Team NDMPL III - Administrative Decisions

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is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader

Amazing art by Bka Onon
Hosted by Swiffix and ken
This thread will contain all administrative decisions regarding National Dex Monotype Premier League III ranging from important tour changes to the dreaded activity decisions and draft results. If you are participating in NDMPL III, I suggest watching this thread to stay updated throughout the season. There's a button on the upper right side of the page titled "Watch" if you wish to do so.

Relevant threads:
Player Signups
Manager Signups

General tournament rules can be found here.

Please contact a host if you have any questions. We don't bite!

Good luck to all participants!
Re: Manager pricing

Managers will be able to purchase themselves for 20k each, but they must confirm to the hosts they wish to purchase themselves at least 24 hours in advance of the draft.

Re: Schedule

Week 1
Ice Path Sandslash vs Quirky Quagsires
Larry's Litwicks vs Tyrannical Tinkatons
Pharloom Pheromosas vs did u know that there’s a toedscruel under ocean blvd

Week 2
Ice Path Sandslash vs Larry's Litwicks
Pharloom Pheromosas vs Quirky Quagsires
did u know that there’s a toedscruel under ocean blvd vs Tyrannical Tinkatons

Week 3
Ice Path Sandslash vs Pharloom Pheromosas
did u know that there’s a toedscruel under ocean blvd vs Larry's Litwicks
Tyrannical Tinkatons vs Quirky Quagsires

Week 4
Ice Path Sandslash vs did u know that there’s a toedscruel under ocean blvd
Tyrannical Tinkatons vs Pharloom Pheromosas
Quirky Quagsires vs Larry's Litwicks

Week 5
Ice Path Sandslash vs Tyrannical Tinkatons
Quirky Quagsires vs did u know that there’s a toedscruel under ocean blvd
Larry's Litwicks vs Pharloom Pheromosas

Week 6 (Semifinals)
#1 vs #4
#2 vs #3

Week 7 (Finals)
(Winner of #2 vs #3) vs (Winner of #1 vs #4)

Re: Draft Order

Here's the order of the draft:
  1. Ice Path Sandslash
  2. Larry's Litwicks
  3. Tyrannical Tinkatons
  4. did u know that there’s a toedscruel under ocean blvd
  5. Pharloom Pheromosas
  6. Quirky Quagsires
Re: Manager price

Manager prices will be 20k per manager who wishes to self-buy for this iteration of NDMPL.

Re: Draft date

The draft will be Sunday August 13th @ 12pm GMT-4. Managers will have until 1 hour prior to the draft to let us know self-buy intentions. The draft will take place in the Monotype Events room on the sim.

Apologies for the delay in posting.
The auction has concluded and here are the teams for NDMPL3!


Pricelists (not including manager self-buys):

|     Name     | Price |
| Tony         | 31000 |
| yedla        | 17500 |
| Starfox.     | 14000 |
| silver grace |  7000 |
| anique       |  4500 |
| TTTech       |  3000 |
| FadedCharm   |  3000 |
|     Name      | Price |
| LuckyPiper    | 23000 |
| maroon        | 20500 |
| Mateeus       | 20500 |
| adjustments   | 14000 |
| seroo         |  6000 |
| Keahi         |  4000 |
| Slowpoke Fan  |  3000 |
| Havens        |  3000 |
| Uta The Clown |  3000 |
| Giyu          |  3000 |
|     Name      | Price |
| Splash        | 16000 |
| Vodoom        | 13000 |
| Gelbel3c      | 12500 |
| Tico          | 11000 |
| Taka          | 11000 |
| XSTATIC COLD  |  8500 |
| Cherbou       |  8500 |
| RoyalReloaded |  7000 |
| Serise        |  6500 |
| Sificon       |  3000 |
| Nefeer        |  3000 |
|    Name     | Price |
| Cielau      | 30000 |
| Bka Onon    | 14500 |
| hayedenn    | 10000 |
| Jojo8868    |  9000 |
| pas_touchao |  8000 |
| avarice     |  5500 |
| Prof.Otaku  |  3000 |
|   Name   | Price |
| ikiarihS | 20000 |
| Mihowk   | 15000 |
| Fraolain | 13000 |
| Elyoss   | 12500 |
| Bouki    |  8000 |
| Dunes    |  5000 |
| Dorron   |  3500 |
| TTK      |  3000 |
|       Name       | Price |
| style.css        | 23000 |
| Neko             | 15500 |
| ToxaNex          |  8000 |
| ToasterBoi420    |  7500 |
| TDR              |  6500 |
| Saurav the great |  5500 |
| memedose46       |  5000 |
| diegoblu         |  5000 |
| Quinn            |  4000 |
|       Name       | Price |
| Tony             | 31000 |
| Cielau           | 30000 |
| LuckyPiper       | 23000 |
| style.css        | 23000 |
| maroon           | 20500 |
| Mateeus          | 20500 |
| ikiarihS         | 20000 |
| yedla            | 17500 |
| Splash           | 16000 |
| Neko             | 15500 |
| Mihowk           | 15000 |
| Bka Onon         | 14500 |
| adjustments      | 14000 |
| Starfox.         | 14000 |
| Vodoom           | 13000 |
| Fraolain         | 13000 |
| Gelbel3c         | 12500 |
| Elyoss           | 12500 |
| Tico             | 11000 |
| Taka             | 11000 |
| hayedenn         | 10000 |
| Jojo8868         |  9000 |
| XSTATIC COLD     |  8500 |
| Cherbou          |  8500 |
| ToxaNex          |  8000 |
| pas_touchao      |  8000 |
| Bouki            |  8000 |
| ToasterBoi420    |  7500 |
| RoyalReloaded    |  7000 |
| silver grace     |  7000 |
| TDR              |  6500 |
| Serise           |  6500 |
| seroo            |  6000 |
| Saurav the great |  5500 |
| avarice          |  5500 |
| memedose46       |  5000 |
| diegoblu         |  5000 |
| Dunes            |  5000 |
| anique           |  4500 |
| Keahi            |  4000 |
| Quinn            |  4000 |
| Dorron           |  3500 |
| Slowpoke Fan     |  3000 |
| Havens           |  3000 |
| Uta The Clown    |  3000 |
| Giyu             |  3000 |
| Prof.Otaku       |  3000 |
| Sificon          |  3000 |
| Nefeer           |  3000 |
| TTTech           |  3000 |
| FadedCharm       |  3000 |
| TTK              |  3000 |
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