Other Metagames Long Live: A Lasting AAA Team (1,000th post)


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:ss/terrakion: :ss/azelf: :ss/corviknight: :ss/swampert: :ss/blissey:

why is the Corv sprite so big it really kinda messes this up
Hello friends! I have never done a RMT before, and I'm told that's the cool thing to do for your 1,000th post, so here we are! Anyone who plays AAA, or knows me at all, should pretty much immediately recognize this team, as I have spammed it across every meta shift and it still holds up well. It has been a sample team, carried me to suspect reqs three separate times, and despite the fact it is quite dated now and all the techs are well known and adapted to, it still plays very well and represents my playstyle to a T. You can see echoes of this team in almost every one I build, even in non-AAA metas, and I consider it the best team I ever built. So without further ado, let's jump in!

Teambuilding process
I had a habit early in my AAA career of latching onto one broken breaker and spamming it. At first that was SFLO Gengar, but then the corrupt council banned it for no good reason. Then it was Tapu Bulu for a while, but finally I settled on the mon I would main for most of the generation: Terrakion. Its STAB coverage is nearly unresisted, and it in many ways is the perfect breaker for my preferred pivot-and-wallbreaker style of offense. It is prediction reliant and often needs a few switch ins to wear down its checks, but it generally rewards skillful play; the more times you get it in, the better it is.

:terrakion: :azelf:
Terrakion has a few weaknesses; fast-but-not-fast, generally needs to be pivoted in, and needs priority checked. Thankfully there is an all-in-one partner for that: Azelf! Thanks to Psychic Surge, Choice Scarf, and its 115 Speed, it is usually the fastest unboosted threat on the field. Expanding Force+Psyshock makes it a great cleaner once Terrakion is done breaking down the doors, it can U-turn on special walls to bring in Terrakion in a favorable position, and it can force out almost every offensive threat to regain momentum. Terrakion + Azelf is the engine that makes this team run.

:terrakion: :azelf: :corviknight: :swampert: :blissey:
I am going to talk about the defensive core all at once, but this is what I consider the most generic possible bulky offense defensive core in AAA and what I often built with at the time: CorvBlissPert (fun fact, this was my first post in the AAA thread). The idea behind it is simple; Intimidate Corviknight and Regenerator Swampert handle almost all physical threats between them, and Regenerator Blissey blanks the special side. The core also has entry hazards, entry hazard removal, status infliction, reliable recovery, and, most importantly, every member has a slow pivot move to regain momentum.

:terrakion: :azelf: :corviknight: :swampert: :blissey: :genesect:
The last teamslot was the one that changed the most; when running CorvBlissPert, all three of your other slots need to be very aggressive to cover up for the fact it is an insanely passive defensive core. This team already has a solid wallbreaker and a solid cleaner, but would appreciate a second one of each. I eventually settled on Genesect; it was originally an AoA set, that evolved into SG+SFLO, that evolved into the final form, SG+No Guard. Genesect is a secondary wallbreaker, can spread paralysis to make Terrakion's life easier, and is a powerful cleaner when it gets a Shift Gear off. It was the perfect last slot and rounded out the team nicely.

And here is the whole team! https://pokepast.es/22d05996c98d73a9

The Team
:ss/terrakion: :azelf: :corviknight: :swampert: :blissey: :genesect:
Terrakion @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Toxic​

Terrakion is a very straightforward wallbreaker: get in, click buttons, get out. Close Combat and Stone Edge, backed by Adaptability, Choice Band, and 129 Attack, have obscene power and few switch-ins. Terrakion usually enters the field one of two ways: either with a slow pivot from the defensive core on an offensive mon it forces out, or via Azelf's U-turn as it forced something out and brought in a special wall. From there, it needs a bit of prediction; many teams rely on soft checking to beat Terrakion, with mons that can switch into Close Combat but not Stone Edge and vice versa. With the correct, and often aggressive prediction, Terrakion can blast holes through most defensive cores. Earthquake is mostly filler, but is a more consistent move into Toxapex and the rare Doublade and Palossand. Toxic cripples Dauntless Shield Mew and Hippowdon, two of Terrakion's more consistent switch-ins, letting it win the long game against them.

:terrakion: :ss/azelf: :corviknight: :swampert: :blissey: :genesect:
Azelf @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Expanding Force
- U-turn
- Psyshock
- Trick​

Azelf is the jack of all trades, master of most of them. The defensive core and Terrakion all tend to invite in fast offensive threats like Barraskewda, Tapu Koko, and Talonflame, so having a mon that reliably forces them out is critical. Azelf was, and to some degree still is, the most compact form of speed control in the metagame. Especially with Kommo-o gone, it outspeeds almost every relevant threat, forces them out with Psychic Terrain Expanding Force, and can also U-turn aggressively on predicted switches. Since this is the team's cleaner, Psyshock was chosen for the third moveslot to provide "mixed" coverage; Fire Blast and Knock Off are also options. Trick rounds out the set, allowing Azelf to cripple a defensive wall or free up its moves against teams where it does not need the extra Speed from Choice Scarf; it also can limit the effectiveness of setup sweepers like Cosmic Power Mew and Quiver Dance Volcarona, if played correctly.

:terrakion: :azelf: :ss/corviknight: :swampert: :blissey: :genesect:
this sprite is still way too big
Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 25 Spe
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Roost
- Defog​

Corviknight: the physical catch-all, pretend Fighting resist, and utility pivot. With three defensive mons and only two Regenerator slots, Intimidate is a solid option for the second physical wall. Brave Bird is chosen over Body Press to threaten Zarude, Dhelmise, Tapu Bulu, and do emergency damage to Volcarona. Roost provides vital recovery, and Defog necessary entry hazard removal; this team is reliant on pivoting, so keeping hazards off is ideal. U-turn provides the all-important slow pivot to build momentum for the team; the 25 Speed IVs seem random, but they are a series of compromises. I don't like minimum Speed Coviknight as I find it getting sniped by Dhelmise and Seismic Toss Blissey at low health; 25 IVs get you below min-Speed Mandibuzz and any Swampert that forgot to min-Speed, but keeps you above Blissey and bulky Dhelmise. Leftovers is required if you want to pretend to check Terrakion. Since Corviknight is the only defensive mon without Regen, it is most prone to getting worn down; spam Roost.

:terrakion: :azelf: :corviknight: :ss/swampert: :blissey: :genesect:
Swampert @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Flip Turn
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic​

Corviknight has two weaknesses; Swampert is immune to one and resists the other. Swampert has one weakeness; Corviknight might as well be immune to it. Swampert provides Stealth Rock as well, a welcome addition to any team, and even slower pivoting than Corviknight. The last move slot is highly customizable; Toxic is the most consistent one I have found, but Ice Beam, Counter, Stone Edge, and Mirror Coat all have merit. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish other pivots, especially Barraskewda, who is admittedly a poor matchup for this team. I have an adage I often say about Swampert; it loses slowly to everything. The key word, however, is slowly, giving time for the offensive core to win first.

:terrakion: :azelf: :corviknight: :swampert: :ss/blissey: :genesect:
Blissey (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 25 Spe
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave
- Teleport​

What do you do when you want a specially defensive core in a single mon? You run a pink blob, of course. Both Chansey and Blissey are very defensible in this slot, and I have run both at various times. Chansey has better bulk and a much stronger matchup into Primal Weather, but as the only special wall, it's switch ins are exceedingly predictable and I often find it getting Knocked or Tricked; hence, Blissey. Additionally, this team is not as good at playing with hazards off as I would like, so, again, Blissey. The moveset is very standard; Thunder Wave deserves a shout out to ruin certain offensive switch-ins and make Terrakion and Genesect's life easier. 25 IVs again underspeeds full Speed Blissey, but creeps paralyzed Heatran and min-Speed Corv for a funny Seismic Toss snipe (this has only happened twice, to be fair, but was hilarious both times). I have also at times run Fire Blast cause Genesect is sad; food for thought.

:terrakion: :azelf: :corviknight: :swampert: :blissey:

Genesect @ Life Orb
Ability: No Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 32 Atk / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Mild Nature
- Leech Life
- Zap Cannon
- Blizzard
- Shift Gear​

Everyone's favorite bug and the least-controversial mon in AAA: Genesect! Genesect serves two different roles on this team, depending on matchup. It can be an early-game wallbreaker and status spreader, slowing down and softening up the other team for Terrakion and Azelf. However, if the opprotunitiy presents itself, it can also be cleaner and sweeper, as after a Shift Gear, nothing relevant outspeeds it and it resists almost all common priority. Leech Life is nice in as the third attack to get some recovery and annoy Blissey and RegenVesters. Genesect strikes the right balance between immediate offensive pressure, team support, and strong wincon, making it an excellent last slot.

Usage Tips
The name of the game with this team is: momentum. The defensive core is all about regaining it, and the offensive core is all about taking advantage of it.
Play aggressively, especially with Terrakion. This team disproportionately rewards good reads and gives you as many chances as possible to make them. Don't be afraid to, for example, click Stone Edge against Garchomp after Corv pivots you in; making the aggressive read is often the right read.
Speaking of playing aggressively, pivot very aggressively with Swampert and Blissey. They are exceedingly passive, so trading 50% of their health (down to 16% after Regen) for momentum is usually worth it.
Normal play sequence is: offensive mon is forced out. Go to the defensive pokemon that best sponges the hit. As they switch, slow pivot to Terrakion or Genesect if it threatens them, Azelf if it's faster than both. With Azelf, usually click U-turn as you force them out to bring Terrakion or Gene in. Click until forced out, repeat.
Identify early what your wincon is. It will usually be getting Genesect a Shift Gear, so figure out what it can set up on, and what needs to be removed or weakened first. Azelf is not uncommonly the wincon either, cleaning up with Expanding Force. Terrakion with enough paralysis support from Genesect and Blissey often works as well, so don't neglect that path.
This team is bad at handling a set-up sweeper; do everything in your power to not let things set up, especially Speed boosters that can get ahead of Azelf, and don't be afraid to make risky plays to deny set up. Also, Tricking Scarf on them is your friend.
Identify early if Azelf needs its Scarf, or if there is something on the other team (like Cosmic Power Mew) that you really want the Scarf on. Trick accordingly.
Spam Roost with Corv if you see a Fighting type on the other team. Trust me. You cannot afford any chip.

Here are some replays of the team in action; they also prove I used it in all three suspect runs, in case you doubted me.

Threat List
:zapdos: :heatran: :barraskewda: Primal Weather: This team is very vulnerable to Primal Weather, especially with no weather of its own. It also lacks a proper Water resist, relying on sheer bulk to hold out. Barraskewda and Taunt Heatran are especially dangerous, as they can overwhelm the defensive core with skillful play.
:zapdos-galar: :terrakion: Fighting Types: Speaking of "lacking proper resistances," Corviknight is the "fighting resist." While it does hold out against them from full, it takes very little chip for it to lose.
:genesect: :volcarona: Speed Boosting Sweepers: This team has precious little counterplay to setup sweepers once they outspeed Azelf. Sometimes, the team has to contort itself to deny setup opportunities, but usually has the offensive pressure to prevent it.

And that's the team! It is a few metagame shifts old at this point, but still holds up well. It carried me to reqs in three different suspect tests, and still puts in work today. It perfectly encapsulates the pivot-and-wallbreaker playstyle that I prefer and still use largely to this day, even as the pivots and wallbreakers evolve.

Now, since this is a 1,000th post, shoutouts time. There are going to be a lot, so they will be short. I also probably forgot some people soooooo sorry and I feel bad :(
in the hills you're a great OM leader and inspired me to finally do a rmt lol; thanks for all you do
Ransei also a great OM leader, and btw, Pure Hackmons
Isaiah one of, if not the, biggest mentors on the site for me. I am largely where I am because of you, and value our friendship a ton. Thanks for all you do for Smogon, OMs, and me.
Kris gm. Thanks for coding everything and leading Godly Gift and stuff.
OM enjoy retirement friend! You will be missed.
Eli you're super nice and a great mod.
drampa's grandpa old. Goldeen rules. You're cool.
iapt one of my best friends on the site; good luck at college! please don't disappear :/ I would be sad
berry you're cool, glad you're back, please get on the GP team, we need you.
Chrome8 your name is still spelled wrong on the forum.
xavgb you're too good at mons and it scares me.
astralydia you're also too good at mons, and it also scares me.
Byleth I hope you're enjoying (semi?) retirement, and always glad to see you around when you are.
Senko meow
beauts you're literally on half of perma-councils, how is that possible? Thanks for being a great friend, and who knows maybe we'll co-manage South.
The Number Man amazing player and friend even if you can't spell; been great to get to know you more.
avyrie I lost my wordle streak and cried. Thanks for doing council and stuff
longhiep341 you are maybe the most innovate player in GG and AAA; so glad you've gotten so active, and thanks for writing 10,000 analyses
Ducky's number 1 fan
pannuracotta thanks for all you do with GG QC, and you're a fun person to get to know.
Daylight Pure Hackmons. Also, art. Also also, Taylor Swift.
Mbouchon Pure Hackmons.
Hizo nerd. Cool nerd. But nerd. Who can code.
Lumii cool person who is better at mons than they think.
ponchlake why do you play all my metas, and why are you good at them? Thanks for throwing wild ideas at me all the time.
yuki thank you for showing me the error of AAA doubles.
Theia big fan.
Kennedy isn't Taylor Swift the coolest?
dex thanks for being the greatest GP tutor! also, curse you for getting me caught up in this.
Finland thank you for doing 10,000 GP checks. Also, how.
Lasen let me know when you need a GP check.
adem larp.
Discordual it's been great to see you getting into OMs more; still my oldest friend on the site, we will tear up SSB5 together.
MurderousMantyke it's fun to hang out with you in the Help room; don't know you well yet, but hopeful to
KaiserKaiba The Dragon Master Wes8888 Orangex733 rarre Shandeur Plushietran Ratio and probably a bunch of others cause there are a lot of us and I don't know all of y'all's Smogon names: OM Goons forever.
Osake I hope you're enjoying retirement friend! Miss you, and you're the best :heart:
motherlove hope Wingspan is treating you well!
Atha plz come back
Ren come back nerd
Last edited:
I logged back on Smogon just for you but I would've been a monster if I didn't...
You already know how much I love you and how much I respect you for being such a kind and nice person in such a rotten world.
Thanks for everything you did, as a contributor for AAA, GG, and OMs in general, and as a person for everyone that had the luck to know you, and obviously for me, you made my time here better.
Good luck for the future, you'll remain forever one of the best non-french persons I've known on this site, and I wish you all the best for you and your family.
Cya in 2y :heart:

(Toxtricity is goated btw)
toxics with terrak into blissey, gets burnt by fire blast
"BRO WHY ARE YOU STAYING IN ON AZELF WITH YOUR GAP/TERRAK??", Magikarp typed after he u turned out (sneaky pebbles are present)
loads CorvPertBliss into dland taunt tran
every seemingly passive mon on its way to tack on fire coverage to snipe the bug
Terrakion used Stone Edge!
A critical hit!
(The opposing Corviknight lost 100% of its health!)
insanely accurate reads with azelf and ripping up my entire defensive core
pivoting around an offensive core consisting of the mons in my signature with ease using a pink fat sphere, a bri'ish raven, and a mud fish
the "cool scarf regen pivot" - UT, 2022 on its way to clicks shift gear 17 times after paralyzing my rachi

Thank you UT for spreading OM propaganda and rating my batshit AAA/GG teams, you are epic. Proud to be an OM goon.
:wo: :woo: :woop: :quagchamppogsire: :woop: :woo: :wo: