taking weakness into account. So yeah, it's pretty bad.

Masquerade looks like it's made specifically for Aromatisse, but the thing is I'm pretty sure it can't even use it that well. It can't set-up, it can't attack, the only thing it can do is to take hits for a turn after which its illusion is broken anyways. It's like a painfully bad clone of Illusion; I do have a suggestion, but I'm not sure whether it'd be broken or not: Remove the stat drops, and allow the wielder to use the moveset of the mon it's disguised as until the illusion is broken. Since it still only have a single turn of illusion, it can use that turn to do something it normally can't do, like recovery, hazard laying and other general support.
Ah so I'm not the only one who thought Masquerade is kinda... pointless. The stat drops giving it away instantly allows the opponent to prepare themselves for what comes next. Its niche I suppose would be making opponents guess which masquerade user it is if there's something besides Aromatisse that gets the ability, but Team Preview ruins that as well. It's plausible if you run two masqueraders... but why?

I'd also like to know what happens to megas as well. Are they ditched altogether, or do they still boost the same stats (as in +46 attack for Charizard-Legend)?

Also like Eevee General before me, I'd like to request legends as well if possible - Empoleon, Sceptile, Arcanine for starters.

Some of these legends seem to largely outclass Legends below or around 600 BST, like the genies and the musketeers. So are they gonna fade into obscurity, hm? Or will they be tweaked accordingly (flavorwise, doesn't seem likely).
Masquerade isn't just KINDA pointless, it's completely pointless. It's basically just a speed boost. That's cool and all... but not special. Also, RIP Aromatisse's attacking stats. I'd just run Gogoat instead.

Speaking of Gogoat, it gets ESpeed but loses the Normal Type. /me becomes alchoholic

Now let's see how you can manage to butcher such an obvious stat spread as that of Missingno or Raichu. Get the hint?
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