Machamp is the next suspect in the SS NU metagame. It is seen as one of the scariest breakers in the tier due to its obscene strength with the Guts set. The combination of STAB Close Combat, boosted Facade, and Knock Off provides superb coverage. 130 base Attack coupled with Guts allows for this coverage to be abused in the best possible capacity. In addition, being able to soak status thanks to Guts and sporting respectable natural bulk allows for Machamp to partially compensate for lackluster speed and thrust itself into combat with the aforementioned offensive assault. Of course, Machamp still struggles to outrun a majority of the metagame and, without investment, is very possible to take down, making it possible to pivot around or minimize depending upon the circumstances.
Machamp has never quite been the face of NU, oftentimes contending with fellow Fighting types like Sirfetch'd, Toxicroak, Passimian, Scrafty, and even Virizion for teamslots. However, it stands out as the most dynamic and consistent breaking force as a standalone threat. It combines the sheer strength of the most potent breakers the tier has to offer -- such as the aforementioned Sirfetch'd -- with the ability to soak status and avoid a choice lock, which goes a long way towards the functionality of Machamp. Facade in particular is an amazing asset here as it functions as a catch-all for would-be Fighting type checks like Sylveon, Vileplume, Mantine, and Talonflame.
Minimizing Machamp is possible through offensive pressure, running cores with the right set of immunities, and some oddball options such as Colbur Berry Ghost types and physically defensive Arcanine, but there are no true counters to Machamp in the tier. Counterplay can exist with the lack of true counters thanks to deficiencies in the area of speed, but passive teams find themselves discouraged and reliant upon prediction to blank opposing Machamp. Wish+Protect stalling of Burn turns can only go so far as Machamp outdamages Wish and can pivot out on Protect, which can be a major factor as well.
Prediction is a noteworthy factor towards limiting Machamp. Wasting valuable turns taking burn damage on clicking a coverage move like Knock Off or even predicting around threatening opponents can leave Machamp with a quickly closing window of opportunity due to limited survivability. However, some games can go downhill quite quickly if crucial Machamp turns go wrong for the player opposing it as Machamp deals unforgiving amounts of damage when it lands the right attack. Overall, it is hard to assign a lot of value to anything as a true counter to Machamp given this, but checking it and forming strategies around restricting it very much can be argued.
Teammates for Machamp largely focus around the concept of generating momentum and finding openings for it to enter safely, which can be a limiting factor for it in terms of what archetypes it may fit on and what Pokemon it may partner with. Tier regulars such as Rotom-Mow, Talonflame, and Xatu still suffice in this role, however. This does mean that Machamp will not work on every team or necessarily be as common as some other suspects, but do not let this detract from the impact it could have within games it is used.
Overall, Machamp is a potent offensive presence that comes with some frighteningly effective characteristics and limiting flaws. Naturally it can threaten close to the entire metagame while being among the strongest Pokemon in the tier, but speed and longevity do not do Machamp many favors. Pivoting assistance can make Machamp a very menacing Pokemon to face, but without the right support and timing, it could find itself a step behind where one would picture a top tier threat.
- Reading this is mandatory for participating in the suspect test. The voting requirements are a minimum GXE of 79 with at least 50 games played. In addition, you may play 1 less game for every 0.2 GXE you have above 79 GXE, down to a minimum of 30 games at a GXE of 83. Also, needing more than 50 games to reach 79 GXE will suffice. **It is now 79 GXE**
GXE | minimum games |
79 | 50 |
79.2 | 49 |
79.4 | 48 |
79.6 | 47 |
79.8 | 46 |
80 | 45 |
80.2 | 44 |
80.4 | 43 |
80.6 | 42 |
80.8 | 41 |
81 | 40 |
81.2 | 39 |
81.4 | 38 |
81.6 | 37 |
81.8 | 36 |
82 | 35 |
82.2 | 34 |
82.4 | 33 |
82.6 | 32 |
82.8 | 31 |
83 | 30 |
- You must signup with a newly registered account on Pokemon Showdown! that begins with the appropriate prefix for the suspect test. For this suspect test, the prefix will be NUYB For example, I might signup with the ladder account NUYB Finch
- Laddering with an account that impersonates, mocks, or insults another Smogon user or breaks Pokemon Showdown! rules may be disqualified from voting and infracted. Moderator discretion will be applied here. If there is any doubt or hesitance when making the alt, just pick another name. There are infinite possibilities and we have had trouble for this repeatedly. If you wish to participate in the suspect, you should be able to exhibit decent enough judgement here. We will not be lenient.
- We will be using the regular NU ladder for this suspect test. We will not be creating a new Suspect Ladder. At the beginning of every battle, there will be an announcement denoting the ongoing suspect with a link to this thread.
- The aspects being tested, Machamp, will be allowed on the ladder.
- Any form of voting manipulation will result in swift and severe punishment. You are more than welcome to state your argument to as many people as you so please, but do not use any kind of underhanded tactics to get a result you desire. Bribery, blackmail, or any other type of tactic used to sway votes will be handled and sanctioned.
- Do not attempt to cheat the ladder. We will know if you did not actually achieve voting requisites, so don't do it. Harsh sanctions will be applied.
- The suspect test will go on for two weeks, lasting until Sunday, August 21st @ 11:59pm (GMT-4), and then we will put up the voting thread in the Blind Voting subforum.