Nat Dex Thread 'Dragapult'
Dragapult @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Darts
- Phantom Force
- Substitute / Will-O-Wisp
Dragapult zooms into the National Dex scene! Dragapult shows it's a true speedster by outspeeding the likes of Zamazenta, Tapu Koko, and Mega Lopunny. Dragon Dance enables Dragapult to reach an unparalleled Speed tier, outspeeding foes such as Choice Scarf Hisuian Samurott, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Booster Energy Iron Valiant. Substitute allows Dragapult to take advantage of passive Pokemon such as Alomomola and Toxapex to give...
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Darts
- Phantom Force
- Substitute / Will-O-Wisp
Dragapult zooms into the National Dex scene! Dragapult shows it's a true speedster by outspeeding the likes of Zamazenta, Tapu Koko, and Mega Lopunny. Dragon Dance enables Dragapult to reach an unparalleled Speed tier, outspeeding foes such as Choice Scarf Hisuian Samurott, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Booster Energy Iron Valiant. Substitute allows Dragapult to take advantage of passive Pokemon such as Alomomola and Toxapex to give...
- Wildfiree
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Published Spotlights
Dragapult @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Darts
- Phantom Force
- Substitute / Will-O-Wisp
多龙巴鲁托强势闯入National Dex的舞台!多龙巴鲁托速度超过藏玛然特、卡璞・鸣鸣和超级长耳兔等宝可梦,展现出其真正的速度优势。龙之舞能让多龙巴鲁托达到无与伦比的速度线,使其速度快过诸如讲究围巾的洗翠大剑鬼、讲究围巾的卡璞・蝶蝶和携带驱劲能量的铁武者等对手。替身使多龙巴鲁托能够利用诸如保姆曼波和超坏星等被动宝可梦,为其创造使用龙之舞进行强化的机会。磷火可让多龙巴鲁托削弱像仆刀将军和雄伟牙等对手。幽灵Z能让强化1级的多龙巴鲁托有机会OHKO诸如天蝎王等被隐形岩削弱的宝可梦。要让多龙巴鲁托安全上场可能相当困难,所以它需要土地云-灵兽和卡璞・鸣鸣等宝可梦的急速折返作为辅助。前者能提供隐形岩来辅助多龙巴鲁托进行清场,在强化1级后使用无尽暗夜之诱惑甚至有机会OHKO诸如雄伟牙等对手。多龙巴鲁托对抗仆刀将军等宝可梦会比较吃力,所以它需要雄伟牙和藏玛然特等格斗属性宝可梦的帮助。作为回报,多龙巴鲁托能够应对诸如保姆曼波等水属性宝可梦,如果携带替身,还能对付呆壳兽。
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