Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Why is it impossible to RNG Extremespeed Zigzagoon?

First of all is from an obscure event that comes with a Japanese box. You can't download a code or anything, it has to be imported to your cart. I also seem to recall that you couldn't really SR for it either or it was very tedious to do (I think you could only import it once to one cart hence you couldn't SR unless you could import it to a different cart, dunno someone could clarify this for me). So yeah just forget about it, some other guy was asking for it too. If you find anything with more than 2 31 IVs and the right nature it's probably hacked.
Why is it impossible to RNG Extremespeed Zigzagoon?
Its not the clearest response for your question, but it should give you a little insight of why it is impossible to RNG, quote shamelessly stolen from Dark Ray.
Dark Ray said:
That won't work.
I'm not sure how you think it gets Extremespeed, but it's a special move that comes exclusively on a gift egg you receive when you deposit 100 Pokemon into Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire for the Gamecube.

There's also no need to use an Ability capsule to get Gluttony on a 3rd gen Linoone, if the PID would have given the second ability if it had been caught/bred in 4th gen, it will switch to the second ability when evolved in 4th/5th gen (not sure about 6th as I've never tried).

Sorry, but you will never get the Linoone you want, another smogon member once farmed a ton of Zigzagoon eggs from Box using a glitch, and the best one was Adamant 14/28/24/17/27/20 (which is pretty good for no Synchronize).
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Its not the clearest response for your question, but it should give you a little insight of why it is impossible to RNG, quote shamelessly stolen from Dark Ray.
Hmmm... that makes it sound like the Bonus Disc Jirachi. If it is indeed like that, then a flawless Adamant is out of the question; it may not even be possible to get an IV total above 170. It also makes me wonder about shiny checks.
Hmmm... that makes it sound like the Bonus Disc Jirachi. If it is indeed like that, then a flawless Adamant is out of the question; it may not even be possible to get an IV total above 170. It also makes me wonder about shiny checks.
It's generated by Box itself, and placed into the storage of Box, not the connecting game. Also, it's given as an egg so...
I am trying to abuse my TID/SID in my Platinum. The problem I keep running into is that when I hit my delay, I am one second late, but when I adjust for this and hit my delay again, I am one second early. I am aiming for 05700/05710. The time is 4:25:30 on 1/01/2014 with the delay being 8186. This is not the only TID/SID I have tried with Platinum.

EDIT: I had no problem abusing a TID/SID number in Soul Silver
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I am trying to abuse my TID/SID in my Platinum. The problem I keep running into is that when I hit my delay, I am one second late, but when I adjust for this and hit my delay again, I am one second early. I am aiming for 05700/05710. The time is 4:25:30 on 1/01/2014 with the delay being 8186. This is not the only TID/SID I have tried with Platinum.

EDIT: I had no problem abusing a TID/SID number in Soul Silver
By adjust did you mean you added 1 second to target second on eontimer? And still no luck?
I am trying to abuse my TID/SID in my Platinum. The problem I keep running into is that when I hit my delay, I am one second late, but when I adjust for this and hit my delay again, I am one second early. I am aiming for 05700/05710. The time is 4:25:30 on 1/01/2014 with the delay being 8186. This is not the only TID/SID I have tried with Platinum.

EDIT: I had no problem abusing a TID/SID number in Soul Silver
In HGSS you set the target seconds to 3 seconds earlier than your actual target second. You're not doing that for platinum right?
In HGSS, I did set the target second to 3 seconds earlier. I am not doing that for Platinum. When PPRNG consistently told me I hit my delay, but second 31 rather than second 30, the target, I set the target second on Eon Timer to 29. However, when I hit my delay with 29 as the target second, PPRNG tells me that I hit second 29. I tried with a copy of Diamond to see if it was just that one cart, but it did the same thing. This problem happens no matter what the target second is.
In HGSS, I did set the target second to 3 seconds earlier. I am not doing that for Platinum. When PPRNG consistently told me I hit my delay, but second 31 rather than second 30, the target, I set the target second on Eon Timer to 29. However, when I hit my delay with 29 as the target second, PPRNG tells me that I hit second 29. I tried with a copy of Diamond to see if it was just that one cart, but it did the same thing. This problem happens no matter what the target second is.
Huh, have you tried with another time?
See in the seed to time window if there's another time you can use, like 29 seconds instead of 30 since you hit 29 earlier :)
Question, isn't there any problem if i try to RNG in the Bug Catching Contest with a Mimic Glitched, Sweet Scent Wigglytuff w/Cute Charm? or do i have to keep trying by the old fashioned way (walking in the grass patches and keep hoping that the RNG goddess gives me what i want)?
Question, isn't there any problem if i try to RNG in the Bug Catching Contest with a Mimic Glitched, Sweet Scent Wigglytuff w/Cute Charm? or do i have to keep trying by the old fashioned way (walking in the grass patches and keep hoping that the RNG goddess gives me what i want)?
You're free to use the mimic glitched wigglytuff.
quick question
which do I choose to update my Delay
(see picture below)
If it is to update it in the EonTimer's Calibrated Delay then just put the closest delay you got in the Pandora Box in the "Delay Hit" space, then just press the "Update" button and you're done updating your Delay.
ahh, if say you're hitting 25 second on reporter while it is set at 21 on eontimer then shouldn't you make it 19 to hit your target second of 23?

edit: Sorry for the confusion, but you should simply deduct the x number of seconds in order to hit your target second.