opp gave me the winMisplayin Ablaze215- tko Yanki Ken Erza10Scarlet Wubben UzumakiFox Papanidoking Th3UnKn0wn Charmflash StepC Void XYZ15 agenS olivia7 rapħ not mighty Ghost_gamz Max op boy Its_Kasari Ventuurn Mrbanana45 roxie Waci Sandanlp Soundwave321 Estuardo19 Fakee RedMW3 eliana. Luispeikou Originality56 Relous Requeijao anonymo therush1 AP51 l4iskzt Deez Is The Way yuramas Akola Deezcastforms Mada maggnargina Lifeismyth Baloor Claymore20 Pokeionyt DAHLI Fitoman MiMoHyo CHIPICHIPICHAPACHAPALOOBI Zepherox URLXD itachi435 Xboy neomon jebuspesabe SUQI paattaata EntryHazardous rottapojke flamelord505 dingusmkyeetus Lucariowo<3 Thor Liones Perish Song Hycolm weird mon Insanetube Crispin bombexplode00 Frogmen EmpereurZer0 Catztail sametsamet LesbianFurry THEWALLUSET idiotpokemoner aquy Doomerang31 CINDERBLOCK Naraku Kirigiri RagingSquirtle tommy1066 Trastullino Beast_Boy ZoferOnPurple Zachu NotFridayCraig Gigalodon Maxouille HSOWA uugoat
if you've been tagged, you're at risk of being subbed out on sunday due to insufficient activity thus far in the round. Please make contact with your opponents on smogon by sunday, 11:59 PM est (gmt-5) or you will be potentially subbed out.