Pending Non-teamlocked Best of N matches


live a villain, die an icon
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I was playing in a CAP 1v1 best of 3 tournament in the Spanish language room using the best of 3 mod, and was struck by how much easier the best of n feature streamlines matches. I tried it out with my friend stravench for regular 1v1, which isn't randomized like CAP 1v1 is, and was disappointed that we couldn't swap teams between games. My understanding is that this was designed for VGC stuff, where swapping teams isn't allowed. If there's already another suggestion about this, I didn't see it in a search of the forum.

What I think should be added:
The title says it all - I think an alternate bo3 rule where players can change teams between games would be very helpful.

1v1 matches are entirely bo5 or bo7, without a teamlock. We often have to link games in the 1v1 PS room as they go live, or if a player pair forgets to, refresh their name or the active battles tab until the next game appears. Having this feature available for our tournament games would make this process a lot more polished. For a broader PS audience, I think RBY players would also be happy with this option as well for best of 3s.


Be the serpent under't
is a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Programmeris a Member of Senior Staff
PS Admin
Non-teamlock is incredibly annoying to implement (mostly UI-wise), which is why I left it out of the original implementation. I suppose we can see if this gets enough support to warrant adding it, but I wouldn't bank too heavily on someone wanting to do it.


Robot Empress
is a Forum Moderatoris a Battle Simulator Moderator
If UI is the biggest concern, I wouldn't mind busting out the UX hat when I'm not swarmed with work and seeing if there's a way to work this out, but don't count on me too much. And like hecate said, even if I work that out I can't promise someone would want to bother actually implementing it

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