Beautiful art by Bka Onon
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Semifinals | Finals
Replays for MFPL will be listed here. Team tags are:
[BCB] Bonechill Blacephalons [BCB]
[CHC] Cheeky Chimchars [CHC]
[COT] Coalossal Titans [COT]
[DVD] Driftveil Dreamchasers [DVD]
[NP] Nippah Pachirisus [NP]
[CBP] Cowboy Piplup [CBP]
[GG] Galactic Glorps [GG]
[UVU] Under the Vespiquen's Umbrella [UVU]
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