- Gained a Fairy typing this generation giving it a Quad resistance to Fighting
- Excellent 90 Special Defense stat
- Good Support Movepool with Light Screen, Reflect, Encore and Thunder Wave, things that Spritzee doesn't have
- Decent 70 Special Attack
- Horrendous HP and Defense
- NO FAIRY STAB, meaning it has to use it's lackluster Psychic type to do damage
- Speaking of Psychic typing, Mime Jr. is neutral to Dark, which prevents it from switching into Knock Off as well as other Fairies
Dual Screens Support
name: Support
move 1: Light Screen
move 2: Reflect
move 3: Encore
move 4: Psychic / Healing Wish
item: Eviolite / Light Clay
ability: Filter
evs: 196 HP / 116 Def / 196 SpD
nature: Calm
- Light Screen and Reflect increase the bulk of the entire team, helping set up sweepers
- Encore can lock an opponent into a weak Fighting Type move or other moves to set up screens
- Psychic is Mime Jr.s most powerful STAB attack, can dent Mienfoo, Timburr and Skrelp, and prevents it from becoming complete Taunt bait
- Healing Wish can give another Pokemon a second life, and after setting up Light Screen/Reflect can give the perfect oppurtunity for setting up for a sweep
Set Details
- EVs maximize Mime Jr.s bulk
- Eviolite makes the jester bulkier, but Light Clay makes Light Screen and Reflect last for 8 turns, and can be used if you need the extra bulk for longer
Usage Tips
- Try to come in on a predicted Fighting- or Dragon-type move and Encore it if you are faster, or set up Screens
- If the goal is to get a Set Up sweeper in, use Healing Wish and Eviolite to get them in for free
- If the goal is to be a long term Dual Screener, then either item can be used, but Psychic is preferred in the final spot
Team Options
- Setup Sweepers that can take advantage of the screens, such as Pawinard or Zigzagoon love Mime Jr.s support
- Pawinard is a perfect partner, loving the screens set up and resisting all of Mime Jr.s weaknesses
- Wish Support is nice on a bulkier set, Lickitung has good Synergy
Other Options:
- Offensive sets suck as Mime Jr. has no Fairy STAB attack and is outclassed by Abra
- Is a useful member of Baton Pass chains with Soundproof blocking Roar and access to Barrier, Nasty Plot and Calm Mind
- Hypnosis can put an opponent to sleep, but is quite unreliable
- Access to Trick Room, but that is a poor strategy in general and there are better setters of that than Mime Jr.
Checks and Counters
- Hitting Mime Jr. on its weaker Defense stat will take it out quicker
- Pawinard is not only a good teammate for Mime Jr. but its worst enemy, being immune to Psychic and hitting with a STAB super effective Iron Head
- Taunt shuts down Mime Jr., common users of the move that can threaten Mime Jr. are Misdreavus
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