Here is a webs ho team that worked very very well for me, webs this gen is significantly more useable thx to ghold's ability to prevent webs from getting fogged or spinned and the many new powerful abusers of webs, this team got me exit low ladder into late 1500s
and even in the top 500 on ladder but man, that mono ghost battle was unfair so this team is great if low ladder was too confusing for you and you want to exit from there, here are the teammates and their roles:
Rib imo is the best webs setter because its not passive and thx to its movepool, speed and ability, it will set webs no matter what, max spa makes it almost ohko if not have a big chance to ohko a lot of would be threats to webs with moonblast like pult, gtusk mega lop, stun spore can disable anything moonblast can't and skill swap for any encounters with hatt/mega diancie (you may even get free rocks
mega lopunny
Listen, i know it is a weird choice for webs, and that the set i am using isn't as good this gen, but this mega lop set shits on rival archetype: screens ho, just encore koko and then pup until screens are not a problem, and boom, if there cyc wasn't scarf, they are gone, it also is a beast under webs, they could switch to whatever checks you and then a pup at a switch can not only cause panic because of the suprise factor but also soften checks by a lot which can activate a sweep thx for webs greatly limting cplay
Defiant for webs, tera water for skele and torn-t which are major threats to this team (and also soften gtusk's stabs so it can kill it with no problem), sd or switch to defog, click the funny button, webs always nice, boom, typical kgambit sweep
great tusk
Booster energy gtusk is busted on webs, tera fighting for that essential hit to prevent wash from fogging, rapid spin for emergencies if webs got removed or the opposing team has hazards, pretty straight forward
Thx to its amazing spa, coverage and a very good speed tier after webs, this mon will 90% win the game after an np if they don't have an unware mon or torn't, also anything that can handle tbolt won't handle fightinium so stopping it is hard
Essential on webs because it prevents fogs and spins, also a pretty nice sweeper on webs thx to stabs, recover and air baloon for any hdb gtusks again, pretty straight forward.