Even then, other than not taking Ice Punch for Crunch/Extreme Speed, there's really not much stopping Luke from Ice Punching the shit out of Gliscor anyways. Lucario generally outspeeds most Gliscors, and defensive ones are 2HKOed at the very worst unless Lucario is burned and at -1 or something.Specially-based Luke is still an amazing Gliscor lure
DD + DTail is still stupid. DTail has -6 Priority. You're not outspeeding shit with that. The rest of your team is also irrelevant - in this situation, Gyarados did what it came in to do - eliminate Lucario from the playing field.A: People like to be able to Phaze
B: My team doesnt have too many things weak to gyra
NP Luke isn't bad, but it's not as good as its SD Counterpart for reasons already listed - other than a few (no longer notable) niches, it doesn't have much over the much stronger version.