Don’t poke the bear, just focus on the fear,
I focus on the money, I can see it crystal clear
You can feel it in the air, I keep all my shooters near
When it's all said and done, the circle get the square

The first suspect of SV after home compatability is upon us! Ursaluna was very nearly quickbanned, coming just shy by one vote.
Ursaluna has quickly cemented itself as one of the top threats in Doubles OU. It has all that a Pokémon could ask for, with excellent stats, offensive typing, ability, and movepool. While only 550 bst, its stats are maximized for Trick Room attacking, where it has low speed and special attack, but fantastic bulk and 140 base attack. The Guts ability allows it to carry a Flame Orb to status itself, and then receive an attack boost and immunity from other status moves such as Amoonguss’ Spore. Combine this with STAB Facades that hit ridiculously hard, and you’ll be focusing on the fear. To round this out, Ursaluna also has Ground typing that lets it punish Steel & Rock types that could resist its Facade, and two great Ground moves in Headlong Rush and Earthquake. It even gets some solid coverage moves like Crunch, Close Combat, Heavy Slam, and Stone Edge that can punish would-be counters. This leaves very little room to maneuver around Ursaluna once it is properly positioned, almost guaranteeing it will rack up KO’s and square that circle.
If all that wasn’t enough, Ursaluna has also received some excellent partners in reliable Trick Room setters like Cresselia & Diancie. It’s especially seen use alongside Cresselia, whose ground immunity lets Ursaluna fire off Earthquakes with reckless abandon. Cresselia is also able to support Ursaluna with Lunar Blessing to relieve its damage taken from Burn, and Ally Switch to protect Ursaluna from unwanted attacks. With Ursaluna’s Iron Hands-esque bulk, it’s even started to see play outside of Trick Room teams just as a fat attacker, sometimes paired alongside tailwind users such as Tornadus.
With that being said, Ursaluna does have some drawbacks. Its typing is great offensively, but isn’t so special defensively, being weak to common attack types like Fighting, Grass, Water, and Ice. This can sometimes lead to it getting picked off by priority moves such as a Jet Punch from Palafin-Hero or Aqua Jet from Basculegion, or otherwise strong attacks from Iron Hands, Rillaboom, and Chien-Pao. Alongside this, it speed ties many other prominent Trick Room threats like Diancie and Iron Hands, and is undersped by some like Torkoal and Amoonguss. This can sometimes make it tricky for Ursaluna to get into the position it wants, where it has multiple turns of Trick Room to freely operate and KO multiple Pokémon.
As usual, 60% of the vote must be in favor to ban Ursaluna.
Important: For this suspect, there will be two ways to qualify. The first is the typical laddering period, where players must reach the minimum GXE. The second is by winning a live suspect tournament, to be held in the Smogon Doubles Room. You may compete in the suspect tournament on any account, and will need to post proof of you winning the suspect tournament on the voter ID thread.
There will be two live suspect tournaments:
Suspect Tournament Times
Sunday, June 18th at 4:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-4)
The laddering period will last for a total of nine days.
Laddering Period
Start: Friday, June 16th at 8:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-4)
End: Sunday, June 25th at 8:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-4)
All games must be played on the Pokemon Showdown! Doubles OU ladder on a fresh alt with the prefix “DOUBX [Name].” For example, I may use the name “DOUBX Actuarily” to qualify.
To qualify to vote, you must achieve a minimum GXE of 80 with at least 50 games played. In addition, you may subtract 1 game for every 0.2 GXE you have above 80 GXE, down to a minimum of 30 games at a GXE of 84. As always, needing more than 50 games to reach 80 GXE is fine.
GXE | minimum games |
80 | 50 |
80.2 | 49 |
80.4 | 48 |
80.6 | 47 |
80.8 | 46 |
81 | 45 |
81.2 | 44 |
81.4 | 43 |
81.6 | 42 |
81.8 | 41 |
82 | 40 |
82.2 | 39 |
82.4 | 38 |
82.6 | 37 |
82.8 | 36 |
83 | 35 |
83.2 | 34 |
83.4 | 33 |
83.6 | 32 |
83.8 | 31 |
84 | 30 |
Ursaluna will be legal during this suspect.
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