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thought i'd do a lil happy vent about irl stuff

in recent years i've grown closer with my older sister aster, who's trans. it feels super amazing to connect with her and learn about her more and more, while learning about myself and watching her grow. it's a beautiful process, i get to watch her become more comfortable with herself each day. i couldn't be more proud and supportive of her. aster is much older than me, i want to say she's around 24, but even with that age gap we feel extremely close. if she knows i'm feeling sad she'll come into my room and hug me, if she knows i'm upset she'll invite me to talk to her about it. i love my sister to bits. her transition is so deep and personal i feel like i could never have bonded with her this way if she didn't feel comfortable telling me first. such a supportive family member gives me real hope that one day i'll figure my own identity out in the way she has.

as of today, aster is 521 days on HRT.

sup :]

as of not too long ago, i’ve come to the realization that i’m bi after talking it out with a close queer friend of mine and it’s all starting to come together. i’ve been this way for a while, but i always thought it was half-assed and didn't really count if that makes any sense. i'm not really sure if i’ll ever be able to fully act on it with the approval of those close to me because of familial circumstances, but for the time being, i look forward to exploring my sexuality. not really sure why i felt the need to type this out but it feels satisfying nonetheless.

s/o StarBlim for being willing to listen to me talk nonsense for hours on end

thanks for reading
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Hi, I'm not very involved with the smogon community, but I have been playing on Showdown on and off since 2016, so this is a community I kinda know.

I've been on discord for quite a while, but two days ago, I've had a gender identity discussion with an online transgender friend. Since the pandemic started and before, I've roleplayed as females, and started liking she/her pronouns, but the discussion really made me understand what I was feeling and that I am most likely transgender. I have decided online to be called Eli (pronounced like Ellie) and prefer she/her pronouns.

I'm not so sure about real life yet. I feel like I am transgender in real life as well, but I'm scared about coming out (and who to), acting more feminine, and about the legal/societal discrimination against LGBTQ members. I haven't come out to anyone in real life yet.

This is my second day of really interacting in the community (even if it really just means reading stories on this forum thread), so I'd like to get some more knowledge. Thanks!

P.S. Special thanks to my online transgender friends for supporting me.
I just came out as both Genderfluid and Bisexual to my dad. This is a man I thought would never support me regarding it. Well guess what, I have great news. My dad officially supports me being both Genderfluid and Bi. It feels like a 1000 pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Here was his response:

I was initially nervous because he took a little bit to respond but It went very well!!!
If you expect your parents or loved ones to disrespect your identity, don't!! This is a man I thought would never accept me being trans and now look.
That's all for now, take care!
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I’ve already told a few people. But just to make it official

i’m bi
trivia gang
after 2 years of hiding it from my parents I today finally informed my sister that I'm bisexual.
My parents remain a huge obstacle (which is no small amount of mental trouble for me, since they are very much anti-homosexuality), but finding an ally in my sister and many of the people I've met and befriended in Trivia has been a big support this last difficult year. There's been hurdles that have made me depressed, bitchy, snappy, or downright mean at times, but with things slowly improving and finally being honest with my sister, I'm finally looking forward a bit instead of having 0 hope for the future.

thanks Damnrighty for giving me the courage to share. My issues with aromantism and wishes for the future aren't something I'm willing to share publicly, same with my horrendous past, but you being there to talk to means the world to me. You're an awesome person for me.
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I used to be not that passtionate about transitioning, but I think it's changing. I used to have dysphoria rarely, and it made me sad. I've been having dysphoria more often, but it makes me less sad and more determined. Perhaps I'm shaking off some old apathy. Came out to one of my classes this semester, I've been practicing my high voice, I'm gonna get some new clothes soon... it's a gradual road, but it's looking good these days.
Yooo coming out party guess I'm coming out officially very cool!

So: gay. I am not out to any of my family yet very cool. Thought I'd post here so everyone knows! I was initially scared to post here because I was very afraid of how some people, especially close PS! friends, would react, but I figure that they're not really worth having in my life if they're not supportive of my decisions.

I've also been dealing with some weird gender stuff but I'll make sure to update if my tiny coconut brain finally decides to settle on something. In the meantime, he/him/his pronouns please.

Anyways! Shout out to especially bea and smely socks who helped me gather up the courage to post here.

Love you all!

e: completely forgot abt this post ahhh- corrected someone's name <3
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It's been like 2 hours since I did this but after not having the confidence to come out as bisexual to my father, after coming out as bisexual to my mother and sister 3 months ago. happy to say that he supported my decision. I seriously love the community here idt I would had gotten the drive to do this without seeing all of you come out
Since i basically told everyone alredy, im coming out as bisexual! :blobwizard: Glad to see how many people got the courage to post recently / take the biggest step with their families. I dont think i will ever tell my family about it, but im pretty sure my father alredy got it. Wish everyone here good luck for the future ^_^
Damn everyone is coming out. Eh, I might as well. If it wasn't obvious to those I hang out with, yeah I'm gay. I was r e a l l y scared to let my dad know at first and I was crying in my mothers arms when she found out. Thankfully, he supports me enough not be mad but I'm almost 100% sure he's not proud of me or happy with this.
But eh, what can you do really? Beggars can't be choosers.
Decided to join the coming out party, although I think it was fairly obvious to most of my closer friends here