My First B/W Ubers Team (RMT)

Hey everyone, and thanks for checking this out for me :) I'll appreciate any input you're able to give me.
Just a little bit about myself, I've been playing HG/SS -> B/W since early 2011, both off and on and I've been having a lot of fun. Originally I didn't know much about tiers and I was just in general using my favourite Pokemon to which I thought was a good balance of type combinations and attacks, however due to some of the feedback I got on here it didn't do so well (Too weak for Ubers and too many Ubers to make something work in OU without starting from scratch)
While building the following team though I've always wanted to keep the team as Pokemon which I personally like and/or find aesthetically pleasing, because hey - I like many others are playing the game for fun and I doubt I'd be having fun with Pokemon which I don't particularly like.

So here is my attempt at infiltrating the Ubers tier. Please keep in mind as well that I have not yet done any competitive battling, and there is a very high chance that I'm missing something that may be deemed obvious by most, but something I may have overlooked. Apologies in advance.

* Items highlighted in red are my changes

At a glance


Item: Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpD
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Pursuit
- Superpower
My pride and joy since I started playing again, I was (incredibly) lucky to have come across this shiny Scizor* (*Scyther) combined with an Adamant nature while doing the bug catching contest in HG. I also later found out that he has some impressive IV's to boot.

Scizor serves as my lead, with his access to U-turn I thought it would be good to see who is coming on first and switching out as needed, otherwise using Pursuit if I have the advantage. His abilities are pretty standard
I do have a strong feeling that my Tyranitar will be suggested to be the lead though.


Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
Nature: Naive
EV's: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- U-Turn
- Ice Beam
- Iron Head
- Explosion

Replaced Scizor with Genesect.


Item: Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
Nature: Careful
EV's: 252 HP / 76 Atk / 180 SpD
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge Replaced with Superpower

Current lead.
I constantly hear about how amazing Stealth Rock is, so I thought using Tyranitar for that role would be more suitable. He like Scizor has access to Pursuit through breeding, and while it is standard, as displayed on Tyranitar's Uber "Tank" set to have a fighting attack in place of Stone Edge, I believe that having Stone Edge would prove to be more of an advantage in my team due to my other Pokemon who has a rock attack only has access to Rock Slide. Tyranitar is also here to help control the weather against sun/rain teams and not giving those teams such a huge advantage over me.
His EV's are geared toward defensive capabilities to survive a lot of what Ubers has to throw at him.


Item: Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid
EV's: 204 HP / 52 SpA / 252 Spe 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe currently
- Calm Mind
- Psystrike
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam

My Mewtwo is leaning more toward survivability in my team due to two others already carrying Life Orbs. I believe that this would prove to be more of an advantage to me and I'm not running the risk of killing my own team with Orbs, and also as Mewtwo is the only Pokemon on my team who has an Ice attack to use. If I'm completely wrong about this, please let me know.


Item: Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 248 HP / 176 Atk / 84 SpD 204 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Spe currently
- Roost
- Brave Bird
- Sacred Fire
- Earthquake Replaced with Whirlwind

I've loved Ho-Oh since I first saw him on my Pokemon Gold box back in the 90's, and I've always wanted to try and keep him on my team however I can.
Getting lucky enough to obtain a Regenerator Ho-Oh of my own was pretty fantastic, I immediately noticed a difference in his survivability combined with Roost. Earthquake is used to provide a more versatile movepool amongst my team, and Sacred Fire is amazing against any physical attackers and (of course) any Pokemon with a fire weakness.


Item: Life Orb Choice Scarf currently
Ability: Teravolt
Nature: Naughty
EV's: 104 HP / 148 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 Spe 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe currently
- Bolt Strike
- Draco Meteor Replaced with Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Volt Switch

Before playing Pokemon White I had a hard time trying to fill this slot with an effective Electric type (Or just a/a few Electric attacks) however I love Zekrom, not only is he pretty beastly but he has a good balance of attacks, not only just type but between physical and special attacks - something which I believe my team desperately needs.
Zekrom is equipped with Volt Switch to provide an alternate electric attack, as well as being able to switch out in the same turn. I'm currently using Dragon Claw to cut down on how much HP I would be losing by letting Outrage take its course. If I am incorrect about this assumption, or you have an alternate reasoning to why I should use Outrage over Dragon Claw in my team, please let me know.


Item: Leftovers
Ability: Sand Rush
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 176 HP / 60 Atk / 252 SpD / 20 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Excadrill is the second Pokemon to have caught my eye in B/W. Not just aesthetically but in terms of his typing and move pool.
I have Excadrill here to throw out a Rapid Spin if needed (Giving Ho-Oh more breathing room after/before switching) as well as being able to deal a little bit of damage himself. I have Leftovers on Excadrill to help with his survivability, and also to compliment his EV spread.
As far as I know, through the Dream World you are unable to obtain Drilbur (For Mold Breaker) so I'm currently using Sand Rush to compliment Tyranitar's Sand Stream. Being able to switch in and immediately hit someone with Rock Slide/Earthquake I believe would be a great asset to have. While Excadrill won't hit as hard as a lot of other Pokemon due to his EV spread, I believe that having access to Swords Dance may be able to get me out of a tough situation.

Alternative Pokemon

Item: Choice Scarf/Expert Belt
Ability: Download
Nature: Hasty
EV's: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- U-turn
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Thunder

Change already made. Genesect > Scizor

Genesect would be the obvious replacement to Scizor in the Uber tier. Not only does his have his impressive typing, but Genesect also gives me access to another Fire/Ice attack, as well as an extra Electric attack for me to use. Genesect also adds what I believe that my team is lacking - a variety of special attacks. I have a feeling that due to my team being mostly physical-based that in the end that will be one of the things holding back my team (Surely coupled with quite a few other things though - this is my first team after all)
Genesect's speed is also quite impressive, especially coupled with a Choice Scarf, but Expert Belt does give me that extra damage on super effective attacks without restricting my move set until I switch out. I also have a feeling that this would come a bit more unexpected to the opponent since they will more than likely be expecting a Choice item to be equipped.

Currently I'm using Scizor due to him being my first shiny in any Pokemon game, as well as him just being an impressive Pokemon over all. Would Scizor be holding my team back too much though as opposed to using Genesect? Or would my team be thriving more by using Scizor?
Please let me know :)

Threats/General Weaknesses

The main reason why I posted this here. I don't currently know exactly what my immediate threats will be, not only just teams but specific Pokemon. As I mentioned in Genesect's description, I believe that my team is a little too geared toward physical attacks, and also due to me using Leftovers on a lot of Pokemon for the greater survivability my team may just be lacking the raw power to do any damage.

When it comes to specific Pokemon, I have a feeling that Kyogre would cause a bit of problems for my team, as well as just general Rain teams. I didn't really come to this conclusion from any deep or long thinking it was more along the lines of "Oh, I have one Pokemon with Electric attacks, and zero Grass attacks. That may be a problem" and also due to half of my team having a weakness to water attacks.

Final notes
Thanks very much for reading through all of this, I did try to include as much information as I could think of/find, but if I have made an obvious mistake, please let me know. I'd also really appreciate any constructive feedback on my team, both as a whole as for individual Pokemon and also the individual concerns I had put in throughout this post.
Hey Switch97, cool team! Couple of words of general advice, since you're new to the game. I'd highly recommend testing out your team on Pokemon Showdown. ( It's quite easy to build and test your team out there, and you can see weaknesses quickly.

Now for the team. First off, I think Genesect over Scizor is a much better choice, since it is almost as powerful with the appropriate download boost and hits much harder. The standard physical scarf is probably your best bet:

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Naive Nature
252 Att/ 4 HP/ 252 Spe
- U-Turn
- Ice Beam
- Iron Head
- Explosion

Apart from this, you are very weak to Kyogre, as you'll find out when you test the team out. I think a Latias would be a good fit over Mewtwo for this reason. The offensive attacker set with Soul Dew is probably your best bet. Good luck with the team
I think this team is really weak to two (perhaps three) prominent threats: Arceus-Normal and Kyogre. Zekrom is a mediocre check to Kyogre, and the majority of your team honestly gets massacred by a boosted ExtremeSpeed. I'd back the previous poster and suggest Soul Dew Latias > Mewtwo, perhaps even Latios. Genesect would also be a much better choice over Scizor, as you already have a Pursuit trapper in Tyranitar, and Scizor is fairly weak in Ubers. Scarf Genesect would definitely work here. There's also a pretty big lack of special attackers on your team, so I'd suggest CM Fightceus > Ho-oh.
Hey guys, thanks very much for the feedback! I really appreciate it. As it's been mentioned I'll probably use Genesect over Scizor. But with the set that Superstar mentioned, wouldn't that just add to my problem of having too many physical attackers? I thought that since Genesect had a good stat variety, and great typing that putting several special attacks on him would be beneficial. Although, I can see the appeal from a STAB Iron Head, as well as Explosion.

However, just a couple of questions:

Blitzlefan, you mentioned that Zekrom is a mediocre check to Kyogre. Why is that? I know there is something I'm not understanding, but I assumed he'd be a strong counter due to his Electric-type, as well as Bolt Strike being a physical attack, thus his high SpD not being much of a problem. Would you (Or anyone) be able to tell me why that is? Just trying to learn :)

Also, I know this will go against nearly everything that this forum strives for (Which I do really appreciate) But the Pokemon being mentioned as possible replacements kind of goes back to what I mentioned earlier in my post.
While building the following team though I've always wanted to keep the team as Pokemon which I personally like and/or find aesthetically pleasing, because hey - I like many others are playing the game for fun and I doubt I'd be having fun with Pokemon which I don't particularly like.
Is there any way I'd be able to modify my movesets/EV's/attacks on what I have here to be more versatile?
I grew up with Gen 1&2 Pokemon, and I've largely been trying to stick to the ones I know. In Gen III I only ever liked Groudon, and in Gen V it was just Zekrom and Excadrill (Gen IV I completely skipped over)
I know this makes things difficult (Perhaps extremely) but is this at all possible to do?

And again, thanks everyone for your feedback!
Blitzlefan, you mentioned that Zekrom is a mediocre check to Kyogre. Why is that? I know there is something I'm not understanding, but I assumed he'd be a strong counter due to his Electric-type, as well as Bolt Strike being a physical attack, thus his high SpD not being much of a problem. Would you (Or anyone) be able to tell me why that is? Just trying to learn :)

252+ SpA Kyogre Water Spout vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Zekrom in rain: 224-264 (61.03 - 71.93%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Kyogre Surf vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Zekrom in rain: 143-168 (38.96 - 45.77%) -- 17.58% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

With LO recoil, a lower speed stat, Kyogre gets past Zekrom very easily. Zekrom is, however, a great way of putting pressure on Kyogre.
This is a pretty cool team, although I'd suggest Scarf Dialga in place of Scizor to give you a secondary Ekiller check as well as Kyogre check. You don't really need Scizor since you have TTar for Lati@s, and Arceus-Dark, as well as Ho-oh for Calm Mind Arceus. The problem with your team at the moment is that Scarf Kyogre can near 6-0 if Zekrom takes chip damage.

I would advise trying to fit an Arceus-Grass on the team to completely fix that, maybe in place of mewtwo.

The core of the team is solid.
I would suggest addingArceus-Grassover ho-oh. Here's the reason why:
- Choice Specs Kyogre OHKO'es 5/6 of your team, and Zekrom doesn't like taking surfs. You have issues with scarf'Ogre as well. Arceus-Grass counters Kyogre pretty well.
- RP Groudon needs one free turn, and it's gg. Scizor(without fire punch) and Mewtwo are the only pokemons who aren't OHKO'ed (but close). Arceus-Grass is bulky enough to take one fire punch and KO Groudon.
- Your team has issues with fast pokemon in General (Extremekiller, SD Arceus Forms, opposing Excadrill, Gliscor(!), MixPalkia). Arceus-Grass provides paralysis support.

Timid Nature,
~Grass Knot
~Ice Beam
~Thunder Wave

112 speed with a timid nature outspeeds max speed base 102(Garchomp). Feel free to tweak the EVs a bit.
Recover gives you reliable recovery, Grass Knot (stab) for Kyogre and Groudon, Ice Beam, because it can OHKO Rayquaza and it's better than Fire Blast (excadrill can switch on ferrothorn, forretress and skarmory), or Earth Power (Tyranitar can switch into Heatran and Reshiram), Thunder Wave to shut down most of arceus forms, and let Zekrom sweep better.

Then you need a check for Extremekiller. I don't really get what Scizor is doing for the team, therefore I suggest Terrakion over Scizor.
Terrakion @choice scarf
Jolly nature
~Close Combat
~Stone Edge
~Sacred Sword/Earthquake/Sleep Talk
Max speed and attack as he's a revenge killer.
Close Combat and Stone Edge are stabbed and used to revenge kill Extremekiller, Ho-oh, dialga, Palkia, Mewtwo and so on
The last two moves are highly situationnal (I'll take Sacred Sword against Bulk Up Dialga, but here you have no pokemon to absorb Darkrai's sleep)

I know that if you follow this, you'll have four weaknesses to Ground, however, I cannot change the whole team. I guess you can lure Groudon with Zekrom, but Arceus Ground is very problematic due to its bulk.
Hey guys, thanks very much for all of your feedback!
I've been trying this team on Pokemon Showdown (I've made some minor tweaks to the teams abilities/EV's and that) And it's doing... Mildly well I suppose. I have a 1472 rating with a 14-13 W/L ratio.

The tweaks I've made have been

- Genesect is now part of the team. Physically based Choice Scarf set, Naive nature.

- Tyranitar is now using Superpower instead of Stone Edge

- Mewtwo's EV's are now 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

- Ho-Oh's EV's are now 204 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Spe, and now also has Whirlwind instead of Earthquake.
I found this Ho-Oh set in another person's Ubers team (Unfortunately I don't remember his/her name - all credit due though) and this seems to have helped me a lot, and the general 'theme' of my team

- Zekrom's EV's are now 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe, I've replaced Draco Meteor with Outrage, his nature is now Adamant (Harder hitting physicals, although Volt Switch does take a beating. I just felt like I couldn't sacrifice any of my defences or speed)
Overall I think Zekrom has been doing well, and seems to be taking down Kyogre with relative ease, however this could (Probably is) due to bad EV allocation, or they're not using a Choice Scarf to outspeed me.

- Excadrill remains unchanged

I know with Zekrom's change I have just added to my 'lack of SpA' problem, however I think he's made a big difference in my team.

Now that I've been playing around a lot with this, my team seems to revolve around leading with Tyranitar and keeping a Sandstorm up, Ho-Oh, Zekrom and Genesect switching between each other (U-Turn, Volt Switch and free health regen through Regenerator) and having Excadrill maximize on his bulk (He hardly takes any damage, and his survivability with the included Leftovers surprisingly makes a big difference) If I need him to hit really hard as well, he's able to with the use of Sword's Dance too, so I think he's pretty well rounded.

With my team's problems though (From what I've noticed, anyawy) as mentioned by a few people I am having problems with Arceus w/ ExtremeSpeed. It seems I have to get lucky with Mewtwo in his normal form.

I'd just like to add though, that while I do definitely appreciate all of the feedback I've gotten, is there any way I could change around my team's EV's/Attacks/Natures etc to be better well rounded? I mentioned earlier that I'd like to play with favourites, and if I could at all keep the team the way it is that'd be fantastic, but I don't see it being a big likelihood.
At the very least though I'd like to keep Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Genesect/Scizor and possibly Mewtwo on the team though. I could list off what Pokemon I'd like to use as an alternative, but as this is a 'rate my team' not a 'help-me-build-another-team' thread I'll leave this the way it is. However, would I be able to be pointed in the right direction if that kind of section exists? I'd love to be able to stick to mostly Gen 1/2 Pokemon, with the odd few from the other gens. I'd like to avoid using Arceus though, just not my cup of tea.

Thanks very much guys!
Agreed. It'll also make sure that those who rate your team don't make suggestions based on what your team used to look like, whether than what it truly does look like.