My first shot at this

Hey everyone, I’ve been browsing these forums for a while now, and thought I’d finally join in. Anyway a while ago I had an idea for a team originally based around what I consider to be a very effective trio of Pokémon: Tyranitar, Gengar, and Magnezone. I’m not going to go into the whole team building process as most of my members stayed the same and it takes more effort to create but the whole point of my team is to create one that can compete both in the metagame’s OU environment as well as with my friends who don’t use “legendaries” (Latias, Heatran, Rotom, etc.). I feel like this is a fairly good team overall but I can’t help thinking that I’m not covering something or whatnot anyway here it is!

Parts I’d like suggestions on will be in blue, parts I definitely want help on are in red.

At a glance:



Swampert @ Leftovers
252 HP/4 Atk/252 Def
-Stealth rocks
-Ice beam

The very reliable MixPert lead almost always gets stealth rock up and is an excellent opening scouter for my team, racking up stealth rock damage as well. Swampert also helps by providing more resistances that my team needs. Its solid defenses also allow it to switch into physical based and mixed Salamence attacks and usually take another hit as it counters for an OHKO with ice beam as long as it has enough of its health left. As common as this lead is, it’s common for a very good reason. Although I haven’t used roar all too often since I usually try to save Swampert after it puts stealth rocks up to make use of its great typing and defense, so another move for that slot would be taken into consideration, maybe protect.

Grass- Magnezone, Empoleon, Gengar


Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
-Stone edge

I originally thought I came up with the set for a Scarfed Tyranitar all by myself until I looked it up and found it on Smogon and then it started popping up on just about every team and I can understand why, Tyranitar does a lot of great things, especially ScarfTar, while he acts as a great revenge killer, he can also help to scout for exactly which threats to him and others are on the opponent’s team as they usually send out their strongest pokemon or revenge killer to counter Tyranitar. With a choice scarf, not only does he outrun many of his previous threats, he can also take the Trick pokemon with ease. Trick pokemon are also generally psychic or ghost type which easily allows Tyranitar to pursuit them to death, making him the premier Rotom and Gengar counter.

Ground- Gengar, Togekiss, Swampert
Fighting- Gengar, Togekiss
Water- Magnezone, Empoleon
Steel- Magnezone, Swampert, Empoleon
Grass- Magnezone, Empoleon, Gengar


Gengar @ Life orb:
6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Shadow ball
-Hidden power (fire)
-Focus blast

Gengar is literally the perfect partner for a ScarfTar, it can switch in to two of Tyranitar's major and common weaknesses and take zero damage from the attack, only to outrun and kill the next turn. Hidden power ice is used here because of the common ground enemies it will allow me to kill like Gliscor while the rest of the set is pretty basic. Focus blast is there for the Tyranitar or CB Scizor who will inevitably switch in and try and trap my Gengar. Hidden power ice also works well on dragons who Gengar can outrun with ease as long as they haven’t danced. I originally considered Hypnosis over Explosion but missing an attack is usually not an option for a frail Gengar and explosion generally works wonders. I had also considered the new Sub + Pain Split version of Gengar but didn’t choose that one because of all the switching in Gengar would need to do means it racks up a lot of stealth rock damage. I have also tried making a custom Dusknoir especially to couple with Tyranitar, but the more I worked on it and the better it got, it just turned into a BaitNoir (which doesn’t exist, I know), who could counter his counters and get one kill easy, maybe two but at the cost of falling out of synergy with my team that coupled with his low speed led me to scrap that idea.

Ghost- Itself, Tyranitar, Empoleon
Dark- Not much at the moment
Psychic- Itself, Tyranitar,


Magnezone @ leftovers
Magnet Pull
40 Atk/252 SpA/216 Spe
-Hidden power (grass)

Magnezone completes this Tyranitar trio by being able to counter two more of Tyranitar's big weaknesses. It can switch into Scizor's Bullet punch for little damage, then trap it, outrun it, and kill it. Also Scizor is a danger to Gengar as well, helping him out too. More generally, Hidden power fire hits all steels and the grassy Celebi super effectively except for Heatran who is probably Magnezone’s single biggest threat. In addition to that, it is also an incredibly hard hitter on water types like Suicune and Vaporeon who could also potentially try and attack my Tyranitar or wall me. Being a steel type allows it to switch into dragon attacks more easily, making it one of my go to’s for dragon elimination. HP fire kills Scizor in one hit instead of two from Thunderbolt, it 2HKOs opposing Magnezone and Metagross (AgiliGross does a number on this team but I’ll explain that further in my threat list). I’ve also considered using either HP grass for Tyranitar and other rock/ground or HP ice to kill the dragons quicker but so far HP fire has proved the most useful.

Fighting- Gengar, Togekiss
Fire- Swampert, Tyranitar
Ground- Gengar, Togekiss Swampert


Empoleon @ Petaya berry
12 HP/12 Def/232 Spe/252 SpA
-Ice beam

Originally I had a specs version of Salamence here (since I’m not allowed to use Latias with my friends) until I ran into this set for Empoleon. After using this set for a while, I was amazed at how completely it could sweep a team once it got set up correctly. It 2HKOs almost every single OU pokemon after boost and OHKOs very many as well, and that’s at full HP and by the time late game sets in, most opposing pokemon won’t have that advantage. Its large amount of resistances allows it to switch into multiple pokemon to start setting up, while forcing the switch. Since I generally use it as my late game sweeper, it doesn't bring much to the table besides for its resistances that allow some countering in case I run into a Heatran of something else of equal threat (like a big dancing or banded dragon of some sort). Unfortunately, Suicune pretty much walls this set, but that’s what I have Magnezone for.

Electric- Swampert
Fighting- Gengar, Togekiss
Ground- Togekiss, Gengar


Togekiss @ leftovers
Serene Grace
252 HP/20 Def/236 Spe
-Air slash
-Aura sphere

Togekiss's main purpose is to provide Wish support mainly to Tyranitar who should be switching in and out fairly often for damage that adds up. It also can mess up Dragon dancers and other set up pokemon with Encore, however I have considered replacing this slot for Heal bell instead so statuses don’t give me too much trouble or even for Roost as stealth rocks are a problem for Togekiss allowing it to only get a minimal switch in. Aura sphere is a great counter for rock types who try to switch in to kill Togekiss with a Stone edge, namely Tyranitar. Air slash is a great stab for grass and flying types and has a great flinch chance with Serene Grace. This spot on my team has been the most undecided and is where I am looking for the most help on, I have been considering the wishers of Salamence (part of the FatMence set I believe) or the ever so standard Vaporeon. In actuality the contest is probably mostly between Togekiss and Vaporeon, the only real advantage Togekiss has is the extra ground resistance that normally allows for a free switch in.

Rock- Swampert, Tyranitar, Magnezone
Electric- Swampert, Magnezone, Tyranitar
Ice- Magnezone, Tyranitar


I feel that I have some major trouble with two things, Fighting types (especially since my Gengar tends to die early) and that I only have two physically based pokemon so these would be some of the first issues that need fixing

All changes will be made in bold

Thank you to those who take the time to edit my team, I realize how standard most of this is, but as I said with Swampert, these sets are standard for a reason, their effectiveness. Hopefully I will be able to help you out in the future too.
I like your team,
Just a quick thing a swords dance scizor would really hurt your team. If you let it get one swords dance he can brick break you magnezone into oblivion. Your main scizor check. From what I have seen the swords dance scizor is very popular not as popular as CB but almost just as popular. (Have I said popular to much in one sentence?) Well anyway you could have your togekiss run flamethrower to murder the evil steel bug. I have not done any calculations so I don't know if a boosted brick break would OHKO your togekiss I don't think so though. Well you could get rid of encore for flamethrower and run a kinda gimmicky scarf Gengar set for salamence or gyrados revenge killing.(dragon dancing enemies before defeated by encore) . If you run thunderbolt over explosion (gyrados revenge killing)
Well that is about it so I hope this helps.
Nice team but a choice scarfed Heatran would deal massive damage to your team and with good partners to switch with it,it could easily earth power(or magma storm 4 magnezone )through magnezone and tyranitar(if csTar doesn't outspeed it),while it could also just use a strong STAB to OHKO your relatively frail gengar or even just bruting its way through togekiss and maybe a 2HKO on swampert making empoleon the only safe one.Not that this is the most common set for heatran but i have seen one that was scarfed sweep through a similar team with three switches.I am not sure you need to worry to much about the threat but better to be safe than sorry.
What Heatran can do here kind of depends on the Hidden Power it carries. If it carries Ice, The best it can do to Swampert is a measly 31% max (Earth Power) or explode. If it has HP Grass, provided Swampert has taken no damage beforehand, it still fails to kill Swampert, doing 98% max, while Swampert OHKOs back with EQ. And actually Empoleon would be a terrible switch in, being 2HKOed by both Fire Blast and Earth Power. If it gets hit on the switch by either move the regal penguin dies next turn.

I assume Choice Scarf Machamp would rip this team to shreds, as 3 of your Pokemon are weak to Fighting. Togekiss would not last long, being 2HKOed by Dynamicpunch, and possibly 2HKOed without them.

Your Swampert lead and your scarf tar are fine.
I disagree with you when you say that gengar is a good team mate for tyranitar. First, Sandstorm is not what gengar likes to be in and second, Gengar is much too frail to even talk about what types of attacks it can take for Tyranitar. Additionally both are countered by Scizor. In order to fix that I would change your Gengar set:
Gengar@LifeOrb/Expert Belt
Timid-252Spe, 252SpAtk, 4Def
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-HP Fire
This will give you a good possibility ti lure and kill scizors that give you trouble.
On Trap Magnezone I think Flash cannon is wasted because what steel type do you want to hit with it? Use Substitute in that slot. As far as HP is concerned you could also drop Fire and go with Grass. Grass casn lure and kill swampert while Thunderbolt hits most steel types harder than HP Fire. Forretress will at best get up one layer of hazards down and scizor will often be locked into BulletPunch/Pursuit so a 2hko is enough and you have the time to sub.
Empoleon is okay.
I don't see why you use togekiss to wish support your team. Also you then have 3 special sweepers that can't beat blissey. I would suggest a Wish CM Jirachi over Togekiss. It could deal with fighting types better, wish support more reliably, beat blissey and be a dangerous threat late game.
Bold-252Hp, 220Def, 36Spe
-Calm Mind

Hope this helped. Good luck !
I have tried out many of LFC's suggestions and found that they did help me out more aside from Jirachi because I'm still trying to keep this team Legendary free. Also, I've decided to keep roar because the more battles I do the more helpful roar is. Thank you all for your rates so far and the updates have been added
Tyranitar: Your team has way too many weaknesses to Fighting and Ground to a lesser extent. Tyranitar just makes it even easier for something like Scizor and Lucario to come and sweep your team. Then, Salamence can easily come in and clean up the rest of your team after it is weakened. If you plan on using Life Orb Gengar, which I would suggest you switch to Expert Belt, than Sand Storm is only going to hinder it more. I would suggest you replace Tyranitar with Flygon.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf | Levitate
Jolly | 4 Def / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Earthquake | Outrage | U-turn | Stone Edge

Ground + Rock already provide great coverage. Since Flygon's typing is Dragon/Ground, you get immunity to Sand Storm, immunity to Ground attacks and STAB on two extremely high powered attacks; Earthquake, base 100, with great utility and Outrage, base 120, hits everything except Steels for neutral or more. U-turn for scouting and Stone Edge to deal with Gyarados incase you need to. This Flygon allows you to speed tie with opposing 252 Speed +natured Salamence meaning you have a 50% chance of not getting your team to be raped.

Magnezone: Why are you using Naive and 40 Attack EVs on your Magnezone when you have no Physical attacks? Change the Naive to Timid and put the 40 Attack EVs back into Speed. Put the 4 left over EVs into Defense for this spread: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe.

Togekiss: Vaporeon overall has better defense to take on the physical attacks that your team has trouble with. I would suggest you try out Vaporeon over Togekiss:

Vaporeon @ Leftovers | Water Absorb
Bold | 188 HP / 252 Def / 68 Spe
Surf | Wish | Protect | Toxic / Ice Beam

Surf is generic STAB and when paired with Ice Beam, gives you coverage that is comparable to Ground/Rock. Wish/Protect gives you healing for your team and Toxic allows you to deal with Gyarados while simultaniously dealing small amounts of continuous damage to Salamence.

Good Luck.

~ LB ~​
I have updated the team again, while playtesting with many more of Lord Blood's ideas, I didn't find myself doing as well. Both Tyranitar and Togekiss (especially the usefullness of encore recently) have been more succesful in the long run over Flygon and Vaporeon. However, the Subsitute which I put on before I read Lord Blood's post has helped me out zero times and so I am looking for a replacement for that. Also, Empoleon seems to do worse the more I send him out, while sometimes he can net one kill, his/my inability to keep the sub up often gets him quickly revenge killed. So if there are any other good non legendary suggestions for him, I'd be happy to hear them out. That's all for now, thank you everyone.