Metroidvania Mafia - GAME OVER! 7 winners!

If you're dead you should just stop talking, period. Mocking people is hardly harmless as the entire premise of the act is to discredit them, which can instill confidence in other players and influence their decisions.

tl;dr stop talking.

people who are not excluded from this rule: fatecrashers, yeti.

Ace Emerald

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For those on the fence consider this: the Belmont bg is dead and cannot protect acklow tonight. You can kill him then. However, spiffy has a bg to protect him. Now is your chance unless you want to wait for tommorows lynch, which probably won't be spiffy. If you want spiffy dead, you better vote now.


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@King Emerald

Its not just a matter of killing Acklow its evening the scales. Belmont's have only suffered one loss which Castlevanians have taken 3 and Space Pirates 2. Basically, its following similar logic used to justify Lynching Spiffy the previous day.
loudkirbyking unless you change your vote to Acklow I will reveal your whole role PM publicly; my inspector inspected you last night.
If it was last night, then the results would have been gotten AFTER you were put under NOC.

So, assuming neither you nor your inspector violated your NOC, then you are bluffing about the inspect last night.
Did I say last night? I meant some other night. O_o

Either way, I still have his role PM and if he doesn't vote Acklow I will reveal it publicly. And don't get smart Mr. Guardian ;)

Also something to think about:

<UncleSam> tbh in metroidvania i would vote acklow if i was a space pirate
loling at how desperate Spiffy is. WHich night are you talking about? Because at the moment, it does look like you're bluffing.

I'm still waiting for a proper response to my psuedo-speech, BTW.
Pidge if you don't change your vote I'll post your role PM *yawn*.

(P.S Pidge can kill)


polelover44 said:
Dear Pidge,
You are Metroid

When the Chozo discovered planet SR388, they found the only lifeform they would ever feel dangerous enough that it warranted extinction, the X. They created Metroids as a perfect predator for the X. However, the Space Pirates discovered Metroids and decided to use them as a weapon. Samus Aran wiped out most of the Metroids, but she missed you. With everyone leaving for Earth, you detected an X following, and so you gave chase.

Without inflicting any wounds or affecting an organisms bodily fluid, the seem to drain the pure life essence out of your victims. Once per night, you can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Drain USER”. You will latch onto USER, and will kill them the following night. You cannot target another player with this ability while latched onto USER. If you kill more than one player from any faction, you will become sick and will be unable to use this action the following night.

You are allied with yourself. To win, you must kill at least three players. In addition, the X must be eliminated.
And my teammates are pretty clear by now so by all means ;)


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Guys this Lynch is bullshit

By process of elimination Starapter Call is the Werewolf. Therefore its in everyone's interests to kill him off.

Lynch Starapter Call.

Change your FUCKING Votes everyone
polelover44 said:
Dear Staraptor Call,
You are Alucard
As Dracula's only son, you are a very conflicted person. (Vampire-person?) While Dracula is your father, you know you will have to confront him to save humanity. But you're a half-human-half-vampire, so only the Belmonts are willing to accept you. While working to stop Dracula from annihilating all humans, you heard of MB's similar plan and decided to help defeat her as well. You are suspicious of Richter Belmont, however, since you believe he is possessed by an evil influence.

You have the "power of dominance," which lets you absorb the abilities of enemies you kill. Once per night, you can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Night X - Use power of dominance on USER". You will kill USER and steal his or her ability for one night. You may only do this twice.

You know that Yeti is Trevor Belmont.

You are allied with the Belmonts. To win, all Space Pirates, Castlevanians, and the Werewolf must be eliminated. In addition, in order for you to win, Dracula, MB, and Richter Belmont must all die. You must personally kill at least one of them to win.
On Night 1 I used one of my two kills on iiMKUltra after Yeti, the mole, told me he was Richter. But Yeti also died that night, so I was cut off from my faction. This makes me appear to be the werewolf because I was not working with any faction at the time. On Night 2 I tried to kill a Castlevanian found through IRC spying, but was distracted by -TLE-. I have no more kills left, so I'm essentially vanilla except for the distract I get to use tonight. If you lynched me, you'd essentially be lynching the least useful role in the game. Spiffy, who seems intent on revealing everyone's role PM, or Pidge, a harmful neutral, would both be better lynch targets.


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this kinda makes no sense since Acklow (a suspected Belmont) suspected you as a wolf yet you are allied with him (apparently). Why would Acklow lynch one of his own?

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