Ninja_Dead's RMT

This is my WI-FI Team, Please be gentle in rating =)

@ Leftovers
Volt Absorb
Timid, Sp.Atk and Speed

* Baton Pass
* Hidden Power [Ice]
* Thunderbolt
* Substitute

Substitute first turn to see what they do or to get a free Sub. HP Ice for Dragons and Flyers. Baton Pass Sub when I think I'm in danger. Leftovers helps recover HP from Subs.

@ Expert Belt
Natural Cure
Timid, Sp.Atk and Speed

* Surf
* Recover
* Ice Beam
* Thunderbolt

Surf, Ice Beam and ThunderBolt for great coverage. Recover off damage when I can.

@ Choice Scarft / Life Orb
Sand Veil
Jolly, Attack and Speed

* Dragon Claw
* Outrage
* Earthquake
* Fire Fang

Thinking of getting rid of Dragon Claw or Outrage for something like Stone Edge (Gyarados). Fire Fang for Ice Pokemons that I'm faster than. Choice Scarf Outrage hurts, otherwise I use Life Orb for added damage.

@ Focus Sash / Life Orb
Attack and Speed

* Thunderpunch
* Flare Blitz
* Close Combat
* Mach Punch

Thunderpunch so I can stay in on most Waters. Flare Blitz for massive STAB fire damage, Close Combat for massive STAB fighting damage. Mach Punch to beat Weaviles, to get the first hit or to finish off any others.

Focus Sash incase of a Water attack that I would'nt of survivied(I have Thunderpunch to counter them) or Life Orb.

@ Leftovers / Lum Berry
Swift Swim
HP and Sp.Atk

* Rain Dance
* SolarBeam
* Energy Ball
* Synthesis

Rain Dance first turn, then I can use one-turn SolarBeams and recover with Synthesis. Engery Ball if I can't get off a Rain Dance. Leftovers to help recover, can't think of a different item incase of Item Clause, perhaps Lum Berry.

@ Quick Claw / Leftovers
Clear Body
Attack and Defence

* Earthquake
* Bullet Punch
* Explosion
* Meteor Mash

Earthquake and Meteor Mash for massive STAB damage. Explosion for revenge kills. Bullet Punch helps if I can't outspeed anything. Items are hard to pick for this Metagross, So Quick Claw for those bonus first turn Meteor Mash / Explosions or Leftovers.
Well its either Quick Claw or Speed EV's on Metagross, which I don't want.
Starmie is too fragile to use Life Orb, coupled with damage he will be receiving already Recover will be pointless.