My first OU / Mixed Team Rating


formerly Jadorimu
Hey Everybody!
This is my first OU / Mixed team of all different teirs. I am here to ask you all for your opinions and suggestions on how I can make my team better!
Team Preview:

Team Analysis:

Nature: Bold
Ability: Prankster
Item: None (Don't have one set)
Special Defense
EV's: Special Defense, Defense, & HP
• Thunder Wave
• Toxic
• Swagger
• Foul Play

I chose Klefki to be more of a defensive wall both specially and physically. I chose Thunder Wave as a way to slow down and stall out the game a bit more. Toxic to get a bit of damage off consistently. I also chose swagger to confuse to add a bit more reinforcement with a chance of them dealing more damage to themselves. I chose Foul Play because I saw that Klefki's one true weakness became Taunt. Which would make Klefki useless unless I had some sort of move that would deal damage. This is more for a team supporter rather then being an attacker.


Name: Slowbro
Nature: Bold
Ability: Regenerator
Item: Leftovers
IV's: HP, Defense, Special Defense, Special Attack, & Speed
EV's: Defense, HP, & Special Attack
• Slack Off
• Psyshock
• Calm Mind
• Scald

Slowbro is more of a bulky physical wall for those physical hitters that may pose a threat to pokemon such as Crawdaunt, Mamoswine, and Klefki. It has Regenerator & Leftovers for the HP recovery as well as Slack Off to just stall out any status effects such as toxic that they may have taken from Klefki. I run Calm Mind to set up the Special Defense as well as Special Attack. Scald for some damage but also for the chance of burning anybody who hasn't taken any sort of status effect from Klefki. Psyshock is just there for extra STAB damage.


Name: Mamoswine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick Fat
Item: Life Orb
IV's: Special Defense & Defense
EV's: Attack, Defense, & HP
• Stealth Rocks
• Ice Shard
• Icicle Crash
• Earthquake

Mamoswine is used for more of a bulky hitter that helps by setting up Stealth Rocks to deal damage on anybody who comes in, especially flying types. Ice Shard is used for priority against pokemon that are low on health and this could take them out, also to cover Dragon types. I also run Icicle Crash for the extra damage on Dragon types. Earthquake is also for just the STAB hits on electric and all other types that this will deal a good bit of damage. I also gave the Life Orb on Mamoswine to give that just a bit extra punch to its opponents.


Name: Rotom-Wash
Nature: Modest
Ability: Levitate
Item: None (Don't have one set)
Special Attack
EV's: Special Attack, Speed, & HP
• Shadow Ball
• Will-O-Wisp
• Volt Switch
• Hydro Pump

Rotom-Wash is by far one of the most OU and one of the most powerful pokemon in competitive gameplay. For the reason that it is Electric, Water and has Levitate to resist Ground entirely. This makes it very hard to deal any sort of damage to it. It only takes 2x damage from grass and that is about it. Shadow Ball is used to cover the psychic types and Ghost types. Will-O-Wisp is another status effect move that can help deal damage that maybe Klefki or Slowbro's Scald didn't cover. Volt Switch is used to deal damage little or large and switch out into something to keep Rotom-Wash from being put down and Hydro Pump is to cover any Water, Rock, or Ground types that may come up.


Name: Arcanine
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Rocky Helmet
IV's: Speed
EV's: Attack, Speed, & Defense
• Extreme Speed
• Flare Blitz
• Wild Charge
• Will-O-Wisp

Arcanine was chosen to be one of my more, all out attackers but I also set Will-O-Wisp on there to add some more status effect moves to my team. This is also for when it may be needed but not something I plan to rely on all the time. Extreme Speed is for the +2 priority to be able to hit the weaker and other pokemon that I just want to get a bit more damage on when I don't have a safe switch in and don't have a use for arcanine any longer. Wild Charge is to cover the Water weakness that Arcanine has and Flare Blitz is for STAB bonus on other pokemon types such as Steel & Grass that it will do a good chunk of damage, if not OHKO them.


Name: Crawdaunt
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Adaptability
Item: Focus Sash
IV's: Attack
EV's: Speed, Attack, & HP
• Knock Off
• Swords Dance
• CrabHammer
• Aqua Jet

Crawdaunt is here to basically set up for sweeps and take care of weaker pokemon. It holds the Focus Sash due to its weakness to grass, fighting, and electric types. So this will help ensure that I can get at least 1 Swords Dance set up to boost by attack by 2. Knock Off is to help get rid of annoying items such as Choice Scarf, Leftovers, Black Sludge, or berries that may help them in the end. This is to also slow down their win process if I am in a tight situation. CrabHammer is for the STAB + Adaptability + High Crit Ratio to hopefully get some OHKO's when I am truly in need. Finally, Aqua Jet is for the priority Stab + Adaptability to do some serious damage to my opponents who may in turn leave a mark on me if I don't do something about it.
Thank you for looking at my team and I would be very grateful if you would go through and give me some suggestions on moves, items, and anything else that you see or feel I could use to make my team stronger and more efficient. Again, this is my first true team I am getting rated so feel free to rate it as you please!

I would recommend replacing Toxic with Spikes because 1. You have two status moves and T-wave and Swagger work really well together, and 2. Having hazards never hurts.

Also, one weakness that I see is Grass (I know you have Arcanine, but it can be easily worn down.) I would suggest getting rid of Slowbro for Mandibuzz, which is also a GREAT physical wall and can Defog and Knock Off.

I hoped this helped, I might add more things.

P.S. Here is a good Mandi set:

Mandibuzz (F) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Knock Off
- Foul Play
- Roost
- Defog
Hey there!

First of all, it seems you've put max IVs into one stat for many of the Pokemon? It's always a good idea to give max IVs in every stat. However, in Klefki's case you don't have any attacking moves, and it has the ability Prankster. So it'd be a good idea for Klefki to have IVs in only HP, Defence and Special Defence.

With your Rotom-W, it's a better idea to run Rest or Pain Split other then Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball is only 80 power, and with no STAB it isn't going to be doing much. Replace Shadow Ball with Trick, which leads on to my next point...

Your only real check to a Mold Breaker Excadrill is Slowbro and maybe Crawdaunt. Nothing else really wants to take it. Because of this, you could try switching up Rotom-W's set to a Scarf set. Get rid of Shadow Ball and add trick. The idea behind this is that you can get those nasty Excadrill's out of the way with a Hydro Pump, before they can get you.

Your Crawdaunt looks very good, and you could try running Life Orb rather then Focus Sash. However, it is quite frail and it may need a Focus Sash with some of the threats in OU.

Thank you Fr33dom! I will surely look into doing that because I agreee with something that can wall and have Defog to help cover any hazards that my team may encounter.

And thankyou Kangaaroo. I am thinking of changing FS for Life Orb on my Crawdaunt but the Focus Sash also gives me the opportunity to get at least 1 swords dance up on it so I can up my attack and then use Aqua Jet for Priority if I don't outspeed.
Thank you Fr33dom! I will surely look into doing that because I agreee with something that can wall and have Defog to help cover any hazards that my team may encounter.

And thankyou Kangaaroo. I am thinking of changing FS for Life Orb on my Crawdaunt but the Focus Sash also gives me the opportunity to get at least 1 swords dance up on it so I can up my attack and then use Aqua Jet for Priority if I don't outspeed.
Yeah, as I said, you might need to keep that Focus Sash for the threats in OU. The Life Orb just gives it more offensive power.