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Mienshao (Analysis) [QC 0/2]

There should definitely be a separate set for a mixed LO attacker. And when I say mixed, I don't mean "252 Sp. Att. + HJK", I mean HP Ice for beating Gliscor. Other than that, Mienshao can basically just take advantage of his good speed and physical attacks to scout, break walls, and ram through slower offensive Pokemon.

For example, suppose we use the following set:

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Hi Jump Kick
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Life Orb
nature: Naive
ability: Regenerator
EVs: 160 Atk / 96 SpA / 252 Spe

These EVs allow you to OHKO 252 HP Gliscor 100% of the time. If the Attack drop seems disappointing, consider the fact that this is SD Luke with more speed.

Mienshao's HJK on Hippowdon: 41.4% - 48.8%
Adamant Lucario's CC on Hippowdon: 41% - 48.6%

Imagine SD Luke if he could beat most of his checks consistently. Seriously, it's awesome.

But that's not Mienshao's role here. He's basically sweeper support, scouting out similar checks to other Fighting types, luring out Gliscor and KOing it, and weakening Hippowdon and the like with HJK and U-turn. Even though it has minor moveset changes, the EVs and playstyle are totally different from the Anti-lead set and it deserves its own analysis.
What in gods name... The anti-lead set is the first set?!?! Leads are pretty much dead in gen V, so you should rename that. Also the set SJCrew just posted is Mienshao's strongest set and it should be first. Also the comments are really thin, so you should work on expanding the analysis.

Edit: The Swords Dance set should NOT have Reversal as the main attacking move! Have you even tested it?!? HJK is far better and it should get the main slash. Also remove that gimmicky Focus Sash slash. Its a gimmicky item at best on a sweeper, and Life Orb is significantly better.
Added the Focus Sash as another item on the Anti-Lead set. Also, I think that the Reversal set is fine the way it is.

The "Reversal set" is not fine, Reversal sets are an incredibly outdated concept with the ubiquity of priority and sandstorm, this makes me think you haven't even tested it at all. Change it to Hi Jump Kick.

Secondly, you should add in the Baton Pass set, the concisiveness argument is not appropriate as that only applies to the length of the set analysis, not the amount there are, for example Celebi currently has 11 sets. It may be outclassed by Poison Heal Gliscor but that's not actually considered a reason for omitting it.

Also stop saying you'll take things into consideration without actually implementing any changes, the criticism you recieve is constructive and will improve your analysis.
Okay, everything is nice and neat. I took all of your advice and crammed it in there.

Still need some help with the Baton Pass set. I though, I would do 3.
For the Baton Pass set, I wouldn't play Mienshao so conservatively. In emergency situations, if he has to revenge kill a weakened for or something like this, he will the an investment in Attack evs to do some good damage. Also, Mienshao isn't going to be Baton passing all the time, so attacking may be obligatory in many situations, furheding he need for Attack investment. Just my two cents.
On the first set...

The special defence EVs are for Download users as most of them want to boost their special attack. Hasty nature is to prevent Download users from boosting their special attack.


There are no SpD EVs on that set. Just leave the second sentence.

And even then, Download users aren't all that common. Does Hasty allow Mienshao to be OHKO'd by any notable priority attacks? I don't have a damage calculator favourited on this computer, lol.


Edit: Oh, and I just noticed... Regarding the mention of an odd HP IV, tell the reader to leave Mienshao's HP IV at 31 or 29 (depending on the Hidden Power they use/don't use).
There are no SpD EVs on that set. Just leave the second sentence.

And even then, Download users aren't all that common. Does Hasty allow Mienshao to be OHKO'd by any notable priority attacks? I don't have a damage calculator favourited on this computer, lol.
Good call. Sorry, I've lately acquired a Porygon obsession.

Edit: Oh, and I just noticed... Regarding the mention of an odd HP IV, tell the reader to leave Mienshao's HP IV at 31 or 29 (depending on the Hidden Power they use/don't use).
For the Baton Pass set, I wouldn't play Mienshao so conservatively. In emergency situations, if he has to revenge kill a weakened for or something like this, he will the an investment in Attack evs to do some good damage. Also, Mienshao isn't going to be Baton passing all the time, so attacking may be obligatory in many situations, furheding he need for Attack investment. Just my two cents.
Knowing both these pieces of information, I'll give it some offensive EVs and find a different HP value.

Also, I'm bad with these calculations. Could some one be of use to me and calculate how many special attack EVs Mienshao needs to defeat Gliscor without a Life Orb (as Life Orb doesn't blend well with the Baton Pass sets).

Mienshao's ice Hidden Power without Life Orb with X special attack EVs guarantees a KO on Gliscor

solve for X

Good call. Sorry, I've lately acquired a Porygon obsession.

Knowing both these pieces of information, I'll give it some offensive EVs and find a different HP value.

Also, I'm bad with these calculations. Could some one be of use to me and calculate how many special attack EVs Mienshao needs to defeat Gliscor without a Life Orb (as Life Orb doesn't blend well with the Baton Pass sets).
If Mienshao is running a Timid nature and 252 SpA evs (289 SpA) without a Life Orb, HP Ice does 89.3% - 105.1% to a 252 HP / 0 SpD Impish Gliscor, which means Stealth Rock garuntee a KO.
If Mienshao is running a Timid nature and 252 SpA evs (289 SpA) without a Life Orb, HP Ice does 89.3% - 105.1% to a 252 HP / 0 SpD Impish Gliscor, which means Stealth Rock garuntee a KO.
Better include that Stealth Rock's necessary.

Finally finished. 4 Baton Pass sets! Now I'm ready for QC checks! It would be nice if people could play test the sets for me.