Nothing Short of the Greatest a Bulky offense Ou RMT

Hi it's cosby with an Ou RMT. This time with the Bulky offence or semi stall as people call it. So not to long ago I discovered a new playing style called bulky offence this explains it: My old style that I used in 4th gen does not work anymore in 5th gen. it was

2 Special Sweepers
2 Physical Sweepers
1 Def wall
1 Spc wall

Now that dosen't work for some reason. So now I do

1 dedicated all out sweeper
3 core pokemon that have synergy with it and takes out threats of it.
1 Entry hazard layer
1 "glue"

So this was my team building proscess.


1. I needed a really good sweeper one that was very good and bulky first thing that came to mind DD Scrafty

2. Next I needed something that could be a a threat to Scrafty #1 threat SKARMORY. The best counter to Skarmory is heatran in my opinion. Heatran also resists the rare flying types but still comes in handy. heatran is also a HUGE offensive threat with its massive spc att. Its ability Flash Fire also is very important as you will see later in the RMT.

3. Next I needed something that could resist fighting. I almost instantly thought Gliscor. Gliscor is also very good to come in on Blissey and take the status and taunt. Gliscor is also immune to ground which heatran does not like. So I thought Gliscor would be nice to have as a status taker and to add to the core. Heatran also is 4x resistant to ice so they make Great synergy.​


4. Next I noticed a large water weakness that could wreck this core so i thought of Gastrodon which can use water moves to its advantage with storm drain. gastrodon's only weakness is grass which is 4x resisted by Heatran. gastrodon is just a great tank and takes hits like a champion.​


5. Next I needed an entry hazard user and my favorite entry hazard user is Forretress he makes a great Def wall. he is also on this team for many great resistances like grass and ice. He is mostly there to get hazards down and rapid spin. He is just great with his plethora of resistances.​


6. Next I needed a "glue" for the team so I took a good look at this team and nticed a a fighting weakness like the majority of OU teams have. I also needed a spin blocker so what better pokemon than a ghost type? Now the question is which one. I was torn between jellicent and Gengar but my team needed some more fire power so I chose Gengar. Gengar is also just the best troll ever with the Sub Disable set :D.





Scrafty (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Crunch​

This is my dedicated sweeper. It is the Dragon Dnace set that I have used in the past and been succesful with. The set can hit just about anything for at least neutral damage in OU that I can think of. As you can see I like to run Lum Berry over left Overs. This is because Scrafty's sweep is often cut short but status especially burn. I know Shed Skin is an option but I find it to be unreliable and Moxie is so much better especialy of you're sweeping. This set has a lot of trouble with Skarmory because of the STAB Brave Bird does a shit ton even with minimal attack investment. The phazing is also a pain in my ass so Skam is a nesecity (<--Spelled Wrong) to kill if I want a clean sweep no pun intended. The Evs are straight-forward they maximise attack and speed Jolly nature to get that speed up.​



Gastrodon (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earth Power
- Scald​

This is just the standard everyday specially defensive Gastro not much to say =/. But, ( I know not to start a sentence with a conjunction but I just want to :) ) I mostly have him for storm drain. I have 2 pokemon who are weak to water pokemon and they both commonly attract water pokemon (mostly scald). I also will have a lot of problems with rain teams if I take out gastro. Gastro does not like to be poisoned at ALL so I have gliscor to take that. Moves are recover well... to recover Toxic to take out bulky waters eary power for STAB and scald maybe to burn a physical mon. Gastro is scared SHITLESS by conkeldurr because of two status moves. My sub disable Gengar will take care of the standard Bulk Up Conkeldurr. Evs make it as specially bulky as can be and somewhat physically bulky.


Heatran (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Will-O-Wisp
- Dragon Pulse​
Heatran is a key member of this core as it is 4x resistant to the rest of my cores 4x weakness. This heatran is not for walling but it is for giving hard hits. I also have this Heatran to stop sun teams in thier tracks. Daruma is a BIG problem though :(. Otherwise Ran has most sun pokemon on check. The Hidden power grass is for opposing gastro's because they commonly switch in on Ran and boy do they have a surprise wauting for them :) a big juicy grass sandwhich. Air Baloon is a great accessory for taking on opposing heatran you come in on a fire move and they basically can't hit you. Timid for max speed and 252 SAtk for firepower no pun intended. Dragon Pulse for hitting Dragonite who for some odd reason thinks it can set up on RAN.


Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Swords Dance
- Taunt​

Gliscor is here for mostly the fighting resistance but is also a key member to my core. Taunt is the frosting on the cake for this set. It stops Conkeldurr in its tracks and most slow physical sweepers. Gliscors ability is a god send it makes GLiscor so much more usable from last generation. Last Gen I didn't understand what all the hype ablout Gliscor was about I tryed it and it always got killed by surprise hidden power Ice. Now in this gen I understand why he was one of the most OU no pun intended pokemon. He can take a physcial hit like a champion the shrug it off w/ poison heal. Poison Heal makes 2hkos usualy turn into 3HKOs. He dosen't take special hits very well and is very unreliable when it comes to taking special hits. He also trolls blissey with taunt and Swords Dance. The Evs are pretty standard Just enough speed Evs to out speed Jolly tyranitar. max HP and rest go into DEF for bulk. Moveset is self explanitory.​


Forretress (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 26 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Gyro Ball
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes​

This is Forretress. He just looks like a boss! He is here to add entry hazards he is not meant to have ANY offensive momentum. He is also my rapid spinner. None of my pokemon are really Rock weak but we do a lot of switching so constand entry hazard damage is bad. Their is not really much else to say besides the EVs. Max Hp for bulkiness and 232 Def for DEF bulk and 26 SDef for "some" special investment. Any fire attack aimed at Forretress goes straight to Heatran and Flash Fire away :).​



Gengar (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Disable
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute​

This is the "glue" of the team. Meaning it puts the team together. My team has a large fighting weakness and gengar is immune to that :). Gengar also functioons as a great spin blocker because having entry hazards is importnat on this team. This is also my fav annoyer set and laughs at Conkeldurr. I'm not going to explain how it works but let me just say it is a great troll. gengar adds another great resistance to the Ground type. His ghost type is really good for this team that is mostly why he found a spot on this team.​


I really hopw you take the time to thouroghly disect every line of this RMT and realise why each member is on this team. I also would like you to suggest maybe new members to replce current ones. Thanks in adv ;) Cosbykid.​


1. SUN TEAMS!!! I have a really difficult time battling sun teams. Sun teams are getting rarer though which is good.

2. Scarfed Daruma. Nothing on my team can really take this thing on especially in the sun so I don't know what to do about that :(

3.Nasty Plot Ape. If an Infernape gets an NP up it's all over GG. If it dosent have grass knot then gastro can take it.

Also tell me if you like my RMT format I tried really hard to use corrct grammar and make everything neat.

If you would like to try it on PO here is the importable version:

Scrafty (M) @ Lum Berry​
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Punch
- Drain Punch
- Crunch

Gastrodon (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earth Power
- Scald

Heatran (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Will-O-Wisp
- Dragon Pulse

Gliscor (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Swords Dance
- Taunt

Forretress (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 26 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Gyro Ball
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes

Gengar (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Disable
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute
Hi, nice team, Scrafty is a thug. Although just slap like 4 HP Evs on it or something. No point wasting an extra stat point. For your sun team problems. I suggest swapping to a Specially Defensive Heatran. Volcorona, in particular, walks all over this team. So yeah, you have a Heatran, now what's Heatran going to do to Volcorona? I suggest using a 252 Hp/ 252 SpD/ 4 Def Leftovers spread with a Calm Nature while running Lava Plume/ Roar/ Protect/ Stealth Rock. Simply set up Stealth Rock, the proceed to Roar Volcorona until it finally breaks from all the hazards damage. Protect allows Heatran to scout for random Hidden Power Grounds while whoring HP. Lava Plume is more than strong enough against the Chlorophyll sweepers, and the 30% Burn rate is very useful. Specially Defensive spread also helps you better take on the Latii twins. Not even Latios' Surf 2HKOs. You do unfortunately lose Air Balloon, but Leftovers is crucial for taking on the Latii twins, who are much more dangerous than say, Sawsbuck. The only other slight problem with this set is that you lose coverage against Bulky Waters, but that problem can be addressed in the next part.

DD Haxorus and Life Orb Starmie atm, pose a huge problems for your team. You're already running Stealth Rock on Heatran, and none of your Pokemon are Stealth Rock weak. Therefore, Rapid Spin support isn't crucial and you can replace Forretress with a Ferrothorn. Ferrothorn accomplishes the same tasks as Forretress besides Rapid Spinning except it can back up Gastrodon, and actually has some offensive output in Power Whip and Gyro Ball coming off Base 97 Atk. It gets up Spikes, can heal itself with Leech Seed and doesn't need to Volt Switch out at the first sign of danger. 252 Hp/ 88 Def/ 168 SpD with a Relaxed Nature allows Ferrothorn to survive 2 hits from +1 Haxorus' Earthquake and retaliate with a 2HKO with Gyro Ball. Starmie too, is incapable of 2HKOing with Ice Beam and will eat a STAB Super Effective Power Whip for an OHKO. By making this change, you do lose Rapid Spin support which could prove problematic if Scrafty gets hit by Toxic Spikes. However, Toxic Spikes isn't really that common and you have a Lum Berry. If things really get too annoying, running Shed Skin instead of Moxie and Life Orb over Lum Berry can be an option too.

Finally, I can see this team having problems against SD Lucario running Bullet Punch (like mine xD). Lucario can set up on Ferrothorn (and Forretress if you opt not to make the change) and proceed to OHKO your entier team with a combination of Close Combat, Ice Punch and Bullet Punch. I suggest swapping Gliscor's EVs to 252 Hp/ 40 Def/ 216 Spe to outspeed Adamant Lucario. The only thing Gliscor ever used those Defense EVs for anyways was Excadrill, as Terrakion still has a chance of OHKOing with +2 LO Stone Edge. If Lucario is going to die before it can move, it certainly wont pose any problems anymore. Similarly, Mynism's Toxicroak, who could also 6-0 your entire team no problems with +2 Cross Chop, Ice Punch, and Sucker Punch is now outsped and OHKOed. You lose the ability to take CB Close Combats as well, but there's already Gengar for that.

In Summary:
Specially Defensive Heatran>Air Balloon Heatran
pros: check Volcorona, provides Stealth Rock, phazes, scouts, check Latias and Latios
cons: is exposed to Earthquake, loses to Bulky Waters

pros: checks Haxorus and Starmie, backs up Gastrodon in checking Rain teams, access to Leech Seed, some actual Offensive presence
cons: lose Rapid Spin, lose Toxic Spikes (since Stealth Rock is now on Heatran)

Gliscor new EV spread
pros: checks Lucario and Mynism's Toxicroak
cons: can't take CB Close Combat as well


Heatran @ Leftovers
Flash Fire
252 Hp/ 252 SpD/ 4 Def
- Lava Plume
- Roar
- Protect
- Stealth Rock

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Iron Barbs
252 Hp/ 88 Def/ 168 SpD
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
252 Hp/ 40 Def/ 216 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Taunt
Hi, nice team, Scrafty is a thug. Although just slap like 4 HP Evs on it or something. No point wasting an extra stat point. For your sun team problems. I suggest swapping to a Specially Defensive Heatran. Volcorona, in particular, walks all over this team. So yeah, you have a Heatran, now what's Heatran going to do to Volcorona? I suggest using a 252 Hp/ 252 SpD/ 4 Def Leftovers spread with a Calm Nature while running Lava Plume/ Roar/ Protect/ Stealth Rock. Simply set up Stealth Rock, the proceed to Roar Volcorona until it finally breaks from all the hazards damage. Protect allows Heatran to scout for random Hidden Power Grounds while whoring HP. Lava Plume is more than strong enough against the Chlorophyll sweepers, and the 30% Burn rate is very useful. Specially Defensive spread also helps you better take on the Latii twins. Not even Latios' Surf 2HKOs. You do unfortunately lose Air Balloon, but Leftovers is crucial for taking on the Latii twins, who are much more dangerous than say, Sawsbuck. The only other slight problem with this set is that you lose coverage against Bulky Waters, but that problem can be addressed in the next part.

DD Haxorus and Life Orb Starmie atm, pose a huge problems for your team. You're already running Stealth Rock on Heatran, and none of your Pokemon are Stealth Rock weak. Therefore, Rapid Spin support isn't crucial and you can replace Forretress with a Ferrothorn. Ferrothorn accomplishes the same tasks as Forretress besides Rapid Spinning except it can back up Gastrodon, and actually has some offensive output in Power Whip and Gyro Ball coming off Base 97 Atk. It gets up Spikes, can heal itself with Leech Seed and doesn't need to Volt Switch out at the first sign of danger. 252 Hp/ 88 Def/ 168 SpD with a Relaxed Nature allows Ferrothorn to survive 2 hits from +1 Haxorus' Earthquake and retaliate with a 2HKO with Gyro Ball. Starmie too, is incapable of 2HKOing with Ice Beam and will eat a STAB Super Effective Power Whip for an OHKO. By making this change, you do lose Rapid Spin support which could prove problematic if Scrafty gets hit by Toxic Spikes. However, Toxic Spikes isn't really that common and you have a Lum Berry. If things really get too annoying, running Shed Skin instead of Moxie and Life Orb over Lum Berry can be an option too.

Finally, I can see this team having problems against SD Lucario running Bullet Punch (like mine xD). Lucario can set up on Ferrothorn (and Forretress if you opt not to make the change) and proceed to OHKO your entier team with a combination of Close Combat, Ice Punch and Bullet Punch. I suggest swapping Gliscor's EVs to 252 Hp/ 40 Def/ 216 Spe to outspeed Adamant Lucario. The only thing Gliscor ever used those Defense EVs for anyways was Excadrill, as Terrakion still has a chance of OHKOing with +2 LO Stone Edge. If Lucario is going to die before it can move, it certainly wont pose any problems anymore. Similarly, Mynism's Toxicroak, who could also 6-0 your entire team no problems with +2 Cross Chop, Ice Punch, and Sucker Punch is now outsped and OHKOed. You lose the ability to take CB Close Combats as well, but there's already Gengar for that.

In Summary:
Specially Defensive Heatran>Air Balloon Heatran
pros: check Volcorona, provides Stealth Rock, phazes, scouts, check Latias and Latios
cons: is exposed to Earthquake, loses to Bulky Waters

pros: checks Haxorus and Starmie, backs up Gastrodon in checking Rain teams, access to Leech Seed, some actual Offensive presence
cons: lose Rapid Spin, lose Toxic Spikes (since Stealth Rock is now on Heatran)

Gliscor new EV spread
pros: checks Lucario and Mynism's Toxicroak
cons: can't take CB Close Combat as well


Heatran @ Leftovers
Flash Fire
252 Hp/ 252 SpD/ 4 Def
- Lava Plume
- Roar
- Protect
- Stealth Rock

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Iron Barbs
252 Hp/ 88 Def/ 168 SpD
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
252 Hp/ 40 Def/ 216 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Taunt

Hi thanks for the in depth rate :). it really means a lot to me as I spent a lot of time on this RMT and the team. Your rates are great I really see your point in every parapgraph. The Def Evs were unneccesary on Gliscor and I had those for Excadril. Thsi set was in my box 1 in PO which I made when Excadril was still OU. It seems like every single team i make it is weak to SD lucario and I can;t figure out why. I tried it and it is not very good because it lacks speed. I will try your suggestions once again tahnks :).
Hey man, really sorry I got to you so late, got caught up in other business lol. Anyways, you seem to know your weaknesses so gj on that - FIghting-type Pokemon really do get the better of you sometimes, especially CM Virizion, who basically 6-0s you if it gets a CM boost thanks to Focus Blast + Giga Drain + HP Ice to neuter most of your team. With that being the most obvious thing, TR Reuniclus also rips a big chunk out of your team really easily, since nothing on your team can take a hit from it easily.

CM Latias is probably the best answer to just about all of your problems, since it can effectively take on Virizion when boosting alongside it, and it really is a great check to just about any sun team and Fighting-types, since you outspeed everything except for Scarf Terrakion, who can't OHKO with X-Scissor even after Stealth Rock. Best set in this case would be max HP / Speed with a Timid nature, with Calm Mind, Roost, Dragon Pulse, and Psyshock.

To fix your weakness to TR Reuniclus, you can try a CB Scizor in place of Forretress, providing the same useful resistances that you get from Forretress while providing a lot of offensive presence as well. You now can check Reuniclus excellently while also soaking up hits from Physical Dragon-types like Haxorus. On that note, you can get a bit unorthodox and run a set of 248 HP / 46 Atk / 204 Def / 8 Spe, leaving you 3HKOed by CB Outrage while you soundly 2HKO with Bullet Punch. Most other dragons, namely Latios, are handled nicely by NWO's suggestion of Specially Defensive Heatran over your current spread. Hope this rate helped and GL!
Hey man, really sorry I got to you so late, got caught up in other business lol. Anyways, you seem to know your weaknesses so gj on that - FIghting-type Pokemon really do get the better of you sometimes, especially CM Virizion, who basically 6-0s you if it gets a CM boost thanks to Focus Blast + Giga Drain + HP Ice to neuter most of your team. With that being the most obvious thing, TR Reuniclus also rips a big chunk out of your team really easily, since nothing on your team can take a hit from it easily.

CM Latias is probably the best answer to just about all of your problems, since it can effectively take on Virizion when boosting alongside it, and it really is a great check to just about any sun team and Fighting-types, since you outspeed everything except for Scarf Terrakion, who can't OHKO with X-Scissor even after Stealth Rock. Best set in this case would be max HP / Speed with a Timid nature, with Calm Mind, Roost, Dragon Pulse, and Psyshock.

To fix your weakness to TR Reuniclus, you can try a CB Scizor in place of Forretress, providing the same useful resistances that you get from Forretress while providing a lot of offensive presence as well. You now can check Reuniclus excellently while also soaking up hits from Physical Dragon-types like Haxorus. On that note, you can get a bit unorthodox and run a set of 248 HP / 46 Atk / 204 Def / 8 Spe, leaving you 3HKOed by CB Outrage while you soundly 2HKO with Bullet Punch. Most other dragons, namely Latios, are handled nicely by NWO's suggestion of Specially Defensive Heatran over your current spread. Hope this rate helped and GL!

Thanks for the rate!! Your suggestions really help because I did have problems with those pokemon especially Virizion.
brelloom fucks this team hard. sleep somehting sub focus punch everything. gengar fails to take a seed bomb well, despite the resistamnce. sub disable doesnt work thorugh sub
brelloom fucks this team hard. sleep somehting sub focus punch everything. gengar fails to take a seed bomb well, despite the resistamnce. sub disable doesnt work thorugh sub

wtf are you talking about? Gliscor is the best breloom counter in the game.
If you're still using Forretress, might I suggest switching to a Bold nature and running Volt Switch over Gyro Ball? I just can't see Gyro Ball doing a lot of damage to anything that normally switches into it, while Volt Switch adds to residual damage and gives you setup opportunities on things that would try to take advantage of Forry's lack of offense.