Monotype Cup Monotype BW Cup - Round 1 ($25 prize)

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prodigy prosecutor
is a Pre-Contributor

Beautiful art by Swiffix

Welcome to the fifth and final tournament in the third Monotype Cup! Whether you're a veteran with something to prove or a newbie looking for your breakout, I wish you the best of luck.

This is a single elimination tournament & each matchup is a Bo3 series!

>>Monotype Cup Playoffs Tracker<<

  • Baton Pass Clause: Baton pass is banned​
  • Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type.​
  • Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis​
  • Swagger Clause: Bans the move Swagger​
  • Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned​
  • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon​
  • OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned​
  • Moody Clause: Moody is banned​
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned​
  • Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned​
  • HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages​
  • Baton Pass Stat Clause: Stops teams from having a Pokémon with Baton Pass that has any way to boost its stats​

  1. Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.​
  2. Scouting: Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any blatant scouting. There is a difference between "[user] is known for using Fire-type" and "let me follow [user] around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter. I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. Everyone will have access to your replays from earlier rounds though.​
  3. Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.​
  4. Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.​

In order to schedule with your opponent, please follow the scheduling guidelines!

Feel free to contact me in the Monotype discord server if you still have any questions regarding this tournament (or the Monotype Cup in general) after reading this post!

filo.ilmonti  vs  Elyoss
feen  vs  Uta The Clown
Blitz0  [*DNP] vs  JimmyJohnsSandwich
ChipDarulei  [*DNP] vs  The1ULuv2H8
Dantepon  vs  Charliezard7 [*DNP]
Mateeus  vs  Shivam_Z
CupSSB  vs  Live1sh
Edo Yuki  vs  Silveruby [*DNP]
MonoSyn64  [*DNP] vs  gummmm
B1Kharma  [*DNP] vs  AhmedxWaleed
Azick  vs  Hyjinks
Kaito_fdp2006  vs  Gekokeso [*DNP]
marsandback  vs  txitxas [*DNP]
Concept Everything  vs  KingKrook553
Rex Slayer  [*DNP] vs  SubexiGod
spectrum-5  vs  sasha
juani190  vs  sapphiree [*DNP]
phantomcobra  vs  iceh0ck
mk.edits vs  jOlly_722 [*DNP]
cpt.kraken  vs  abriel
Nyx  vs  Portrait or Ruin
Dragon Expert Soma [*DNP]  vs  Long Spirit
Qwertyness5000  vs  Sificon [*DNP]
Real GLaDOS [*DNP] vs  tomatojuicr
Starchon  vs  FadedCharm [*DNP]
ArkenCiel  [*DNP] vs  xtreamer2147
Manan999  vs  Chazz Princeton
TomLeLego  vs  Shucklegigas
BeenVexed  vs  DaviDXrt [*DNP]
wkxkevin  vs  Mada
Dead by Daylight  vs  InkyGoBoo!
tnzin3919S  vs  DAHLI [*DNP]
CrossHeart  vs  TheWyvernKing
Dysonysus [*DNP]  vs  opharzon
InotLiam-Hearts  [*DNP] vs  yamifist
SashaVelourMoment  vs  Covle
zRyan74  [*DNP] vs  Zardx42
D4R8X [*DNP]  vs  Aley9876
Just_Meh  vs  freakydood
StardustDragon123 [*DNP]  vs  kubes_04
DaRotomMachine  [*DNP] vs  aizenthepoggers
Sabella  vs  Don Bork
Zecronium14  vs  SolarBeam
Cielau  vs  iriomemdc
DenyInDenial  vs  NotPedrovisk
imed2000111  [*DNP] vs  Trockenschwamm
juleocesar  vs  ZackPalace
wateraus281  vs  RzK
Whitespaniard [*DNP]  vs  Elfa Del Mercadona
Constant_Entity  vs  Costait [*DNP]
Potatoboybob  vs  Holy Cheetos
Tojizhenin  [*DNP] vs  mootbrain
NoahTheGreat64  vs  Tav72 [*DNP]
Trouser Snakes  vs  Minnair
Zevachu8  [*DNP] vs  Infernapeman11
yomommasbf  vs  Neko
shinylemur5787  vs  Pokeboi456
untakenlmfao  vs  OhSlimee
byulharang  [*DNP] vs  Mahoraga
style.css [*DNP]  vs  Larápio
GotCookies  vs  exithe
halaman95 [*DNP]  vs  Haiseowo
ray ray thunder  vs  stealthstone [*DNP]
yuramas  vs  Magnamite701
Jin4President [*DNP]  vs  Nlbig
Mihowk vs  yedla
Splash [*DNP]  vs  Dayer3X23
Leafium Z  [*DNP] vs  King korba
kimminki  vs  DugZa
CkMid7  vs  Royal5888 [*DNP]
otaporf  vs  des121 [*DNP]
Sae  [*DNP] vs  Yariid
roxie  [*DNP] vs  Nlvnate06
david0656 vs  Mr.Explod_E [*DNP]
Marus8  vs  Tenebricite
ShinyAlolamola  vs  Xiri
Bouki  vs  Adriyun
addon  vs  Lirik Seven
Woomsicle [*DNP]  vs  uhyesme
Chaitanya  vs  Failbor
nobodyknowsme  vs  Pengairxan [*DNP]
L3m0n Square [*DNP]  vs  Killer beetles
corey timbs  vs  skeeves [*DNP]
Temeevee  [*DNP] vs  glossman123
Jojo8868 [*DNP]  vs  purbaj
UPR Nyx  vs  Daniel Ramos [*DNP]
JustBlissful  vs  Bka Onon
portalman  vs  Dj Breloominati♬ [*DNP]
spicysquid vs  squidwardKK [*DNP]
DHUVANESH  [*DNP] vs  Cyndatu
Kidswillrule11  vs  tigrebraco123 [*DNP]
litrixity  [*DNP] vs  GoldenGo123
lukesmith849  vs  Jahkem
amstro  [*DNP] vs  Mobbbu
cdiazprados  vs  Xocov
Prof.Otaku  [*DNP] vs  MackDad456
maroon  vs  ilovegunk
Ashbala  [*DNP] vs  Bye 1
sxd2002  [*DNP] vs  Bye 2
Little Bastard  [*DNP] vs  Bye 3
freckle_galore  [*DNP] vs  Bye 4
Arucanny  vs  temporaily
Duripop [*DNP] vs  Bye 6
Builder106 [*DNP] vs  Bye 7
bonboniera boy [*DNP] vs  Bye 8
Imperial [*DNP]  vs  Bye 9
Tico  [*DNP] vs  Bye 10
Incognition  [*DNP] vs  Bye 11
DragonPhoenix333  [*DNP] vs  Bye 12
North  [*DNP] vs  Bye 13
RandomPopplio [*DNP]  vs  Bye 14
DruxCrow  [*DNP] vs  Bye 15
Remake  [*DNP] vs  Bye 16
Santiagoht27 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 17
treeshhhh [*DNP]  vs  Bye 18
memedose46  [*DNP] vs  Bye 19
ragazzosole  [*DNP] vs  Bye 20
ampharos4ever  [*DNP] vs  Bye 21
8BiterOfficial [*DNP]  vs  Bye 22
matherumaderu  [*DNP] vs  Bye 23
Airarises [*DNP]  vs  Bye 24
bingy  [*DNP] vs  Bye 25
guiguir  [*DNP] vs  Bye 26
Paraplegik  [*DNP] vs  Bye 27
Kastejon  [*DNP] vs  Bye 28
mohddubai  [*DNP] vs  Bye 29
DomadragonAlvaro [*DNP]  vs  Bye 30
bricknermon  [*DNP] vs  Bye 31
cherif18  [*DNP] vs  Bye 32
Hairoll [*DNP]  vs  Bye 33
twinkay  [*DNP] vs  Ina fable
Daniolo7 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 35
ZincTheJeater  [*DNP] vs  Bye 36
timeless_asteroid  [*DNP] vs  Bye 37
Vertigo  [*DNP] vs  Bye 38
GGwebas [*DNP]  vs  Bye 39
chuggachuggachooo  [*DNP] vs  Bye 40
Hubriz  [*DNP] vs  Bye 41
megasalappo  [*DNP] vs  Bye 42
Guibs279  vs  KillaLeston
lightflight  [*DNP] vs  Bye 44
adjustments  [*DNP] vs  Bye 45
Fraolain [*DNP]  vs  Bye 46
Dieu Amphibien [*DNP]  vs  Bye 47
cicepece11  [*DNP] vs  Bye 48
Piedrer  [*DNP] vs  Bye 49
Ronman5 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 50
Roxanner  [*DNP] vs  Bye 51
DetectiveLocke  [*DNP] vs  Bye 52
Nunsori [*DNP]  vs  Bye 53
HHZEROHH  [*DNP] vs  Bye 54
zaydapoketrainer  [*DNP] vs  Bye 55
PNDIAYE12 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 56
IceBroMage  [*DNP] vs  Bye 57
Jays2202 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 58
tausifur [*DNP]  vs  Bye 59
King Billu [*DNP]  vs  Bye 60
Mahin0999  [*DNP] vs  Bye 61
Staraptor  [*DNP] vs  Bye 62
Snackbanana [*DNP]  vs  Bye 63
Tarre25  [*DNP] vs  Bye 64
azalea94 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 65
ToxaNex  [*DNP] vs  Bye 66
Snak [*DNP]  vs  Bye 67
TheCreatorOfBullsht  [*DNP] vs  Bye 68
JeoZ  [*DNP] vs  Bye 69
viscavista [*DNP]  vs  Bye 70
TheElderCheese  [*DNP] vs  Bye 71
FoxCookie [*DNP]  vs  Bye 72
lemonademaker  [*DNP] vs  Bye 73
MarsuppiettoMain  [*DNP] vs  Bye 74
Galactikitty  [*DNP] vs  Bye 75
Shortie  [*DNP] vs  Bye 76
henguinie  [*DNP] vs  Bye 77
Black muhn  [*DNP] vs  Bye 78
RAF4LE_ [*DNP]  vs  Bye 79
skatt7000  [*DNP] vs  Bye 80
namanisking  [*DNP] vs  Bye 81
BigA2743  [*DNP] vs  Bye 82
atashii  [*DNP] vs  Railgun
Deadshot2wx  [*DNP] vs  crashy
joemonke [*DNP]  vs  Bye 85
Menegucci  [*DNP] vs  Bye 86
bdudeinthehouse  [*DNP] vs  Bye 87
Chosenonew [*DNP]  vs  Bye 88
ArchAether  [*DNP] vs  Bye 89
PiccoloIsBlack [*DNP]  vs  Bye 90
PhantomShadow_07  [*DNP] vs  Bye 91
hupagi  [*DNP] vs  Bye 92
Dobesito [*DNP]  vs  Bye 93
Ashton112 [*DNP]  vs  Bye 94
numeronormal  [*DNP] vs  Bye 95

Replays are not mandatory for round 1
The Deadline for Round 1 will be on April 14th @ 10 PM GMT-4

Substitutes will be paired randomly on 7th during nighttime GMT-4
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How do I tell who my opponent is? I don't know what Bye5 i
A bye means you face no one currently, therefore you automatically move onto the next round, unless subs signup and fill the bye spot so just be on the lookout to see if a sub fills your bye spot
I have a question, can two Pokémon from the same evolutionary line be used? for example: porygon2 and porygonZ in the same team
I have a question, can two Pokémon from the same evolutionary line be used? for example: porygon2 and porygonZ in the same team
Yes as long as it’s not two of the exact same pokemon, for example (if they were even legal in this tier) Deoxys Speed and Deoxys Attack would be illegal, but for example using Venusaur and Ivysaur in an team would be legal


formerly Carlosmh7
sent message on Monday to schedule a time but opp hasn't replied yet. Calling act because I'm gonna be busy during the weekend
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