Magic: The Gathering


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At five mana, she's more comparable to Venser I think. She can marginally protect herself without anything else on the board but he's harder to chip down going +2, naturally hits his ult a turn faster and his emblem is more gamebreaking (though either should win you the game). Of course he's much stronger with his toys to play with. She might be a maindeck 1-of in Delver/Spirits or whatever though, just because she can end up being a Tidings or whatever, might replace Jace as a board card in control mirrors since she can continue exerting a mana advantage by tapping their land down. Usable but no more than a fringe player most likely.
She will be great in ub control mirrors. Atm, whoever plays drownyard first wins. Its an ok card. None of the spoilers aside from the devil and the greenwhite angel are any good
So, the new 2-mana Planeswalker is pretty "meh" imo. Way too limited in what he can do to be much of anything in a match. His ulti is nice, but takes way too long to get to and loses the surprise factor that Insurrection as a sorcery has.

EDIT: I agree with Sir for Standard/Modern. EDH, on the other hand, is going to have a field day with Griselbrand, Bruna, Giselda, Sigarda, Avacyn, Craterhoof Behemoth and Cathar's Crusade. SO many great, big (too big for most formats) spells.

EDIT2 @ Below: Late seeing your post, but here.

Yeah, supposedly a new card is going to be released to let your opponent fill up their hand, but really even with that, its second ability requires at least two turns of set up to use. Between that, his net neutral +1 and his ultimate being mostly a preventatitve measure, he's probably the most disappointing Planeswalker ever?

EDIT: Admittedly, a 2 mana Planeswalker couldn't realistically be much better without breaking the game; however, I feel there's a huge utility gap between him and even the 3 mana 'walkers like Liliana of the Veil and Jace Beleren. That and the fact that playing him is like screaming "Hey come hit this Planeswalker as hard as you can before he can become remotely dangerous!"
Yeah, supposedly a new card is going to be released to let your opponent fill up their hand, but really even with that, its second ability requires at least two turns of set up to use. Between that, his net neutral +1 and his ultimate being mostly a preventatitve measure, he's probably the most disappointing Planeswalker ever?

EDIT: Admittedly, a 2 mana Planeswalker couldn't realistically be much better without breaking the game; however, I feel there's a huge utility gap between him and even the 3 mana 'walkers like Liliana of the Veil and Jace Beleren. That and the fact that playing him is like screaming "Hey come hit this Planeswalker as hard as you can before he can become remotely dangerous!"
Yeah, the thing is neither of this - abilities are even worth building up to... Like, it's entirely possible that his -6 does actual nothing because the only deck that is going to let him sit there derping is a deck with zero creatures.... I guess his -4 would be okay against that deck but he's seriously awful. I know they were trying to make it so he wasn't overpowered and in every deck like JTMS but even just making him RR was enough imo, they could have made his + ability a little more relevant.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Honestly, the toughest part to swallow is the random discard on his +1. Without that, he'd be quite a bit more appealing but I suppose they didn't want him to be a Merfolk Looter with haste either. I think he can still see sideboard play, I mean he can get in under Mana Leak on the play and burn control decks pretty hard every few turns, kinda like a Shrine of Burning Rage that doesn't require an extra 3 mana to pop later. He's an interesting experiment at any rate.
I'm coming around on him; I don't mind him in RDW as a 2-of or something, maybe in the SB, against Control matchups (moreso once Shrine goes away). Control decks basically can't interact with him short of a counterspell, so having a RR Suspend 2 Sudden Impact doesn't seem all that bad.

He's not amazeballs, but I don't think he's complete deadweight.


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I think you're underestimating the power of a two-drop walker. Non-aggressive decks will be completely unable to deal with him on the play, and even then, if you play a creature (eg Vexing Devil that survives) on T1, then they'll still have trouble getting rid of him. He is still a strong engine on T2 that can produce high rewards for the right decks. Sure, random discard isn't great, but he is one hell of an accelerator for red decks - and that's definitely something red wants.

I agree that he probably isn't going to be game-breaking and he alone will not be responsible for putting RDW on the radar, but he will definitely see play - time has taught us that low-costed Walkers are generally very powerful, and so R&D likely tried to downplay him as much as possible for his casting cost. However, I think by virtue of being able to hit the field almost immediately, and still be hard to deal with into T4-T5 will make him playable and a welcome addition to some decks.

I think Tibalt is basically RDW's answer to Control decks - nearly unpreventable card advantage, combined with (basically) repeatable Sudden Impacts will hit control decks very hard - they can either keep their hand of removal and counterspells and take quite a bit of damage on T5 and T9, or they can be forced to play their hand earlier and faster, thus losing card advantage.

It's a very effective card for its cost, and its cost is what makes it useful. I'll probably be picking one up for EDH anyway, only because RWB needs as much draw power as it can get.
AVR will be a nice set...
So far, I'm loving Miracle (for the most part) and Soulbound (Silverblade Paladin FTW). Griselbrand is awesome, and Avacyn is good too. Vexing Devil is a beast and might be responsible for RDW comeback, or at least RU Delver (which loves Temporal Mastery as well). Also, Zystral and MrIndigo have proven a good point of Non-Token control vs. Tibalt. For whatever reason though, I love Griselbrand, and am hoping that the same luck that provided me with Sorin 2.0 will provide me with him.
the problem with rdw in innistrad block is that it's got no shortage of good 1-drops (stromkirk noble, vexing devil, reckless waif), but it doesn't really have any 2-drops. you have tibalt, who is probably just ok because he's better than ashmouth hound and bloodcrazed neonate (i prefer the former). i made a block rdw deck and i found myself playing a lot of cards that i think would never see play in standard (aforementioned ashmouth hounds and bloodcrazed neonates, crossway vampire).
when i heard about a 2 mana planeswalker i hoped it would be blue and drew cards. oh how i was disappointed... none of the cards are very good imo. the gw angel is good but that's about it
(eg Vexing Devil that survives) on T1
No such thing.

I think Tibalt is basically RDW's answer to Control decks - nearly unpreventable card advantage, combined with (basically) repeatable Sudden Impacts will hit control decks very hard - they can either keep their hand of removal and counterspells and take quite a bit of damage on T5 and T9, or they can be forced to play their hand earlier and faster, thus losing card advantage.
Tibalt doesn't produce card advantage. Every ability is CA neutral.


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is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I'd say it's still card quality, which itself can be virtual card advantage in a sense, but it's not even that because of the random discard. ;[ The "repeatable Sudden Impact" pretty much seems to be the reason to use him, although dumping flashback spells in a Burning Vengeance deck is a potentially legitimate means to "card advantage" out of him while building up to that.

i made a block rdw deck and i found myself playing a lot of cards that i think would never see play in standard (aforementioned ashmouth hounds and bloodcrazed neonates, crossway vampire).
Well isn't that always going to be the case for block decks? There's fewer cards, so you have to use cards that might have better counterparts in Standard but aren't available. The same could be said of Standard relative to Modern, Modern relative to Legacy. :P
So, three cards that have completely slipped under the radar that I think have potential are:

The first two are a pair of "ability lands" that (I think) have some very good effects for their costs.
The first is very splashable since Red-Blue is a popular color combination and is essentially Merfolk Looter, but sturdier and with an activation cost.
The second is a cheap, consistent way to both deal more damage over time and protect yourself. The addition of Haste means that, ideally, you should be spending 2 extra mana whenever you summon a creature to maximize the ability's impact.

The third card is essentially "Phantom Warrior Rebalanced." At the cost of being more easily dispatched, this unblockable creature deals an extra 1 damage per attack compared to the famous Illusion. However, perhaps the best part of this effect is how it affects the already somewhat-popular Spirit tribal decks by giving them a powerful damage-dealer boosted and protected by Drogskol Captain.
the set has far too much angel bullshit going on for my liking, but there are a lot of very good cards in it. i hope i get more of the latter in my box... :/
I will like AVR...angels are a tribe I've always liked, but it offers much more than angels, too.

Oh, and BTW, I think the Helvault and Gleeful Flames were a set early. Helvault b/c it fits with the blinking, and Gleeful Flames b/c of Tibalt and Vexing Devil.
How about Cavern of Souls...

Great for Human control Shutdown (especially after Grand Abolisher leaves) and gets Zombies and crap out unresisted. Could combo will with Primeval Titan, as with several out, it just means more uncounterable creatures. I must say, they (Wizards) are going through a lot of measures to weaken/lower price for Snappy.
How about Cavern of Souls...

Great for Human control Shutdown (especially after Grand Abolisher leaves) and gets Zombies and crap out unresisted. Could combo will with Primeval Titan, as with several out, it just means more uncounterable creatures. I must say, they (Wizards) are going through a lot of measures to weaken/lower price for Snappy.
Zac Hill of Development has admitted they don't like counterspells, and they think the game would be better if everyone just through Titan-like bombs at each other.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Zac Hill of Development has admitted they don't like counterspells, and they think the game would be better if everyone just through Titan-like bombs at each other.

tl;dr "Mana Leak is broken and reprinting it was a mistake. 3/2 flyers for 1 and three-drops that swing for six are balanced but Snapcaster Mage is broken because it lets you cast Mana Leak again. Also Force Spike and Remand SUX too !!"

Signets are also totally a relic of the past and would never be printed in the modern day...

tl;dr "Mana Leak is broken and reprinting it was a mistake. 3/2 flyers for 1 and three-drops that swing for six are balanced but Snapcaster Mage is broken because it lets you cast Mana Leak again. Also Force Spike and Remand SUX too !!"

Signets are also totally a relic of the past and would never be printed in the modern day...
Yep. Delver was a problem so Mana Leak must be the cause. We'll kill all the different archetypes that use Mana Leak, even though Delver only runs 2 of them maindeck most of the time.

Oh, then we'll print a Crusade in blue that only Delver can use.


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