Official Smash Bros Tournaments for 3DS/Wii U (UPDATED 04/09/2015)

October 10th?... Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not sure whether or not I should tell you why...I'm not going to be in touch for a while. Not everyone would understand.

10/10 means that I rate it 10 out of 10, not 10th october haha. It was also meant ironically, by the way.
You know what guys. I don't think I'm going to be joining you in Smash Bros for a while. I haven't got as much experience as the rest of you do. Not as any fighter other than Greninja. I'll probably still be in touch with you guys at Smogon but not joining your games/tours for a relatively long time.
Thanks to everyone who joined our recent tours, I have updated the thread for the next two tours. Any comment made after this will be considered as an entry for these two tours!
Any queries, suggestions: let me know!!
I might as well join the other 3DS tour here.

PS Name is Hurrycanes
FC: 2337-5524-0755.

Also, the amount of minutes is too low for 3 stocks, it should be 8 minutes, not 6. Even if 3 stocks encourages less defensive play.
I'm in for Wii U tour. nnid is NintenZO21. ps name is Drift Wizard. Even though Im still massively new to smash bros entirely, therefore I'm not really all that good, I'll still join cause !dt Wynaut.
In addition to these tours, There will be a wii U doubles tour on sunday 19th april 6pm GMT+0. If you would like to join, let me know in the comments below, rules and bracket are yet to be confirmed.