National Dex Offensive Utility Kingambit [GP 1/1]

Offensive Utility (Kingambit) @ Leftovers / Assault Vest
Ability: Supreme Overlord / Defiant
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe OR 252 HP / 104 Atk / 152 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch
- Low Kick / Iron Head

Leveraging its great natural bulk alongside significant defensive investment and an item to further boost its longevity, Kingambit is able to act as a powerful defensive tool against Pokemon such as Gholdengo, Dragapult, and Terapagos while remaining a threatening late-game cleaner. Knock Off is Kingambit's main STAB option, boasting a high Base Power and a powerful secondary effect, particularly against Heavy-Duty Boots users such as Zapdos and Moltres and Rocky Helmet users such as Alomomola and Landorus-T. Pursuit allows Kingambit to forcibly remove most Dragapult and Gholdengo setswhile also heavily limiting most dedicated special walls, such as Blissey, Clodsire, and Galarian Slowking, and guaranteeing that Terapagos' Tera Shell is broken. Sucker Punch allows Kingambit to bypass its middling Speed stat, deterring fast and offensive Pokemon that would otherwise be problematic for Kingambit, such as offensive Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, Focus Blast variants of Gholdengo, and Mega Medicham, while also allowing it to pick off weakened foes such as Garchomp and Ogerpon-W. Low Kick is used mainly to hit opposing Kingambit while also hitting Ting-Lu and Ferrothorn and OHKOing Mega Tyranitar. Iron Head is an alternative option, allowing Kingambit to immediately threaten Iron Valiant, Tapu Koko, and Clefable while also quickly wearing down Great Tusk and all-out attacker Zamazenta. Leftovers is the premier item for Kingambit, allowing it to stick around for longer games, though the added bulk from Assault Vest is useful for trapping Tapu Lele, Terapagos, Gholdengo, and Choice Specs variants of Dragapult, giving it a good chance to live a Focus Blast from uninvested Gholdengo. Most Kingambit should use Supreme Overlord for its excellent and consistent effect, though Defiant is a viable alternative to specifically punish Landorus-T, KOing it with Knock Off into Sucker Punch, both at +1 Attack, and also punish Defog attempts from the likes of Zapdos and Corviknight. The first EV spread allows Kingambit to outspeed Clefable without Speed investment. The alternative EV spread allows Assault Vest Kingambit to survive an unboosted Focus Blast from Tapu Lele.

Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W and Volcarona appreciate Kingambit's ability to efficiently deal with Dragapult, while others such as Mega Medicham and Tapu Lele benefit from Gholdengo's absence. Iron Defense variants of Zamazenta and Mega Medicham particularly benefit from Kingambit's ability to deal with the aforementioned Ghost-types, as they are difficult for them to break while also being able to cripple them with status effects. Access to Knock Off allows Kingambit to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from foes such as Alomomola, Zapdos, and Moltres for the benefit of hazard setting teammates such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Mega Diancie. Kingambit struggles against faster Pokemon such as Zamazenta, Great Tusk, Landorus-T, and Kartana. Partners such as Zapdos and Moltres can aid Kingambit by answering multiple of these Pokemon at once. Bulkier Pokemon such as Melmetal, Ting-Lu, and Toxapex are able to consistently answer Kingambit defensively, so Dragapult, Ogerpon-W, and Raging Bolt are greatly appreciated for their ability to immediately threaten these Pokemon. It is worth noting that a significant majority of the Kingambit checks mentioned are susceptible to losing their item to Knock Off.

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trial qc 1/2

Offensive Utility (Kingambit) @ Leftovers / Assault Vest
Ability: Supreme Overlord / Defiant
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe OR 252 HP / 104 Atk / 152 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch
- Low Kick / Iron Head

Leveraging its great natural bulk alongside significant defensive investment and an item to further boost its longevity, Kingambit is able to act as a powerful defensive tool against Pokemon such as Gholdengo, Dragapult, and Terapagos, while remaining a threatening late game cleaner. Knock Off is Kingambit's main STAB option, boasting a high base power and a powerful secondary effect, particularly against Heavy-Duty Boots users such as Alomomola, Zapdos, and Moltres. can mention removing helmet from lando/mola for its team Pursuit allows Kingambit to forcibly remove most Dragapult and Gholdengo sets, while also heavily limiting most dedicated special walls such as Blissey, Clodsire and Slowking-Galar, and guaranteeing that Terapagos' Tera Shell is broken. Sucker Punch allows Kingambit to bypass its middling speed stat, deterring fast and offensive Pokemon that would otherwise be problematic for Kingambit, such as offensive Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, Focus Blast variants of Gholdengo, Ogerpon-W, and Garchomp Mega Medicham chomp is prob a bit too bulky for gambit to reliably handle w/ sucker, also could mention how it makes gambit a nice last resort vs offense/HO. Low Kick is used mainly to hit opposing Kingambit, thought it also does more damage than Knock Off to Ting-Lu and Ferrothorn could mention mega tyranitar here and how it ohkos it on the switch (avoids being ohkod itself). Iron Head is an alternative option, allowing Kingambit to immediately threaten Iron Valiant, Tapu Koko, and Clefable, while also quickly wearing down Great Tusk and Zamazenta. Leftovers is the premiere item for Kingambit, allowing it to stick around for longer games, though the added bulk from Assault Vest is useful for trapping Tapu Lele, Terapagos, Gholdengo and Choice Specs variants of Dragapult a calc could be used here to show why the bulk is useful, such as avoiding a 2hko from specs pult's flamethrower. Most Kingambit should use Supreme Overlord for its excelent and consistent effect, though Defiant is a viable alternative should you wish to punish specifically Landorus-T could be noted +1 knock into sucker can remove landoT from play, also synergises with hazard stack which could be mentioned in the next paragraph. The first EV spread allows Kingambit to outspeed Clefable without speed investment, while the second one allows Assault Vest Kingambit to survive an unboosted Focus Blast from Tapu Lele.

Pokemon such as Ogepron-W Ogerpon-W and Volcarona appreciate Kingambit's ability to efficiently deal with Dragapult, while others such as Mega Medicham and Tapu Lele benefit from Gholdengo's absence, and Iron Defense variants of Zamazenta greatly benefit from Kingambit's ability to deal with Ghost-type Pokemon in general, mainly the aforementioned two. Kingambit struggles against faster Pokemon with a resistance to Dark or sufficient bulk for Sucker Punch to not immediately threaten a KO, such as Mega Tyranitar, if low kick is the first slash this isnt really an issue IMO and ttar has to be running low kick to threaten back Zamazenta, Great Tusk, Landorus-T,and Kartana. Partners such as Melmetal, idt melm checks great tusk, zama or kartana that well (esp if the latter is fight Z) Zapdos, or Moltres can aid Kingambit by answering multiple of these Pokemon at once. Bulkier Pokemon such as defensive Volcarona, Ting-Lu, and Toxapex are able to consistently answer Kingambit defensively so Toxapex, Hisuian Samurott, and Gliscor Dragapult, Ogerpon-W and Raging Bolt idk these examples feel kinda weak, mentioning pex twice makes the sentence clunky and having hamurott paired with gambit surely isnt the best idea are greatly appreciated for their ability to deal with threaten these Pokemon. It is worth noting that a significant majority of the Kingambit checks mentioned are susceptible to losing their item to Knock Off, so they are not able to switch in without careful planning. you could mention how gambit likes hazard support from Landorus-T and mega diancie

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QC 2/2, about the "while also" part, I think you missed writing something there.
Good Work! :blobthumbsup:

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Offensive Utility (Kingambit) @ Leftovers / Assault Vest
Ability: Supreme Overlord / Defiant
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe OR 252 HP / 104 Atk / 152 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch
- Low Kick / Iron Head

Leveraging its great natural bulk alongside significant defensive investment and an item to further boost its longevity, Kingambit is able to act as a powerful defensive tool against Pokemon such as Gholdengo, Dragapult, and Terapagos, while remaining a threatening late game cleaner. Knock Off is Kingambit's main STAB option, boasting a high base power and a powerful secondary effect, particularly against Heavy-Duty Boots users such as Zapdos, and Moltres, and Rocky Helmet users such as Alomomola and Landorus-T. Pursuit allows Kingambit to forcibly remove most Dragapult and Gholdengo sets, while also heavily limiting most dedicated special walls such as Blissey, Clodsire and Slowking-Galar, and guaranteeing that Terapagos' Tera Shell is broken. Sucker Punch allows Kingambit to bypass its middling speed stat, deterring fast and offensive Pokemon that would otherwise be problematic for Kingambit, such as offensive Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, Focus Blast variants of Gholdengo, Ogerpon-W, and Mega Medicham while also . (Think you forgot something here otherwise delete the "while also.") Low Kick is used mainly to hit opposing Kingambit, thought it also does more damage than Knock Off to (filler) while also hitting Ting-Lu and Ferrothorn, and OHKOing Mega Tyranitar. Iron Head is an alternative option, allowing Kingambit to immediately threaten Iron Valiant, Tapu Koko, and Clefable, while also quickly wearing down Great Tusk and AoA Zamazenta. Leftovers is the premiere item for Kingambit, allowing it to stick around for longer games, though the added bulk from Assault Vest is useful for trapping Tapu Lele, Terapagos, Gholdengo and Choice Specs variants of Dragapult, giving it a good chance to live a Focus Blast from uninvested Gholdengo. Most Kingambit should use Supreme Overlord for its excelent and consistent effect, though Defiant is a viable alternative should you wish to punish specifically Landorus-T, KOing it with Knock Off into Sucker Punch, both at +1 attack, and can also punish Defog attempts from the likes of Zapdos and Corviknight. The first EV spread allows Kingambit to outspeed Clefable without speed investment, while the second one allows Assault Vest Kingambit to survive an unboosted Focus Blast from Tapu Lele. (Nothing wrong here, just make different sentences for the Leftovers spread and a different one for the AV Spread for better clarity.)

Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W, Volcarona,appreciate Kingambit's ability to efficiently deal with Dragapult, while others such as Mega Medicham and Tapu Lele benefit from Gholdengo's absence, and Iron Defense variants of Zamazenta greatly benefit from Kingambit's ability to deal with Ghost-type Pokemon in general, mainly the aforementioned two. (I'd say probably make this into another sentence while also mentioning other fighting types since they also enjoy ghost types being gone) Access to Knock Off allows Kingambit to remove opponents' Heavy-Duty Boots (give some examples here) for the benefit of hazard setting teammates such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Mega Diancie. Kingambit struggles against faster Pokemon with a resistance to Dark or sufficient bulk for Sucker Punch to not immediately threaten a KO (filler) such as Zamazenta, Great Tusk, Landorus-T, and Kartana. Partners such as Zapdos or Moltres can aid Kingambit by answering multiple of these Pokemon at once. Bulkier Pokemon such as defensive Volcarona (Volc never wants to take a knock head-on so you can give other examples like Defensive Great Tusk), Ting-Lu, and Toxapex are able to consistently answer Kingambit defensively so Dragapult, Ogerpon-W and Raging Bolt are greatly appreciated for their ability to threaten these Pokemon. It is worth noting that a significant majority of the Kingambit checks mentioned are susceptible to losing their item to Knock Off.

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Offensive Utility (Kingambit) @ Leftovers / Assault Vest
Ability: Supreme Overlord / Defiant
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe OR 252 HP / 104 Atk / 152 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch
- Low Kick / Iron Head

Leveraging its great natural bulk alongside significant defensive investment and an item to further boost its longevity, Kingambit is able to act as a powerful defensive tool against Pokemon such as Gholdengo, Dragapult, and Terapagos, (RC) while remaining a threatening late-(AH)game cleaner. Knock Off is Kingambit's main STAB option, boasting a high Base Power and a powerful secondary effect, particularly against Heavy-Duty Boots users such as Zapdos, (RC) and Moltres, (RC) and Rocky Helmet users such as Alomomola and Landorus-T. Pursuit allows Kingambit to forcibly remove most Dragapult and Gholdengo sets, (RC) while also heavily limiting most dedicated special walls, (AC) such as Blissey, Clodsire, (AC) and Slowking-Galar Galarian Slowking, and guaranteeing that Terapagos' Tera Shell is broken. Sucker Punch allows Kingambit to bypass its middling Speed stat, deterring fast and offensive Pokemon that would otherwise be problematic for Kingambit, such as offensive Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, Focus Blast variants of Gholdengo, Ogerpon-W, you already mention this later and Mega Medicham, (AC) usually "while also" comes with no comma in front but this is closing off the clause started with "such as offensive Volcarona.." while also allowing it to pick off weakened foes such as Garchomp and Ogerpon-W. Low Kick is used mainly to hit opposing Kingambit, (RC) while also hitting Ting-Lu and Ferrothorn, (RC) and OHKOing Mega Tyranitar. Iron Head is an alternative option, allowing Kingambit to immediately threaten Iron Valiant, Tapu Koko, and Clefable, (RC) while also quickly wearing down Great Tusk and AoA all-out attacker Zamazenta. Leftovers is the premiere premier item for Kingambit, allowing it to stick around for longer games, though the added bulk from Assault Vest is useful for trapping Tapu Lele, Terapagos, Gholdengo, (AC) and Choice Specs variants of Dragapult, giving it a good chance to live a Focus Blast from uninvested Gholdengo. Most Kingambit should use Supreme Overlord for its excelent excellent and consistent effect, though Defiant is a viable alternative should you wish to punish specifically punish Landorus-T, KOing it with Knock Off into Sucker Punch, both at +1 Attack, and can also punish Defog attempts from the likes of Zapdos and Corviknight. The first EV spread allows Kingambit to outspeed Clefable without Speed investment. The alternative EV spread allows Assault Vest Kingambit to survive an unboosted Focus Blast from Tapu Lele.

Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W, (RC) and Volcarona, (RC) appreciate Kingambit's ability to efficiently deal with Dragapult, while others such as Mega Medicham and Tapu Lele benefit from Gholdengo's absence. Iron Defense variants of Zamazenta and Mega Medicham particularly benefit from Kingambit's ability to deal with the aformentioned aforementioned Ghost-types, as they are difficult for them to break while also being able to cripple them with status effects. Access to Knock Off allows Kingambit to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from opponents foes such as Alomomola, Zapdos, and Moltres for the benefit of hazard setting teammates such as Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Mega Diancie. Kingambit struggles against faster Pokemon such as Zamazenta, Great Tusk, Landorus-T, and Kartana. Partners such as Zapdos or and Moltres can aid Kingambit by answering multiple of these Pokemon at once. Bulkier Pokemon such as Melmetal, Ting-Lu, and Toxapex are able to consistently answer Kingambit defensively, (AC) so Dragapult, Ogerpon-W, (AC) and Raging Bolt are greatly appreciated for their ability to immediately threaten these Pokemon. It is worth noting that a significant majority of the Kingambit checks mentioned are susceptible to losing their item to Knock Off.

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1/1 GP Team done