Cool Underrated Pokemon in ZU
Hey all! It's your favourite Flittle Fanatic here again to speak about some Pokemon who I think are underutilized in the current Metagame. I think SV ZU has so many threatening Pokemon in this tier that no-one uses so I wanted to make a post highlighting them, so here we go!
Fun Fact; Greedent is the only Normal type in ZU with access to Swords Dance. And it is really annoying when you use it. Firstly, Greedent has some pretty impressive bulk for a Pokemon in ZU. 120/95/75 in bulk is very impressive when you compare it to other Pokemon known for their bulk in the meta, such as Swalot. It allows Greedent to live hits from even the scariest wallbreakers the tier. For example, with only 24 Special Defense EV's and Max HP (Greedent isn't running speed anyway), you always live a Focus Blast from Specs Grumpig and you can take hits from Guts Luxray very well also, with not even Tera Normal Facade being able to OHKO you from full. You can use this bulk to force trades versus teams like Balance due to Greedents amazing offensive coverage with Earthquake and Crunch and great attack stat to back this up. This makes for an excellent wallbreaker who I believe should be utilized more in this tier.
The American Patriot Gumshoos is in the tier, but he won't be making walls; he'll be breaking them. With Stakeout, this Pokemon doesn't have any switch ins, so with support from pivots such as Dedenne, this Pokemon is able to tear through teams like its nothing and really help you in breaking down the opposing team to clean up later with a Pokemon such as Grumpig. It helps that Gumshoos also has a pivotting move in U-turn so it can fit pretty well in VoltTurn cores with other pivots alongside it, a trait I really love that this Pokemon can offer you. There are some downsides to Gumshoos of course. The bulk is pretty average and its defensive typing is not helping while it also is quite slow, but when using this Pokemon correctly, I have just noticed it does so well so I hope you try it
Here's a replay of it. Even though I lost here, I think this replay can really show how great Gumshoos was at breaking down my opponents team here, but also shows some of its flaws so you can keep it in mind when using it.
Even though I have seen a little bit of a rise in this Pokemon's usage, I don't think it has the usage it deserves quite yet. Firstly, this thing is surprisingly good at checking the best Pokemon in the tier at the moment, Grumpig, because it resists/is immune to all of its moves, except Focus Blast which people don't seem to like running, which is a wonderful trait to have. Not only that, it has an amazing speed tier and offensive STABS and stats as well, with the option to go physical, which has Brave Bird, priority and a pivotting move in U-turn while Special has Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Hurricane and Heat Wave to hit steels. And it just turns out that its really hard to wall Murkrow too without running a generally fat special mon which can just get bombed on the switch if it turns out to be physicals anyway, so nothing is really safe from Murkrow on the switch anyways. The con of Murkrow is that it's bulk is bad but due to Grumpig being so prevalent, its not as bad as it used to be so I would definitely suggest Murkrow for players to try out.
Hey all! It's your favourite Flittle Fanatic here again to speak about some Pokemon who I think are underutilized in the current Metagame. I think SV ZU has so many threatening Pokemon in this tier that no-one uses so I wanted to make a post highlighting them, so here we go!

Fun Fact; Greedent is the only Normal type in ZU with access to Swords Dance. And it is really annoying when you use it. Firstly, Greedent has some pretty impressive bulk for a Pokemon in ZU. 120/95/75 in bulk is very impressive when you compare it to other Pokemon known for their bulk in the meta, such as Swalot. It allows Greedent to live hits from even the scariest wallbreakers the tier. For example, with only 24 Special Defense EV's and Max HP (Greedent isn't running speed anyway), you always live a Focus Blast from Specs Grumpig and you can take hits from Guts Luxray very well also, with not even Tera Normal Facade being able to OHKO you from full. You can use this bulk to force trades versus teams like Balance due to Greedents amazing offensive coverage with Earthquake and Crunch and great attack stat to back this up. This makes for an excellent wallbreaker who I believe should be utilized more in this tier.

The American Patriot Gumshoos is in the tier, but he won't be making walls; he'll be breaking them. With Stakeout, this Pokemon doesn't have any switch ins, so with support from pivots such as Dedenne, this Pokemon is able to tear through teams like its nothing and really help you in breaking down the opposing team to clean up later with a Pokemon such as Grumpig. It helps that Gumshoos also has a pivotting move in U-turn so it can fit pretty well in VoltTurn cores with other pivots alongside it, a trait I really love that this Pokemon can offer you. There are some downsides to Gumshoos of course. The bulk is pretty average and its defensive typing is not helping while it also is quite slow, but when using this Pokemon correctly, I have just noticed it does so well so I hope you try it
Here's a replay of it. Even though I lost here, I think this replay can really show how great Gumshoos was at breaking down my opponents team here, but also shows some of its flaws so you can keep it in mind when using it.

Even though I have seen a little bit of a rise in this Pokemon's usage, I don't think it has the usage it deserves quite yet. Firstly, this thing is surprisingly good at checking the best Pokemon in the tier at the moment, Grumpig, because it resists/is immune to all of its moves, except Focus Blast which people don't seem to like running, which is a wonderful trait to have. Not only that, it has an amazing speed tier and offensive STABS and stats as well, with the option to go physical, which has Brave Bird, priority and a pivotting move in U-turn while Special has Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Hurricane and Heat Wave to hit steels. And it just turns out that its really hard to wall Murkrow too without running a generally fat special mon which can just get bombed on the switch if it turns out to be physicals anyway, so nothing is really safe from Murkrow on the switch anyways. The con of Murkrow is that it's bulk is bad but due to Grumpig being so prevalent, its not as bad as it used to be so I would definitely suggest Murkrow for players to try out.
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