My OU team. Rate and comment please!

I think this is finally completed. I am now posting my team idea on Smogon to see what the community has to say and recommend for my team. Please let me know what you think of my team.


Dragon Dance
Babiri Berry / Life Orb / Lum Berry / Leftovers

~ Dragon Dance 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
~ Stone Edge
~ Crunch
~ Aqua Tail

Tyranitar’s purpose in my team is to try and sweep as many Pokemon as it can that it is weak too. It has moves that can counter just about anything, so I just need some more input on this. But none the less, he’ll be able to be thrown into nearly any situation. When Machamp is in trouble, time to bring out Tyranitar!


Defensive Nasty Plot
Serene Grace

~ Nasty Plot 252 HP / 36 SpA / 220 Spe
~ Air Slash
~ Aura Sphere
~ Roost

Togekiss is on my team so that she can take on fighting type weak Pokemon, such as other Tyranitar, and use AirSlash for fighting, grass, and bug Pokemon, such as Breloom. The massive speed boost will prove extra assistance in KOing opponents as needed when they come out to my teammates who may not have as useful moves to use against those in particular types.


Substitute + 3 Attacks
No Guard

~ Substitute 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe
~ DynamicPunch
~ Payback
~ Stone Edge

Machamp’s ability puts him where he can use moves with low accuracy, and make them work with his ‘never miss your attacks’ ability. Dynamic punch will be able to confuse and put the opponent in an awkward position, which is where Machamp can use StoneEdge. Since Machamp is generally a slow Pokemon, Payback would be good on several occasions, mainly 2 off the top of my head.
1) It will most likely go after your opponent
2) It will be super effective to Psychic types such as Jirachi, and leading Azelf (if Machamp can take the hit)


Choice Scarf
Leftovers / Choice Scarf / Life Orb

~ Flamethrower / Heat Wave 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
~ Earth Power
~ Explosion
~ Dragon Pulse

Heatran is ment for destroying and getting rid of the super-effective steel types against Tyranitar. It can also be a wall for those fire type attackers like Infernape. When Heatran is done his job, all he’s got to do is explode and take down whoever is out there with him.


Superachi (Offensive Calm Mind)

~ Calm Mind 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Psychic
~ Thunderbolt
~ Thunder Wave / Grass Knot / Wish

Jirachi’s purpose is to stall the he11 out of the opponent. She could result to paralyzing, but then that could lead to the obvious counter, Hippowdon. Jirachi is a good special attacker, which serves a small resistance to certain fighting types such as Machamp and possibly Breloom.


Black Sludge

~ Shadow Ball 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Focus Blast
~ Ice Beam
~ Toxic / Sludge Bomb

Gengar was the last on my team, seeing as though I’m pretty weak to fighting, I might as well put a fighting resistant special attacker on my team. Gengar is ment to fill in my fighting weakness with his resistance, and to have special type moves of which none of my other team members have on them. Gengar is my last type coverage pokemon. He makes a good special sweeper.
The Gengar seems inferior, if you're going to use a healing item you might as well pack Substitute and Hidden Power Fire to kill the inevitable Scizor switch-in.. Gengar DOES NOT LEARN Ice Beam. Toxic is not a good idea as Blissey has Natural Cure to rid itself of Poison.

On Jirachi I suggest Wish in the last slot just for the sheer usefulness of it. Other than that it's cool.

Heatran...I think Scarf is best for your team right now as you lack a way to revenge unboosted pokemon. Explosion can be dropped for a Hidden Power of your choice to catch enemies off-guard, and Explosion got nerfed this Gen making it do next to nothing with no Evs in attack. Flamethrower>Heat Wave due to the accuracy boost. If you want lower accuracy with higher damage use Fire Blast instead.

Machamp is okay but what do you hope to achieve with 128 Spe Evs? Seems like a waste to me with his low speed. 8-12 Evs in speed should be enough to outspeed Blissey and other Machamp should they run 4-8 Evs.

I don't understand your Togekiss explanation, but the set looks fine to me.

Tyranitar seems a little out of place, an offensive set in the lead is just begging for your opponent to bring in their counter first thing in the match. A lead set that lays Stealth Rock down is better as the residual damage can help with Gengar (without Life Orb you don't KO Tyranitar with Focus Blast unless SR is down)

Overall your team is weak to water- and electric- types, Starmie in particular as it can deal a shitload of damage to your team with Life Orb Hydro Pump alone. Togekiss can therefore be swapped for Blissey, or even better Bulky DD Gyarados. It has awesome synergy with Jirachi and Jirachi can pass Wish to it to keep it from dying to Stealth Rock damage and sandstorm.

Good luck with that team!
One of the problems regarding this team is that it seems to be just a combination of six sweepers. While this puts a lot of offensive pressure on the opponent, it leaves you open to certain threats, especially without the presence of Stealth Rock. Two notable threats that stand out are LO Starmie and Offensive Suicune; both can switch into Heatran and proceed to give your team substantial trouble. To fix this problem, I would recommend using PasshoTran over your current set, which helps with Water-types and gives you a useful Stealth Rock user.


Heatran @ Passho Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Mild (+SpA, -Def)
EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power Grass
- Explosion[/box]
Heatran's excellent typing naturally forces a lot of switches, which should give you numerous opportunities to safely set up. Stealth Rock is a necessity; the damage it deals to switch-ins helps immensely in weakening opposing teams enough to be swept through. Flamethrower provides you with a solid STAB move, HP Grass hits opposing Water-types, and Explosion can be used to dispose of special walls and bulky Waters. Passho Berry allows Heatran to survive just about any Water attack in OU, so it can safely use HP Grass or Explosion to take out troublesome Waters like Starmie or Suicune.

DD Tyranitar doesn't make for an effective lead. It matches up poorly against some common opposing leads, and any competent player will be carrying a check to it. One option would be to move Gengar to the lead spot and use the Icy Wind Lead set, which would help to put pressure on the opponent at the beginning of the match. Other than that, Jirachi should be running a Timid nature to maximize its Speed.

Good luck!
Seconding Faladran's two suggestions of PasshoTran and Icy Wind lead Gengar, with the exception of Fire Blast > Flamethrower on Tran. The extra power that Flamethrower misses out on is much bigger than you'd expect.

Good luck, sorry I couldn't give a better rate.

Well, the first thing that stands out on the team is the lead. (Im assuming its the lead because you put it first. Tyranitar makes a good lead, but not as a setup sweeper because while you set up, they will set up rocks or kill you. I recommend putting Machamp as the Lead:


Machamp @ Lum Berry
Nature: Adamant
240 HP / 248 Atk / 20 Spe
~ DynamicPunch
~ Payback
~ Bullet Punch
~ Ice Punch / Stone Edge

Machamp is probably the best anti lead in the game. I think there's about 2 leads that it doesnt beat, and it still stops them from getting up Stealth Rocks. Since you're team is very offensive based, this will give you momentum early in the game. I've also changed the EVs a little so you'll outspeed other Machamps and beat them.

That Heatran set that Jirachi suggested is great, you should definitely use it. It also gives your team Stelth Rocks, which will help you get some kills that you normally wouldnt thanks to extra damage.

Superachi is an amazing sweeper, but i think your's needs a few changes. Use a Timid Nature. You're boosting your special attack with Calm Mind, therefore you'll need as much speed as you can get, because it wont be getting a boost. Also, in the last spot you should run Hidden Power Ground, because Heatran is the most common switch-in to Jirachi

That Gengar set is ridiculous, it doesnt even learn Ice Beam. Gengar can be so dangerous, with the right set, such as SubSplit Gengar:


Gengar @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Substitute
~ Pain Split
~ Shadow Ball
~ Focus Blast

This set is amazing. You can come in on a choiced poke stuck on earthquake or something, set up a Substitute, and then cause havoc. When you're safe behind a Substitute, you can start firing off powerful attacks boosted by Life Orb. And, when you're low on health from Substitute and Life Orb damage, you can Pain Split, and start the process all over again :)

Good Luck with the team, I hope I helped.

Ps: Why do you put Slashes between Moves and Items? It will make people think you havent even tested the team. And if you havent tested the team, why should people give advice on it? Just a tip.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone! Please, I'd like to hear more input, and thanks for your help so far!
Hi there, this seems to be a really cool team you have here, but I think it could use a few changes which will help it better execute its strategy in battles. First of all, I'm going to second Faladran's suggestion of using a PasshoTran over you current variant as it will undoubtedly help against the troublesome Starmie among other water types. Also, I suggest switching Tyranitar and Gengar and replacing Gengar's set with the lead variant (Icy Wind) as set-up Tyranitar isn't very good in the lead position, while Icy Wind Gengar will help get momentum up from the very beginning of a battle.

Given that you agree in making these changes to you team, it'll become obvious that your team will lack a much needed revenge killer to help keep up momentum allowing your sweepers to attempt a sweep. To remedy this problem, I suggest replacing your Jirachi with a choice scarf variant as this will give your team said revenge killer, making sure that opponents like dragon dance Gyarados and Tyranitar don't get out of hand. Also, through U-Turn, Jirachi will be causing many switches allowing your sweepers to constantly find opportunities to set up. Although, if you feel that Jirachi is needed as a sweeper, you can also replace you Togekiss with a choice scarf variant and accomplish that same things, however it should be noted that Togekiss does lack U-Turn, something that differentiates Jirachi from Togekiss. I hope this has helped, and good luck!
Machamp is probably the best anti lead in the game. I think there's about 2 leads that it doesnt beat, and it still stops them from getting up Stealth Rocks. Since you're team is very offensive based, this will give you momentum early in the game. I've also changed the EVs a little so you'll outspeed other Machamps and beat them.

Which are the two leads that could beat Machamp? I'm guessing Azelf and Skarmory, but I may be wrong.
Which are the two leads that could beat Machamp? I'm guessing Azelf and Skarmory, but I may be wrong.
I'm guessing Skarmory is one, I do not know if swampert could defeat it but could probably wall it. Possibly Hippowdon as well (As long as the machamp is not carrying Ice Punch)
Aqua Tail on Tyranitar is next to useless, there are many better coverage moves you could use on it. Anyway, what were you hoping to beat with it?
I agree with the suggestions of Gengar/Machamp leads over Tyranitar, though I'm slightly inclined to prefer Machamp. However, I also think that Rapid Spin is hugely important on this team, and that your team relies greatly on setup turns which it may not necessarily get. Switching around will make a mess of your team, especially without the spinner. I think you should switch to a Taunt lead such as Gliscor, especially since you also need something to weather hits (this team has a depressing lack of bulk). It would help to replace Togekiss with something that has better defensive synergy with this team, since Togekiss in its current state is probably going to be taken out thanks to the weakness to the unbelievable common BoltBeam. If you insist on keeping Togekiss, I recommed switching Roost for Thunder Wave so you can abuse hax with Air Slash.
Ps: Why do you put Slashes between Moves and Items? It will make people think you havent even tested the team. And if you havent tested the team, why should people give advice on it? Just a tip.
Well first of all, I put slashes between the moves and items to show that there are other options that I'm considering for each Item and Move. Secondly, I haven't tested my team yet. So I'm getting professional help from Smogon users in order to help me make the near perfect team. I ask Smogon users such as yourself before I actually create the team. If I made my team before hand and didn't put in EV's the way I should have, then I would have to go through and raise that pokemon from scratch again, considering my inexperience to EV train.
My suggestion for you: Test your team out before you post it here on Smogon. You should be able to find a few major flaws without us informing you of them. That aside, I agree with Mooo in making your lead a Machamp lead. Oh, and Gengar learns Icy Wind, not Ice Beam.