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Hey guys =)
Yeah, my first OU RMT, i think it's good ^^

The Team:



now the pokes...

The ironleader!

Bronzong @ Lumberry
Abillity: Heatproof
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252 HP,100 atk,112 def,46 sp.def
~Steathl Rock

Yeah,Bronzong is the best Lead in the actually metagame!
It can take much hits..
The first thing to do is SR.
If SR is already done, Bronzong starts to sweep with Gyroball and EQ.
Explosion is the button to kill nearly ever sweeper.

The red killa!

Scizor @ Life-orb
Abillity: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 32 HP,252 atk,224 speed
~Sword dance

Scizor is a decent physical attacker which got a nice STAB move:
After 1-2 SD it kills nearly everything with bullet punch.
Bulletpunch will get a 50% Powerboost of Technician.
Superpower is the endmove to OHKO other scizor or after a SD a swampert.
X-Scissor is the nicest STAB move for Scizor!

The blue monster!


Swampert @ Leftovers
Abillity: Torrent
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 240 HP,216 def,52 sp.atk


Swampert is the defensive wall of this team.
with the 52 sp.atk EVs, it's a real mixed attacker!
It roar's the Team and will do damage with the steath rock's of Bronzong.
Icebeam,surf and eq are very nice moves to kill some other counters.
withe the HP and def EV spread, it can take many hits of the sweepers.
If the sweeper did a DD or SD, Swampert blow them away.

The Wishkitty!

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Abillity: Water absorb
Nature: Bold
EVs:188 HP,252 def,68 sp.atk
~HP electric


Vaporeon can take very much hit's!
It can pass the wish to Scizor or swampert ect.
It's the best Gyarados counter in the game, with hp electric it can
kill other vappy's or Gyarados.
nothing much to say xD
i don't know , what i can report abou it.

The mystic Magician!

Alakazam @ Life-orb
Abillity: Synchro
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 sp.atk,252 speed,6 sp.def
~Shadow ball
~Signal beam
~HP ice

Alakazam overspeed with this EV spread nearly every other sweeper and can OHKO the other sweeper with the life-orb. it has a big move-pool.
HP ice ist for the Dragon like Dragonite,Salamence ect.
it can't take much hit's , just 1 or 2, but with it's speed and sp.attack it's better then the rest.

The King!

Kindra @ Leftovers
Abillity: Sniper
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 6 HP,252 atk,252 speed
~Dragon dance


I don't know which item i should use for the king...
First i'll do a sub, after that i'll do DD until the sub die's.
then it ownz the team with 2 mega STAB-moves Waterfall and Outrage.
Sniper is a good abillity,if i do a sub,and the foe's pokemon do a crit, if it's a crit, the attack raised very high.

That's the team !!!

and pls:


you want to get rid of hypnosis on bronzong because of the lousy accuracy and replace it with e-quake in order to hit metagross leads better
There's no point in having Focus Sash on Scizor unless you're sending him into a fire move, and that'd be REALLY stupid of you.
Just something cuz i got few time.

Run Life Orb un scizor, the boost in power helps in some key situations where the boost of power helps a lot!
Dont use Pursuit + SD, its horrible! Ghosts are going down by your Bullet Punch, and Psychics like Cress will go down to a +2 LO X-scissor. Replace Pursuit with X-Scissor, since its you best bet against bulky waters too.

Leftovers is ok if you want more life, but Lum Berry can help you when you get confused by outrage.

Signal Beam is better on Zam for the ability to hit Celebi tremendously hard, and not relying on Focus Blast to kill dark pokes.
3/5. Its alright, but why Kingdra if your not using rain dance? Salamence does the job much much better, and also, scizor with FS? Forget it. Even with a swords dance, your opponent switches in a rotom and your fucked. The rest of the team is great, though. Nice lead, Forretress works just as well, and nice defense backed with offense. Scizor needs a nice LO, and x-scizzor, and scrap Kingdra altogether. Agilitygross, Salamence, scarflygon, and more do the job way better without a rain dancer. With kingdra, its rain dance or no go.
3/5. Its alright, but why Kingdra if your not using rain dance? Salamence does the job much much better, and also, scizor with FS? Forget it. Even with a swords dance, your opponent switches in a rotom and your fucked. The rest of the team is great, though. Nice lead, Forretress works just as well, and nice defense backed with offense. Scizor needs a nice LO, and x-scizzor, and scrap Kingdra altogether. Agilitygross, Salamence, scarflygon, and more do the job way better without a rain dancer. With kingdra, its rain dance or no go.

Kingdra is bulkier, resists Aqua Jet and Bullet Punch, has only 1 weakness and key resistances like 4X to Fire or Water, which means he can set-up easily on heatran.
Mence is good, but Kingdra is the KING
3/5. Its alright, but why Kingdra if your not using rain dance? Salamence does the job much much better\

Thats not true. Kingdra does not have a 4x weakness or take 25% when switching in to SR. It is slower and weaker but those are the two stats you're raising with dragon dance. I'm not saying either one is better, just that they're different, and neither one completely outclasses the other.

Also along with everything rey said.
where did you get the spirits?

Don't even think about using focus sash on scizor use life orb, it won't need it unless you switch in on its biggest weakness FIRE and don't use Pursuit or Superpower on it either try brick break and roost. Brick Break will lengthen your sweep unlike Superpower which would ruin it. Also, Roost will replenish health and help with survivability.

He is trying to sweep things, so the coverage X-Scissor offers against Bulky Waters and Psychic bulky pokes like Cresselia, Celebi or Uxie is very important. Roost is better for bulky variants, though i think on an SD set is just dumb. Superpower scores a LOT of KOs Brick Break fails to do, so Superpower is way better.

First Posted by: cpt. aizen
"you want to get rid of hypnosis on bronzong because of the lousy accuracy and replace it with e-quake in order to hit metagross leads better." He's right 100%

I agree too
Eh, I will just do this quick.


Get rid of Hypnosis for EQ. Also, I would suggest SR'ing first as SR is your top priority. SR first, attack later.


Unless you are sending him into a fire type most of the time, do not use Focus Sash. As stated by supermarth64, that would be REALLY stupid.
Go with Life Orb to score some KOs.
Also, stated by ReyScarface, replace Pursuit with X-Sissor.

Or you can try Choice Band Scizor.

Scizor @ Choice Band
Abillity: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Speed
- U-Turn / X-Scissor
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower / Brick Break
- Pursuit


Kingdra is great when paired with a Metagross Rain Dance Lead.

Here is my suggestion of this.

Metagross @ Damp Rock
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Atk / 12 Def / 16 Spe
-Stealth Rock
-Rain Dance
-Bullet Punch / Earthquake

It is up to you to start off with Rain Dance or Stealth Rock. Would you rather have SR set up ASAP, or would you want to ensure that Kingdra gets a chance to sweep and risk the possibility of not getting SR up?

My cousin tried this set and uses Rain Dance first, and sets up Stealth Rock after. This way, once Metagross is gone, Kingdra can come in.

I use Stealth Rock first to lure any fire types willing to come in. They come in as I SR, they attack when I RD and switch straight to Kingdra or just fight it out until Gross faints.
Umm, the Signal Beam was instead of Shadow Ball, not instead of Focus Blast. If you remove Focus Blast, you lose the ability to kill a lot of Steel types that will stop your sweep.
Very true, Ray. I suppose he wants to run a bulk set, which in that case improves the team greatly. If that is the case, then a 4.5/5. Still needs Life orb on scizor, and xscizzor instead of pursuit. Good job! ^^ I RAYT YOUR TEAM.:toast::naughty::heart:
You mixed up abilities. Sniper raises the odds of a critical hit one stage. You were thinking of Anger Point, which raises a poke's attack 6 stages (max) if it is hit by a crit.
Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out Chimera...

Also, Sniper isnt the best ability for Kingdra, you should run Swift Swim, since Kingdra could be your answer against Rain Dance teams :)
I don't know which item i should use for the king...
First i'll do a sub, after that i'll do DD until the sub die's.
then it ownz the team with 2 mega STAB-moves Waterfall and Outrage.
Sniper is a good abillity,if i do a sub,and the foe's pokemon do a crit, if it's a crit, the attack raised very high.

Keep the lefties.

Go with Swift swim

Sniper does not raise your attack when they get a crit. It doubles the power of critical hits (when you get a crit).

Substitute is a good move but you can also consider Hydropump or Draco Meteor in that moveslot.

If you don't have problems from physical walls then keep it as is.
You should honestly be happy that you got any rates at all considering most people will have little idea what to do with your team since you tell us little to nothing about it. Prepare to update your thread, and once you're ready, I'll unlock it so you can continue. Update your descriptions, read the rules.
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