Awesome utility set. Just remove the Stun Spore slash, mention Aromatherapy in AC (you simply can't pass up healing wish, its way too good) and slash HP fire alongside HP Rock.
name: Sun Utility
move 1: Leaf Storm
move 2: Hidden Power Rock
move 3: Sleep Powder
move 4: Healing Wish
item: Life Orb
ability: Chlorophyll
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SAtkpA / 64 SpD / 192 Spe
<p> <remove space>While Lilligant is commonly seenusingboosting with Quiver Dance, this set can come as a surprise to opponents that expect Lilligant's more well-know sets. With Leaf Storm, Lilligant becomes an immediate threat packing nearly the same power as a +2 Giga Drain, but withnoout the need for prior setup.ThisLeaf Storm allows her to OHKO Pokemon such as Tyranitar inSsandstorm, Gyarados, Conkeldurr, and Landorus. Hidden Power Rock hits many of the Pokemon that resist Leaf Storm, such as Dragonite and Volcarona, forSsuperEeffective damage. Sleep Powder allowsither to neutralize Pokemon that resist Leaf Storm&and her Hidden Power or are notf choice, or are bulky enough to not be KO'ed, preventing them from doing any harm to Lilligant or her teammates. Lilligant's ace in the hole is Healing Wish. Due to Chlorophyll, Lilligant has the fastest Healing Wish in the game,allowingwhich enables her to bring back any teammate to full health. Because Healing Wish heals the incoming Pokemon before entry hazard damage, Healing Wish allows Pokemon with low HP thatho would otherwise beinstantly KO'KOed by hazards to come back into the fray, which is particularly useful forDrought-based teams due to the Fire-types they generally carrythe many Fire-types on Drought-based teams. Using this move comes at the cost of Lilligant's life, so it should only be used when Lilligant can be of no more use to it's team.</p>
<p>The Speed EVs allow Lilligant to out-speed Mrun max Speed Politoedwithout Chlorophyllin neutral weather, as well as out-pace +2 Jolly Cloyster inSunlightsun. The Special Defense EVslet Lilligant alwaysguarantee that she surviveas Choice Scarf Modest Politoed's Ice Beam, meaning that Lilligant is always a safeleadbet against Politoed, and leading with her can possibly earn you the weather advantage after only the first turn1of the battle. Hidden Power Fire is an option if you have reliable checks to Fire-, Flying-,&and Bug-types, but you do lose a lot of coverage if you don't use Hidden Power Rock. Aromatherapyis also an option over Healing Wish, letting it cure it'scan replace Healing Wish, letting Lilligant cure her entire team of status, but she can no longer restore the HP ofit'sher teammates. Stun Spore can be used over Healing Wish as wellto, createing an effective"Double Powder"strategy and supporting Lilligant's slower-movingteammatesbut it cannot be stressed enough tha, but Healing Wish is by far the best option.</p>
<p>As the name suggests, this Lilligant is dependent onSunlightsun to function atit'sher best. Stealth Rock is very welcome as it gives her OHKOs on even more Pokemon and solidifies KOs on Pokemon she only has a percent chance to KO otherwise <provide examples>. Scizor poses a huge problem as it's one of the most common Pokemon that can strike her before she moves&; it also resists Leaf Storm, however she. However, Lilligant has the natural bulk to take one CBhoice Band Bullet Punch. Steel-types in general pose huge problems to Lilligant, so Magnezoneorand bulky Fire-types are the best partners for Lilligant outside of the obligatory Ninetales. This set's job is to patch the problems thatSsun teams generally have, and because of that she should work with her team, not be the centerpiece of a team.</p>
name: Sun Utility
move 1: Leaf Storm
move 2: Hidden Power Rock
move 3: Sleep Powder
move 4: Healing Wish
item: Life Orb
ability: Chlorophyll
nature: Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 64 SpD / 192 Spe
<p>While Lilligant is commonly seen boosting with Quiver Dance, this set can come as a surprise to opponents that expect Lilligant's more well-know sets. With Leaf Storm, Lilligant becomes an immediate threat, packing nearly the same power as a +2 Giga Drain, but without the need for prior setup. Leaf Storm allows her to OHKO Pokemon such as Tyranitar in sandstorm, Gyarados, Conkeldurr, and Landorus. Hidden Power Rock hits many of the Pokemon that resist Leaf Storm, such as Dragonite and Volcarona, for super effective damage. Sleep Powder allows her to neutralize Pokemon that resist Leaf Storm and her Hidden Powerof choice, or. It can also hit Pokemon that are bulky enough to not be KOed, preventing them from doing any harm to Lilligant or her teammates. Lilligant's ace in the hole is Healing Wish. Due to Chlorophyll, Lilligant has the fastest Healing Wish in the game, which enables her to bring back any teammate to full health.BecausSince Healing Wish heals the incoming Pokemon before entry hazard damage, Healing Wish allows Pokemon who would otherwise be KOed by hazards to come back into the fray, which is particularly useful for the many Fire-types on Drought-based teams. Using this move comes at the cost of Lilligant's life, so it should only be used when Lilligantcan beis of no more use to its team.</p>
<p>The Speed EVs allow Lilligant to outrun max Speed Politoed in neutral weather, as well as outpace +2 Jolly Cloyster in sun. The Special Defense EVs guarantee that she survives Choice Scarf Modest Politoed's Ice Beam, meaning that Lilligant is always a safe bet against Politoed, and leading with her can possibly earn you the weather advantage after onlys early as the first turn of the battle. Hidden Power Fire is an option if you have reliable checks to Fire-, Flying-, and Bug-types, but you do lose a lot of coverage if you don't use Hidden Power Rock. Aromatherapy can replace Healing Wish, letting Lilligant cure her entire team of status, but shecanwill no longer be able to restore the HP of her teammates. Stun Spore can be used over Healing Wish as well, creating an effective Double Powder strategy and supporting Lilligant's slower teammates,butnevertheless, Healing Wish is by far the best option.</p>
<p>As the name suggests, this Lilligant is dependent on sun to function at her best. Stealth Rock is very welcome, as it gives her OHKOs on seven moreral other Pokemon and solidifies KOs on Pokemon she only has a percent chance to KO otherwise <provide examples>. Scizor poses a huge problem as it's one of the most common Pokemon that can strike her before she moves; it also resists Leaf Storm. However, Lilligant has the natural bulk to take one Choice Band Bullet Punch. Steel-types in general pose huge problems to Lilligant, so Magnezone and bulky Fire-types are the best partners for Lilligant, outside of the obligatory Ninetales. This set's job is to patch the problems that sun teams generally have, and because of that sheshouldworks with her team,not beand isn't the centerpiece of a team.</p>
evs: 252 SAtk / 64 SpD / 192 Spe
Pokemon she only has a percent chance to KO otherwise such as Gyarados, Scrafty, Espeon, and Machamp