OM [Mix and Mega] Magearna


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Magearna @ Pinsirite
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Last Resort

Two moves is all this Magearna set needs to blitz past teams in Mix and Mega! Shift Gear Pinsirite Magearna is a potent lure set on balance teams and sweeper on hyper offense teams that takes advantage of Ground-types pivoting in expecting to check it. Physically offensive Magearna sets are rare due to its low base Attack stat; however, in Mix and Mega, Magearna receives huge boosts to its Attack and Speed stats thanks to Pinsirite. Furthermore, Magearna's newly-added Flying typing uses the likes of Landorus-T and Groudon as setup fodder. Shift Gear's Attack boost is put to good use, as it further bolsters the power of its already strong Aerilate-boosted Last Resort. Due to the lack of sturdy Flying-resistant checks, Magearna sweeps are easily facilitated by teammates such as Galarian Zapdos, Xerneas, and Regieleki wearing down shared checks such as Solgaleo and Manectite Mew. Magnezone is a notably good partner that traps and removes Steel-types that otherwise check Magearna. The given spread outspeeds Lopunnite Zeraora after Shift Gear.
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Magearna @ Pinsirite
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Last Resort

Two moves is all this Magearna set needs to blitz past teams in Mix and Mega! Physically offensive Magearna sets are far and few in few and far between due to the nature of Soul-Heart and its much higher base Special Attack stat its low base Attack stat; however, in Mix and Mega Magearna receives a huge boost to its Attack stat, as well as a respectable Speed stat with Pinsirite. Furthermore, Magearna's newly added Flying-type allows it to use the likes of Landorus and Groudon as setup fodder. Shift Gear's Attack boost is finally being put to good use on Pinsirite Magearna as it further bolsters the power of its already strong Aerialite-boosted Last Resorts. Due to the lack of sturdy Flying-resists, Magearna sweeps are easily facilitated by its teammates such as Zapdos-G(AC), Xerneas(AC), and Regieleki wearing down shared checks such as Solgaleo and Manectite Mew quickly. The given spread allows Magearna to outspeed Lopunnite Zeraora after a Shift Gear.

This is pretty good! maybe mention that its a good lure set? or that its a primary ho set, you pick. you could also mention magnezone if u want as it traps steels

912 chars :sob:

qc 1
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Two moves is all this Magearna set needs to blitz past teams in Mix and Mega! Shift Gear Pinsirite Magearna is a potent lure set on balance teams and sweeper on hyper offense teams that takes advantage of Ground-types pivoting in on it, and fits primarily on hyper offensive teams that take advantage of this expecting to check it. Physically offensive Magearna sets are few and far in between rare due to its low base Attack stat; however, in Mix and Mega, (comma) Magearna receives a huge boost to its Attack stat, as well as a respectable Speed stat with Pinsirite huge boosts to its Attack and Speed stats thanks to Pinsirite. Furthermore, Magearna's newly added Flying-type allows it to use newly-added Flying typing uses the likes of Landorus-T and Groudon as setup fodder. Shift Gear's Attack boost is put to good use on Pinsirite Magearna use, as it further bolsters the power of its already strong Aerialite-boosted Last Resorts. Due to the lack of sturdy Flying-resists Flying-resistant checks, Magearna sweeps are easily facilitated by its teammates such as Zapdos-G Galarian Zapdos, Xerneas, and Regieleki wearing down shared checks such as Solgaleo and Manectite Mew. Magnezone is a notably good partner that traps and removes Steel-types that otherwise check Magearna. The given spread allows Magearna to outspeed outspeeds Lopunnite Zeraora after a Shift Gear. Magnezone is a notable partner alongside it as it traps and removes Steel-types that otherwise check Magearna. moving before the previous sentence
GP 1/1!


GP Team done
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