Miraidon has been a topic of controvery since the generation came out, with an incredible speed stat only eclipsed by few niche Pokemon and the strongest raw attacking stat of any Pokemon when in Electric Terrain. It's been present on all but our first playerbase survey, with consistent high dissatisfaction regarding its presence in the tier. On the most recent one, it recieved a 6.48/10 overall and a 6.78/10 from the qualified playerbase. This is far higher than almost anything else we've ever asked about on one of these, and with its high usage and warping metagame it was fitting to be the target for a suspect test.
Miraidon is one of the strongest Pokémon ever released. In terms of raw damage, it outclasses even Mega Rayquaza. It is one of the most meta defining Pokémon of all time, and is a brutal combination of speed, bulk, and power. Miraidon does have a handful of checks, but these are Pokémon that are very easily exploited by the other Pokémon in the tier. Miriadon has shaped the tier around itself since it was released in SV, and has never been less than a top 2 Pokemon in the tier, constantly shifting sets to be more effective at breaking the trends of the time designed to put a stop to it. Miraidon's raw power is further bolstered by its excellent other stats, with respectable bulk for an Ubers setting, and existing within the crucial 135 speed tier. On top of this, Miraidon has a surprisingly high amount of set variety, between the raw breaking power provided by a Choice Specs or Life Orb Miraidon, the pivoting prowess of Heavy Duty Boots, and the various options for setup Miraidon on HO teams with tools like double dance and various Tera type combinations. This can make it difficult while teambuilding to prepare for every set, putting a strain on both Pokemon choice and tera type choice to try and shore up any possible weaknesses to this variety it has.
However, Miraidon isn't the most overwhelming force we've ever seen either, which is why it's survived this long in the generation in the first place when compared to something like Calyrex-S getting quickbanned on release. While it does have immense power, both of its STABs have immunities from 2 very powerful types, Ground and Fairy, and the Pokemon pool with those types not being weak with the existence of Arceus, Gliscor, Zacian-C, and others. This leads to it needing to predict well to get through certain bulky cores, and losing momentum in a tier with Pokemon this strong can be difficult. With one of its best STAB moves also being Draco Meteor, this can leave it susceptible to becoming set-up fodder if it takes a KO, although it can use Taunt to try and deal with this. Also, other strong Pokemon like Zacian-C, Choice Scarf Koraidon, and lesser used picks like Deoxys-A, Iron Bundle, and Chien-Pao can pick it off with either minimal chip damage or terastallization, making it not completely overwhelming against offensive teams either. While it has good enough natural bulk to survive these hits and high natural speed and power, it can only hold one of Heavy-Duty Boots for longevity, Choice Scarf / Specs for speed or power, or Leftovers / Electric Seed for set up sets, making it more reasonable to play around Miraidon in game than in the builder since you can work around the possible sets or any information that is revealed early.
Considering the results of the survey and also our most recent PR thread, a common question would probably be: why not Last Respects? When we were looking at the results as well as that PR thread it was quite split overall, with Miraidon being the far more impactful Pokemon on the metagame but Last Respects getting higher numbers on the survey's qualified section by a lot, just not the overall section. To solve this, we had an internal council vote, which again in the split opinion nature of this topic ended 4-4 with our 8 person council. Ultimately it was left to myself and Aberforth as tier leaders to make the final call when our council could not come to even a simple majority, and we decided on suspect testing Miraidon first.
Aberforth | Edgar | Entrocefalo | Fc | Fogbound Lake | Kate | Manaphy | Minority |
Miraidon | Last Respects | Miraidon | Miraidon | Last Respects | Last Respects | Miraidon | Last Respects |
Suspect Test Information
- The voting requirements are a minimum GXE of 80 with at least 50 games played. In addition, you may play 1 less game for every 0.2 GXE you have above 80 GXE, down to a minimum of 30 games at a GXE of 84. Also, needing more than 50 games to reach 80 GXE will suffice. For reference, there's a minimum games required table posted below.
- You must signup with a newly registered account on Pokemon Showdown! that begins with the appropriate prefix for the suspect test. For this suspect test, the prefix will be UBMS. For example, I might sign up with the ladder account UBMS Fc.
- Laddering with an account that impersonates, mocks, or insults another Smogon user or breaks Pokemon Showdown! rules may be disqualified from voting and infracted. Moderator discretion will be applied here. If there is any doubt or hesitation when making the alt, just pick another name. There are infinite possibilities and we have had trouble for this repeatedly. If you wish to participate in the suspect, you should be able to exhibit decent enough judgement here. We will not be lenient.
- We will be using the regular Ubers ladder for this suspect test. We will not be creating a new Suspect Ladder. At the beginning of every battle, there will be an announcement denoting the ongoing suspect with a link to this thread.
- Any form of voting manipulation will result in swift and severe punishment. You are more than welcome to state your argument to as many people as you so please, but do not use any kind of underhanded tactics to get a result you desire. Bribery, blackmail, or any other type of tactic used to sway votes will be handled and sanctioned.
- Do not attempt to cheat the ladder. We will know if you did not actually achieve voting requisites, so don't do it. Harsh sanctions will be applied.
- We will be posting the voting identification thread shortly after this thread. Your voting requisites will be confirmed by a moderator. Please avoid getting more games before getting confirmed.
- The suspect test will go on for two weeks, lasting until Sunday March 17th, 10:30 PM GMT -4, and then we will put up the voting thread in the Blind Voting subforum.
GXE | Minimum Games Required |
80 | 50 |
80.2 | 49 |
80.4 | 48 |
80.6 | 47 |
80.8 | 46 |
81 | 45 |
81.2 | 44 |
81.4 | 43 |
81.6 | 42 |
81.8 | 41 |
82 | 40 |
82.2 | 39 |
82.4 | 38 |
82.6 | 37 |
82.8 | 36 |
83 | 35 |
83.2 | 34 |
83.4 | 33 |
83.6 | 32 |
83.8 | 31 |
84 | 30 |
This thread will be open to allow all users to share their thoughts on this suspect test and discuss with one another their thoughts. However, this thread will be strictly moderated, more so than the average Ubers forum thread. Our moderators will apply discretion as to what is appropriate. Please read and keep in mind the following before posting:
Suspect Test Rules
- Do not discuss the banning of other topics such as Koraidon or Last Respects. Posts involving those will be deleted.
- No unhelpful one liners nor uninformed posts;
- No discussion on other potential suspects;
- No discussion on the suspect process;
- You are required to make respectful posts;
- Failure to follow these simple guidelines will result in your post being deleted and infracted without any prior warning.
- Please also take a moment to read over some suggestions from the Ubers Council and the Ubers Moderation team for posting in this thread; adhering these will help out our time moderating the thread and present your arguments better and more educated.
- Do not argue because it's your favorite Pokemon. This should be common sense, but please don't do this, because we will delete posts like this.
- You do not need a boatload of experience to have an informed opinion, but please try to minimize the theorymon aspect and use your experiences watching and playing. Playing some on the ladder before posting is plenty if you're concerned about this.
- Do not flame, belittle, or be disrespectful to users in this thread. While not everyone will read this post in its entirety nor will everyone have informed opinion, please be sure not to be disrespectful. If there's an issue, bring it up to a moderator.
- Do not use the argument of broken checking broken. Should your argument rest on your opinion that banning the Pokemon or mechanic being tested in this suspect test will make a Pokemon or mechanic broken, overpowered, and/or uncompetitive; don't. If something needs to be banned because of the result this suspect, then so be it.
- This thread is not to voice complaints about the suspect process or decisions of the council. While we are more than open to hearing complaints that may arise, this isn't the place for it. I suggest you message the Ubers Council, an Ubers Tier Leader (myself or Aberforth), or make a post in Senior Staff requests, should you have a badge.
Keep in mind that our suspect tests are decided by the community; anyone who achieves voting requisites is allowed to vote. The outcome is up to you. Happy posting and laddering!
The test will run until Sunday March 17th, 10:30 PM GMT -4. In order to ban Miraidon, a 66.6% supermajority will be required. If you meet the requirements then post a screenshot in the voting requirements thread - but please take note of the criteria outlined there when you do in order to be eligible!
Tagging dhelmise and Marty to announce this on the Ubers ladder, thank you!
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