Side Monotype Farm League Round 5

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6ti and Shadestep , I've got some personal stuff going on, so I won't be around for a while. As a result, I will be withdrawing from this tournament.

I'm sorry.

Hopefully I'll be back next season.
i don't want to call any sort of activity but i had called for extension to give them more time and after the initial scheduling failure i have received no further contact from temp despite them having been on forums several times since. if they're willing to play I'll still do it but leaving this comment jic
Quantum Tesseract
vs. Adalind - coinflip
agroove vs memeism - coinflip
Seo. vs thetacoman
alpha suckles vs brancus
mr miner vs. rabzzz
wish9 vs empo
crashy vs i am bu - coinflip
plasmagby and vakatelesau - Inactivity
shadestep vs nickxvz - coinflip
zekromfan vs the excadrill
av8 and lostallhopesdreams - Inactivity
Luckyboy123 vs Seager
Temperarious vs madman404
Entei vs Acsel
Holy Ghost vs The-Vale
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