AAA Magic Guard Iron Bundle [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

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name: Magic Guard Disrupter
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

In addition to its strong wallbreaking capabilities, Iron Bundle's immense Speed allows it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame and utilize Encore or Taunt to serve as a disrupter, hindering setup sweepers like Nasty Plot Gholdengo and passive Pokemon like Clodsire. Encore punishes setup sweepers and can burn extra recovery PP from opposing walls, while Taunt denies recovery in the first place. U-turn allows Iron Bundle to escape from dangerous switch-ins like Desolate Land Iron Moth while maintaining momentum, and Magic Guard keeps it from getting worn down by entry hazards through repeated switches. Iron Bundle struggles against specially defensive Pokemon like Florges and Blissey, so it pairs well with physically offensive teammates like Kingambit and Ceruledge. Iron Bundle also has low Special Defense, so it appreciates teammates like Ice Scales Corviknight and Clodsire that can take special attacks well.

- Written by: [[Theia, 439018]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
add remove conjecture
name: Magic Guard Disrupter
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

In addition to its strong wallbreaking capabilities thanks to its high Special Attack, Iron Bundle's immense Speed allows it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame and utilize Encore and Taunt to serve as a disrupter, hindering setup sweepers like Nasty Plot Gholdengo and more passive Pokemon like Clodsire. Encore punishes setup sweepers and can burn extra recovery PP from opposing walls, while Taunt denies recovery in the first place. U-turn allows Iron Bundle to escape from dangerous switch-ins hyphen like Desolate Land Chi-Yu while maintaining momentum, and Magic Guard keeps it from getting worn down by entry hazards through repeated switches. Iron Bundle struggles against specially defensive Pokemon like Florges and Blissey, so it pairs well with physically offensive teammates like Iron Hands and Dragonite. Iron Bundle also has low Special Defense, so it appreciates teammates like Ice Scales Corviknight and Clodsire that can take special attacks well.

- Written by: [[Theia, 439018]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2! I swear I already QCed this?? I am losing my mind.

add remove conjecture
name: Magic Guard Disrupter
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

In addition to its strong wallbreaking capabilities thanks to its high Special Attack, Iron Bundle's immense Speed allows it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame and utilize Encore and Taunt to serve as a disrupter, hindering setup sweepers like Nasty Plot Gholdengo and more passive Pokemon like Clodsire. Encore punishes setup sweepers and can burn extra recovery PP from opposing walls, while Taunt denies recovery in the first place. U-turn allows Iron Bundle to escape from dangerous switch-ins hyphen like Desolate Land Chi-Yu while maintaining momentum, and Magic Guard keeps it from getting worn down by entry hazards through repeated switches. Iron Bundle struggles against specially defensive Pokemon like Florges and Blissey, so it pairs well with physically offensive teammates like Iron Hands and Dragonite. Iron Bundle also has low Special Defense, so it appreciates teammates like Ice Scales Corviknight and Clodsire that can take special attacks well.

- Written by: [[Theia, 439018]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2! I swear I already QCed this?? I am losing my mind.

Implemented, thank you!
name: Magic Guard Disrupter
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

In addition to its strong wallbreaking capabilities, Iron Bundle's immense Speed allows it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame and utilize Encore orand Taunt to serve as a disrupter, hindering setup sweepers like Nasty Plot Gholdengo and passive Pokemon like Clodsire. Encore punishes setup sweepers and can burn extra recovery PP from opposing walls, while Taunt denies recovery in the first place. U-turn allows Iron Bundle to escape from dangerous switch-ins like Desolate Land Chi-YuIron Moth while maintaining momentum, and Magic Guard keeps it from getting worn down by entry hazards through repeated switches. Iron Bundle struggles against specially defensive Pokemon like Florges and Blissey, so it pairs well with physically offensive teammates like Kingambit and Ceruledge Iron Hands and Dragonite both get worked by Florges + Blissey can still eat any 1 hit and twave dnite.Iron Hands and Dragonite. Iron Bundle also has low Special Defense, so it appreciates teammates like Ice Scales Corviknight and Clodsire that can take special attacks well.

- Written by: [[Theia, 439018]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 2/2
name: Magic Guard Disrupter
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

In addition to its strong wallbreaking capabilities, Iron Bundle's immense Speed allows it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame and utilize Encore orand Taunt to serve as a disrupter, hindering setup sweepers like Nasty Plot Gholdengo and passive Pokemon like Clodsire. Encore punishes setup sweepers and can burn extra recovery PP from opposing walls, while Taunt denies recovery in the first place. U-turn allows Iron Bundle to escape from dangerous switch-ins like Desolate Land Chi-YuIron Moth while maintaining momentum, and Magic Guard keeps it from getting worn down by entry hazards through repeated switches. Iron Bundle struggles against specially defensive Pokemon like Florges and Blissey, so it pairs well with physically offensive teammates like Kingambit and Ceruledge Iron Hands and Dragonite both get worked by Florges + Blissey can still eat any 1 hit and twave dnite.Iron Hands and Dragonite. Iron Bundle also has low Special Defense, so it appreciates teammates like Ice Scales Corviknight and Clodsire that can take special attacks well.

- Written by: [[Theia, 439018]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 2/2
Implemented, thank you!

Good morning GP Team :blobpex:
name: Magic Guard Disrupter
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Freeze-Dry
move 3: Encore / Taunt
move 4: U-turn
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

In addition to its strong wallbreaking capabilities, Iron Bundle's immense Speed allows it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame and utilize Encore or Taunt to serve as a disrupter, hindering setup sweepers like Nasty Plot Gholdengo and passive Pokemon like Clodsire. Encore punishes setup sweepers and can burn extra recovery PP from opposing walls, while Taunt denies recovery in the first place. U-turn allows Iron Bundle to escape from dangerous switch-ins like Desolate Land Iron Moth while maintaining momentum, and Magic Guard keeps it from getting worn down by entry hazards through repeated switches. Iron Bundle struggles against specially defensive Pokemon like Florges and Blissey, so it pairs well with physically offensive teammates like Kingambit and Ceruledge. Iron Bundle also has low Special Defense, so it appreciates teammates like Ice Scales Corviknight and Clodsire that can take special attacks well.

- Written by: [[Theia, 439018]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036]]

looks good2me
GP Team done
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