National Dex UU Mega Tyranitar [QC: 1/1] [GP: 1/1]


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name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Pursuit
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Tyranitarite
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Adamant
evs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe

Mega Tyranitar’s excellent defensive stats, typing, and Pursuit enable it to carve a niche as a reliable entry hazard setter and Pursuit trapper. Stone Edge is a strong STAB option that OHKOes Iron Moth and Moltres while denting neutral targets such as Celesteela and Tapu Fini. Pursuit enables Mega Tyranitar to trap Psychic- and Ghost-types, like Latios and Blacephalon. Crunch offers a strong STAB move to hit bulky Ghost- and Psychic-types, like Aegislash and Mega Latias. It is also the strongest move Mega Tyranitar has to hit Galarian Slowking. Superpower is an option to snipe opposing Tyranitar and severely damage would-be switch-ins such as Excadrill and Iron Treads. 176 Speed EVs enable Mega Tyranitar to outspeed Aegislash and Celesteela. Offensive Fighting-types such as Buzzwole, Blaziken and Keldeo, appreciate Mega Tyranitar removing bulky Ghost- and Psychic-types. In exchange, Buzzwole covers Mega Tyranitar’s weaknesses to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, while Keldeo can bring Mega Tyranitar in safely with Flip Turn. Other teammates such as Iron Moth and Serperior offer some defensive synergy and appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to remove Psychic- and Fire-types, respectively. Mega Tyranitar’s typing gives its weaknesses to prominent attacking types such as Fighting, Water and Ground, so Pokemon such as Tangrowth and Galarian Slowking can provide switch-ins to these types. The Future Sight support provided by the latter meshes well with Pursuit and dissuades Buzzwole and Iron Hands from switching in. Celesteela and Skarmory can help check Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Buzzwole, with Skarmory providing Spikes as a bonus. Clefable, Tapu Fini, and Aegislash can all check Fighting-types to some degree. Aegislash’s immunity to Fighting-type moves makes it an excellent partner to Mega Tyranitar, and it also eases the burden of checking Mega Latias, enabling Mega Tyranitar to run Superpower. Together they can wear down shared checks like Ting-Lu. Due to its lack of reliable recovery, Mega Tyranitar is vulnerable to being chipped down, so partners such as Choice Scarf Latias and Choice Band Scizor can ease the burden against frail sweepers such as Polteageist and Nihilego. Finally, Sand Rush Excadrill benefits from Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream and its ability to wear down Skarmory and Hippowdon.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Crunch
item: Tyranitarite
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar utilizes its solid bulk and versatile offensive coverage to act as a threatening late-game cleaner. Ice Punch synergizes well with Stone Edge, as it chunks physically defensive Ground-types like Hippowdon, Ting-Lu, and physically defensive Tangrowth. Earthquake is a valuable coverage option to hit Excadrill, Iron Treads, Tera Steel Buzzwole, and non-Air Balloon Aegislash. Crunch is an alternative STAB option for Air Balloon Aegislash that also hits Mega Latias, Gastrodon, and Slowbro hard. Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature is preferred to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Meowscarada and Cinderace with a single Dragon Dance. Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar is usually found on bulky offense or hyper offense since these structures provide adequate tools to facilitate setup. The main hindrances for Mega Tyranitar are physically defensive walls like Hippowdon, Tera Fairy or Water Skeledirge, Skarmory, and Clefable. Teammates like Serperior, Tapu Fini, Swords Dance Scizor, and Meteor Beam Celesteela can take advantage of these Pokemon. Serperior can lure in and use Glare against faster Pokemon that can outspeed +1 Mega Tyranitar, such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada and Mega Aerodactyl. Mega Tyranitar can also be revenge killed by common Fighting-types like Buzzwole, Keldeo, and Iron Hands even after a boost. Teammates such as Polteageist, Latios, and Aegislash offer valuable typings and can soft-check Fighting-types. In turn, they appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to take advantage of specially defensive walls such as Blissey. Offensive Steel-types such as Iron Treads and Scizor can cut a Mega Tyranitar sweep short, and thus Fire-types like Blaziken, Cinderace, and Iron Moth are excellent partners. Magnezone deserves a special mention, as it traps Scizor and Skarmory. Sand Rush Excadrill appreciates Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream ability and in exchange offers insurance against Unaware Clefable. Mega Tyranitar is vulnerable to chip damage and thus appreciates pivoting support from Cinderace, Magnezone, Scizor, and Meowscarada. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking can bring in Mega Tyranitar safely with Teleport and Chilly Reception and offer Future Sight support for Buzzwole. Finally, dual screens support from Grimmsnarl and Alolan Ninetales eases setup, while Spikes from Ting-Lu, Meowscarada, and Mew wear down walls.

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name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Pursuit
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Tyranitarite
ability: Sandstream
nature: Adamant
evs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe

Mega Tyranitar’s excellent defensive stats, Rock / Dark typing, and access to Pursuit enable it to carve a niche as a reliable entry hazard setter and Pursuit trapper. Stone Edge is a reliable STAB option that hits Rock-type weak Pokemon like Iron Moth and Moltres hard, whilst still denting neutral targets such as Celesteela and Tapu Fini. Very important mention as you want to be able to keep rocks up by pressuring it. Pursuit enables it to trap Psychic- and Ghost-types like Latios and Blacephalon. Crunch offers a strong STAB move to hit bulky Ghost- and Psychic-types (like Aegislash and Mega Latias) fyi there's no need to list specifc examples with brackets, so you can just merge them into the sentence in this case that may stay in. It is also the hardest move Mega Tyranitar has to hit Galarian Slowking-Galar. Superpower is an option to snipe opposing Tyranitar and severely damage would-be switch-ins such as Excadrill and Iron Treads. 176 Speed enables Mega Tyranitar to outspeed Aegislash and Celesteela. The main beneficiaries of Mega Tyranitar appreciate its access to Pursuit to remove key checks and counters. Kyurem appreciates Tyranitar trapping Latios and Slowking-Galar. In return, Kyurem forces out Ground-types like Hippowdon and Ting-Lu. Pursuit is also appreciated by Offensive Fighting-types in the tier such as Buzzwole and Keldeo, Keld's also noticable since it can directly flip turn into mtar which appreciate bulky Psychic-types like Mega Latias and Ghost-types like Aegislash removed. Buzzwole, in addition, covers Mega Tyranitar’s weaknesses to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks. Other teammates such as Iron Moth and Serperior offer some defensive synergy and appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to remove Psychic- and Fire-types (respectively). Mega Tyranitar’s Rock / Dark typing does give it weaknesses to prominent attacking types, in UU such as Steel-, Fighting, Water, and Ground and Grass. Don't need to give too many examples here Pokemon such as Tangrowth and Galarian Slowking-Galar offers can provide useful Grass resistances to these types, imo it's important to at least mention at least one mon that beats opposing sand or rain teams ,esp as MMTar helps it out by resetting weather, so I reworded it to include more potential examples since there's a lot of variety worth mentioning here. benefits from Mega Tyranitar’s ability to trap Ghost- and Psychic-types, and the Future Sight support it provides provided by the latter meshes well with Pursuit. Specify which checks get dissuaded by FSight exactly, stuff like Iron Hands and Buzz comes to mind. Celesteela and Skarmory can help check Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Buzzwole with Skarmory providing spikes as a bonus. Clefable, Tapu Fini, and Aegislash can all check Fighting-types to some degree. Aegislash’s immunity to Fighting makes it an excellent partner to Mega Tyranitar, whilst also easing the burden of checking Mega Latias, (enabling Mega Tyranitar to run Superpower), and the pair can wear down shared checks - especially Ting Lu. Finally, Sand Rush Excadrill benefits from Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream doubling its Speed and its ability to wear down Skarmory and Hippowdon.

As MTTar can be pressured into range easily, add an entire section for revenge killers like Scarf Latias and Band Scizor, which can cover weaknesses to faster threats like PGeist and Nihilego.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Crunch
item: tyranitarite
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar utilises its solid bulk and versatile offensive coverage to act as a threatening late-game cleaner. Ice Punch synergises well with Stone Edge as it chunks physically defensive Ground-types like Hippowdon and Ting-Lu, and physically defensive Tangrowth. Earthquake is a valuable coverage option to hit Excadrill, Iron Treads, Tera Steel Buzzwole and non-Air Balloon Aegislash. Crunch is an alternative STAB option for Air Balloon Aegislash that also hits Mega Latias, Gastrodon, and Slowbro hard. Max Speed investment with a Jolly nature is preferable to outspeed non-Scarfed Meowscarada and Cinderace with a single Dragon Dance. Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar is usually found on Bulky Offense or Hyper Offense structures which provide adequate support to help it set up. The main hindrances for Mega Tyranitar are physically defensive walls like Hippowdon, Dondozo, Tera Fairy or Water Skeledirge, Skarmory and Clefable. Teammates like Serperior, Tapu Fini, Kyurem, and Meteor Beam Celesteela can take advantage of these Pokemon. Could also include mentions of physical sweepers like SD Sciz since they force in and chip these walls down directly in this case. Serperior, in particular, can lure and Glare faster Pokemon that can outspeed +1 Mega Tyranitar such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada and Mega Aerodactyl. Mega Tyranitar can also be revenge-killed by common Fighting-types like Buzzwole, Keldeo and Iron Hands even after a +1 Boost. Teammates such as Polteageist, Latios, and Aegislash offer valuable typings and can soft-check Fighting-types. In turn, they appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to take advantage of specially defensive walls such as Blissey. Offensive Steel-types such as Iron Treads and Scizor can cut a Mega Tyranitar sweep short and thus Fire-types like Blaziken, Cinderace and Iron Moth are excellent partners. Magnezone deserves a special mention as it traps Skarmory and Scizor, with Scarf sets picking off weakened Iron Treads. Not worth it for chipping Treads imo as its easily chipped into +1 range, and Scarf Zone hasn't been used since Kart left. Sand Rush Excadrill appreciates Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream ability whilst Mold Breaker sets appreciates the pressure Mega Tyranitar helping weaken Skarmory. Mold Breaker is either defensive rocks or lead in this case so this isn't really relevant imo In exchange, both Excadrill sets offer insurance against Unaware Clefable. Due to the many weaknesses of the Rock / Dark typing, You don't need to state the typing imo, since it's somewhat wordy already you could start this bit by just saying that Mega TTar is vulnerable to being chipped and wants safe entry against things it wants to setup on. Mega Tyranitar appreciates VoltTurn support from the likes of Cinderace, Iron Moth, Magnezone, Meowscarada, Scizor and Iron Treads. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking can minimise the damage Mega Tyranitar takes thanks to Teleport and Chilly Reception, and offer Future Sight support for what mons specifically?. Reflect and Light Screen support from Grimmsnarl and Aurora Veil from Alolan Ninetales ensures Mega Tyranitar is able to set up, whilst Spikes from either Ting Lu, Meowscarada, or Mew provide chip damage to walls.

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Good job writing this, just had to clarify a few things and sort out some fluff before dealing with GP.

QC 1/1 when implemented.
Removed references to Kyurem and Dondozo + edited sentences to account for omission


name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Pursuit
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Tyranitarite
ability: Sand sStream Added a space between the words in addition to capitalizing the "S" in "Stream"
nature: Adamant
evs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe

Mega Tyranitar’s excellent defensive stats, typing, and access to Pursuit enable it to carve a niche as a reliable entry hazard setter and Pursuit trapper. Stone Edge is a reliable strong STAB option that OHKOes hits Rock-type weak Pokemon like Iron Moth and Moltres hard, whilst denting neutral targets such as Celesteela and Tapu Fini. Reliable was changed because it feels like a bad word to describe a move often nicknamed "Stone Miss." Rock-type... was removed because it's basic dex info, and "hits... hard" was changed to "OHKOes" because it more accurately describes the interaction. Not sure if the last change oversteps into QC territory, but I made it because I'm confident it improves the sentence. Pursuit enables it to trap Psychic- and Ghost-types like Latios and Blacephalon. Crunch offers a strong STAB move to hit bulky Ghost- and Psychic-types like Aegislash and Mega Latias. It is also the hardest move Mega Tyranitar has to hit Galarian Slowking. Superpower is an option to snipe opposing Tyranitar and severely damage would-be switch-ins such as Excadrill and Iron Treads. 176 Speed EVs enables Mega Tyranitar to outspeed Aegislash and Celesteela. The main beneficiaries of Mega Tyranitar appreciate its access to Pursuit to remove key checks and counters. This sentence is made redundant by the next. Offensive Fighting-types in the tier such as Buzzwole, Blaziken and Keldeo, appreciate Mega Tyranitar removing bulky Psychic-types like Mega Latias and Ghost-types like Aegislash. Phrases such as "in the tier/game/meta" are generally considered unnecessary In exchange, Buzzwole covers Mega Tyranitar’s weaknesses to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, whilst Keldeo can bring Mega Tyranitar in safely with Flip Turn. Other teammates such as Iron Moth and Serperior offer some defensive synergy and appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to remove Psychic- and Fire-types, (AC) respectively. If "respectively" is used at the end of a sentence, a comma is always placed before it. Mega Tyranitar’s typing gives its weaknesses to prominent attacking types such as Fighting, Water and Ground. (RP) , (AC) so Pokemon such as Tangrowth and Galarian Slowking can provide resistance switch-ins to these types. Pretty sure that was an improper use of "resist" by Smogon standards. The Future Sight support provided by the latter meshes well with Pursuit and dissuades Buzzwole and Iron Hands from switching in. Celesteela and Skarmory can help check Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Buzzwole with Skarmory providing sSpikes as a bonus. Clefable, Tapu Fini, (AC) and Aegislash can all check Fighting-types to some degree. Oxford comma. Aegislash’s immunity to Fighting-type moves makes it an excellent partner to Mega Tyranitar, whilst also easing the burden of checking Mega Latias, enabling Mega Tyranitar to run Superpower. Together they can wear down shared checks like Ting Lu. Due to its lack of reliable recovery, Mega Tyranitar is vulnerable to being chipped down. So Ppartners such as Choice Scarf Latias and Choice Band Scizor can ease the burden against frail sweepers such as Poltergeist and Nihilego. I assume Latias and Scizor are meant to help Tyranitar avoid being chipped down, so I added "So" to connect the sentences. Finally, Sand Rush Excadrill benefits from Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream doubling its speed and its ability to wear down Skarmory and Hippowdon.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Crunch
item: tTyranitarite
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar utiliszes its solid bulk and versatile offensive coverage to act as a threatening late-game cleaner. American English, not British English Ice Punch synergiszes well with Stone Edge as it chunks physically defensive Ground-types like Hippowdon, (AC) and Ting-Lu, and physically defensive Tangrowth. Earthquake is a valuable coverage option to hit Excadrill, Iron Treads, Tera Steel Buzzwole. (AC) and non-Air Balloon Aegislash. Crunch is an alternative STAB option for Air Balloon Aegislash that also hits Mega Latias, Gastrodon, and Slowbro hard. Max Speed investment with a Jolly nature is preferred to outspeed non-Scarf Meowscarada and Cinderace with a single Dragon Dance. Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar is usually found on Bbulky Ooffense or Hhyper Ooffense since these structures provide adequate tools to facilitate set- (RH)up. Playstyles are not capitalized, and "setup" is written as one word with no hyphen when used as a noun. The main hindrances for Mega Tyranitar are physically defensive walls like Hippowdon, Tera Fairy or Water Skeledirge, Skarmory, (AC) and Clefable. Teammates like Serperior, Tapu Fini, Swords Dance Scizor, (AC) and Meteor Beam Celesteela can take advantage of these Pokemon. Serperior, (RC) in particular, can lure in and Glare faster Pokemon that can outspeed +1 Mega Tyranitar such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada and Mega Aerodactyl. Mega Tyranitar can also be revenge- (RH)killed by common Fighting-types like Buzzwole, Keldeo, (AC) and Iron Hands even after a +1 Boost. "revenge kill" is never hyphenated. Teammates such as Polteageist, Latios, (AC) and Aegislash offer valuable typings and can soft-check Fighting-types. In turn, they appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to take advantage of specially defensive walls such as Blissey. Offensive Steel-types such as Iron Treads and Scizor can cut a Mega Tyranitar sweep short, (AC) and thus Fire-types like Blaziken, Cinderace, (AC) and Iron Moth are excellent partners. Magnezone deserves a special mention as it traps Scizor and Skarmory. Sand Rush Excadrill appreciates Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream ability, and in exchange, offers insurance against Unaware Clefable. Mega Tyranitar is vulnerable to chip damage and thus appreciates pivoting support from Cinderace, Magnezone, Scizor, (AC) and Meowscarada. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking can bring in Mega Tyranitar safely with Teleport and Chilly rReception and offer Future Sight support for Buzzwole. Finally, screens support from Grimmsnarl and Alolan Ninetales eases setup, whilst Spikes from Ting-Lu, Meowscarada, (AC) and Mew wear down walls. Removed space in "set up" since it's being used as a noun.

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Adding onto the amcheck GP 1/1 GP Team done, credit both of us

Addition Removal Comment
(AC) (AH) Add Comma/Add Hyphen, (RC) (RH) Remove Comma/Remove Hyphen



name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Pursuit
move 4: Crunch / Superpower
item: Tyranitarite
ability: Sand sStream Added a space between the words in addition to capitalizing the "S" in "Stream"
nature: Adamant
evs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe

Mega Tyranitar’s excellent defensive stats, typing, and access to Pursuit enable it to carve a niche as a reliable entry hazard setter and Pursuit trapper. Stone Edge is a reliable strong STAB option that OHKOes hits Rock-type weak Pokemon like Iron Moth and Moltres hard, (RC) whilst while (this is a bit much for a Pokemon analysis IMO, just "while" is ok) denting neutral targets such as Celesteela and Tapu Fini. Reliable was changed because it feels like a bad word to describe a move often nicknamed "Stone Miss." Rock-type... was removed because it's basic dex info, and "hits... hard" was changed to "OHKOes" because it more accurately describes the interaction. Not sure if the last change oversteps into QC territory, but I made it because I'm confident it improves the sentence. Pursuit enables it Mega Tyranitar to trap Psychic- and Ghost-types, (AC) like Latios and Blacephalon. Crunch offers a strong STAB move to hit bulky Ghost- and Psychic-types, (AC) like Aegislash and Mega Latias. It is also the hardest strongest move Mega Tyranitar has to hit Galarian Slowking. Superpower is an option to snipe opposing Tyranitar and severely damage would-be switch-ins such as Excadrill and Iron Treads. 176 Speed EVs enables (EVs are plural) Mega Tyranitar to outspeed Aegislash and Celesteela. The main beneficiaries of Mega Tyranitar appreciate its access to Pursuit to remove key checks and counters. This sentence is made redundant by the next. Offensive Fighting-types in the tier such as Buzzwole, Blaziken and Keldeo, (AC) appreciate Mega Tyranitar removing bulky Ghost- and Psychic-types (you already named these specific things a few sentences back, I think you can simplify here) like Mega Latias and Ghost-types like Aegislash. Phrases such as "in the tier/game/meta" are generally considered unnecessary In exchange, Buzzwole covers Mega Tyranitar’s weaknesses to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, whilst while Keldeo can bring Mega Tyranitar in safely with Flip Turn. Other teammates such as Iron Moth and Serperior offer some defensive synergy and appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to remove Psychic- and Fire-types, (AC) respectively. If "respectively" is used at the end of a sentence, a comma is always placed before it. Mega Tyranitar’s typing gives its weaknesses to prominent attacking types such as Fighting, Water and Ground. (RP) , (AC) so Pokemon such as Tangrowth and Galarian Slowking can provide resistance switch-ins to these types. Pretty sure that was an improper use of "resist" by Smogon standards. The Future Sight support provided by the latter meshes well with Pursuit and dissuades Buzzwole and Iron Hands from switching in. Celesteela and Skarmory can help check Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Buzzwole, (AC) with Skarmory providing sSpikes as a bonus. Clefable, Tapu Fini, (AC) and Aegislash can all check Fighting-types to some degree. Oxford comma. Aegislash’s immunity to Fighting-type moves makes it an excellent partner to Mega Tyranitar, whilst also easing and it also eases the burden of checking Mega Latias, enabling Mega Tyranitar to run Superpower. Together they can wear down shared checks like Ting-Lu (AH). Due to its lack of reliable recovery, Mega Tyranitar is vulnerable to being chipped down, (AC) so . (remove period) Ppartners such as Choice Scarf Latias and Choice Band Scizor can ease the burden against frail sweepers such as Poltergeist (is this supposed to say Polteageist?) and Nihilego. I assume Latias and Scizor are meant to help Tyranitar avoid being chipped down, so I added "So" to connect the sentences. Finally, Sand Rush Excadrill benefits from Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream doubling its speed (dex info) and ability to wear down Skarmory and Hippowdon.

name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Crunch
item: tTyranitarite
ability: Sand Stream
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar utiliszes its solid bulk and versatile offensive coverage to act as a threatening late-game cleaner. American English, not British English Ice Punch synergiszes well with Stone Edge, (AC) as it chunks physically defensive Ground-types like Hippowdon, (AC) and Ting-Lu, and physically defensive Tangrowth. Earthquake is a valuable coverage option to hit Excadrill, Iron Treads, Tera Steel Buzzwole, (AC) and non-Air Balloon Aegislash. Crunch is an alternative STAB option for Air Balloon Aegislash that also hits Mega Latias, Gastrodon, and Slowbro hard. Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature is preferred to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Meowscarada and Cinderace with a single Dragon Dance. Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar is usually found on Bbulky Ooffense or Hhyper Ooffense since these structures provide adequate tools to facilitate set- (RH)up. Playstyles are not capitalized, and "setup" is written as one word with no hyphen when used as a noun. The main hindrances for Mega Tyranitar are physically defensive walls like Hippowdon, Tera Fairy or Water Skeledirge, Skarmory, (AC) and Clefable. Teammates like Serperior, Tapu Fini, Swords Dance Scizor, (AC) and Meteor Beam Celesteela can take advantage of these Pokemon. Serperior, (RC) in particular, (RC) can lure in and use Glare against faster Pokemon that can outspeed +1 Mega Tyranitar, (AC) such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada and Mega Aerodactyl. Mega Tyranitar can also be revenge- (RH)killed by common Fighting-types like Buzzwole, Keldeo, (AC) and Iron Hands even after a +1 Boost boost. "revenge kill" is never hyphenated. Teammates such as Polteageist, Latios, (AC) and Aegislash offer valuable typings and can soft-check Fighting-types. In turn, they appreciate Mega Tyranitar’s ability to take advantage of specially defensive walls such as Blissey. Offensive Steel-types such as Iron Treads and Scizor can cut a Mega Tyranitar sweep short, (AC) and thus Fire-types like Blaziken, Cinderace, (AC) and Iron Moth are excellent partners. Magnezone deserves a special mention, (AC) as it traps Scizor and Skarmory. Sand Rush Excadrill appreciates Mega Tyranitar’s Sand Stream ability, (RC) and in exchange, (RC) offers insurance against Unaware Clefable. Mega Tyranitar is vulnerable to chip damage and thus appreciates pivoting support from Cinderace, Magnezone, Scizor, (AC) and Meowscarada. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking can bring in Mega Tyranitar safely with Teleport and Chilly rReception and offer Future Sight support for Buzzwole. Finally, dual screens support from Grimmsnarl and Alolan Ninetales eases setup, whilst while Spikes from Ting-Lu, Meowscarada, (AC) and Mew wear down walls. Removed space in "set up" since it's being used as a noun.

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Velcroc reminder to implement the above, we want to get this done asap before july shifts

I should be finished with this in 15 minutes

edit: Slightly over 15 minutes but I went through both analyses twice. Implemented
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