Suspect Mix and Mega Suspect #10: Lugia

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Formerly Quantum Tesseract
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The Mix and Mega Council has decided to suspect test Lugia!

Although not particularly overpowering at its introduction, in the months since it was unrestricted in Mix and Mega Lugia has established itself as one of the most reliable win conditions in the metagame. Multiscale and an excellent defensive statline give it numerous opportunities to set up, and getting access to Magic Bounce from mega stones prevents many of the best ways to deal with setup sweepers from functioning against Lugia. Absolite sets come in at an astonishing 150 base speed, making them very difficult to safely revenge kill, while Sablenite sets make use of 106/180/204 defenses and Calm Mind to make themselves essentially unbreakable. Lugia's movepool is not particularly deep, but the tools it does have give it everything it needs to be effective; decent special stab options, psychic noise to prevent opponents from recovering, a decent array of special coverage, and of course reliable recovery.

While Lugia has many advantages, it is also not without its flaws. While its Psychic / Flying leaves it with a fairly decent defensive profile, Lugia is still weak to a number of common offensive types. This leaves Absolite sets vulnerable to revenge killing from the one common pokemon who is reliably faster, Regieleki, and Sablenite sets can struggle with a number of slower offensive pokemon like Samurott-Hisui and Sandy Shocks. Both Lugia sets are also vulnerable to being outboosted by setup sweepers with super effective attacks such as Lunala and Arceus-Ghost. In addition, Lugia's offensive presence leaves something to be desired; a base 90 special attack leaves its attacks distinctly unimpressive even after a mega stone boost, and between that and the common resistances to its stab combination there are rather a lot of pokemon that can safely soft check or pivot around Lugia such as Corviknight, Slowking-Galar, and Garganacl. Even without any form of dedicated hard counterplay, teams can often find ways to mitigate Lugia's effectiveness by use of multiple soft checks or making predictions.

When taken holistically, is Lugia simply too potent a setup sweeper to be allowed to continue mega evolving? The council has elected to suspect test Lugia in order to allow the community to answer this question.


Create a new account on PS. You do not have to follow any specific naming convention, but your suspect account must have never played a game in Mix and Mega before this suspect test went up or you will not receive valid requirements (resetting W/L does not count for this - the account you use must never have played Mix and Mega before the test, full stop.)
At any point on your new account, use the command /linksmogon on Pokemon Showdown! You will receive instructions on what to do once you run this command.
Double check that you're listed as a voter here! If you aren't listed as a voter despite having valid reqs, please contact KaenSoul, Giagantic, Isaiah or a member of staff.
If you have any questions about this new process, feel free to PM me or post here!

The requirement to vote in this suspect test is a COIL value of 2800. The deadline for getting requirements will be Saturday, November 23rd.


Once the suspect period is over, everyone who has obtained reqs will be tagged. The post will then outline a process of blind voting, which will be clarified once the time arrives. For now, follow the above "Requirements" subheading to ensure that you have achieved requirements and linked your account

A super-majority of 60% ban votes is required to restrict Lugia from Mega Evolving in Mix and Mega

- Lugia is permitted on the suspect Ladder
- The COIL value is 2800
- You must ladder on a newly-created alt of any name
- You must link your suspect alt with your smogon account using /linksmogon, though the voting process will happen in a thread in blind voting.
- The suspect test will run conclude at 11:59pm GMT -5 (EDT) on Saturday, November 23rd.
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idk why nobody has posted here yet but ig ill start by making a quick post on my thoughts. to me, lugia is the best lategame sweeper the meta has to offer. its bulk is way too absurd even with absolite (not to mention sab's 106/180/204 bulk and absolite's 150 speed) and its breaking power is insane cause psynoise is a brokenass move. containing it defensively is basically impossible cause nothing can heal on it bar gyaradosite mons, specifically gyaradosite toxic mons if you want to have a realistic out in beating it. thats just limited to 2 'mons: mandibuzz and clod. now it's fine if youre an enjoyer of those mons but i sure as hell dont enjoy using them as the best option vs lugia. teams that dont use gyara tox just rely on offensive pressure with mons like garganacl / dark type + supercell eleki or similar structures, and while on paper it seems like a good way out, on practice it's quite hard and everything has to work perfectly for you and oftentimes youre at a disadvantage. now you could argue this counterplay is alright and lugia doesn't skew building all that much yada yada, but i dont think this is particularly healthy for the metagame and i'd rather want flexibility in my defensive cores than run dogshit gyara mons. i do not agree with the OP's dnb arguments cause hamu + shocks sure as hell isnt enough lugia counterplay. sab just eats all the moves and absol just wins before hamu even clicks ceaseless or shocks tbolt and deal a nice 40 damage. ill be voting ban.
So i wanted to share some personal thoughts I have on Lugia. I am not that active in the tier, but while doing the reqs I realized that its walled completely by things like latiasite/pinsirite magerna. Mostly steel types.
I also saw some niche/suprising strats like parting shot into Lugia after it mega evolved, forcing Lugia to switch out. Furthermore I often faced Iron Boulder which just threatens Lugia in general, outspeeds it and has setup in sd. With the right mega stone I think even just a +0 Mighty Cleave is able to defeat Lugia. Overall I see no big problem with Lugia, except if you are underprepared. I still lean towards ban because it still feels too strong, but I wanna see more discussion on Lugia before I make my final decision.
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wanted to address felilou's post cuz I think it oversimplifies lugias impact in the meta and its counterplay. lugia is not walled by lati mage and if anything it's setup fodder cuz it can't encore lugia. realistically the only way it wins is if ice beam keeps lugia frozen for 500 turns. pins mage isn't used very often and even that guy doesn't beat lugia cuz of tbolt. the same goes for other steels like corv and crown. kingambit is the only steel that can beat lugia but I can't remember the last time somebody loaded it. as for parting shot, ur options are limited to banettite pecharunt, which is not the best guy and pecha would much rather run something like latiasite. besides what r u gna do if lugia stays unmegaed (it can to keep multiscale) or if it's the last mon standing? my point is you still need a secondary check. non-lopunnite boulder is a good offensive check to lugia yeah, but it's extremely chip prone and inconsistent vs sablenite. and what's more some lugias also run earth power and hell, even shadow ball (which is fine as an anti-lunala/antighost option). so yea, the counterplay listed above is not real and at best shaky.
In my honest opinion I'm going to sound back and forth but I'll vote ban for Lugia when i can. Lugia falls in a gray area where it's not special when you know what it's going to do. Yet when ignored can easily sweep with a +2 from calm mind. 106/180/205 bulk with Sablenite is already s tier for a defensive mon ,but before mega that has multiscale. Giving it a free calm mind or recover even revenge kill a mon. I believe multiscale is what pushes it over the edge. When played correctly especially with the surplus of meta relevant rapid spinners. It's gets so many passes to sweep late game. Yet there are mons can take it on like regielekei.
252+ Atk Regieleki Supercell Slam vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Lugia: 228-270 (54.9 - 65%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Possible damage.
or ironboulder
252 Atk Aerodactylite Tough Claws Iron Boulder Mighty Cleave vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Sablenite Lugia: 212-252 (51 - 60.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
both 2 hit knock outs which both get walled and slowly chipped by walls like pinsirnite Tusk. Even lugia it self threats boulder/sparky on incoming 2hit killing it's own "checks" just cause it can setup due to multiscale. This is not even factoring in a diancite that no one talks about
105/150/90/150/114/170 losing bulk but having a reliable amount after. The trade off which are extremely worth if you don't run into espeed spam.
In all certain plays style shut down Lugia before it can attempt anything yet ask yourself this; if lunala isn't allowed to mega why should another mon with very similar attributes should be able to?

Honestly i would vote to ban multiscale ability instead but eh this is a start.
Finally got reqs using the team I used versus Ivar yesterday got omegahaxxed by dillllllllon so tilted out of my x-0 but Lugia is hilariously stupid. Multiscale is a helpful tool but saying its what breaks Lugia is naïve at best. Quite simply, nothing bar Gyaradosite Mandibuzz and Hippowdon can fully answer Lugia, while Pokemon like Dragonite, Iron Boulder and Regieleki need major support and can just lose to certain variants of Lugia anyway (Dragonite needs to come in before Lugia has boosted including the turn it switches in, Diancite + correct coverage handles Boulder, and any Ground-type teammate for Regieleki or just be Sablenite). Absolite is by far the biggest offender, though, since it has a mix of rediculous bulk and speed while Psychic Noise makes up for its lack of immediate power. On the topic of Psychic Noise, this is what breaks Lugia. Invalidating recovery in a metagame without Choice items is insane. Easy ban from me. If you want to consistently answer Lugia, then get Stealth Rock up and don't let them get removed so that you can keep it from having as much bulk as possible, although this is much easier said than done and you should just hard counter this Pokemon so you don't get randomly 6-0'd.

oh and the answers in the op like zastra said just lose to lugia so yeah have fun
got reqs after 81 games and yes half of the losses were against db lol (was too lazy to make another account). gyaradosite clod takes too much from lugia to be a counter, you either mega and take too much bc no unaware or you don't mega and you get hit anyway. honestly i just boom on the lugia with eleki but they can always switch so gl with that.
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In a meta where you are adding +100 base stats to the majority of your team, Lugia stands alone as one of the craziest stat sticks ever seen. 150 speed is the big one because Lugia outspeeds the majority of the offensive meta, it's difficult to revenge it, and it has such a good movepool for a bulky setup mon with Psychic Noise really being the move that breaks it. I've found we're kind of shoehorned into using these slow, awkward, and passive mons to try and reliably deal with it and in a meta where a lot of counterplay to some of the big threats like Urshifu and Dragonite can be squishy and susceptible to being broken down, stuff like Gyaradosite Clodsire, Mandibuzz, Slowking, etc can be a real hinderance to include on your defensive core.

Clas mentioned that stealth rock being up is really one of the only strategies for consistently dealing with Lugia and although that may have been a bit tongue and cheek, I think there's some truth there that speaks to how difficult it can be to have safe, guaranteed lines to deal with Lugia. Dark types suck like always, and everything else that answers Lugia is a squishy check that can't come in consistently. Although Urshifu and a few other threats are very strong and can take over games with aggressive reads, they can be punished easier than Lugia. You cannot build a team or bring a game to a state that you are weak to Lugia because you will get 6-0'd. It is too bulky, too fast, and gets strong too quickly with a few CM stacks.

I've already touched on this, but I really think the ways of countering Lugia in this current meta are what makes it problematic. You are committing to one of two approaches. Either be squishy and potentially struggle lategame when those checks are broken down, or be passive and risk the game spiraling early if your opponent can take advantage of those empty turns. I think Lugia has a Solgaleo-esqe impact on the meta. It isn't as versatile as Solgaleo was, but it is much better at the single thing that it does and the bulk and lack of consistent reliable counterplay makes it a similarly unhealthy presence on the metagame. I'm voting Ban.
I think lugia is a good thing needed to deal with the powerful ground-type like great tusk and cm arc-ground. Urshifu-RS meets the guessing-situation when opposite have helmet, and walking water may cant OHKO arc-ground after cm. Samurott-Hisui(it will be good if using encore) and Barraskewda are not strong enough. No one use Meowscarada.
Another point is that MnM always defences ground-type with Ho-oh Corviknight and Levitate making gravity a strong thing. Fly-type mons not weak to ground in gravity are helpful(or we will only have Mandibuzz).
In general, it is more acceptable for me to treat lugia instead of the mons suppressed by it.
To save lugia

By the way, I know it is hard but I would prefer if you could release something rather than making something banned.
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Lugia 100% deserves a restriction, The magic bounce stones make in unbearable to fight since the only way to beat them is to brute force your way through it, Once it gets restricted it'll be way easier to deal with.


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Hello mixers and megaers!
I am not the usual mnm player, despite loving a lot this metagame, as I always find myself lacking in time to properly learn and give a shot to this cool OM.

I do hit ladder from time to time, but I probably havent acumulated over 125 battles over diferent alts in this generation (before suspect), maybe reaching 200 if u count previous generations.
Now, with that said, MnM is a meta that I have always felt very near somehow, even if I do not main it or know it really well, as it holds a simple but great charm to it. The fault of this is probably Gman who by being so nice made me attracted in the meta he mained at the time that we used to talk a lot.

I have spamed lugia in the past in ladder, and it does feel good, but it does feel overwhelming as well. Its late game sweeper potential is impressive, and as a test I went through the full suspect without using lugia, nor having very specific lugia counters in my team, to see how it did.
The team luckily was well crafted, courtesy of Mr Ivar57 , and did not fold easily, but every time I could feel how lugia just being the preview forced me to be very careful and slow.

I will inform myself properly before casting a vote by asking other MnM players, as I dont want to make a harming decision.

That said, I am just very happy to be here and this will be the first time I do a suspect qualification in 4 years.

Yes I know it aint needed to post qualifications. And yes I know the W/L ratio is ass but in my defense 3 of those defeats were unwinnable amounts of hax.

Have a nice day

Pd: I revived a *very old* suspect voting alt for this
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after a grueling laddering session with many ups and downs i've finally done it...

in my opinion? ban it.
wayyy too little counterplay and hard to overwhelm due to its great defenses and although i think absolite is the only good set its still really dominating since all of its checks get overwhelmed by multiple calm mind boosts and stuff like metagrossite hamurott which should counter it get outsped and killed
posted reqs screenshot for free internet points
Screen Shot 2024-11-19 at 1.13.18 PM.png

lost 1 to misclick i am angy >:(
Gonna be voting ban, I think everyone else explained why it should be banned so no need here.

:garganacl: Also wanna talk about Garganacl. I feel like this thing is just a pain to deal with in builder. Most counters are Substitute (which is difficult to fit on most mons, Ghosteus is probably best for this), Watershifu, Walking Wake, CC Great Tusk, Gravity Groundeus, Covert Cloak mons like Lunala or Ndm. While this is a pretty decent pool of mons they aren't very splashable imo and constrict the rest of the team. In battle Garg is also restrictive, if you wanna bring your Garg counter you have to risk taking Salt Cure, unless you are covert. Watershifu and Wake both take a million damage into Salt Cure and both of them have generally easy to fit counters. Garganacl also has a million sets, Def/SpD Sable, Def/SpD Latiasite, Aggronite, Tyranitarite, Pinsirite, even Altarianite. The risk of guessing wrong (especially the -ate ones because garg just explodes on your face) is pretty high. I feel like most people aren't too worried about Garg because "ohh just another bulky rocker you want banned" or something, but I feel like some recognition or action would be nice.

:magearna: Magearna is another mon that is hard to deal with imo, not nearly as much as Garg. Again set guessing between bulky/stored power Latiasite, Pinsirite, Manectite, Sablenite, even niche Blue Orb or Venusaurite as well as dealing with pre-mega Soul-Heart can be pretty game deciding if you make the wrong play. However, most of these aren't too threatening even you you guess wrong other than the Stored Power ones and Magearna also has 4MSS between having Ice Beam, Fleur Cannon, Spikes, Encore, on defensive sets so I think it isn't too bad.

The rest of the metagame is really fun rn, I like where the tier is at.

team I used (mid team but it did the job): :sandy shocks::ho-oh::arceus-ghost::arcanine-hisui::corviknight::magearna:

If I see another Lucario, Pikachu, Krookodile, Charizard, Greninja, Sceptile team I will bite my fingers off.

I hope to see Mega Calyrex-Shadow in the next banslate, I'll be waiting.

edit: forgot to mention, free Pidgeotite it did nothing wrong
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Not to lose the habit I leave my record here, the truth is I had a lot of fun playing the tier, although I feel that Lugia is not so broken, I managed to make the Suspect without it, and the few times I played it bumped into a wall vs :Kingambit: or some MonBulky with Roar / Whirlwind

Anyway, I really enjoyed it, and I want to thank that user, who even though I lost to him twice, gave me several tips to be able to do it the first time and also gave me teams, very kind indeed.


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I know I’ve had reas for a while now, but I just wanted to wait and see how Lugia grows on me before making an actually developed opinion. Anyway, Lugia is a Pokémon that can sweep with ease due to Multiscale and either the speed granted by Absolite/Diancite, almost requiring an Extreme Speed mon(not like you were going to drop one anyway), or the bulk granted by the Sablenite set, which is just impossible to kill, especially because of the fact that it’s got reliable recovery, so it can easily just recover off the damage from Stealth Rock and the many attacks it can easily take. Psychic Noise also invalidates walls from just dealing with it, as well as easily winning Calm Mind wars from most other Pokémon, other than Lunala, Arceus-Ghost, and if you don’t have any of them, your own Lugia. I’m being serious, my main way of beating Lugia was to just try to win Calm Mind wars, and if I lost, use an Extreme Speed Pokémon to hopefully revenge kill it. This Pokémon is very easy to just sweep on the spot, very hard to counter, and very Banworthy.
Not everyone has voted yet, but the result won't change. (voting will stay open until the deadline)
lugia vote.png

Lugia is now restricted from Mix and Mega!

Thank you to all participants. If you have 10 tiering votes across multiple tiers and qualify for the Tiering Contributor badge as a result, you may PM me or another Tier Leader with the links to all of your votes.
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