VR Update!
Everything is now Unranked except for Infernape. Reject humanity, become monke.
Everything is now Unranked except for Infernape. Reject humanity, become monke.
Noted.I ask that Thwackey (or whatever the fuck its called) gets ranked as well. The more monke, the better. In fact, rank Monferno, Chimchar, Grookey, Oranguru, Passimian, Ambipon and Aipon as well.
NoHi I’d like to nominate Vanilluxe to A-
I believe Vanilluxe has an incredible niche in this tier as a stall breaker / balance breaker. Vanilluxe has a wonderful 110 base special attack along with an amazing ability that grants 100% accurate blizzards and 6% chip onto your opponent at the end of the round. If you are wondering just how strong the come is, lemme show you.
Looking at this sample stall made by Chazm https://pokepast.es/190d4e03a6ccb0f9
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowking-Galar: 243-286 (61.6 - 72.5%)
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sylveon: 210-247 (53.2 - 62.6%) -
As you can see, there isn’t much that can switch into my friend Vaniluxe. Currently, our stalls are not prepared for it whatsoever. The best counterplay would be spdef rotom heat because, even the steel types get cooked by HP fire. Here is my favorite set for Vanilluxe.
Well thank you for reading ! I hope my man Vanilluxe can finallly get the respect it deserves.
I don’t find this post quite useful as for deciding Vaniluxes usefulness. Again, I labeled him as a breaker not as anti offense. Of course fighting types that are faster are gonna be able to Ohko an ice type pokemon. Every single pokemon has the weakness of being slower and weaker to another pokemon. Hoopa is ohkoed by terrakion and keldeo as well, should it also be listed as Unranked? We should focus on its ability to destroy before it gets destroyed. This is why I prefer it on balance, you can back up and support vaniluxe with glue such as amoongus or hippowdon. I appreciate the thoughts you posted but I believe that they are not useful for depicting Vanilluxes relevance.No
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Aegislash-Shield: 98-116 (30.2 - 35.8%) -- 37.5% chance to 3HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Aegislash-Blade Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vanilluxe: 348-410 (100.5 - 118.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 244 SpD Melmetal: 136-161 (33 - 39.1%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Iron Fist Melmetal Double Iron Bash (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vanilluxe: 640-756 (184.9 - 218.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vanilluxe: 674-794 (194.7 - 229.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Secret Sword vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vanilluxe: 474-560 (136.9 - 161.8%) -- guaranteed OHK
252+ Atk Life Orb Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vanilluxe: 322-382 (93 - 110.4%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Vanilluxe: 580-686 (167.6 - 198.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Just a few since i'm lazy :p
Not to mention that its so slow that it doesn't get chances to switch in, even against stall since its naturally checked hard, and there is a reason thats its not A- but UR. Yes it has power, great power, but if it cannot find places to switch in, than its useless.
I used the spreads that were in the sample team.I feel like your calcs are weird, since the usage of Glowking mostly have a bit of spdef and run AV.
| Spreads |
| Modest:252/0/0/252/4/0 17.728% |
| Calm:252/0/0/176/80/0 12.224% |
| Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 7.089% |
| Modest:236/0/16/160/96/0 5.696% |
| Modest:236/0/16/160/92/4 4.938% |
| Modest:252/0/16/176/64/0 4.478% |
Items |
| Assault Vest 83.351% |
| Black Sludge 6.693% |
Though that's true for Sylveon, even if there are a lot of maxspdef which aren't 2hkoed.
Also, Celesteela is not always 2hkoed, it's very risky to use Vanilluxe against it, Alolan-Muk can easily tank and pursuit trap, and I think it's really limited to beat more offensive team. I wouldn't make it that high, but maybe if stall become really that strong with Hoopa banned, it could be really viable.
This looks at a singular team that arguably has worse matchups to other, more viable Pokemon such as Primarina, Specs Keldeo or NP Infernape, and doesn't include potential other stall structures that would be able to take this on, such as Melmetal, Alomomola or Alolan Muk builds. I don't really think this is rank worthy alone - given that even despite these matchups on paper, Vanilluxe is not always capable of getting in on the rest of the team and is either capable of being stalled out or crippled by the likes of Mandibuzz or Sableye if it tries to approach it. Most importantly, Vanilluxe is trapped by Weavile, which features on the majority of viable stall builds due to its ability to blanket answer some of the metagame's biggest threats in Hoopa-Unbound and Slowking. Between this and the ability for this team to force Vanilluxe into poor situations if it needs to get in, I cannot really be convinced that this has a rankworthy niche. I would like to see some replays for this nom if possible, given that it's a UR nomination.Hi I’d like to nominate Vanilluxe to A-
I believe Vanilluxe has an incredible niche in this tier as a stall breaker / balance breaker. Vanilluxe has a wonderful 110 base special attack along with an amazing ability that grants 100% accurate blizzards and 6% chip onto your opponent at the end of the round. If you are wondering just how strong the cone is, lemme show you.
Looking at this sample stall made by Chazm https://pokepast.es/190d4e03a6ccb0f9
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowking-Galar: 243-286 (61.6 - 72.5%)
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sylveon: 210-247 (53.2 - 62.6%) -
As you can see, there isn’t much that can switch into my friend Vaniluxe. Currently, our stalls are not prepared for it whatsoever. The best counterplay would be spdef rotom heat because, even the steel types get cooked by HP fire. Here is my favorite set for Vanilluxe.
Well thank you for reading ! I hope my man Vanilluxe can finallly get the respect it deserves.
Hi I’d like to nominate Vanilluxe to A-
I believe Vanilluxe has an incredible niche in this tier as a stall breaker / balance breaker. Vanilluxe has a wonderful 110 base special attack along with an amazing ability that grants 100% accurate blizzards and 6% chip onto your opponent at the end of the round. If you are wondering just how strong the cone is, lemme show you.
Looking at this sample stall made by Chazm https://pokepast.es/190d4e03a6ccb0f9
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Slowking-Galar: 243-286 (61.6 - 72.5%)
252+ SpA Choice Specs Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sylveon: 210-247 (53.2 - 62.6%) -
As you can see, there isn’t much that can switch into my friend Vaniluxe. Currently, our stalls are not prepared for it whatsoever. The best counterplay would be spdef rotom heat because, even the steel types get cooked by HP fire. Here is my favorite set for Vanilluxe.
Well thank you for reading ! I hope my man Vanilluxe can finallly get the respect it deserves.
Replays are required as well if you want to nom a Pokémon from UR to Ranked.
na the reason this guy is god is cuz it clicks cm and u realize that ur counter gets fucked by the colbur berry '-'A --> A+ - premier special wall, goated, who breaking this? weavile who?
tldr:UR --> B- - justfranco could elaborate on this
Hi thank you for the responses. I do agree that overall other specs uses such as Primarina tower over it. I thought about it and I was hoping a C or even B- rank could satisfy. I am also providing a replay against a good player that better shows off Vanilluxes abilities as a C or possibly B- rank pokemon.I feel like starting it off in A- is a bit of a stretch to say the least, especially as it already faces a lot of competition from already existing, much easier to support strong specs wallbreakers like Primarina, Keldeo, among others, (the former two do more damage with Hydro than Vanilluxe's Blizzard) some of which also give some stalls a run for their money. I think a nom for C rank is a bit more reasonable, though at present I'm not sure what niche it would have to justify it being ranked. It doesn't really exploit any current meta trends, other than arguably the rise of bulkier teams, which many existing wallbreakers also exploit. Having a good matchup vs one particular stall team when many other stall teams exist also doesn't hold much weight. For example, the other sample stall team isn't really as bothered by Vanilluxe, with it packing an AV Muk that can comfortably come in on it, pursuit it, and be wish healed by Umbreon later, who itself needs rocks to be 2HKOd.
While the calcs are impressive, it's important to consider it's rocks weak, slow and frail, all of which mandate a lot of team support other breakers don't necessarily need. It's also important to remember that it's rather prediction reliant, and that while it can theoretically fry certain steels, they discourage the spamming of its main STAB to the extent they're effective enough a deterrent anyways.
Freeze-Drying bulky waters is nice but other specs breakers either don't care about them or, in the case of Keldeo and Primarina (the latter of which just Moonblasts all of them other than the rare and honestly rather mediocre Empoleon, which Vaniluxe only has 5% and not a 2HKO on), can just Flip Turn out into something that can beat them.
It's an interesting pick (and as someone who has recently been on an experimenting binge, I can respect experimentation with less common/unranked mons), but I don't personally see much of a reason to rank it.
Mega Beedrill DOESNT fit on HO or any team to be specific, its just outclassed by better Bug types in this tier such as Scizor or Buzzwole, high Speed and Attack are appealing but the issue comes in this mon coverage, while at first glance isnt bad the thing is that Drill Run even on Super Effective targets does nothing. Melmetal, Aegislash, Scizor, Moltres, Skarmory and MANY more just wont give it a breath and being extremely fragile doesnt help much agaisnt offense with Pokemon such as Weavile, Urshifu-RS, Keldeo, etc. It gets worn down easily with usual Stealth Rock and the common Spikes that Skarm or Mew are able to throw around and revenge killed by any priority or scarfer, pulling off a Swords Dance is downright impossible because aside from not having any switchin, it wont help many of his already problematic Matchups anywayWhy is megadrill UR? Ik it only fits on HO and is heavily reliant on flip turn pert (yeah if that gets banned yeet megadrill into the eternal abyss), but it can be pretty good on that specific archetype.
seems more like a C to me but i cant nom because my dad doesn't let me upload replays :(
Tapu Bulu
Stall is dead and so is Quagsire.
Stall and balance teams can still utilize Quagsire as a very fringe Z-Happy Hour Jirachi check, as Iron Head literally does 3-4% after Leftovers recovery (making it really hard to flinch Quagsire down, if not just outright impossible) and you just Haze the boost away. Stored Power also doesn't do enough for Quagsire to be super threatened at full health. Soft checks some other Pokemon like SD Bisharp, BU Shifu, boosted Mew and others (due to being able to take a hit because of Unaware and then Hazing), which may otherwise pose a threat to those archetypes.Just curious, why not just unrank quag? Without stall it's just a mediocre ground type imo.
I don’t think showing a replay vs a team with 4 Unranked pokemon showcases how good a Pokemon can be. Bolt Beak spam can seem nice until u realize every team carries at least one ground which dracozolt struggles w vs most of em (hippo, pert, rhyp, even lesser used options like megalix). sand is *decent* as zolt does plough thru most teams that are more offensive, but that’s a huge matchup fish. im interested in seeing more dracozolt replays but it’d be a better idea to show replays vs teams that are more meta, otherwise i just dont see a dracozolt rise happening currentlyB+ -> B+/A- (I wanted to test whether this Pokémon deserved some rise)
I really think that Dracozolt is a great Pokémon right now. Its mixed stats can help break through stall that is a good playstyle in the tier and it can create some big holes in any team. The main problem it has is the fact that many good offensive Pokémon in the tier can overcome it and tank a hit and get the KO e.g. MAltaria, Melmetal. However, it is still really good, under sand, against many of the Pokémon of A tier and below.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8nationaldexuu-1391232278 (here it shows how good it can be).
Stall and balance teams can still utilize Quagsire as a very fringe Z-Happy Hour Jirachi check, as Iron Head literally does 3-4% after Leftovers recovery (making it really hard to flinch Quagsire down, if not just outright impossible) and you just Haze the boost away. Stored Power also doesn't do enough for Quagsire to be super threatened at full health. Soft checks some other Pokemon like SD Bisharp, BU Shifu, boosted Mew and others (due to being able to take a hit because of Unaware and then Hazing), which may otherwise pose a threat to those archetypes.