National Dex National Dex Last Chance - Round 2

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art by Kolohe
National Dex Last Chance
Hosted by Kris and Theia
Tournament Rules:
Round 2

4ngelMartinez  vs  Sulo
peap  vs  Vholtninja
setset77  vs  Pokemonrainer
jawsome274  vs  Hiro80223001
Korkskrew  vs  themonkeydidit
Sailorgreatest  vs  Xolin
Taylor  vs  KingOfBees
CTallys SD  vs  ElevatedGodlynessOfficial
low ladder Erti  vs  Axzel
Milo  vs  shadowtime2000
deeweer  vs  swag god
mazzy7887  vs  ADF Test
Ara  vs  Crispy Baguette
ASKid679  vs  StepC
AlphaRay01  vs  hunternoooob
adem  vs  ALeciau
Shucklegigas  vs  King Ejip
GrimeTime  vs  Velcroc
Drnoobys=  vs  Undefeated Alt
Redgoop115  vs  FL2802
Superhuy  vs  AtraX Madara
MTB  vs  GiyuForPresident
LoveStallLiveLife  vs  Huargensy
SOMALIA  vs  MultiPokemon
jay  vs  Keahi
SpectralThief  vs  GEEV
TheManiacOfPkmn  vs  Weaselfie
hidingflames  vs  PowerfulSlash
sealoo  vs  RamentheGod
speedboosr89  vs  kDCA
tf  vs  Codename C.A.T
gamer but swag  vs  IcyHallsz
K302  vs  Solaros & Lunaris
Skooma  vs  Nowno
Latiasboy  vs  Radical1233
Riku Sakuraba  vs  poopidoopii
Scywave  vs  ʟᴏʀᴅ ᴀᴅᴀʀꜱʜ
Miwa  vs  CallMeBope
cinderaceX  vs  Teaching Bitches
entrocefalo  vs  gorex
Thunderboxer  vs  cleffa hater
Peeky07  vs  Yes or no my dude
Thedeathsofbeings234  vs  Sificon
Lupla  vs  Clawed Winter
Mr.Bossaru  vs  georgebowserjr1
ChrisPBacon  vs  SoBalancedGuys
Raiden0  vs  Cold Finally
hi.naming is hard  vs  yogo896

Deadline: Sunday, October 30 at 11:59 PM GMT-4.
Not sure if allowed to ask this here,but if my opponent is inactive do I win by default after a few days?
asking because opponent hasn’t replied to message in 3 days
Not sure if allowed to ask this here,but if my opponent is inactive do I win by default after a few days?
asking because opponent hasn’t replied to message in 3 days
There is a rule about inactivity, dunno what Theia will do about it. If there's no response by Sat/Sun, comment on here again and say that there's been no activity.
Opponent contacted me on Monday and hasn’t replied or been online since,do I win from inactivity?


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