My First Warstory...original title, eh?

Well, I'd been itching for battles recently, so I decided to PM a member of POJO whom I knew was an interesting player thanks to my other teammates of TSE.

Now before anybody points out, this test team does NOT have the following:
- Stealth Rock
- Statusers
- Aromatherapy / Heal Bell PKMN
- Rapid Spinners
- Phazers

Why? Because I was testing out a theory of mine.
Me vs. Annox

My team:


His Team:


So, let's get it on.

WildAce sent out Gengar (100%)
Annox sent out Foretress (100%)

Aight, a neutralish start for both of us.
I predict a switch, so I switch as well.

WildAce withdrew Gengar
WildAce sent out Tyranitar (100%)
Annox withdrew Foretress and sent out Blissey.
Blissey is buffeted by the Sandstorm and recovers it back with Lefties (100%)

Yep, "Fuck you Blissey" is what I had in mind as I used....

Annox withdrew Blissey and sent out Foretress
Tyranitar used Taunt.
Tyranitar (100%)
Foretress (100%)

Fine, kinda expected. But hey, no more SR / Spikes, right?

Tyranitar used Dragon Dance.
Foretress used Gyro Ball.
Critical Hit!
Tyranitar (0%)
Tyranitar Fainted.
The Sandstorm rages.

K, time to begin the sweep.
I honestly expect a simple Earthquake, so I choose to stay in and DD....SHIT to that....


WildAce sent out Salamence.
Salamence (100%)
Foretress (100%)

K. Plan B.
I figure he's going to switch, but I don't know to what, so I decide to play it safe and....

Annox withdrew Foretress and sent out Heatran.
Salamence used Substitute
Salamence is buffeted by the Sandstorm.
Salamence (69%)
Heatran (100%)

...use Sub. Thank God I didn't use a Fire attack.

Annox withdrew Heatran and sent out Cresselia.
Salamence used Brick Break
It's not very Effective.
Salamence took Life Orb Damage.
The Sandstrom Rages
Salamence (53%)
Cresselia restored health with Leftovers (91%)

Aight, I got cocky and used Brick Break expecting a Bliss. As it freakin' turns out, he's got 2 Special Walls, one of them being Resistant to Brick Break...Fuck it all!

Salamence used Fire Blast
Cresselia (67%)
Salamence takes Life Orb damage.
Cresselia used Ice Beam.
Salamence's Substitue Fainted.
The Sandstorm Rages
Salamence (37%)
Cresselia restored health with Leftovers (67%)

K, I didn't want to waste my Primary attack on it yet, especially since I was hiding behind a little Tickle Me Elmo rip off....

Salamence used Draco Meteor
Cresselia (15%)
Salamence takes Life Orb Damage
Cresselia used Ice Beam
Salamence Fainted
The sandstorm rages

Well, might as well go out in a blaze....meteor of glory.


WildAce sent out Infernape
Infernape (100%)
Cresselia (15%)

Son of a Bitch.
I'm down 2 PKMN already AND he still has all 6.
Well, time to put those prediction skills to use....finally.

Annox withdrew Cresselia for Heatran (100%)
Infernape used Close Combat
Heatran (0%)
Infernape took Life Orb damage.
Heatran Fainted
The sandstorm rages

Yep. It didn't matter if he switched or not, Cressy was too weak to take the hit anyways.
Oh well, a KO is a KO.

Annox sent out Garchomp
Infernape (84%)
Garchomp (100%)

Well, it's either Sashed, Orbed, or Scarffed.
The only thing my Ape can't handle is Scarf, so time for the test dummy to quack it's way in.

WildAce withdrew Infernape and sent out Cresselia
Garchomp used Stone Edge
Critical Hit!
Cresselia (56%)
Garchomp took Life Orb Damage
The Sandstorm rages
Garchomp (90%)
Cresselia restored health with leftovers (56%)

*Ring Ring*
WildAce: sup?
Lady Luck: I'm leaving you! You treat me like dirt, blah blah etc.....
Basically, Lady Luck left me....but she'll be back.
They always come back to the "Ace"
Anyways, the funny thing is, this is my DEF Cresselia (bold with a lot of DEF EVs).
So needless to say, I was surprised.
However, my horror turned into Joy as I saw Garhomp no longer had 100% health; Life Orb it is.

Garchomp used Outrage
Cresselia (15%)
Garchomp took Life Orb Damage
Cresselia used Reflect
The sandstorm rages
Garchomp (80%)
Cresselia (15%)

I don't really care about Ms. Afflack at this point. I honestly expected a switch, hence why I didn't use Ice beam.
In any case, a little team support couldn't hurt.

Garchomp used Outrage
Garchomp took Life Orb Damage
Cresselia (0%)
Cresselia Fainted
The Sandstorm rages

Fine, my only wall just got pwned!
R.I.P you floating purple duck....

Sigh, still a RED Score...

WildAce sent out Infernape
Garchomp (70%)
Infernape (84%)
I still have an ace up my sleeve...a WildAce!

Infernape used Hidden Power
It's Super Effective
Garchomp (0%)
Garchomp Fainted
Infernape took Life Orb Damage
The Sandstorm rages

Yeah, suck that Chompy!
No Sand Veil Hax for you (lady luck bumps into me at the grocery store.....):naughty:
My one and only HP: Ice Infernape!

3-4 *cries*

Annox sent out Weavile
Weavile (100%)
Infernape (68%)
Shit on a stick.
If this thing is packin' Aerial Ace, it could potentially KO me. However, just then I remember my saving grace: Quacky's Reflect

Weavile used Brick Break
REFLECT Shattered
Infernape (18%)
Infernape used Flamethrower
Weavile (1%)
Weavile hung on with Focus Sash
Infernape took LIfe Orb Damage
The sandstorm rages
Weavile is buffeted by the sandstorm.
Weavile fainted

Fine, it took out my reflect and still managed to do 50% damage with that stupid Brick Break.
But it matters not, Sandstream > Focus Sash.


Annox sent out Foretress
Infernape (2%)
Foretress (100%)

K, I basically KNEW he was going to switch, but it was a 50:50 shot, so I took my chances and went for it....

Annox withdrew Foretress and sent out Blissey
Infernape used Flamethrower
Blissey (80%)
Infernape took Life Orb Damage (0%)
Inferape fainted
The Sandstorm rages
Blissey restored health via Leftovers.

My monkey was doomed due to Life Orb / Sandstream anyways.
Oh well, he took out 2 PKMN and put one into KO range for my Ghost.


WildAce sent out Gengar
Gengar (100%)
Blissey (80%)

Yeah, most Gengars are Special, but I don't like using common sets too much.

Gengar used Explosion
Blissey (0%)
Blissey Fainted
Gengar Fainted
The Sandstorm Rages

Fine, the only move ya'll saw was Explosion.
But take my word for it, he's majorly different than most any Gengar...


Annox sent out Foretress
WildAce sent out Garchomp
Foretress (100%)
Garchomp (100%)

Greaaaaaaaat. My ScarfChomp (curses for not using Chain Chomp....) vs. his Beast of a Physical Wall....

Garchomp used Fire Blast
Foretress (0%)
Foretress fainted
The Sandstorm rages

Thank God it didn't miss....
Well, now I'm locked into a Fire Blast from a Chomp while he as a Cresselia fully capable of surviving a hit from it....
[Enter several excessive curse words here....]


Annox sent out Cresselia
Garchomp (100%)
Cresselia (15%)

Aight, bring it on you quacking bitch.

Garchomp used Fire Blast
Cresselia used Ice Beam
Garchomp (25%)
The Sandstorm rages
Garchomp (25%)
Cresselia restored health with Leftovers (15%)

Damn you Lady Luck.
You and your sexy ways.....

Garchomp used Fire Blast
Cresselia (3%)
Cresselia was Burned
Cresselia used Ice Beam
The sandstorm rages
Cresselia is buffeted by the sandstorm (0%)
Cresselia Fainted

Yeah, I knew she'd come back.
Like I said, no woman can resist the "Ace".:pimp:
Hax FTW!

WildAce wins 1-0.

Infernape for Hidden Power
Garchomp: SandVeil

Salamence's moveset....
Aight, hope you enjoyed reading.
An Ice Beam miss due to Sand Veil is less probable than a CH Stone Edge or a Fire Blast miss.
But it is comming from a Forretress :-/ And then T-Tar has one of the highest defenses in the game...

It would have only been 80% or so damage if it wasn't critical according to Metalkid's calc assuming the max 150 BP. Forretress has shitty attack... and thats assuming 252 EVs in attack.
gyro ball isn't that surprising considering it is super effective on t-tar
The thing that caused it to OHKO was the critical, I'd assume. Despite the Dragon Dance that Tyranitar got off, I think it would still take a 2HKO.

Overall, great warstory. Yes, there was hax, but has there ever been a Pokemon match without it? :/
omg, You should've lost. Hax sux.
I hope you realize just how stupid that sounds. Should've would've coulda, but he didn't lose, he won. Are you forgetting that his first fireblast missed in the first place? If both had hit he didn't even need sand veil hax. It was a little lucky, yes, but hax isn't the reason he won.

An Ice Beam miss due to Sand Veil is less probable than a CH Stone Edge or a Fire Blast miss.

Uh.. no? Ice beam had a 75% chance to hit, fire blast had 85%.

Anyway, good story, the luck actually seemed pretty even in the match so it wasn't by luck that you won as much as it was playing well. You did make mistakes predicting, but it's not like lol omg uber hax saved you from certain death, Cress normally can't 1 shot Garchomp with Ice beam anyway so you had two good attacks. Also, minor thing, the yellow scores were hard to read so a different color might be best, but it's not a big deal.
My apologies for the Yellow text.
I had also posted this on another site where their BG was Black and simply C/Ped it here as well.

BTW, Foretress's Gyro Ball would have done 81-95% damage to my TTar.
So had it not CHed, I could have used him as fodder down the road instead of sacficing my Cresselia (CM Cress BTW with just enough Sp.ATK EVs to KO Salamence in a Sandstorm).

Thanks for your responses guys.
It's just my opinion, if you don't like it, don't come and try to change my mind, because it really seems rather stupid to me.
Luck is a part of pokemon. He got haxed in the beginning just like his opponent got haxed in the end, and i honestly can't think of a single battle where luck didn't play a part on both sides. Whining about it won't help; if you don't like it, go play chess.

Good warstory and fun to read, although it was kind of silly how your opponent switched Heatran into Infernape so haphazardly. Improper Heatran use irks me!


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-Fl- said:
An Ice Beam miss due to Sand Veil is less probable than a CH Stone Edge or a Fire Blast miss.
Actually, an Ice Beam miss from Sand Veil is a bit more probable than a CH Stone Edge.
The battle was great. The writing could be better though..

You make it sound like you have a physical Gengar.... you know that's a sin right? No but really, what is your Gar? Or are you keeping it secret?
Nice warstory, just gotta love Garchomp sandveil hax. I know ever since I had a Garchomp dodge my Sudowoodo's Selfdestruct, I've always been a little leery of them during a sandstorm.

BTW, what was the "theory" you were testing? You made a brief mention of it in the beginning, but never bother to delve any further into it; care to elaborate?

Oh, and please, never use the yellow text again. Horrid choice.
Good read, nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

I must be the only person that doesn't mind the yellow text, actually. It was only used for the score, it's not as if entire paragraphs were written with it...*shrug*
Maybe go with orange instead of yellow; I'd also, personally, prefer green over that light blue for when you're in the lead.

Very entertaining, good job.
Maybe go with orange instead of yellow; I'd also, personally, prefer green over that light blue for when you're in the lead.

Very entertaining, good job.
Heh, I didn't even notice that. Green'd be a lot more intuitive, given red and yellow were already used...
The battle was great. The writing could be better though..

You make it sound like you have a physical Gengar.... you know that's a sin right? No but really, what is your Gar? Or are you keeping it secret?
I'll never tell....:toast:

Nice warstory, just gotta love Garchomp sandveil hax. I know ever since I had a Garchomp dodge my Sudowoodo's Selfdestruct, I've always been a little leery of them during a sandstorm.

BTW, what was the "theory" you were testing? You made a brief mention of it in the beginning, but never bother to delve any further into it; care to elaborate?

Oh, and please, never use the yellow text again. Horrid choice.
The theory was pretty simple:
Could a team consisting primarilly of Mixed Sweepers / Surprising PKMN (Gengar / ScarfChomp) + 1 Wall (Cresselia) actually work?

Since I BARELY managed to win that, I can conclude NO...not really.

That's why I didn't bother with:
- Stealth Rock
- Statusers
- Aromatherapy / Heal Bell PKMN
- Rapid Spinners
- Phazers

for this team....

As for the Yellow thing, I've already explained why things were yellow:

My apologies for the Yellow text.
I had also posted this on another site where their BG was Black and simply C/Ped it here as well.
lol It does suck when you can't kill a chomp off in the end of a battle because of sand veil. Still a good match though.
I feel the need to say the following about hax. I really don't understand why people call them hax, given that really, its simple percentages, and the fact is that pokemon is often about playing the numbers as much as it about strategy, and one does not mean the other can't exist. In fact, playing with percentages is a strategy all its own.

Take, for example, Flamethrower versus Fire Blast. Most people use Flamethrower because it has greater reliability, but Fire Blast deals more damage. In choosing these moves, you are actively developing a strategy based on playing numbers. You are counting on the better damage paying off against the chance to miss.

When you attack a Garchomp in a Sandstorm, you are taking a risk that Sand Veil will render your attack useless.

Everytime you're attacked, you should be aware that there is a decent chance that the damage could end up doubled thanks to a Critical Hit. If you aren't accounting for this, you probably should start. The raw numbers are there and available and, statistically, these "hax" aren't at all unlikely.

Of course, I do think this means that real "matches" should be based on best 2 out of 3 rounds, to minimize aberrant percentages, given how anti-"hax" most people are about pokemon. But I think folks should well quit whining about them too.
That's nothing, in shoddybattle I had an enemy sandstorm team down to just a garchomp and I had four pokemon left. I had a choice scarfed machamp in already locked into ice punch, awesome. I let loose an ice punch and then SAND VEIL STRIKES, miss and I get taken out by an earthquake due to me being at 28% health. I decided to end it quickly and exploded my weezing on him, SAND VEIL STRIKES AGAIN, misses. Oh ok I thought, it's not too bad blissey can come in and survive one of anything garchomp can throw at it and 2HKO. First ice beam misses, second ice beam misses, dead from two earthquakes.

At this point I am fucking furious, that is 4 100 acc moves missing from +1 evasion, this is why evasion is claused. He proceeds to outspeed and kill my electivire then he says "fighting weak eh?", refering to my comment that his team was deathly fighting weak after I OHKOed 3 of his pokemon with a choice scarfed Machamp's Dynamicpunch. I tell him that he's seriously in no position to gloat because if it weren't for evasion I would have killed him three times over, I get "I won, ur team is garchomp weak lol" and leaves the room. I should have saved my near dead raikou so I could say 5 100acc moves missed and I would have killed him four times over.

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