Official Smogon Tournament XIV - Round 1

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Welcome to the first round of this year's Official Smogon Tournament! The OST is one of Smogon's longest standing traditions in tournaments and has crowned many great Pokémon players as its champions across five generations. Over the next few months, thousands (!) of players will compete to the best of their ability as they attempt to join the exclusive ranks of the OST trophy holders. Only one of those players will succeed in their journey and earn the recognition that comes with their victory, along with the iconic OST trophy.

The tournament will have a best of three format. This means that players will play until one of them wins two games. Players are allowed to switch teams in between games, or use the same team throughout the set; it is completely up to the player. If players only partially complete a series before the deadline, it will be considered an uncompleted match and action will be taken accordingly (either an activity win or a coin flip).

Just like last year, there will be a cash prize for this tournament! The winner of this year's Official Smogon Tournament will receive 200 USD! If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or another TD team member!

OST Specific Rules
  • This is a standard USM OU tournament.
  • The tournament will be single elimination.
  • Players will play a best of three series of games each round
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Liking this post increases the accuracy of your Hydro Pumps.

Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokémon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokémon.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
  • Evasion Clause: A player cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize in their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Team Preview: Players must turn on the Team Preview feature where players can view the opposing team's Pokémon and choose their lead Pokémon.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any Pokémon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play. Check this thread for more information.
  • Baton Pass Clause: The move Baton Pass is banned outright.
  • Uber Clause: Players may not use any items, moves, abilities, or Pokemon that appear on Smogon's OU Ban List. If the tiers change or new items, abilities, moves, or Pokemon become available in the middle of a round, the changes will take effect in the following round. There will be an announcement in the relevant round if this occurs.
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

In case of disconnections, you may submit your teams in a Private Message to me (Tony) on Smogon before your games are played. If a disconnect happens and teams were submitted, post the replay in the thread and the circumstances that surrounded the disconnection, and I will be able to give you a call on how we proceed.


Players may sign up as a substitute if they either didn't join in time or they didn't make the original cut. If you are eliminated from the tournament (i.e. you lose your games, are substituted out, or drop out), you may not sign up as a substitute. I will endeavor to substitute players in whenever a player drops out, and one week before the round 1 deadline, I will look through all players and activity win requests and replace any inactive players with substitutes. Given the size of the bracket this year, there might be two substitution waves. There is a very high chance that you will get to play if you sign up as a substitute. Substitutes will only be allowed into the tournament during round 1. Substitutes will be implemented on a mostly first come, first serve basis, but if you are inactive after you sign up as a substitute then you're at risk of not being substituted into the tournament.

The prediction tournament will return this year! You may play before the prediction tournament is up but try not to announce the result of your games before it actually get posted. In case you would play, the result wouldn't be altered anyway.

Please read this guide if you're unsure how to schedule with your opponent! Now then, without further ado..

0 / 1024 sets completed

urboyboss123 vs. Voltke
henry vs. suprimoedu
Za Meowdo vs. mxmts
jacksonbell25 vs. Bennett1527
Bio Rex vs. lastking1003
RaxelGT vs. Pimflois
Fisty vs. wouter19
Real FV13 vs. Flynned'
ronaz369 vs. Th3victinii
contic vs. Cara95
gengaraichu vs. apollock2004
Inverno vs. Thunder~BALLZ
dream light vs. Kaikaru
sqoiche vs. Thefrogeater
Dahlinator06 vs. Dark Kingler
architdate vs. Soulsilvel
Speedster5678 vs. Ajna
Unbound9 vs. xXEricXx
Goezinho vs. Based Lord Jesus
terrythetrainer69 vs. Samy87
BlazeBlitz vs. Banded Entei
SSJlion vs. King Billu
MMagma vs. Hikaru91
AlbinoSpringRoll vs. XMocist17
Iamgawdlyke vs. Arii Stella
CaptainLyra vs. TTBorusse
MasterAmpharos vs. YungDungBeetle
Squirtle Nornor vs. zHYPERz
vaporwavedash vs. TistieyZ
vaultec vs. Z+V
amit16 vs. DokuToad2018
Altina vs. Aurora
mudd_skip vs. Zamrock
dylan.jpg vs. Fantos13
Wally The Bully vs. MiltontheSquire
Edi15 vs. Jestian
BRTTar vs. odeio stall
Jayminape vs. firesage123
We Three Kings vs. Radeen17
ProfessorBloke vs. Frrf
TheJFrenzy1 vs. Asher456
Salty Mommy vs. cbt
MPGJUICE vs. false.
Asdfraft_720 vs. RavioliAuBoeuf
QuickBH vs. Curtissmith760
Slowbrosky vs. Vc Altaria
1 True Lycan vs. DDarken
shoxwon vs. samideeb
Yung Chubbz vs. Sinkyr29
oi999 vs. CodaMaster
Alkione vs. rubirandom
POP Arthur21 vs. melonlord4
LSF vs. Yoninho10
Chinpachi vs. Rishii Nandhan
-Latios- vs. SWAGCOLFO
ElectroOKO vs. itsFenix4029
MrWhoJr vs. dans789
MoistWetHippo vs. Waylon_tacey
Meidan vs. Will Herrington
LordluxrayYT vs. Ducky831
The legend Hariyama vs. ggggd
ndlsadffv vs. saber123
futurespartan24 vs. Rendolf
KenCalamba vs. Dondyxd
lenthi vs. Dangoben
Rxckwell vs. Ethan Levine
LeoGamer79 vs. DJKILLSHOTS
Niatar vs. ItsBaku
Lord PRXTTY FLVXKO vs. profdesinnoh
ProPotato16 vs. Jason Genova
WhiteFerret21 vs. Gasus
knkb vs. Mncmt
A vs. Bad Player
KevinELF vs. CoconutCrabs
Fergus1999 vs. Vyasterxz
Zero01 vs. Santhosh88268
Teollisuus vs. Piratilla
Alejandro Lightwood vs. Sealrv
Cenzotherookie vs. Zepherox
voltix31 vs. Drud
Zephir vs. kviehdor
Fatalitatis vs. HungryHomie
LolBron James vs. mkwstar
Sashuto vs. jeff9400
unclejeeves vs. EternalZ
GnGaming vs. ItzIron
SwayzeJones vs. Fernandovic
qwily vs. t0te
Dark Shion vs. Jaajgko
Zerio Sykes vs. TheJandroLax
Sam vs. Eddie1840
Lyster vs. bibooo
LuckStat7 vs. LadyShanu
megaoshawott vs. Moony
Chill Shadow vs. Zapador
GliscorPKMN vs. Fluffy Scents
DeMarcus B vs. Jsaok3
Exiline vs. l Sen l
mael vs. cuzzie
Magellan vs. HSOWA
VernonN vs. dioguinhi
Sam I Yam vs. mashumarutu
Jord-e vs. Hanula
DoNotStealMyName vs. Holiano
cclark240 vs. aceofbabes
BigBoy038 vs. 7thGenBattleSpot
ZoroDark vs. Draceius
Schnaarff vs. Haruno
mason75 vs. RealSlimRandom
Erick812 vs. PocasTrancasBR
Jake717 vs. Hijasu
Bushtush vs. Regrets
hellpowna vs. Gryphon827
LMastro99 vs. Mentos
In-fighter vs. Azevedoxx
thomas888 vs. BodaciousT
Conmantine vs. Jace the Mind Sculptor
Miere vs. Lacus Clyne
chemcoop vs. JishyJoshy06
keyringtearknee vs. itsya
Mishimono vs. KKirby
DreamFlow vs. Goose1633
TrueExcaKill vs. Sir Slaking
Chucuflaseo vs. NinjaGMN32
TJ vs. kalil_rocks
Not Miyan vs. Heika
Nowh vs. The Mawile Ace
MaranVaran vs. Caasi
Marination vs. arser250
ElRompeTeso vs. Samqian
Jacekk vs. Sendoh10
aidanswag vs. Pokemon Hates Me
Notorious D.I.G vs. Itbok
SilverArrow vs. Sensory
AAamen vs. LilaxLose
Mega porygon-z vs. Sh4deZX
GreggWasHere vs. Ya Boy MostDope
Kesang vs. atomicllamas
SuperJirachi vs. bd29
AntBadMon vs. insult
PakBrain vs. AM-Tryhard
Yang Liu vs. jcdumassian
Afilice34 vs. RIPMyLifeFIR
truedrew vs. Champion R
Tobes vs. Abunchofsquids
MoonlightPatachu vs. Adreus
BigfootGirl vs. Domples
Del Murder vs. Get this Money
CriticalMeme vs. Bullet Punch Tech
Rehform vs. bynum
Chief_Paco vs. MecrediPanzani
6ixpod vs. Soyelmejor45
irishbatman475 vs. Newalfonquest
Mavericktopgun7 vs. yellomellofello
Retrosol vs. Tenebricite
Kit10 vs. HQuaze
Awpi YT vs. Stevodoe
Harpp vs. Stockings
iry vs. Evil_Knightmare
Corazan.. vs. starry blanket
Le Sabreur vs. Liquidocelot
CuckBoyy vs. pileosand
giga24 vs. SmogonCarrot
DragonWhale vs. MetaMnce
Ottsel vs. Rubén herrero alvarez
john beana vs. mutuerz
MrLoafy vs. GamingWithEni
Boleitor vs. sugarhigh
A1Gallade vs. pokemon4eva
Whitewash vs. BelmontGabriel
Ho3nConfirm3d vs. tenzai
Vaelyo vs. pyroblaze212
Astoria vs. Eldar Sage
Marcelinho Rodrigues vs. Antelina
lazydude3 vs. suip
LordGamerAlan vs. maniyo
Arjunsnair vs. Mr. Miner
MoneyTree$ vs. TupzZ
Jeff Anyan vs. paoisd
Fila vs. Sombolo
PassablyFleek vs. lockjaw
Zeden vs. Ultra mudkip
aim vs. RainbowSlate
ramboss vs. sergey
psychicmewtwo vs. Bdlc
Cicada vs. discoverthemetroid
Randompizza vs. ridk021
Jon Fountain vs. sheesh
The Hallows vs. TheMrAwesomeman24
Brancus vs. SC Skyrim♪
XxpokephoenixX vs. ABR
Ppndrs vs. doogalhh
quackadoodle vs. Heldinho
capo the battler vs. uncle purple
Mindnight vs. joseliyodios
The Kyle vs. quielle
Aloleio vs. roystopror
420Blaziken vs. The TurtleLord
Alan Alonso vs. SteckOnDeck
Lord Ninjax vs. FY2.0/Eko
Yankaq vs. Nanofaia
Choice Specs vs. Mithril
EriDBst vs. Tinkertuff1216
jaumemp97 vs. tsmugs
sqviggle vs. Tintin
Forblaze vs. jackinthebox1210
OmegaBulletz vs. SunGodVolcarona
Validating_Victini vs. Lerart
X'eon vs. TerminatorWW
UltraBallz vs. Antoniom
Lotad vs. Bronson
UltraBose vs. Flamestar
Lunar. vs. tjdaas
Bedschibaer vs. Ceryto
Garfardnak vs. sticktendo
Inferno Monferno vs. ravilolijoey
blarghlfarghl vs. ultralane
DestinyUnknown vs. Kory2600
Vergi10 vs. Aquarium1
TUO vs. GBlade
partys over vs. Candice
raj_10rocks vs. Tropicalnixon
killeur06 vs. Mur
masterriolu vs. OG DaddyPhat$ack$
AntimatterBomb vs. Wob
f300xen vs. Void
Fairy EnZo vs. Dah
jacob vs. TheDeadman
CM_Metro vs. Zenadark
dogknees vs. C and E
Roman52 vs. Alfabaz
Aurella vs. Hardarp
toinha vs. specstran
Cyrit88 vs. alessio96
Gabriele OU showdown vs. Slyol
MassiveDestruction vs. Yoss
Connoluke vs. andresmedina12
Lord p3 vs. hegelone
khoury112 vs. poetreee
Mehmet Efe 7 vs. SongSing
EonBlitz vs. Nihcap
Madman Ideas vs. Ed_Master_10
Mysterious M vs. kirkiki
WildStunfiskAppears vs. Bran67
Skyrio vs. xtra$hine
PhotonPlasma vs. Matyas
roman vs. Khayoh
blademaster124 vs. Willken18
Zerrith vs. darkclaun
Mellifluous vs. B@oba
SMB vs. Less is Less
Tatsumaa vs. attcris
Sceptilite vs. AndromedaWarrior
watermess vs. luxking
high nyoom vs. pwndkthnx
steelskitty vs. Deep Script
denger vs. RODAN
Akaru Kokuyo vs. yjh971203
Grosso vs. MewtwoHidden
Royu vs. Jikos
Illegalsushi vs. Damon Lin
Chipples vs. DinoCam5203
xvaporeonx vs. Bothadeeznutz
Charlemagne the God vs. suhas97
ggopw vs. DatFreshBoi
Vai Lusa vs. BLINGAS
deoxys speed vs. Holy Ghost
Sacri' vs. Balto
Jump Side to Side vs. Frigus
FogHorn vs. CasualAnarchy
3017 vs. Hydrazilla: Kaijumon
R-GuyRocks vs. 4jonny2
kreq vs. transekuja
Beastly. vs. Mapplle
powergo1 vs. Bongi
fran17 vs. Jwayne Jwaster
Artoria vs. Jam15
Poopforthewin vs. SkornDarkheart
BlazikenQU vs. Amir
euson93 vs. Nosepass Is Broken
JaimeVGC vs. lopertus
SamuraiPizzaCat vs. tinchovic
DanielMax vs. Poek
SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs. LebreHD
Bubblescotch vs. in the 6
Pakawaka vs. Hayburner
pokemontrainerahmad vs. XIII Architect
Connexus200 vs. Firehead27
dualjn vs. Frania
sand1234 vs. Savouras
Gtcha vs. Lavos
A Hero's Destiny vs. Brushfire
Century Express vs. G7OverTime
Boomalacka vs. Meat Grinder ♫
Lisimay vs. Akiko Yosano
Relous vs. mastermind212
crayon pop vs. Wamr
dame500 vs. puggen
Legits vs. BIHI
blazedbyblaziken vs. snowwolf124
Hand Relief vs. MJ
MEEAD vs. Pokeninja500
Miocchi vs. BlackIce4ZeWin
TR47 vs. 11oyd
MONNA LUSA vs. Tamotoji Ryuu
Death Bolt vs. JohnYiu
TSR vs. KingGilgamesh
djshyguy1 vs. tko
Elymia vs. zoowi
hyperbeem vs. Jcmp
Z strats vs. DurzaOffTopic
mixedguywithredt vs. Zaxorus
gerryoat vs. Bluxio
Colress17 vs. fj8897
KilerKont vs. Duncajuwon
Gondra vs. JaylenBrown
Squawkerz vs. Gelbel3c
KingOfKingsKevin vs. Tom Copson
Mounts vs. jojo0909
monchooo vs. Kyle Harbert
sak1195 vs. tankman100
Ahitophel Leugim vs. oHiMi1337
Yung Goodra vs. JaccaMacca
dj1237 vs. JinJack759
Snowy vs. DieuDuZob
Particular1 vs. dman1455
Chompoo vs. Xiphura
RemoRayquaza707 vs. Greatest Hero Deku
Captain Funk vs. early summer
AtChris vs. Gunner Rohan
Updated Kanto vs. Youngster_Bill
cardenas19 vs. BL075
Jcpdragonx vs. lebleuberry
Pi0sfan vs. Dino_Delta
Algeria4Ever vs. Rumor
infowarsMD vs. Bloody alfa
Bon_Bon_Kai! vs. Hydrra
BaSr vs. Deku Prince
Iceygirl vs. DiegoP
SendMeYourTeam vs. Twix
onehit-ohko vs. Watchog
leo05051998 vs. Paaadeli!
KZU vs. InDaHouse
gomarcuno vs. Snou
Lord Moet vs. Destiny Device
ChellWorld vs. 1ntf35tation
majobeza vs. coR.
bugzinator vs. Cheese5555
ItTheOneAndOnly vs. Ske Mask The Slump God
entrocefalo vs. Nash Ketchum
daledale vs. Mente
Trixeealegend78 vs. Ciele
Lfrs vs. tennisace
perry vs. Tomato19
Suwan31 vs. Its Choco Bitch
Terraquaza vs. Blazenix
Rocrie vs. LordDaBlast
Xjckillerx vs. blast95
Teclis vs. stalinwhc
Dr. RIP vs. Toshiro46
pokemondork vs. Nails
Mickipediaytgerman vs. Nigel97
Speklez vs. MoiveMakr
Mistakes vs. The412Gang
abrandt135 vs. iLlama
Carlos Martinez vs. AuraRayquaza
Uriapkm vs. lazy gh0st
The Quasar vs. happutnam
Skydragon48 vs. MrActionJaxon
C-riselSancrail vs. Lil B
Aroku vs. jerrygs96
samjo vs. HT
watermelonOnTheFloor vs. Disjunction
naruto(sage) vs. chimchar X
LuisGR vs. EclipseW
S poi re vs. Givrix
Gotham Paladin vs. DoubleJ
Garry2Scary vs. HANTSUKI
CZ. vs. Vertikilled
GreekGamer1 vs. emiliano916
Eldeer vs. Lycinth
Oibaf vs. undisputed
College_proven vs. Ian Sullivan
epiczombie339 vs. AmineFifty
Toxiparas vs. Domic
frisoeva vs. BKC
teresteguen vs. Ahhhhhh......Clefable.
Reymedy vs. Quartia
GenZeon vs. IronicDouble (‽)
DBW vs. KenshiGamer
eifo vs. Hassi
PranksterGhost vs. Mylo Xyloto
Hec vs. Dandy Highwayman
PokemonShowdownnoob vs. Marcus George
LeoShakur vs. Stay Modal
Raseri vs. bleutn
Lanciepoo vs. RapidCrabs
WylderGaming vs. Lionyx
BloodMan vs. Ninetales Dragons
Ph4nton vs. Guilhew
Jurishit vs. Exene
Aronskii vs. KingPiloswine
Racool vs. Stingrea
Cinos-Therian vs. Randomnick
infamy vs. Taskr
King Wynaut vs. DatShinyCharizard
Nineage vs. pokepastry
locopoke vs. miltankmilk
hmari21 vs. Jytcampbell
Stibe vs. zaksen
Gerbacia14 vs. zdrup15
rnbs vs. boygame20
Eniigma vs. sahem4
Goars123 vs. samplex
Kingofcrimea vs. guivalgas
ChaZanG1 vs. DyZyBeSt
_DaRealPotato_ vs. Newkbomb
C9Tails vs. the yams
mintco13 vs. FireFangJack
Kalibab vs. Last Hurrah
UltraGoomba vs. ssjjynx
LichBoy vs. Igolt
HaggBoneZ vs. Raiza
eren vs. Quite Quiet
MoneyGuy9559 vs. yes123456789
galih2612 vs. R!cardo
Tech Froakies vs. Jose_G15
Soul silver fan vs. Empo
Blaubear vs. HyperGhost23
M Dragon vs. xlDownxl
Shrug vs. save and spend
London13 vs. jakrosh
Xhenogear vs. Shaneotb
sbTJay vs. Necrozma
GustavoYAY vs. RichardPepper
Sir Pitulio vs. ShadowTash
LordZoro1029 vs. Jrdn
Dandry420 vs. Arifeen
707Red vs. Husemannen
TSM-Virgil vs. Isgarrouth
Xatuuu vs. Twitch1776
Noire vs. dekzeh
Jirachee vs. MetaknightXYZ
JadeDragonAion vs. azogue
implaser vs. Career Ended
Tyree9780 vs. Doritos23
GNARKILL vs. 16eniraM
Hybuyn vs. Croven
Dark G vs. dodmen
HcityMLG vs. GotCookies
shemking vs. Brisked
Bagaço vs. UneasierKnight
Vieux Singe vs. oggerg
MidniteZer0 vs. Cloud9 NxtLvl
Dedleg vs. SKC44
FinkyFinkerton vs. Quint_
k43982 vs. Drookez
Zane Nevrakis vs. Antheron
London Beats vs. Guprei
UnspeakableRebel vs. Googly
nachoboro vs. MysteryWanderer
ZPokeProfessor vs. lax
AllDejaVu vs. EpicUmbreon29
HiruleLink vs. Sayuze
XejuanoXp vs. Aeroguy55
Harmonic7 vs. vsomani
Ark vs. BlueLobster
deltakiller vs. 13sdic
danchu vs. BigPimpin12
ABP vs. Darkanime15
Twinmask vs. Jmal98
dice vs. Alexander.
tedd34 vs. Asziran
shawnross vs. necrocat219
Jaedyn327 vs. TheBleedout
Ganso vs. TheThorn
Toronto Talonflame vs. Aonjonix
Elnabo vs. Will-I-am
Gene Sp vs. Harlee
Sakharu vs. Sama Solgaleo
MadeByRage vs. HJAD
Monroy21 vs. emiforbes
Pohjis vs. the_hbomb
Meowmixx vs. Ghost Cream
Guilherme Cunha vs. cb jose altuve
Bughouse vs. No man's hax
Zaedyn vs. pokebasket
ArtegaSantoz10 vs. Lopunny Kicks
RedEmption vs. Danisty
Djokra vs. -Frexa-
odakanai vs. Jeffis
Merritt vs. Zesty43
SlimChipmunky vs. BugTankSeed
sosset vs. ChatotTheChatter
Togevoir vs. Gage0023
OreoTreecko vs. MaKorra
TheJ-Cat vs. Holiday
Hycrox vs. FlamingVictini
Irwin02 vs. Hippo21
Adri07 vs. Moutemoute
Kiull vs. Abunnyin3d
Aaronboyer vs. Michielleus
Duckmeon vs. VGCPlayerGarrett
Shadestep vs. Mundox
RedMaxx vs. TDK
TTzarus vs. Weegah
terycheri vs. Grinch Beast
Matter of the dark 1 vs. burittobro
KingKdot vs. WeirdChoice
Baulky vs. nihilillie
PowerhouseofCell vs. 789Pokefan
Asek vs. Blazing Anes
LL vs. Lucifer Demaro
michy47 vs. whitneyscrush
Freeroamer vs. Betoss
Alfredo_Rivero vs. Kurukaito
Reyzzorr vs. DAVIDpwns
0Nl vs. Lbix
BlazingDark vs. MunchlaxAndChill
JakeOakley91 vs. patlop2307
zachmaster99 vs. Amtae
Xiri vs. Ikey
Edu Barreto vs. DennisEG
Pendulum Swing vs. EMERALDMINER
Cole Haugaard vs. Sylveontaco
killzz vs. badabing
DW Sacky vs. Paycard
StephenBro93 vs. Ayanokouji
alaserdolphin vs. HarrisIsAwesome
reachzero vs. Deathshot
IIPokemonII vs. TropicalTeo
madermen vs. kaleb savage
Kevin Melonslice vs. alexplayys61
Bu88le vs.
Sekiouri vs. oniichanjones
Odog.Eastpond vs. Crest
zugubu royale vs. Lednah
Jonathan baseball vs. Angoy
Shinigami vs. Garay oak
Finchinator vs. King
toast676 vs. danielminlol
Kiyo vs. RipUserName67
LucasTheShroom vs. lord_lucy
TheVoidGx vs. MegaCelesteela
Luthier vs. Darc
nirvana27 vs. Luxuryball13
Qofol vs. Yadava
Espeonage. vs. jerrytheboss
taxi driver vs. OkayRed
teal6 vs. rahmuhfuh
elvulvasaur vs. bossman9494
Logan Serge1 vs. Quaso16
MiyoKa vs. Fairy Resist
Terabyte_SS vs. Pak
ThatYuan vs. ShinyTyphoon
CoolHandPat vs. Jimmy Turtwig
LAChargerZ vs. Dragonking320
mortalchocolate vs. TheTapDancer
modafocka nigga vs. Jardem
drfrankenbaum vs. Holowedlog
TCmonite vs. it▓ch▒Gl░
michaelspu vs. rivaldarksilver
Icequake vs. eingram24
mattiemoomoo vs. Luispeikou
Leonidaspeoples vs. Analytic
snagaa vs. Heem
edwin yepez vs. Hassin627
XSkyknightX vs. teachable
Kushalos vs. Ervli
RD42 vs. Lycans
Team Pokepals vs. Mob Barley
Kyotoshi vs. FDK
KeniminYT vs. Toy Time King
Sleeper097s vs. itsHayward
irowaboat22 vs. Go10
SaltyFrenchGuy vs. Welli0u
Relyxs vs. NOVED
BBallHunter vs. GNDL
nono10023 vs. nightcore
Champion Dooom vs. marilli
passion vs. sKarisiIL
Specs Mudkip vs. iPledge
Swimmingly vs. Pokemeezter
sheratankd vs. Pan.
CyndaKill-SH vs. Zycross
TobiNation vs. Take Azelfie
Earth vs. SOMALIA
Konthegod vs. Sephi1412
egalvanc vs. TheFranklin
Swansperto vs. Petelafc
Levitee vs. Petsinwinter
Dbilokamia vs. p2
ElleeMc vs. Jackson514YT
All4ubers vs. Mimikyu9
spoilers1 vs. Pearl
Abk1997 vs. Blaze92
elodin vs. RebornGolden
Paulo José vs. Mega-SableyeIsBae
oregassj vs. Mikaav
XxKidofDeathxX vs. renny326
Lord-Kyogre vs. shinyeevee102
Pandayaki vs. Sad_Nico
Axcel vs. pichuelectro
RyukEm! vs. JabbaTheGriffin
Calebism vs. yovan33321
monkaS vs. penquito
MorgenRuhm vs. deadyxz
Soleillo vs. pokecraftmaster
Reje vs. WPBeartic
ict vs. Giupi
ara vs. GunGunJ
qstar123 vs. Oglemi
Qwertycaption vs. Wincon
NOICER vs. tigerharvest
Pokeli34 vs. dddemon60
Edgelord L vs. Arik
brandon_rocks_yeah vs. RedBull10101
Luigi vs. Mosa
Zarif vs. hmsa2012
funfun302 vs. PasY_G
Spinda vs. EkoNigthmare
Keahi vs. Mewstar
Trolltest123 vs. Posho
AndrewFTW vs. lighthouses
VSX vs. laspleispkjose
PikaTheWanderer vs. SoggyNuggs
blunder vs. samobanano
Starmon vs. SludgeBomber
PokemonPlayer800 vs. hugolouna le moche
Hot N Cold vs. ImMimikyu
Yung_Mur vs. nerd123
Thejony7c vs. iRebel
Corny23 vs. Vore Gidal
stfu its a cartoon vs. Reymaki
Just Shady vs. Scarfgang
Bayb vs. wisc
jereecumpa vs. InfernalScizor
Frat Dude vs. Always!
Ass Grenonger vs. LuisXTR_MX
Josie460 vs. mudkipmayhem69
Quagmander vs. Fiend
WaterBomb vs. Marshall.Law
dk vs. Mervis
Toxzn vs. Clickbait God
Z-Ares_Llameante vs. boloniño
Lo Maine vs. lipelee
Zokuru vs. Red Shreder
Israel Castro vs. Slash329392
CrazyStevy vs. TheWeaponX
Rodriblutar vs. The one in billions
MamoJustWins vs. Gokhan
I.L.G.S. vs. Tagmouse27
Gilbert arenas vs. Fille
Sonired vs. Go0d
Steal and Steel vs. mapwiz
Mizukami_ vs. The Excadrill
Farzeen vs. Abbp
Eternally vs. Griffon
Braverius vs. Ransei
Plas vs. isuckstbattles
GeorgePkmn el original vs. Ernestofp13
Mamishow vs. NigaVoltHavoc
GRATUX vs. Chistaco
Ninjadog13 vs. ExpAwesome
lokuol vs. MrSmithOP
Kiritosao1337 vs. marcoMT0412
pradyu19 vs. GoatFetish
Flamita vs. Maloka-
Blitzburgh vs. DonutDoctor10
Nuked vs. Finding True Love
Picollo vs. gordonator
I hate ninjask vs. PQD
Kris vs. Nolan Bruce
DragonKnightmaster vs. vesper
Pymom vs. ZDen
BlueBreath vs. Elise
Fruitdealer vs. RaJ.Shoot
KiriaFanboi vs. Sablenite
Mundosan vs. a.grex
crithitman vs. Velvet Blood
silver97 vs. rumblemerk
The Real JEdelman vs. suxeito
Mr.Bossaru vs. Eternal Spirit
Keract vs. ayevon
TheArchitect_ vs. Prince Hippowdon
Alton Francis vs. Lord Da Spam
tianguan vs. Time Kitsune
PrimalPalkia vs. ScrubLord2407
NJPeace vs. Freewer
Sealette vs. JMogzz
DHF1223 vs. Aariz
Lennart vs. Alastor Law
N01syBoy vs. ToadNorton
BlueCrown vs. RaizoVoid
EviGaro vs. Sabella
qsns vs. Croo
Pr3da vs. PokemonCestDur
King L5 vs. Teamcali15
Zyr0TruthExists vs. Hvtchin
baister09 vs. PokeTCG gamer1288
P3rkis4s vs. theoriginalginga
Rashflygon vs. Cynara
AttackOnSamurott vs. sandbhonerh
Takagaki Kaede vs. Elias PSY
Lambo_murphy44 vs. Soulfalon27
Orange Julius vs. Reigjinokou
livin'it vs. BanSpecsMachamp
bdov vs. Feliburn
CheezeWhizard vs. Gatorboy
DenisTheMenace vs. CheloWasabix
polo_07 vs. brodean
Blobfrisk vs. Sexual_Potatoes
emboar2235 vs. Failures
Waffellicious vs. OfficialDG
Sneakers vs. OP
Anish vs. OGpkmnMaster
Samallmighty vs. Acsel
Seoxis vs. xxDoopsxx
Genesisblast vs. Paraplegic
StormSkyress-E vs. wow1362
viper07 vs. zippydoo
BANTASAURUS vs. Tachibana
marthaa vs. ArcadianAlmanac
cielbakasan vs. Brum
Doctorf17 vs. pokewok1402
The1AndOnlyJake vs. Jwinny
Senpai D.M vs. RyanRenny
ffgcsdt9 vs. Ryanthelion42
Vileman vs. Rokhan
AftershockWolf vs. vBigze
Foster88 vs. SHONK
mencemeat vs. Blawado
le LLiolae vs. KrazyKoopa95
Lividhighlighter vs. BrassWing
Kirigon vs. Eien
Eclipse vs. -Niko-
Blorgy vs. RealShady
Energy vs. DebonairCookie
Icy_Koko vs. Slick Willy
Fusion_Fission vs. Buttermink
MoxieCrocs vs. Gyslexic Duy
Jojohouse vs. soulgazer
Ken Kirihara vs. k3ksmann
Theologos vs. mhdhm
danerod vs. Juan Carl0s
Rewer vs. Mewhunter999
Roseybear vs. LemonadeGod
Kana'i Fu vs. Hiye
kolopower vs. tpwilldestroy
GoochiToochi vs. SkyDragonMD
Spoopy_Yang vs. LT41A Jelani
Fight3r m@n vs. chmartin
Whazzybear vs. Latioswars
Kudasai vs. Bowlii-
Soler vs. Ursarox
TFL vs. Zenith013
Twixtry vs. Brainfly
Ju1ie vs. MetaNite
Billoon vs. Cramy01
sosully492 vs. DanePow
Matrix aka BaconKing48 vs. Luggy
Meru vs. Nyanasaur
Bladeprophet vs. Falkengott
Indigo Plateau vs. megapulo1
Nat vs. Jukain
mang@ tea vs. Osh
Darkhondoom vs. Charisma
SiTuM vs. TheMightyWalrus4
Shiba vs. Noah Wubben
notjack vs. Let's Bulu
toytean vs. dplamond
Hipparion vs. zainjaffer
Unamed vs. Magearna8000
jake vs. Nintendi
kael vs. Hangover
andresjgch vs. FrenchVenusaur
GeniusX vs. Ktütverde
Adven234 vs. TastedSumo
abogado vs. mayoouran2
shade vs. alexGaMeS
I am bu vs. Jalope
hobo21 vs. Exploudit
jmaster2077 vs. Loji god.
z0mOG vs. praj.pran
Master Pesh vs. Count Riario
BossBisharp vs. DLT Alternative
Cusho vs. LLC
aka.Ryuku vs. CyanChimera
Quantum Tesseract vs. EricSaysHi
6A9 Ace Matador vs. BeautiflyWazHere
Renny_ vs. TK-07
chaosdrake122 vs. Typhlocean
Leru vs. bobwordballer
Accelgor vs. FelixFelicis
ClusterFlux vs. JBusiness
Hipsterish101 vs. xy01
Escoffier vs. ShinyKriiishna
LeondeSatoshi vs. DoomX
kiddes vs. wheitron
FLCL vs. Kaus Kingdom
Oheb vs. Bostonl1
5acr3d_F1r3 vs. MagicalSomething
Not Chomp btw vs. Ojama
ceraa vs. Hinic
spicy noods vs. peachycl0uds
foaevt vs. lelified.jpg
PhoenixJourney vs. Denk
The Wammer vs. FullLifeGames
SinisterSalamence vs. Syncrasy
tarae vs. Thiunmeq
Der Schweinsteiger vs. Dundies
Astroboy57 vs. Flexxen
Meta_Ammar vs. DJCTheChamp
Lorkrac vs. Dracoflare
Sken vs. I attract E-Girls
ez vs. jeronimo
Silver_Lucario42 vs. xray
Mrjuancar vs. Lord Outrage
Simia vs. arpini
Twonk1 vs. Thiago Nunes
ultra4force5 vs. Hell Rayquaza11
MetalGro$$ vs. Storephin8204
Flares. vs. Donnel
Habitat Montebourg vs. DoctorCalamari
paleglow vs. Fanman64
HaxBro.K vs. MultiAmmiratore
Scarlrxd vs. Royal1604
KKayvaun vs. YaBoiGuzma
michews vs. grappleslice
PDC vs. ToF
Stervox vs. neomon
Minougarou vs. HNBL
AmigoMiro vs. t0xicity
omg-a-turtle-17 vs. lovemabu
Lolazo vs. Corex94
Mangan25 vs. Junko(a.k.a. despair)
Sun vs. Godemaro
Chano vs. CriiSs'
Gigalodon vs. Haakunite
Reunicrabs vs. Jase Duken
Drazor37 vs. Cronalogic
rural vs. zygardo
SRAN01 vs. josembs8
Jasondega vs. dorkman75
kcrules vs. iSilent
Jrev8 vs. Gochan
a worm vs. sedertz
Gallaniel vs. namerz
SpazzyPlat vs. Shmeeb
m.leonardi vs. Ary
Evuelf vs. UmPM
Hamrock100 vs. Vjlim
John1240 vs. JuninDark
Bisquit vs. Yujiii
Moose Whiskers vs. Azx
IRazvann vs. Vampy1
TakeGamer vs. Kiv Ridge
PerroDog vs. Jzvictini
M-Viloom vs. cesaugo
Koper2017 vs. Leftiez
Flameless vs. Posho Alola
NLSlayer21 vs. Hyogafodex
thomasm402 vs. arcexofficial
Neilccccc vs. yungdread
io Yetii oi vs. TheAidanG
DarkCannibale vs. Jarii
NickyVaio vs. RedPanic
Quote vs. RcvTayuya
erbouwin vs. Eeveeto
Fablle vs. Rick Blaine
Pflugmeister vs. Gerald Maldonado
Mazinger vs. Agent42
Ads20000 vs. Flower Hurricane'
RainDrop vs. Isotonex
Blackoblivion vs. pqs
Jamesin vs. Paper Moon
Fortis Ignis vs. The_Iswarrior
bannedfrom7 vs. randomer6697
ZAMCRO vs. Vice Citizens
WuzHere11 vs. Demon Kandula
GenOne vs. Pulsegod
WAZZUPYOSHI vs. PandahFish
Kipperskip vs. everybody
JordynN7 vs. HaxorHaxing
YABO vs. Veux
5th vs. Heaxys
Taitanium vs. Dr.MicroChóde
Teddeh vs. JustAnotherCasual
hexed vs. Spl4sh
ilesaural vs. Lashum
Paleo vs. VetDancX12
Larlev vs. TogliBabineBoeuf
Sexy Machoke vs. Shaneghoul
lewds vs. Huston
latios663 vs. Manipulative
JhawkKing vs. Oblivionwolfcat
Slotherella vs. Megazard
Karppi vs. Full Metal Jacket
roastedchicken vs. Pako
TinyYT vs. double switches
Jinover vs. supergogeblob
bebo7788 vs. SilvioGuacamole
NeverUsedTier vs. twitch4516
FrickinMondays vs. NMSK
ilikealpacas vs. Jonaskun
TheGreatSplurge vs. GGFan
Personal Sentiment vs. runnerdude69
Riahi vs. UnfoGhettoBle
Acecogamer vs. Tamahome
Acer55 vs. Oscarbolt
Hamhamhamham vs. Best Nami
redheadedshark vs. MylitleSN0WFLAK3
imsosorrylol vs. SwaggyHajj
Colonel M vs. Betathunder
Thorns vs. lucardinho
GeoXGaming2.0 vs. Chickenpie2
Rey Joya vs. Christo
SoulWind vs. Vinicius_Silva
Hachiman vs. 00Atrix
iMox vs. CJSmooth
Riddik vs. von donne
pankha_mama vs. Skarmx2
Mimolette vs. c4melst4r
Haund vs. Nathan401
RageCrit vs. You Cant Sí Me
SpectearEsLove vs. luibeiker
Malekith vs. Mizuhime
Kaori vs. Parkzy
NYRanger30 vs. Drax.
My Excuse is I'm Young vs. tahu
Blackleader vs. Gaerys
Sceptilenatic vs. Aracnae
RU Dark Dreamer Luna vs. Subham
Zain4s4. vs. Gerardo UnU
Eremita vs. OminousDraco
Floundso vs. DrewIsBoss
Arcane Fox vs. Evan.
Weshbien vs. BouncingMagikarp
didi vs. Jollio
Lord Thorx vs. Fleurer
SrPato vs. Cofaiclus
Hikari vs. Jhonx~
Riddler Dark vs. Jmac AU
Mix vs. PuttPuttFan
Namion vs. WikTuZ
Kamil J vs. c0mp
TopTenTuna vs. Mhturner
Blondesomme vs. Curpai
Dardid17 vs. Mr. Abby
justrohannl vs. jcasaburri
coughingcardinal vs. Trosko
IsumiTora vs. Lord Crucify
bobochan vs. Craft33
Unintoxicating_H2O vs. Darkblade243
FrozenPTYT vs. Mr.378
Vixxen vs. MissedLayup
Trace vs. PttP
Brazilian Army vs. verbatim
kabyzona vs. jacksonm
Novakrieger vs. kerbiee
John W vs. Japanese_Disco_Edits
TheOddKeystone vs. seadraking21YT
judeinbmw vs. scrappy10
Nuxl vs. Stevy24
LordST vs. Jairm245
BLA$IAN vs. BeralRed2103
toxic_ vs. Leo
Level 56 vs. The Tux
Genesis7 vs. MetroGloomin
ncs12345 vs. Baloor
DarkTrainer Gas vs. Laroxyl
LOLWhale vs. Crisclink2106
ET3RN4M vs. Its Time
UnknownRoman18 vs. Melle2402
mix787 vs. DrainU
romanox payer vs. Pittt
wyattdev vs. 1_TrickPhony
Drybones vs. WhiteLion
CaCaTuA vs. DoctorPhrog
Zard four vs. linoone927
fatty vs. Tricking
Marcelpilachu412 vs. lightning1870
Kjcan24 vs. Mooseak
willywonkaflava vs. Capita_L
chundermunch vs. Ice Tray
My_Mom vs. LikeSyke
Crashy vs. xImRaptor
VideogamemasterVGM vs. fizz
blagfaia vs. KBxSpiKeZz
VeteranJaime vs. NathanF114
DereksWish vs. Rebirth101
Da Letter El vs. TheSilentDragon
Sl33ves vs. Diophantine
FinnQwert vs. Jackster556
DanMan63 vs. Vessev
MAlkaviano vs. Run Devil Run
Groudon. vs. Santu
pork chop man vs. Birdman1297
Chaitanya1.9 vs. fitafit
Kroppolo vs. tdlz12345
LovelyOne vs. Shadowmonstr4
dARKrAI1441 vs. mattbv7
GogoatIsGood vs. MegaZard29
Sificon vs. Chirac
Cdumas vs. yt-criticalgamer
BriMido vs. crosky
AntonioPkmn06 vs. RageSmasher12
suapah vs. Linglingling
The_Mighty_Gliscor vs. ZyWrath
User54 vs. CKW
ZachAttack5284 vs. bryangamer7
Hengselman vs. Dark Eeveon
IVANXULLXD866 vs. Baron Rudo
paulgold20 vs. isac
HSA vs. pocces
kikeportillo vs. teso24
sidykobra vs. lhce628
Tommby vs. Caetano93
Stepchild vs. wisdom dog
dcae vs. TheGreninjaWarrior21
MG Dragon vs. Fuladono
EternalSnowman vs. H.M.N.I.P
Tob1 vs. Rainy Dreams


Contacted, but my opponent has 1 post and hasn't been online since Tuesday so I wouldn't be surprised if people looking to sub get me
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