National Dex Offensive Heatran

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Offensive (Heatran) @ Leftovers / Air Balloon / Grassium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Hidden Power Ice / Toxic / Tera Blast / Solar Beam

Offensive Heatran cements itself as a very good wallbreaker thanks to its amazing typing that lets it get multiple entry points on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Tornadus-T, Choice Band Weavile, and Mega Scizor as well as its solid movepool that lets it deal with some of its checks and make progress. Magma Storm is a powerful Fire-type STAB move that can wear down switch-ins, like Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Alomomola, and trap and eliminate Toxapex. Earth Power gives Heatran crucial coverage to hit Pokemon resistant to Fire such as Toxapex, Gouging Fire, Garganacl, and most importantly, opposing Heatran. Taunt allows Heatran to shut down recovery from defensive Pokemon, such as Toxapex and Garganacl, as well as deny setup attempts from Pokemon like Mega Latias and Gouging Fire. Hidden Power Ice allows Heatran to lure Pokemon such as Gliscor, Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Dragonite to the benefit of teammates such as Volcarona, Zamazenta, and Raging Bolt. Toxic can be used to hinder common switch-ins, such as Garchomp and Rotom-W, as well as punish setup sweepers such as Volcarona, Mega Latias, and Gouging Fire. Tera Blast in conjunction with Tera Grass effectively gives Heatran a Grass-type STAB option that lets it lure in and remove Water-types, such as Alomomola and Rotom-W, for teammates such as Gouging Fire and Landorus-T. Tera Grass also turns Heatran's weaknesses to Ground and Water into resistances while retaining its immunity to Fire thanks to Flash Fire, helping it beat Pokemon like Gliscor, Mega Charizard Y, and Volcarona lacking Bug Buzz. Should your team's Z-Crystal slot be available, Heatran can utilize Solar Beam in the last slot with Grassium Z to weaken checks such as Ting-Lu and Mega Tyranitar for teammates like Darkrai, Mega Charizard Y, and Gouging Fire. Leftovers gives Heatran a source of recovery that gives it more longevity throughout a game, while Air Balloon can turn the tables on Ground-types, such as Landorus-T and Gliscor, as well as Pokemon that carry Ground-type coverage, such as Gouging Fire and Dragonite, while also giving it a temporary immunity to Spikes. A Modest nature is preferred to maximize Heatran's power, but a Timid nature can be used instead to outspeed tank Garchomp. Special wallbreakers like Mega Charizard Y and Darkrai appreciate Heatran's ability to remove special walls such as Toxapex and Chansey. Mega Charizard Y in particular is a great teammate for Heatran, as it can pivot into Ground- and Fighting-type attacks aimed at it while also boosting Heatran's Fire-type attacks with Drought. Other wallbreakers such as Dragonite and Rillaboom appreciate Heatran's ability to wear down Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Toxapex. Rillaboom can also get up Grassy Terrain, which gives Heatran passive recovery, weakens opposing Earthquake users, and boosts the power of Tera Blast Grass and Solar Beam, making it easier for Heatran to blow through Pokemon such as Dondozo, Garchomp, and Mega Tyranitar. On the other hand, Dragonite can check Ogerpon-W and pivot into Ground-type attacks aimed at Heatran from Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Gliscor. Due to Heatran's vulnerability to Ground, pivots such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W make great partners, especially since they can pivot into Heatran against their checks such as Corviknight and Ferrothorn.

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Offensive (Heatran) @ Leftovers, Air Balloon, Grassium Z Leftovers / Air Balloon / Grassium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Hidden Power Ice / Toxic / Tera Blast / Solar Beam

Offensive Heatran cements itself as a very good wallbreaker one of the best wallbreakers in the metagame thanks to its amazing typing that lets it get multiple entry points (list a few mons its typing lets it come in on) as well as its excellent movepool to deal with some of its checks and make progress. Magma Storm is a powerful fire-STAB move that can trap defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex and Dondozo while also wearing down switch-ins like Landorus-T and Garchomp. Earth Power gives Heatran crucial coverage to hit common Fire-resists such as Toxapex, Gouging Fire, Garganacl, and most importantly, opposing Heatran. Taunt allows Heatran to shut down recovery from defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex and Garganacl, as well as deter setup attempts from Pokemon like Mega Latias and Gouging Fire. Hidden Power Ice allows Heatran to hit ground-types that would otherwise switch-in such as Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T while also hitting Dragonite super effectively. Toxic can be used to cripple common switch-ins such as Garchomp and Rotom-Wash as well as put setup sweepers such as Volcarona, Mega Latias, and Gouging Fire on a timer (also mention the sheer amount of passive damage you force on non Toxic-immune switch-ins like Mega Latias / Rotom-W). Tera Blast in conjunction with Tera Grass effectively gives Heatran a grass STAB option that lets it plow through water-types such as Alomomola and Rotom-W. (join sentence with the one on Tera Grass) Should Heatran's team Z-Crystal slot be available however, Heatran can utilize Solar Beam in the last slot with Grassium-Z to blow through checks such as Dondozo and Mega Tyranitar. Tera Grass is preferred as it allows Heatran to turn its Water and Ground weakness into resistances while keeping its valuable Grass resistance (why is the grass resistance important / what does resisting water do for you (allows you to remove dozo) / honestly just emphasize how Tera Grass adds to its defensive utility with Flash Fire). Leftovers gives Heatran a source of recovery that lets it stick more throughout a game, while Air Balloon can turn the tables on ground-types such as Landorus-T and Gliscor as well as Pokemon that carry ground coverage such as Gouging Fire and Dragonite (could also mention Spikes immunity?). Grassium-Z should only be used alongside Solar Beam to give Heatran access to Bloom Doom. A Modest nature is preferred to maximize Heatrans power, however, a Timid nature can be used instead to outspeed Pokemon such as Tank Garchomp and Adamant Dragonite. Special wallbreakers like Mega Charizard-Y and Darkrai appreciate Heatran's ability to remove special walls such as Toxapex and Chansey, Mega Charizard-Y in particular is also a great teammate for Heatran as it can pivot into ground and fighting-type attacks aimed at Heatran while also summoning sun for it to take advantage of. Other wallbreakers such as Dragonite and Rillaboom appreciate Heatran's ability to wear down Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Toxapex, Rillaboom can also get up Grassy Terrain which gives Heatran passive recovery, weakens Earthquakes for it, and boosts the power of Tera Blast and Solar Beam, making it easier for Heatran to blow through Pokemon such as Dondozo, Garchomp, and Mega Tyranitar. (dnite also does incredibly well into wellspring) Due to Heatran's vulnerability to ground-type attack, pivots such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W make great partners, both can also bait in steel types such as Corviknight and Ferrothorn respectively which allows Heatran entry to threaten them.

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Offensive (Heatran) @ Leftovers / Air Balloon / Grassium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Hidden Power Ice / Toxic / Tera Blast / Solar Beam

Offensive Heatran cements itself as a very good wallbreaker in the metagame thanks to its amazing typing that lets it get multiple entry points on mon's like Ferrothorn, Torandus-T, Tapu Lele, and Mega Mawile scarf lele blast does 72 min, and +2 sucker has a good chance to just ohko after rocks, something like scizor, glowking or choiced val/weav works better as well as its excellent solid the only real coverage it gets is ep, other than that u rely on hp ice/z/tera movepool to deal with some of its checks and make progress. Magma Storm is a powerful fire-STAB move that can trap defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex and Dondozo while also wearing down switch-ins like Landorus-T and Garchomp this part should be reworded, u don't really wear down pex u just trap it and kill it, so lando and chomp should be in the first part and then a mention of it being able to remove pex should be after, also replace dozo for alo in the first part, so it would be lando/chomp/alo mention and then pex mention of trapping and removing it. Earth Power gives Heatran crucial coverage to hit common Fire-resists such as Toxapex, Gouging Fire, Garganacl, and most importantly, opposing Heatran. Taunt allows Heatran to shut down recovery from defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex and Garganacl, as well as deter deny setup attempts from Pokemon like Mega Latias and Gouging Fire. Hidden Power Ice allows Heatran to hit ground-types that would otherwise switch-in such as Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T while also hitting Dragonite super effectively lure Pokemon such as Gliscor, Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Dragonite to the benefit of teammates such as... . Toxic can be used to cripple common switch-ins such as Garchomp and Rotom-Wash as well as put punishing setup sweepers such as Volcarona, Mega Latias, and Gouging Fire on a timer by racking huge amounts of passive damage when combined with Magma Storm. Tera Blast in conjunction with Tera Grass effectively gives Heatran a grass STAB option that lets it plow through lure in and remove water-types such as Alomomola and Rotom-W mention some mons that like those two being removed. Should Heatran's team Z-Crystal slot be available however, Heatran can utilize Solar Beam in the last slot with Grassium-Z to blow through checks such as Dondozo and Mega Tyranitar. [Tera Grass is preferred as it allows Heatran to turn its ground weakness into an resistance while also making it a Grass type that is immune to fire due to its Flash Fire ability.] this part should be merged with the other mention of tera grass Leftovers gives Heatran a source of recovery that lets it stick more throughout a game, while Air Balloon can turn the tables on ground-types such as Landorus-T and Gliscor as well as Pokemon that carry ground coverage such as Gouging Fire and Dragonite while also giving it a one time temporary spikes immunity. Grassium-Z should only be used alongside Solar Beam to give Heatran access to Bloom Doom. this is redundant with the previous mention of grass z A Modest nature is preferred to maximize Heatrans power, however, a Timid nature can be used instead to outspeed Pokemon such as Tank Garchomp and Adamant Dragonite Tank Garchomp adamant dnite is slower than lop, koko, and zama at +1, very very bad set. Special wallbreakers like Mega Charizard-Y and Darkrai appreciate Heatran's ability to remove special walls such as Toxapex and Chansey, separate these two sentences here Mega Charizard-Y in particular is also a great teammate for Heatran as it can pivot into ground and fighting-type attacks aimed at Heatran while also summoning sun for it to take advantage of boosting its fire-type attacks with Drought. Other wallbreakers such as Dragonite and Rillaboom appreciate Heatran's ability to wear down Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Toxapex, Rillaboom can also get up Grassy Terrain which gives Heatran passive recovery, weakens Earthquakes for it, and boosts the power of Tera Blast and Solar Beam, making it easier for Heatran to blow through Pokemon such as Dondozo, Garchomp, and Mega Tyranitar while Dragonite can do incredibly well into Ogrepon-W and pivot into earthquakes ground-type attacks aimed at Heatran from mon's like Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Gliscor. Due to Heatran's vulnerability to ground-type attack, pivots such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W make great partners, both can also bait in steel types such as Corviknight and Ferrothorn respectively which allows Heatran entry to threaten them. while also pivoting in Heatran on their checks such as Corviknight and Ferrothorn.

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lmk when you've implemented this, then ill give the 2/2
Tera Grass also lets Heatran to turn its weaknesses to ground and water weakness into an resistances while also making it a Grass type that is immune to fire due to its Flash Fire ability. retaining its immunity to Fire thanks to Flash Fire mention some stuff that this helps it beat, like gliscor yard and volc w/o buzz
Should Heatran's team Z-Crystal slot be available however, Heatran can utilize Solar Beam in the last slot with Grassium-Z to blow through weaken checks such as Dondozo Ting-lu and Mega Tyranitar missed this part before, but dozo doesn't like switching in on heatran and u only do 75 max even to offensive mtar, also mention some partners that like those two being weakened, eg rai yard neck.
after this 2/2
here's an amcheck, feel free to implement or wait for an official gp check
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Offensive (Heatran) @ Leftovers / Air Balloon / Grassium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Hidden Power Ice / Toxic / Tera Blast / Solar Beam

Offensive Heatran cements itself as a very good wallbreaker in the metagame thanks to its amazing typing that lets it get multiple entry points on mon's Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Torandus Tornadus-T, Choice Band Weavile, and Mega Scizor as well as its solid movepool to that lets it deal with some of its checks and make progress. Magma Storm is a powerful Fire-type STAB move that can wear down switch-ins, (ah) (ac) like Landorus-T, Garchomp, (ac) and Alomomola, while also being able to and trap and eliminate Toxapex. (removed space between pex & period) Earth Power gives Heatran crucial coverage to hit common Fire-resists Pokemon resistant to Fire-type moves such as Toxapex, Gouging Fire, Garganacl, and most importantly, opposing Heatran. Taunt allows Heatran to shut down recovery from defensive Pokemon, (ac) such as Toxapex and Garganacl, as well as deny setup attempts from Pokemon like Mega Latias and Gouging Fire. Hidden Power Ice allows Heatran to lure Pokemon such as Gliscor, Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Dragonite to the benefit of teammates such as Volcarona, Zamazenta, and Raging Bolt. Toxic can be used to cripple hinder common switch-ins, (ac) such as Garchomp and Rotom-Wash, (ac) as well as punishing setup sweepers such as Volcarona, Mega Latias, and Gouging Fire. Tera Blast in conjunction with Tera Grass effectively gives Heatran a grass Grass-type STAB option that lets it lure in and remove water Water-types, (ac) such as Alomomola and Rotom-W, (ac) for teammates such as Gouging Fire and Landorus-T. (rc, ap) Tera Grass also lets Heatran to turn its turns Heatran's weaknesses to ground Ground and water Water into resistances while retaining its immunity to Fire thanks to Flash Fire, helping it beat Pokemon like Gliscor, Mega Charizard-Y, and Volcarona lacking Bug Buzz. Should Heatran's team your team's Z-Crystal slot be available however, Heatran can utilize Solar Beam in the last slot with Grassium-Z to weaken checks, (ac) such as Ting-Lu and Mega Tyranitar, (ac) for teammates like Darkrai, Mega Charizard-Y, and Gouging Fire. Leftovers gives Heatran a source of recovery that lets it stick more gives it more longevity throughout a game, while Air Balloon can turn the tables on ground Ground-types, (ac) such as Landorus-T and Gliscor, (ac) as well as Pokemon that carry ground Ground coverage, (ac) such as Gouging Fire and Dragonite, (ac) while also giving it a temporary spikes immunity immunity to Spikes. A Modest nature is preferred to maximize Heatran's (aa) power, however but (rc) a Timid nature can be used instead to outspeed Tank Garchomp. Special wallbreakers like Mega Charizard-Y and Darkrai appreciate Heatran's ability to remove special walls such as Toxapex and Chansey. Mega Charizard-Y in particular is also a great teammate for Heatran, (ac) as it can pivot into ground Ground- (ah) and fighting Fighting-type attacks aimed at Heatran while also boosting its Heatran's fire Fire-type attacks with Drought. Other wallbreakers such as Dragonite and Rillaboom appreciate Heatran's ability to wear down Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Toxapex. (rc, ap) Rillaboom can also get up set Grassy Terrain, (ac) which gives Heatran passive recovery, weakens Earthquakes for it opposing Earthquake users, and boosts the power of Grass-type Tera Blast and Solar Beam, making it easier for Heatran to blow through Pokemon such as Dondozo, Garchomp, and Mega Tyranitar. (ap) while On the other hand, Dragonite can do incredibly well into check Ogrepon Ogerpon-W and pivot into ground Ground-type attacks aimed at Heatran from Pokemon such as like Landorus-T and Gliscor. Due to Heatran's vulnerability to ground Ground-type attack attacks, pivots such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W make great partners, while also pivoting in especially since they can pivot into Heatran on their checks such as Corviknight and Ferrothron Ferrothorn.

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1/1, GP Team done

Crediting Techno too.
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Offensive (Heatran) @ Leftovers / Air Balloon / Grassium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Hidden Power Ice / Toxic / Tera Blast / Solar Beam

Offensive Heatran cements itself as a very good wallbreaker in the metagame thanks to its amazing typing that lets it get multiple entry points on Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Tornadus-T, Choice Band Weavile, and Mega Scizor as well as its solid movepool that lets it deal with some of its checks and make progress. Magma Storm is a powerful Fire-type STAB move that can wear down switch-ins, like Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Alomomola, and trap and eliminate Toxapex. Earth Power gives Heatran crucial coverage to hit Pokemon resistant to Fire-type moves such as Toxapex, Gouging Fire, Garganacl, and most importantly, opposing Heatran. Taunt allows Heatran to shut down recovery from defensive Pokemon, such as Toxapex and Garganacl, as well as deny setup attempts from Pokemon like Mega Latias and Gouging Fire. Hidden Power Ice allows Heatran to lure Pokemon such as Gliscor, Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Dragonite to the benefit of teammates such as Volcarona, Zamazenta, and Raging Bolt. Toxic can be used to hinder common switch-ins, such as Garchomp and Rotom-W, as well as punish setup sweepers such as Volcarona, Mega Latias, and Gouging Fire. Tera Blast in conjunction with Tera Grass effectively gives Heatran a Grass-type STAB option that lets it lure in and remove Water-types, such as Alomomola and Rotom-W, for teammates such as Gouging Fire and Landorus-T. Tera Grass also turns Heatran's weaknesses to Ground and Water into resistances while retaining its immunity to Fire thanks to Flash Fire, helping it beat Pokemon like Gliscor, Mega Charizard Y (RH), and Volcarona lacking Bug Buzz. Should your team's Z-Crystal slot be available, Heatran can utilize Solar Beam in the last slot with Grassium Z (RH) to weaken checks (RC) such as Ting-Lu and Mega Tyranitar for teammates like Darkrai, Mega Charizard Y (RH), and Gouging Fire. Leftovers gives Heatran a source of recovery that gives it more longevity throughout a game, while Air Balloon can turn the tables on Ground-types, such as Landorus-T and Gliscor, as well as Pokemon that carry Ground-type coverage, such as Gouging Fire and Dragonite, while also giving it a temporary immunity to Spikes. A Modest nature is preferred to maximize Heatran's power, but a Timid nature can be used instead to outspeed Tank tank Garchomp. Special wallbreakers like Mega Charizard Y (RH) and Darkrai appreciate Heatran's ability to remove special walls such as Toxapex and Chansey. Mega Charizard Y (RH) in particular is a great teammate for Heatran, as it can pivot into Ground- and Fighting-type attacks aimed at Heatran it while also boosting Heatran's Fire-type attacks with Drought. Other wallbreakers such as Dragonite and Rillaboom appreciate Heatran's ability to wear down Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Toxapex. Rillaboom can also get up Grassy Terrain, which gives Heatran passive recovery, weakens opposing Earthquake users, and boosts the power of Grass-type Tera Blast Grass and Solar Beam, making it easier for Heatran to blow through Pokemon such as Dondozo, Garchomp, and Mega Tyranitar. On the other hand, Dragonite can check Ogerpon-W and pivot into Ground-type attacks aimed at Heatran from Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Gliscor. Due to Heatran's vulnerability to Ground-type attack, pivots such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W make great partners, especially since they can pivot into Heatran on against their checks such as Corviknight and Ferrothorn.

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