
  • Access to Prankster with a diverse move pool
  • High Speed can outspeed important threats
  • Faces competition for prankster user
  • Other stats are only average

Trick Scarf
name: Trick Scarf
move 1:Trick
move 2:Thunder Wave
move 3: Toxic / Yawn
move 4:Psychic / Psyshock
ability: Prankster
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 Spe
nature: Bold / Modest

  • Trick with Choice Scarf can stop important threats such as walls
  • Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Yawn can be used to force switches or reduce momentum for sweepers
  • Psychic or Psyshock prevent Meowstic from being Taunt bait

Set Details
  • 76 Evs in speed with scarf let it outspeed base 130 speed and get priority off before mons such as Mamoswine
  • 252 Hp is needed for survivability
  • Extra Evs can go into Defense or Special Attack based on Nature

Usage Tips
  • Try to trick scarf onto a mon that wouldn't want to be scarfed such as a wall or a setup sweeper
  • Psychic or Psyshock can be used while scarfed if necessary
  • Status moves, outside of Trick, should be used if Meowstic or its team needs to stop a threat by forcing a switch

Team Options
  • Set up sweepers really appreciate being able to set up in front of a wall while it has choice scarf
  • Mons that can cover its weakness to dark-types can help it get off a successful Trick onto an important threat
  • Offensive teams enjoy being able to set up or sweep with no fear of being set up against

Other Options
  • Dual Screen lead or support with Light Clay

Checks & Counters
  • Some walls that don't mind a Choice Scarf can switch in easily
  • Set up walls that don't worry about Thunder Wave or Yawn can switch in to Meowstic with ease
  • Dark-type and Steel-type mons can take little to no damage from Meowstic with its average Special Attack
  • Magic Bounce users, Absol in particular, wall out most threats that Meowstic provides. Absol walls out Meowstic entirely with Magic Bounce and its immunity to Trick, Psychic, and Psyshock

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