NU C&C Index and Reservations

Hello, Ursaring is fully written up and awaiting its last QC check, thanks ^_^
Hihi; Regice is now in skeleton form, ready to be looked at by QC! :)

Also, I don't mean to continue pestering about this, but Phione and Dunsparce are only one check away from being written; pretty simple Pokemon, not a lot to analyze, so if a QC can get them rolling, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. :]
ill work on the formatting later, but i think i have all the content up to date. The following are availabie for reservation again:

Scolipede (sry zeb its been more than the week)
Musharna (i suck)
Rotom-F (I suck)
Linoone (sry zeb its been 7 months)

if i missed something post it here and ill catch it next time!

Someone really needs to take over these analyses, especially the first two since they're major Pokemon in the meta.

Edit: also please don't be afraid to vm QC members for checks, or ask in #neverused. Current members that will generally get shit done: me, Treecko, EBeast, Raseri, FLCL.
Someone really needs to take over these analyses, especially the first two since they're major Pokemon in the meta.

I already reserved Scolipede, but if someone wanted to grab Musharna, that'd be swell.

Edit: also please don't be afraid to vm QC members for checks, or ask in #neverused. Current members that will generally get shit done: me, Treecko, EBeast, Raseri, FLCL.

Echoing this. Asking in #neverused is better for me so that you can catch me realtime, since when I get VMs, I check them when I first log on and don't feel like QCing anything.
I'll reserve Musharna. I also plan on reserving Natu once I can get the third QC for Butterfree.
Hi guys, can we follow the OP when posting in here and only post to reserve a Pokemon, when its skeleton is up and ready for GP, and when the analysis is ready to go onsite please? It just causes clutter otherwise. Thanks!
Hey guys, longtime lurker; just recently created an account. I noticed all the unreserved C&C analyses and wanted to help (NU is my favorite meta). Anyway, I'd like to reserve Liepard
Hi guys, can we follow the OP when posting in here and only post to reserve a Pokemon, when its skeleton is up and ready for GP, and when the analysis is ready to go onsite please? It just causes clutter otherwise. Thanks!

Place don't listen to this. The more posts you have in here the easier it is for me to update this. sry treecko :(