name: Defog
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Roost
move 3: Defog
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Overcoat
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Mandibuzz is a good Defogger because it has a good matchup against common entry hazard setters in the OU metagame such as Ferrothorn and Hippowdon. It's also one of the few solid checks to prominent Pokemon like Aegislash, Dragapult, and Gengar, though it has to be wary of Thunderbolt from both Dragapult and Gengar. Mandibuzz is relatively passive, but thanks to Knock Off, it can cripple Pokemon such as Clefable, Ferrothorn, and Rotom-H. Taunt is the preferred in the last moveslot option because it allows Mandibuzz to pressure bulky Pokemon continually and actually beat Reuniclus. U-turn, however, is also an option to pivot out against checks such as Clefable and Rotom-H, giving Mandibuzz's team more leeway to pressure them. Foul Play is an option that can be run over Knock Off to punish Pokemon such as Aegislash and Gyarados harder, but it makes it much harder for Mandibuzz to punish Clefable and Rotom-H without U-turn. Another option that can be run instead of Knock Off is Brave Bird, which allows Mandibuzz to pressure Hawlucha directly. Heavy-Duty Boots are mandatory, as Mandibuzz is easily pressured once Stealth Rock is up otherwise, putting it in 2HKO range of Dragapult and Gengar, for example. Maximum Special Defense investment alongside a Careful nature minimizes the damage taken from Pokemon such as Dragapult and Gengar.
Mandibuzz fits best on bulkier balance builds. Mandibuzz can form a solid defensive core alongside Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Toxapex, and Jellicent, as together they can cover a wide array of Pokemon defensively. If running U-turn, you want to have Pokemon that can take advantage of Pokemon that'll often force Mandibuzz out, such as Clefable, Rotom-H, and Tyranitar, so Pokemon that can pressure them like Gengar, Dragapult, and Dugtrio make for solid teammates.
- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[curiosity, 443485], [Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame, 231476]]
name: Defog
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Roost
move 3: Defog
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Overcoat
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Mandibuzz is a good Defogger because it has a good matchup against common entry hazard setters in the OU metagame such as Ferrothorn and Hippowdon. It's also one of the few solid checks to prominent Pokemon like Aegislash, Dragapult, and Gengar, though it has to be wary of Thunderbolt from both Dragapult and Gengar. Mandibuzz is relatively passive, but thanks to Knock Off, it can cripple Pokemon such as Clefable, Ferrothorn, and Rotom-H. Taunt is the preferred in the last moveslot option because it allows Mandibuzz to pressure bulky Pokemon continually and actually beat Reuniclus. U-turn, however, is also an option to pivot out against checks such as Clefable and Rotom-H, giving Mandibuzz's team more leeway to pressure them. Foul Play is an option that can be run over Knock Off to punish Pokemon such as Aegislash and Gyarados harder, but it makes it much harder for Mandibuzz to punish Clefable and Rotom-H without U-turn. Another option that can be run instead of Knock Off is Brave Bird, which allows Mandibuzz to pressure Hawlucha directly. Heavy-Duty Boots are mandatory, as Mandibuzz is easily pressured once Stealth Rock is up otherwise, putting it in 2HKO range of Dragapult and Gengar, for example. Maximum Special Defense investment alongside a Careful nature minimizes the damage taken from Pokemon such as Dragapult and Gengar.
Mandibuzz fits best on bulkier balance builds. Mandibuzz can form a solid defensive core alongside Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Toxapex, and Jellicent, as together they can cover a wide array of Pokemon defensively. If running U-turn, you want to have Pokemon that can take advantage of Pokemon that'll often force Mandibuzz out, such as Clefable, Rotom-H, and Tyranitar, so Pokemon that can pressure them like Gengar, Dragapult, and Dugtrio make for solid teammates.
- Written by: [[Jordy, 395754]]
- Quality checked by: [[curiosity, 443485], [Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame, 231476]]
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