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Not LGBTQ+, but wishing you all good luck on your coming out journey. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be happy, especially in these trying times with COVID and all.
This is a lovely thread :)
I am bi / pan (I love you all out there <3)
My respect, compliments and love for all of you out there sharing the info on here, I'm glad to see people feeling comfortable to share personal information with potentially strangers online.
I hope that one day, coming out won't be a huge barrier, or something you should feel nervous about. It is and should be completely normal and natural to share this information.
Just wanted to thank everyone who supported me into doing this, supporting me through my buildup of stress. I wanted to officially say, I'm gay. I'm keeping this to ps and Smogon for now as I know I won't be able to tell anyone of my family or friends anytime soon but I realised it isn't healthy for me to confine this anymore as it's getting all in my head. Again, thanks to everyone, y'all are the best!
I don't wanna make a particularly long post this time since there really isn't much to say, but I promised myself I'd remake my coming out post on my birthday, though it's not really "coming out" at all since I've been out for ~6-7 years now and I've been public about it on this site since I've joined. Learned recently that not that many people actually know, though, so I figured I'd document here that I'm trans & bi. I've been out since I was a little girl (like 12 or so) and it's been part of me since so yea. No nervous feelings or anything particularly special here, but I deleted my old post and figured something new was overdue. I'm very proud of everyone who's managed to come out recently in what seems to be a massive wave, congratulations!! I hope you all feel accepted & joyful, no matter how you identify. Love you all. :3
I just came out as both Genderfluid and Bisexual to my dad. This is a man I thought would never support me regarding it. Well guess what, I have great news. My dad officially supports me being both Genderfluid and Bi. It feels like a 1000 pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Here was his response: View attachment 288754
I was initially nervous because he took a little bit to respond but It went very well!!!
If you expect your parents or loved ones to disrespect your identity, don't!! This is a man I thought would never accept me being trans and now look.
That's all for now, take care!
Too bad I don't just expect it from a couple of aunts and especially my granparents. A couple of off-hand comments they made in the past makes it 99.9999999% likely.
I came out when I was 17, I always knew I was gay and thankfully I’ve always been surrounded by the most supportive people, from family members to friends, who, despite being already aware, immediately accepted me for who I am and helped me gain more confidence over the years. I’m now 23 years old and every time I read someone being scared, doubtful, and hesitant to take the big step, I somehow see the 16-year old me in those messages. Stepping out of that “comfort zone” is probably one of the hardest thing you’ll do, and for that I wish you all the best of luck! I’m proud to see the LGBTQ+ community growing so fast here on the forums, and I’m even more proud to see people sharing their stories, helping those who may need a hand in their journey.
I came out when I was 17, I always knew I was gay and thankfully I’ve always been surrounded by the most supportive people, from family members to friends, who, despite being already aware, immediately accepted me for who I am and helped me gain more confidence over the years. I’m now 23 years old and every time I read someone being scared, doubtful, and hesitant to take the big step, I somehow see the 16-year old me in those messages. Stepping out of that “comfort zone” is probably one of the hardest thing you’ll do, and for that I wish you all the best of luck! I’m proud to see the LGBTQ+ community growing so fast here on the forums, and I’m even more proud to see people sharing their stories, helping those who may need a hand in their journey.
I'm happy that your family and friends immediately accepted for who you are, that is a really good thing to read a positive coming out here, and I hope it will help other people to have their own coming out.
I'd wish more familymembers and friends of other people which already shared their stories will accept them immediately. Perhaps your story will help gaining the confidence other people need.
But once again, I'm happy that your family and friends accepted you for who you are immediately :)
And we can help each other out here in a lot of different ways, being listening, having an open ear for them who need it, or helping with advices and tipps. It makes things easier when we are responsible and sensitive to each other.
Thank you for sharing the story, and I hope that it will help others! :)
I suppose I never did a proper coming out post, so I guess this post can double as my first formal talking about being trans on forums. Don't think that's news to anyone though.
Mostly writing this post because I wanted to talk about two things real quick, so apologies for my rambling in advance ^^
First topic is a happy one; I recently namechanged on smogon here to Aliss and it's been rly cool! Glad to finally get rid of my old tag that I really only associate with bad memories lol. Not quite the same thing as a deadname but like, still pretty significant.
Second thing is less exciting, sadly. Last week the VUMC (main place for transitioning stuff here in NL) sent out a letter to everyone on the waiting list, which I've been on since roughly august 2019. When I got redirected to them by my physician he told me to expect about a 500 day wait, which was already a pretty hefty time investment.
When I got the letter I got kinda excited at first but turns out it wasn't any good news heh, they were just informing me that I was still on the waiting list and I could leave if I so pleased, and to check their site for more information. After proceding to do so, I found out that the waiting list has increased to an estimate of 2 years at the minimum.
I knew COVID would of course delay stuff, but gosh. This would mean that theres very reasonable odds I won't get on HRT til 2022. After having already waited so long (400+ days), it's kinda heartbreaking to get news like this. Those of you who know me well know that I'm kinda stuck in limbo right now, not knowing what I want in life, and getting on HRT was one of the few clear goals I had in the near future, so having this happen makes day-to-day life seem even more meaningless than it already did.
I don't know if this thread is the right place to talk about this but I've dealt with Dysthymia (and some other stuff) for going on a decade now, and I just don't know what to do anymore. Nothing I do seems to matter and nothing seems Worth It at all. I'm not gonna kill myself but I do wish for death on a pretty much daily basis. Just feel so stuck. Not sure how to solve this but I can't go on like this. I don't really have the strong feelings of 'if I can't transition I can't bear living' that some other people do (not that I can bear it but for other reasons lol) but it was one of the very few things I was looking forward to in life so to have that delayed by at least a considerable amount really sucks. Looking for reasons to keep going by living day to day, but it becomes harder w the moment.
Sorry to get all depressed at the end there and such. Just really not in a good spot, I guess. Not really sure what I meant to accomplish with this post as it was mostly me rambling about what's on my mind, but I guess getting that off my chest is as good a reason as any. Thanks for reading, and thanks to all of y'all who are my friends on here. Truly does mean the world <3
(and on a last more positive note: grats to every1 who recently came out!!! keep it up all :)
sorry to hear about the delay Aliss, that seems like a really tough situation.
I joined this community after lurking for a long time and I’ve been pretty excited to see how many openly queer people there are here, even as moderators.
cant wait to get to know everybody a little better!!
Alright, I'll admit it. I'm not the biggest fan of Celeste (the game) this is probably because I'm not good at it but can I talk about how much I stan Madeline?
Madeline is perfect. Not only is she epic trans girl but she is also strong independent woman. Sorry Ice Climbers, Madeline is the greatest mountain climber of all time (depending on how good you are at the game)
Look at that long luscious hair. The aesthetic of the hair pointing up on top. Important to note I am not simping Madeline rather I am stanning, big difference.
Also, she is the perfect balance of cute and strong. Cute girls can be strong too: Madeline is the prime example. Madeline for Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass 2? YUP
Also, I stan Badeline too. Cool design and concept of a char.
Overall Madeline is a 10/10 protagonist can we pls have more epic trans video game chars thx.
Alright, I'll admit it. I'm not the biggest fan of Celeste (the game) this is probably because I'm not good at it but can I talk about how much I stan Madeline?
Madeline is perfect. Not only is she epic trans girl but she is also strong independent woman. Sorry Ice Climbers, Madeline is the greatest mountain climber of all time (depending on how good you are at the game) View attachment 290694
Look at that long luscious hair. The aesthetic of the hair pointing up on top. Important to note I am not simping Madeline rather I am stanning, big difference.
Also, she is the perfect balance of cute and strong. Cute girls can be strong too: Madeline is the prime example. Madeline for Smash Bros Ultimate Fighters Pass 2? YUP
Also, I stan Badeline too. Cool design and concept of a char.
Overall Madeline is a 10/10 protagonist can we pls have more epic trans video game chars thx.
You guys are cute and always the best btw. Keep being motivational and how you guys are, cause it's really awesome and it helps everyone feel happy and secure as a community!
⚠ Disclaimer : I never speaked about this topic in english so in advance, I apologize if I'm saying something wrong, this is not on purpose, I don't want to harm anyone with what I'm saying so feel free to correct anything if I made some mistakes.. ⚠
Hello there, it's a little bit of a first for me to talk about who I am more in depth but since this thread and the people who post on it are caring and open-minded, I feel like I could share my story like many people before me..
To set the context it's been around two years now that I accept the fact that I'm pansexual. It was an introspection for me because for a very long time, I've been thinking that I was only "straight" or "bi-curious" and even now it's a bit weird to define how I'm pansexual. For instance, I still have the feeling that I could not have a "serious" gay relationship or a relashionship with a NB person and that I'm only pansexual when the relation is solely based on sex or feelings, not both. It's quite hard to explain this and I find even myself a little lost. I'm lucky IRL because I almost never had any issues due to my sexual orientation, whether it's from my family (even tho I never did an official coming out to my parents, I actually don't feel the need and they know I'm not 100% straight), friends or strangers..the only time it happened was when some people told me that I wasn't rightful to talk about this topic because they thought that I wasn't part of the LGBTQIA+ community (which is also why I tend to not talk about it too much now). Overall I don't really focus too much on this because I do not think it defines who I am (I could be straight or asexual, I would still be the same imo).
By the way, I'm glad many people have been able to talk about this on this thread and that people are really nice to each others, so yeah be proud of who you are because you can't really change it, just enjoy your life with the people you love and be strong..!