Lurantis @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leaf Blade
- Superpower
- Knock Off / Substitute
- Protect
This mantis preys upon some of the most common Pokemon in DOU! With Contrary, Superpower, and STAB Leaf Blade, Lurantis turns the table on Incineroar and also matches up well into other common Pokemon such as Rillaboom and Tapu Fini. If given a few free turns, Lurantis can quickly spiral out of control with the Attack and Defense boosts from Superpower; it can find these free turns against slower, bulkier teams anchored by the three aforementioned Pokemon that can't switch in safely nor immediately threaten it, especially under Trick Room. Knock Off works well in the last moveslot to cover the few Leaf Blade and Superpower switch-ins such as Dragapult and Amoonguss. Lurantis is always paired with a Trick Room setter such as Diancie or Porygon2 due to its low Speed, with the latter also acting as a strong check to Landorus and Naganadel, who threaten Lurantis, especially outside of Trick Room. Dragapult fills a similar niche and can also function outside of Trick Room.
Check out Lurantis in action in OSDT II!
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