Monotype Mimikyu (Ghost) QC:[2/2] GP:[1/1]


name: Swords Dance (Ghost)
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Disguise
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

On Ghost teams, Disguise and a part-Fairy typing make Mimikyu one of the best blanket checks to big threats like Grimmsnarl and Hydreigon. With its STAB moves in Shadow Claw and a priority-boosted Shadow Sneak, Mimikyu is able to revenge kill most opposing Ghost- and Psychic-types with ease outside of Dynamax. Play Rough also allows Mimikyu to break opposing Dark- and Dragon-types like Grimmsnarl, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz. Maximum Attack and Speed investment along with a Jolly nature allows Mimikyu to maximize its offensive presence and outspeed key threats like non-boosted Excadrill and Indeedee. Adamant is also a viable option if one wants to boost the power of Mimikyu's moves in order to hit a little harder at the cost of not being able to outspeed the aforementioned Pokemon.

Ghost-types appreciate Mimikyu's ability to check many Dark-types that threaten them. Mimikyu works especially well with wallbreakers like Dragapult and Polteageist, as they open up holes in the opposing team, which allows Mimikyu to clean up during the late-game. Aegislash is also very helpful for dealing with opposing Steel-types, especially Excadrill and Duraludon, as they have abilities that nullify Mimikyu's Disguise and therefore make it much easier to KO.

- Written by: [[<Namranan>, <353292>]]
- <Ghost> analysis by: [[<Namranan>, <353292>]]
- Quality checked by: [[<izaya>, <311872>], [<Torkool>, <215618>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<deetah>, <297659>]]
Last edited:
- You keep talking about Mimikyu as a wallbreaker when it's actually just a revenge killer and a late-game cleaner outside of dynamax.
- Talk about Disguise in the first sentence about it's role. 'Digusise, Mimikyu finds more opportunities to set up' is far too minimizing considering Disguise is the main reason you want to use it.
- Give a little more detail about the slash in natures.

'Everyone on Ghost appreciates Mimikyu's ability to check many dark types that threaten them, but Pokemon like Dragapult and Gengar greatly appreciate Mimikyu checking these Pokemon as they would otherwise sweep the team'.
- Saying the same thing twice and bringing up Dragapult and Gengar specifically doesn't make much sense to me.

'Unfortunately, Mimikyu's Fairy typing is also its bane, as it makes it weak to opposing Steel-type moves.'
- Your entire teammate section revolves around the idea that Mimikyu's Fairy typing is bad which is false so you should probably rewrite this paragraph after the first sentence.
- Talk about the wallbreakers that help set Mimikyu up to sweep, like Dragapult and Polteageist. Mentioning Chandelure and Aegislash as teammates is also fine but not in the context of Mimikyu's Fairy typing being its bane.

oml first qc in over 2 years and first actual qc of gen 8
- set name should be Swords Dance (Ghost)
- When you talk about Play Rough, mention Dragon-types too, not just Dark
- Last sentence of paragraph 1 " the cost of not being able to outspeed the aforementioned Pokemon."

- Remove mention of Chandelure.

QC 2/2
Add Remove Comments (AH) = Add Hyphen (AC) = Add Comma

GP 1/1


name: Swords Dance (Ghost)
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Shadow Claw
move 4: Play Rough
item: Life Orb
ability: Disguise
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

On Ghost teams, Disguise and a part-(AH)Fairy typing make Mimikyu one of the best blanket checks to big threats like Grimmsnarl and Hydreigon. With its STAB moves in Shadow Claw and STAB priority in a priority-boosted Shadow Sneak, Mimikyu is able to revenge kill most opposing Ghost- and Psychic-types with ease outside of Dynamax. Play Rough also allows you Mimikyu to break opposing Dark- and Dragon-types like Grimmsnarl, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz. Max EVs on both Maximum Attack and Speed investment along with a Jolly nature allows you Mimikyu to maximize your its offensive presence and outspeed key threats like non-boosted Excadrill and Indeedee. Adamant is also a viable option if one wants to boost the power of their Mimikyu's moves and in order to hit a little harder at the cost of not being able to outspeed the aforementioned Pokemon.

Everyone on Ghost appreciates Ghost-types appreciate Mimikyu's ability to check many Dark-types that threaten them. Mimikyu works especially well with wallbreakers like Dragapult and Polteageist, as they open up holes in the opposing team, (AC) that which allows Mimikyu to clean up during the late-game. Aegislash is also very helpful for dealing with opposing Steel-types, especially Excadrill and Duraludon, as they have abilities that nullify its Mimikyu's Disguise and therefore make it much easier to KO.

- Written by: [[<Namranan>, <353292>]]
- <Ghost> analysis by: [[<Namranan>, <353292>]]
- Quality checked by: [[<izaya>, <311872>], [<Torkool>, <215618>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]