Mimikyu @ Pixie Plate / Eject Button
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Shadow Sneak
- Will-O-Wisp
This scary puppet is taking control of the metagame! Mimikyu is a must-have on Ghost teams due to Disguise, which helps it deal with threats like Tyranitar, Zarude, and Galarian Moltres. Swords Dance is used to raise Mimikyu's unexceptional base Attack, and Disguise makes it easy to set up. Play Rough is its main STAB move which handles the aforementioned Dark-types while still threatening Dragon- and Fighting-types such as Kyurem and Galarian Zapdos. Shadow Sneak is a useful move against faster Ghost- and Psychic-types like Blacephalon and Alakazam. Will-O-Wisp can be used to spread burn to physical attackers, but its main purpose is to wear down annoying walls such as Toxapex and Celesteela, as when they are burned, Spectrier can takebreak through them with Hex, allowing teammates such as Blacephalon and Dragapult to sweep more easily in the late-game. Eject Button can be used over Pixie Plate to pivot immediately into Spectrier after burning the aforementioned walls.
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Shadow Sneak
- Will-O-Wisp
This scary puppet is taking control of the metagame! Mimikyu is a must-have on Ghost teams due to Disguise, which helps it deal with threats like Tyranitar, Zarude, and Galarian Moltres. Swords Dance is used to raise Mimikyu's unexceptional base Attack, and Disguise makes it easy to set up. Play Rough is its main STAB move which handles the aforementioned Dark-types while still threatening Dragon- and Fighting-types such as Kyurem and Galarian Zapdos. Shadow Sneak is a useful move against faster Ghost- and Psychic-types like Blacephalon and Alakazam. Will-O-Wisp can be used to spread burn to physical attackers, but its main purpose is to wear down annoying walls such as Toxapex and Celesteela, as when they are burned, Spectrier can takebreak through them with Hex, allowing teammates such as Blacephalon and Dragapult to sweep more easily in the late-game. Eject Button can be used over Pixie Plate to pivot immediately into Spectrier after burning the aforementioned walls.
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